Awful. Obama Attacks Americans – Says Those Who Support AZ Law Are “Anti-Immigrant” (


Diamond Member
Jul 11, 2004
Posted by Jim Hoft on Tuesday, August 3, 2010, 12:55 PM

Nearly two-thirds of American voters support the Arizona immigration law. Less than one-third of voters oppose it including our radical president and his far left administration.

Today, America’s radical open borders president said that those who oppose illegal aliens are “anti-immigrant.” He also told the media that Arizona’s governor supported the state’s new immigration bill for political reasons.

[ame=]YouTube - Obama Does Not Want States To Have Individual Laws For Illegal Immigration[/ame]

read the rest at.
Gateway Pundit
Posted by Jim Hoft on Tuesday, August 3, 2010, 12:55 PM

Nearly two-thirds of American voters support the Arizona immigration law. Less than one-third of voters oppose it including our radical president and his far left administration.

Today, America’s radical open borders president said that those who oppose illegal aliens are “anti-immigrant.” He also told the media that Arizona’s governor supported the state’s new immigration bill for political reasons.

YouTube - Obama Does Not Want States To Have Individual Laws For Illegal Immigration

read the rest at.
Gateway Pundit

An the really disturbing part is that the interviewer did not challenge him on anything. Conservatives have consistently stated that they are not anti-immigrant but are anti-illegal immigrant. The interviewer did not challenge Obama on that statement. The man is never challenged and as long as he is not, he will continue to lie and mislead the public with those types of comments.
I guess the almost 3/4ths of Americans that support AZ's bill are just "trying to make a name for themselves".
Obama and his administration is truly useless.
I don't want states to pass individual laws with regard to illegal immigration.

I want the federal government to enforce the laws we have, secure the borders... and drop all this "comprehensive immigration reform" nonsense until the first two items are accomplished.

Comprehensive Immigration Reform. Code for amnesty, rewarding those who have broken U.S. law. I was opposed to it when Reagan did it, I'm apposed to it now.
Posted by Jim Hoft on Tuesday, August 3, 2010, 12:55 PM

Nearly two-thirds of American voters support the Arizona immigration law. Less than one-third of voters oppose it including our radical president and his far left administration.

Today, America’s radical open borders president said that those who oppose illegal aliens are “anti-immigrant.” He also told the media that Arizona’s governor supported the state’s new immigration bill for political reasons.

YouTube - Obama Does Not Want States To Have Individual Laws For Illegal Immigration

read the rest at.
Gateway Pundit

Again Obama demonstrates what a total ASS he is, "Anti-Immigrant" WTF? He is CLUELESS. Most of us are against Illegal Entry into the United States of America. With today's security issues, the last thing we need is allowing anyone, from anywhere, to freely enter the country. Arizona is trying to enforce existing federal laws that the government will NOT enforce, what is wrong with this president? I cannot believe we have a president that is this clueless and stupid. He certainly wants to be a dictator, and he is far.
Please come on November. :tongue:
I'm anti ghestapo and repub fear mongering. Obama is already deporting more than Bush, this is only to whip up fear in the trailer trash righties.
I'm anti ghestapo and repub fear mongering. Obama is already deporting more than Bush, this is only to whip up fear in the trailer trash righties.

So bailing out a leaky boat while ignoring the big fucking hole in the bottom is a sound strategy to you?

Why is the idea of securing our borders so disagreeable?
listen trailer trash boy. I'm for more deportation than the rightest of you wingnuts is.
I just don't fall for the scare the poor whitey routine. Deport them all, we already know who they are.
Don't you have home depot near your trailer park?
listen trailer trash boy. I'm for more deportation than the rightest of you wingnuts is.
I just don't fall for the scare the poor whitey routine. Deport them all, we already know who they are.
Don't you have home depot near your trailer park?

Can't you answer a question without your fucking whining?

You seem to do a lot of projecting what's the matter you can't afford a double wide?

And what does Home Depot have to do with securing our borders ?

I am for nothing but enforcing our laws as they are written. There is no fear mongering involved in that.
I for enforcing them as written as well, Obama is doing better at it than Bush.
Obviously that's barely a D-
Deport them all, we don't need a new law to do that or to secure the border.
I for enforcing them as written as well, Obama is doing better at it than Bush.
Obviously that's barely a D-
Deport them all, we don't need a new law to do that or to secure the border.
if you haven't heard, GW is no longer president.

I do not care about what Bush did or did not do. I have been in favor of securing our borders to the point of being air tight for years regardless of who has been president. That's called a principle you dimmies should get a few.

And if enforcing the laws as poorly as Obama is doing is acceptable to you because it was better than what Bush did, then you are nothing but a partisan hack.
skull GED D- only because he's deported more than Bush
I think I'm right of you on this one.
I'm for deporting all of them, zero amnesty
securing the border
Hire people to do both till it's tighter than a nun's ****
skull GED D- only because he's deported more than Bush
I think I'm right of you on this one.
I'm for deporting all of them, zero amnesty
securing the border
Hire people to do both till it's tighter than a nun's ****

If you are for zero amnesty then you should be no fan of Obama because that is exactly what he's going to do.
I'm not for anybody who's for amnesty.
IMO mexico is likely dumping not their best and brightest at the borders, likely thier prisoners.
I don't want states to pass individual laws with regard to illegal immigration.

I want the federal government to enforce the laws we have, secure the borders... and drop all this "comprehensive immigration reform" nonsense until the first two items are accomplished.

Comprehensive Immigration Reform. Code for amnesty, rewarding those who have broken U.S. law. I was opposed to it when Reagan did it, I'm apposed to it now.

Why can't states enforce the laws that are already laws? It's illegal to be in this country illegally, Az was just enforcing that law.
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I don't want states to pass individual laws with regard to illegal immigration.

I want the federal government to enforce the laws we have, secure the borders... and drop all this "comprehensive immigration reform" nonsense until the first two items are accomplished.

Comprehensive Immigration Reform. Code for amnesty, rewarding those who have broken U.S. law. I was opposed to it when Reagan did it, I'm apposed to it now.

Why can't states enforce the laws that are already laws? It's illegal to be in this country illegally, Az was just enforcing that law.

If this new ruling by the Federal Judge on Arizona's law had been in effect after the Oklahoma City bombing the police officer who stopped McVeigh for a traffic violation would have had to let him go because the arrest would have been deemed a bad arrest since state/local law enforcement can't enforce Federal laws, and McVeigh was wanted on a Federal crime.

listen trailer trash boy. I'm for more deportation than the rightest of you wingnuts is.
I just don't fall for the scare the poor whitey routine. Deport them all, we already know who they are. Don't you have home depot near your trailer park?

You seem to recognize in the Government a greater capacity for action and competence than it will admit to.

One of the many silly points in the case against Arizona was that if the Arizona authorities sent them illigals recognized during the process of investigating other infractions of law, it would overwhelm the system and keep ICE from doing its real job. One would would assume that the real job of ICE is to enforce immigration and customs laws.

Is it possible that they don't know what the "E" in the accronym stands for?
a·li·en (l-n, lyn)

1. An unnaturalized foreign resident of a country. Also called noncitizen

il·le·gal (-lgl)
1. Prohibited by law.

8 U.S.C. § 1325 : US Code - Section 1325: Improper entry by alien

(a) Improper time or place; avoidance of examination or inspection;
misrepresentation and concealment of facts
Any alien who (1) enters or attempts to enter the United States
at any time or place other than as designated by immigration
officers, or (2) eludes examination or inspection by immigration
officers, or (3) attempts to enter or obtains entry to the United
States by a willfully false or misleading representation or the
willful concealment of a material fact, shall, for the first
commission of any such offense, be fined under title 18 or
imprisoned not more than 6 months, or both, and, for a subsequent
commission of any such offense, be fined under title 18, or
imprisoned not more than 2 years, or both
8 U.S.C. § 1325 : US Code - Section 1325: Improper entry by alien

The point in all this is that no one is anti-immigrant, laws such as SB-1070 and others are there to do that the Federal Govt. chooses not to and that is to enforce laws on the books that prohibit entry by aliens. An Immigrant is someone that relocates from one country to another to live, and to compare those that paid the cost to become citizens took the tests, and did all the hard work necessary to those aliens who have broken the law sends the wrong message to all those IMMIGRANTS who have become citizens and are in the process of becomming citizens.

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