Axios Has a Damning Story About Kamala Harris. It's Why People Likely Doubt Her Behind the Scenes


Diamond Member
Jun 27, 2019
The knives are out. It’s drowned out now that cash is pouting into the Democratic Party coffers once Joe Biden bowed out of the 2024 race, but it’s there. There’s infighting within the Biden family after the president’s brother, Frank, said health concerns likely influenced his brother’s decision to drop out. In return, other members of the family, through their sources, leaked that Frank shouldn’t be trusted because he’s a recovering alcoholic—what a family. Now, Biden’s orbit is leaking details about why the soon-to-be ex-president felt Kamala Harris didn’t have the chops to be president.

It's ironic in the extreme since Joe never had what it took, though Harris has political problems that burrow down to a microscopic level. In his heyday, Biden might have had diarrhea of the mouth, though I could see him having no problems having dinner with donors and some of the nation’s biggest media names. Harris reportedly becomes engulfed in anxiety. In one instance, Harris was set to meet with a DC media mogul, and the jitters became so overwhelming that her staff had planned to hold a mock dinner to calm her down. Axios had a lengthy story, along with the resurrection of the Harris work environment, which is so toxic that no one could ostensibly work there for at least 20,000 years

BJ -

Truly a first family to be proud of.
The stories about the people within Harris's Inner Circle who dislike her and find her extremely incompetent are plentiful,
just not in the Democrat Bubble Media echo chamber.
The knives are out.

Just keep in mind that had they thought that Kamaltoe Harris was the better candidate, they would have already been running her in the first place, likely elected her four years ago instead of Joe.

She is an even bigger fraud and gasbag than Joe Biden, who has run from all responsibility and public vetting since taking office as VP.

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