AWESOME: Liberal Unions in FULL Panic Mode After What Just Happened to Trump’s Campaign

Yep. The writing is on the wall. The attack on workers is in full force. Some won't be happy until workers voices are silenced for good. Something this nation should be proud of....hurting workers. Welcome to this GREAT country. Cough wheez

SUBVERSIVE SUPPORTERS, anti-Americans, InItForThemselves...fuck America!

Trump is going to create millions of good paying jobs in America by busting more unions?

lol, how does that work?
Yep. The writing is on the wall. The attack on workers is in full force. Some won't be happy until workers voices are silenced for good. Something this nation should be proud of....hurting workers. Welcome to this GREAT country. Cough wheez

SUBVERSIVE SUPPORTERS, anti-Americans, InItForThemselves...fuck America!

Trump is going to create millions of good paying jobs in America by busting more unions?

lol, how does that work?

We're talking about the subversive SEIU..If you can't read the OP, instead of looking like an ass, don't post!
Trump, being an emploER is the natural enemy of unions. And guess who's gonna be in a position to bust the unions next year? :lol:
Bust u ions great. Lower wages, no benefits. That's what we need. Instead of $20 per hour, how bout $12? Why the hatred of fellow workers? Why do you hate people?
Yep. The writing is on the wall. The attack on workers is in full force. Some won't be happy until workers voices are silenced for good. Something this nation should be proud of....hurting workers. Welcome to this GREAT country. Cough wheez
The Unions should help the whole country the same way they helped Detroit.
Yep. $12 will pay the bills. Hilarious. You want workers to produce...for zero pay. Your type are all the same.
Conservative Tribune ^ | 1/8/2016
Mary Kay Henry, the head of the Service Employees International Union is very nervous about the amount of popularity GOP front-runner Donald Trump has garnered. She recently said her organization is going into "hyperdrive" to stand up against Trump, because she saw him as a real threat. Henry was interviewed by David Axelrod for his podcast, "The Axe Files" on Thursday, when she admitted that her organization was worried about what Donald Trump was stirring up in the SEIU's 2.1 million members. She was worried because she believed Trump has the ability to win the White House in November. During...

There are a lot more conservatives nervous about Trump's popularity in the Republican party than liberals.
There are a lot more liberals happy about Trump's popularity in the Republican party than Republicans that are happy about his popularity in the Republican party
There are a lot more Conservatives that have parked their social concerns to back Trump as the only candidate that can't be bought, doesn't have BIG DONORS and LOBBYISTS behind him, and has put out a Conservative agenda for anyone that wants to read it!

Trump agenda:

1. Build the Wall
2. Enforce laws pertaining to illegals
3. Balance budgets
4. Middle class tax cut
5. Simplify tax code
6. Make military strength a priority
7. Tear up all foreign trade pacts which are taking our jobs, especially China & Mexico & Japan
8. Install hugely successful people from private sector for making foreign trade deals
9. Take better care of wounded vets
10. Eliminate/reduce useless federal bureaucracy

Trump is conservative on these issues:
Pro life since at least 2011, wanted to ban partial birth abortion as far back as 2000.
Pro Traditional marriage. “Gay rights is not my thing.”
Pro capital punishment “Capital punishment isn’t uncivilized; murderers living is”
Hold Judges accountable
Opposes “Common core is a disaster” Teach citizenship, quit “dumbing down”.
Anti education unions (2000)
For school choice
“Climate Change is a hoax”
“No Cap-and-Tax”
For drilling our own.
On Environment “Good development enhances the environment”
Stressed the importance of a strong family & culture of life (2015)
Supports Israel
Opposes Iran deal and letting Iran obtain the bomb.
Wants to crush ISIS quickly.
Wants a military so strong no one will challenge us.
Against unbalanced trade deals that kill American jobs.
Against warrantless government surveillance of citizens.
Is against having a high national debt. Warns that $24T is a point of no return.
Against gun control
For assault weapon ban but says the AR-15 shouldn’t be considered an assault weapon.
Wants to repeal Obamacare and replace it with market driven polices and increased competition among insurance companies.
Wants to increase military spending.
Will close the border to illegals
Will send the criminals and sponges back.
Will deport all illegals but will let the hard working ones go through the legal process to come back.
Against Anchor babies
Knows unemployment is much higher than official stats.
Will bring jobs back through better trade negotiation.
Attended military academy and Wharton Business School.
Stood up for Birthers and challenged Obama on his fraud.
Believes USA is “the greatest force for freedom the world has ever known”
Wants to honor commitments on Social Security and Medicare, which we can afford to do if he gets the economy going full steam.
Wants to reduce the fraud in disability and other programs.
Against marriage penalties in tax code.
Wants to reduce income taxes and eliminate corporate tax.
Wants to rebuild our infrastructure.
Wants to apply welfare-to-work to 76 other welfare programs (2011)
Doesn’t have time for political correctness.
Not afraid to call out either party or both when they are wrong.
Not a puppet to rich campaign donors.

Tell me what YOU don't like with Trumps agendas and conservative thinking!!!!!
Yep. The writing is on the wall. The attack on workers is in full force. Some won't be happy until workers voices are silenced for good. Something this nation should be proud of....hurting workers. Welcome to this GREAT country. Cough wheez

The Unions had their time, now it's time to say goodbye
Unions are just another deduction on your paycheck that you have nothing to show for it.
Yup. Unions are going away I agree. Time for lower wages which will follow. Yet employers will DEMAND the workers produce more while getting paid less. Then idiots will say " you know $15 isn't a bad wage" when in reality it is not possible to live in it in any way shape or form. What those dupes want is the China model. That's where we are headed and it can't be stopped no matter who is in charge. But then again Americans aren't bright snuff to figure it out.
Yup. Unions are going away I agree. Time for lower wages which will follow. Yet employers will DEMAND the workers produce more while getting paid less. Then idiots will say " you know $15 isn't a bad wage" when in reality it is not possible to live in it in any way shape or form. What those dupes want is the China model. That's where we are headed and it can't be stopped no matter who is in charge. But then again Americans aren't bright snuff to figure it out.


Vietnam, South Asia and south African model of doing things. Me, Id attempt to rebuild what was successful in the early to mid 20th century and work to raise everyone up. Western europe is a damn good model of this.

The far right won't allow it as they want their surfs and baron system back. They'll fight to the death for it too. They're sadly winning.
Here is some ways to fix it.
1. Get rid of free trade and go over to a fair trade system that is pro American.
2. Rebuild the unions...The workers deserve a voice and a place at the table...The ceo should be challenged as the pig he or she is.
3. Enforce anti-trust laws. The big corps are crowding everything out of the field and making it impossible.
4. Reform education in order for Americans to compete.

Invest more in science, tech and infrastructure, ;) Stay out of wars!

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