Axe-Theology: Aesthetics of Fashion [Commercial Sexploitation]


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
Has our modern culture of media and liberal entertainment raised up provocative questions about the aesthetics of fashion, the dangers of sexploitation, and the intellectual allure of bravado-experimentation?

This darkside free-speech media-vignette was inspired by Videodrome. It's dedicated to our media-confetti TrumpUSA and since it's overtly-political, I didn't feel comfy posting it in the Writing section...but what do you think? I'd appreciate any kind of criticism (since it might actually be my final post on USMB).

Cheers (signing off),



Demogoblin opened up the gates of Hell and used graphic-violence imagery in modern video-games sold in America as moral justification. Demogoblin soared around in the cities of the USA wielding pumpkin-bombs and hallucinogens, intent on creating pedestrian panic. His main message was that modern media in TrumpUSA catered to vice rather than virtue, and he wanted to condemn capitalism in general. What would President Trump think?


Of course, American consumers were no strangers to wild and violent characters in cartoons and comics, and American kids were sensitized to such craziness on TV and even in cinema. In other words, modern entertainment had offered audiences a good dose of wildness, and Demogoblin wanted to dissect and exploit such wildness. After all, anyone could easily find graphic characters with a simply Google search for free in any public library without any fear of censorship or censure. Was this all kosher?


I grew up watching sexploitation fantasy-adventure films like Cherry 2000 and Army of Darkness from the '80s and '90s. These wild images in entertainment trained me to think like a psycho but also like a poet. So you can imagine my surprise when I realized the Demogoblin's presence would 'strain' my personal sense of liberty and shopping in modern media (under our media-raining TrumpUSA!). In modern times, entertainment was both extremely liberal and very sensual and sometimes resembled pornography. I got goosebumps when I thought of Demogoblin. Who would help me?


My name is Ajay Satan, and I'm a serial-killer. Seriously. Well, alright, if I was, I wouldn't just tell you. However, I want to suggest to you that I just might be a 'philosophical outsider.' Maybe I have a couple of girlfriends in my Shaivism cult, and we dress up in masks and wield weapons like knives, axes, and hatchets. We walk around at night in the suburbs of America with songs playing loudly on our pocket-radios while suggesting to pedestrians that modern-day fear has much to do with both graphic sensualism and anti-social rage paranoia. Perhaps Orwellianism had bred a new form of 'mob psychology.' Despite my philosophically-private imagination, I was terrified of Demogoblin and so were my two masked girlfriend muses. Could President Trump help us?


Of course in 1800s London, the elusive/enigmatic serial-killer Jack the Ripper roamed the Whitechapel district and made the anti-social and pseudo-terrorist killing of vulnerable female prostitutes seem like a modern civilization (post-Rome) rendition of social 'madness aesthetics.' What would Demogoblin say about Jack the Ripper? I didn't have the 'luxury' of thinking of that, since I was distracted by what Demogoblin was doing to my own society--- TrumpUSA.


There's nothing wrong with 'taboo-folklore.' After all, we've entertained very offbeat forms of story-characters such as the Headless Horseman, the Whore of Babylon, Pythona, and the Terminator. We like the notion of feeling 'excited' by Devil's Advocates and characters who stir our even youthful imagination about dragons and viruses. For the age of computers and consumerism, accessibility to offbeat metaphysics is a reflection of a new 'dystopian magazine aesthetic.'


Demogoblin hated all this, so I recruited my celebrity-friend Tom Hardy to go on an urban crusade with me, tracking the nefarious Demogoblin and using smoke-bombs and powerful water-guns to put out the flames of anarchy Demogoblin was making with his ghoulish brand of 'hellraiser pedagoguery.' Finally, President Trump tweeted, "I believe Ajay Satan and Tom Hardy have the necessary imagination to defend this natural American imagination about everyday 'wildness' even to the likes of the sinister Demogoblin!" Hardy once told me, "If Demogoblin is the new Headless Horseman, then you (Ajay) and I are like Starsky and Hutch."


DEMOGOBLIN: You don't think you'll win, do you?
AJAY: You can't change consciousness with terrorism...
TOM: We wield water-guns, not bombs and panic!

DEMOGOBLIN: Yet, Ajay is no 'stranger' to hatchet-nihilism.
AJAY: Even Edward Abbey alluded to forms of defiant violence.
TOM: There are contours between revolution and ugly crime.

DEMOGOBLIN: So you two are 'advocates' of pornography?
AJAY: We have no problem with kids watching Xena and Sheena.
TOM: Xena and Sheena are very sexy forest-warriors who symbolize ecstasy.

DEMOGOBLIN: I don't see the pedestrian 'magic' of
AJAY: Well, you have to see through the veneer to find the spirit of video-games.
TOM: Golden Axe, Assassin's Creed, and Final Fantasy video-games encourage thrills.

DEMOGOBLIN: What happened to the classic martial-arts films/characters?
AJAY: They've evolved into Spawn, Pinhead, and Darkman.
TOM: Many adolescent boys appreciate free-speech circulation of female-warriors.

DEMOGOBLIN: In the Middle East, all women are respectfully gowned/veiled.
AJAY: TrumpUSA caters to more 'fitness sensibilities.'
TOM: Won't you renounce this dark Inquisition-campaign and see the 'glamour' of toys?

DEMOGOBLIN: If you two can offer America more 'gender-rich' avatars/toys, I'll depart.
AJAY: We accept your challenge; we'll invent an axe-wielding fantasy-warrior (a she-hero).
TOM: Her name --- Barbarella; her skill --- destroying warlords with rusty-sabres!


Demogoblin agreed to depart as Barbarella comics (co-written by Ajay Satan and Tom Hardy) and produced by the new comics enterprise Archangel Comics, co-owned by celebrities Tom Hanks and Tom Cruise and comics writer/artist William Gibson. Barbarella stories for Archangel Comics featured the fantastic female sabre-warrior tackling all sorts of fascist-demons such as the chainsaw-wielding Menace, the laser-gun wielding urban goblin named Carnage, and a multi-weapon skilled terrorist-ninja named Storm-Shadow who symbolized pure evil(!). Barbarella comics would be adapted into a film titled Barbarella: Dirty War, directed by Guy Ritchie and starring Jessica Lowndes as Barbarella and Leo DiCaprio as Storm-Shadow.


Well, after Demogoblin departed, Archangel Comics would produce countless more graphic/wild stories and present images that catered to both visceral modernism sensibilities and values-based thrilling morality-tales. It seemed this was all some kind of great 'Aesthetics Tribulation' and what once seemed like pointless commercial sexploitation (which is what Demogoblin despised) suddenly became a 'free-speech art movement.' Ajay and Tom had saved humanity and justified the imagination-allure of provocative entertainment/media in terms of 'Rapture-oriented' folklore. This was a great victory for free-speech...and TrumpUSA. Demogoblin would never return.





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