Ay Carumba! Death Record For #JudgeCuriel Papa’s Proves New York Times Lying About U.S. Citizenship

And I'm not the one of those that have been gloating about how much HIspanics hate Trump and are now pretending to be offended that Trump has agreed.

You are the one defending Trump's racist remarks.

There is nothing racist about saying that Hispanics hate Trump.

Not when Lefties do it, and not when TRump did it.

Why do you believe that Hispanics hate Trump?

Trump says he believes Hispanics love him.....except of course for the Judge who he claims is biased because he is "Mexican"- and is biased because of his 'Mexican heritage'

Hey just like you!

I don't see how the reasons that Hispanics "hate" Trump are relevant to this discussion.

I have a general idea of why Lefties believe it.

I am not disputing their belief or challenging their motives for saying it.

I believe that they are being honest in that they really believe that Hispanics hate Trump.

Some hispanics certainly love Trump.

And I am sure that when Lefties say that "Hispanics" hate Trump, they know that there are exceptions and no one is claiming that it is a lie for them to leave that unstated.

It is ok for Trump to claim that HIspanics love him and not mention that there are Hispanics that don't.

Obviously he believes that this Judge is one of those.
And getting away from Correll brown nosing Trump- back to the OP's lies.

I will point out again that the source Brip is relying upon is a partisan hack liar.

  1. In the first article Brip posted- the hack writer claims there was no evidence that the Judge's mother was ever an American citizen- EVEN though he posted her death certificate which showed her to be an American citizen. Why? Because the hack writer said 'Death Certificates are notoriously unreliable'
  2. In the article the same hack writer wrote- he claims he has proof that the judge's father was never a U.S. Citizen. What evidence? His death certificate- yes the very same document the author said was notoriously unreliable and claimed was not evidence of the mother's citizenship- he turns around and claims it is evidence- for the father's citizenship.
Brip and him- two lying peas in a pod.

What kind of slime ball attacks people by attacking their dead parents?


1. NO one is attacking the parents.

2. It is absurd for lefties who have been screaming and gloating for months that Hispanics hate Trump, to pretend to be outraged that Trump has claimed that a Hispanic hates him.
This is an American family- not a "Mexican" family.
Of Mexican heritage, or Mexican-American, or simply 'Mexican' among everyone not stuck in PC straight jackets.

Yes no one is denying that they are not also Americans.

He knows that.

All the Lefties know that.

They are just lying, because they are desperate to distract from the Fact that they have been screaming that HIspanics Hate Trump

and thus, when they attack him for saying that A hispanic hates him, that they are being the biggest hypocrites of ALL TIME.
This is an American family- not a "Mexican" family.
Of Mexican heritage, or Mexican-American, or simply 'Mexican' among everyone not stuck in PC straight jackets.

Yes no one is denying that they are not also Americans.

He knows that.

All the Lefties know that.

They are just lying, because they are desperate to distract from the Fact that they have been screaming that HIspanics Hate Trump

and thus, when they attack him for saying that A hispanic hates him, that they are being the biggest hypocrites of ALL TIME.

Trump does know that- he purposely used the "Mexican" instead of "Mexican American"

The fact is that you are the one screaming that Hispanics hate Trump.

And Trump is the one saying that Hispanics love him.

And you just kiss Trump's ass.

Because you are a big hypocrite and liar.
This is an American family- not a "Mexican" family.
Of Mexican heritage, or Mexican-American, or simply 'Mexican' among everyone not stuck in PC straight jackets.

Yes no one is denying that they are not also Americans.

He knows that.

All the Lefties know that.

They are just lying, because they are desperate to distract from the Fact that they have been screaming that HIspanics Hate Trump

and thus, when they attack him for saying that A hispanic hates him, that they are being the biggest hypocrites of ALL TIME.

Trump does know that- he purposely used the "Mexican" instead of "Mexican American"

The fact is that you are the one screaming that Hispanics hate Trump.

And Trump is the one saying that Hispanics love him.

And you just kiss Trump's ass.

Because you are a big hypocrite and liar.

Trump knows what? That most people use such terms interchangeably?

I'm sure that he does. THat is why he did it.

So, Trump says that "Hispanics love him".

So, what? What is your point about that?

Are you confused about the contradiction?

It is far less contradiction than we are seeing with the Left who before we saying that Hispanics hate Trump and now are saying that Trump is racist for saying that A hispanic hates him.
So, when will Donald Trump release his own mother's immigration/citizenship/birth/death/marriage records?

Ah, you mean the orangutan? Gotta talk to the zoo for that. I hear they have guns though.
laughs in white priviledge 2.jpg
And getting away from Correll brown nosing Trump- back to the OP's lies.

I will point out again that the source Brip is relying upon is a partisan hack liar.

  1. In the first article Brip posted- the hack writer claims there was no evidence that the Judge's mother was ever an American citizen- EVEN though he posted her death certificate which showed her to be an American citizen. Why? Because the hack writer said 'Death Certificates are notoriously unreliable'
  2. In the article the same hack writer wrote- he claims he has proof that the judge's father was never a U.S. Citizen. What evidence? His death certificate- yes the very same document the author said was notoriously unreliable and claimed was not evidence of the mother's citizenship- he turns around and claims it is evidence- for the father's citizenship.
Brip and him- two lying peas in a pod.

What kind of slime ball attacks people by attacking their dead parents?


1. NO one is attacking the parents.


Why do you lie to protect the right wing nut jobs that are attacking the dead parents of a judge?

Whitehall: "Parents who emigrated from Mexico" translates to illegal criminal aliens
And getting away from Correll brown nosing Trump- back to the OP's lies.

I will point out again that the source Brip is relying upon is a partisan hack liar.

  1. In the first article Brip posted- the hack writer claims there was no evidence that the Judge's mother was ever an American citizen- EVEN though he posted her death certificate which showed her to be an American citizen. Why? Because the hack writer said 'Death Certificates are notoriously unreliable'
  2. In the article the same hack writer wrote- he claims he has proof that the judge's father was never a U.S. Citizen. What evidence? His death certificate- yes the very same document the author said was notoriously unreliable and claimed was not evidence of the mother's citizenship- he turns around and claims it is evidence- for the father's citizenship.
Brip and him- two lying peas in a pod.

What kind of slime ball attacks people by attacking their dead parents?


1. NO one is attacking the parents.


Why do you lie to protect the right wing nut jobs that are attacking the dead parents of a judge?

Bripat9643: ROFL! Of course it's a legitimate question since his family are exactly the kind of people Trump is promising to deport.

Only a totally shameless douche bag would claim the judge's family isn't relevant.

Bripat9643: The anchor baby judge's parents were Mexican illegal aliens.
And getting away from Correll brown nosing Trump- back to the OP's lies.

I will point out again that the source Brip is relying upon is a partisan hack liar.

  1. In the first article Brip posted- the hack writer claims there was no evidence that the Judge's mother was ever an American citizen- EVEN though he posted her death certificate which showed her to be an American citizen. Why? Because the hack writer said 'Death Certificates are notoriously unreliable'
  2. In the article the same hack writer wrote- he claims he has proof that the judge's father was never a U.S. Citizen. What evidence? His death certificate- yes the very same document the author said was notoriously unreliable and claimed was not evidence of the mother's citizenship- he turns around and claims it is evidence- for the father's citizenship.
Brip and him- two lying peas in a pod.

What kind of slime ball attacks people by attacking their dead parents?


1. NO one is attacking the parents.


Why do you lie to protect the right wing nut jobs that are attacking the dead parents of a judge?

Whitehall: "Parents who emigrated from Mexico" translates to illegal criminal aliens. When

Bripat9643: ROFL! Of course it's a legitimate question since his family are exactly the kind of people Trump is promising to deport.

Only a totally shameless douche bag would claim the judge's family isn't relevant.

Bripat9643: The anchor baby judge's parents were Mexican illegal aliens.

Correll: THe OP is about the Judge's father.

Correll: No one is saying this judges parents were bad people. Try to be less dishonest.

Bripat943: The bottom line is that there isn't a shred of evidence that his parents were here legally.

Correll: There is nothing in the op attacking the Judges parents.

Correll: No one attacked the judges dead parents.
And getting away from Correll brown nosing Trump- back to the OP's lies.

I will point out again that the source Brip is relying upon is a partisan hack liar.

  1. In the first article Brip posted- the hack writer claims there was no evidence that the Judge's mother was ever an American citizen- EVEN though he posted her death certificate which showed her to be an American citizen. Why? Because the hack writer said 'Death Certificates are notoriously unreliable'
  2. In the article the same hack writer wrote- he claims he has proof that the judge's father was never a U.S. Citizen. What evidence? His death certificate- yes the very same document the author said was notoriously unreliable and claimed was not evidence of the mother's citizenship- he turns around and claims it is evidence- for the father's citizenship.
Brip and him- two lying peas in a pod.

What kind of slime ball attacks people by attacking their dead parents?


1. NO one is attacking the parents..


Why do you lie to protect the right wing nut jobs that are attacking the dead parents of a judge?

Bripat9643 started a thread titled with the lie:

“The judges parent’s were illegals”

Bripat9643: …. then so is being the child of illegal aliens.

Bripat9643 There's no evidence that Curiel's family was here legally.

Slyhunter They were undocumented aliens which is illegal.

Bripat9643: The lack of any records showing they were legal is all the evidence needed.

Slyhunter: undocumented is illegal.

Bripat9643: Why would someone who is the child of illegal aliens

Easyt65: NOW we find out the judge's parents were illegals,

Uncensored2008 Judge Anchor Baby had illegal parents?

This is an American family- not a "Mexican" family.
Of Mexican heritage, or Mexican-American, or simply 'Mexican' among everyone not stuck in PC straight jackets.

Yes no one is denying that they are not also Americans.

He knows that.

All the Lefties know that.

They are just lying, because they are desperate to distract from the Fact that they have been screaming that HIspanics Hate Trump

and thus, when they attack him for saying that A hispanic hates him, that they are being the biggest hypocrites of ALL TIME.

Trump does know that- he purposely used the "Mexican" instead of "Mexican American"

The fact is that you are the one screaming that Hispanics hate Trump.

And Trump is the one saying that Hispanics love him.

And you just kiss Trump's ass.

Because you are a big hypocrite and liar.

Trump knows what? That most people use such terms interchangeably?

I'm sure that he does. THat is why he did it.

So, Trump says that "Hispanics love him".

So, what? What is your point about that?

Are you confused about the contradiction?

It is far less contradiction than we are seeing with the Left who before we saying that Hispanics hate Trump and now are saying that Trump is racist for saying that A hispanic hates him.

Trump does know that- he purposely used the "Mexican" instead of "Mexican American"

The fact is that you are the one screaming that Hispanics hate Trump.

And Trump is the one saying that Hispanics love him.

And you just kiss Trump's ass.

Because you are a big hypocrite and liar.
So you think Trump was calling this judge a citizen of Mexico- and that is what you are doing?
No, he was referring to the mans national heritage, obviously.

Why do you have to twist this shit into something EVERYBODY knows would not be the intended meaning if spoken in real life?

Why do you have to defend what Trump says regardless of what he says?

Brip himself said that the term Mexican refers to a citizen of Mexico

The term "Mexican" is not an insult. What do you call people who are citizens of Mexico?

Trump called an American citizen from Indiana "Mexican"

By Brip's own wierd 'logic' that would mean Trump thinks the judge is a Mexican citizen.

YOur lack of reading comprehension is incredible.

When Brit pointed out that calling someone a Mexican is not an insult, because "what do you call a citizens of MExico", that does NOT mean that the only people you would call "Mexican" is a citizen of Mexico.

Your pretense that you do not know that people will often say Italian, when they mean Italian-American, or Mexican when they mean Mexican-American is absurd.

Your pretense is that you do not know that people will often say "Mexican" about a Mexican American in order to imply that he is less than a 'real American'- or that people regularly use "Mexican" and "Mexican American" interchangeably"
View attachment 78016

You and Brip- standing there with Ryan.

When I tell people that my wife is part Italian, I am not implying that she is less than a real America.

When I tell people that my best friend is Italian, I am not implying that he is less than a real America.

When I tell people that my oldest friend is Russian, I am not implying that he is less than a real American.

When Trump said the judge was a "Mexican"- he was implying that he is less than a real American.

Your pretense is that you do not know that people will often say "Mexican" about a Mexican American in order to imply that he is less than a 'real American'- or that people regularly use "Mexican" and "Mexican American" interchangeably"
This is an American family- not a "Mexican" family.
Of Mexican heritage, or Mexican-American, or simply 'Mexican' among everyone not stuck in PC straight jackets.

Yes no one is denying that they are not also Americans.

You aren't. Trump just decided to ignore the fact that the judge is an American- and label him a "Mexican"- and then claim that is the reason why Trump believes that the judge 'hates' him.

Yet there is absolutely no evidence that the judge 'hates' him at all. The only one making discriminatory rhetoric between the two of them is Donald Trump.

The judge has not said one thing impugning Donald Trump, nor accused Trump of being racist, or brought up Trump's heritage.

As Paul Ryan said- Trump was just being a textbook racist.
And getting away from Correll brown nosing Trump- back to the OP's lies.

I will point out again that the source Brip is relying upon is a partisan hack liar.

  1. In the first article Brip posted- the hack writer claims there was no evidence that the Judge's mother was ever an American citizen- EVEN though he posted her death certificate which showed her to be an American citizen. Why? Because the hack writer said 'Death Certificates are notoriously unreliable'
  2. In the article the same hack writer wrote- he claims he has proof that the judge's father was never a U.S. Citizen. What evidence? His death certificate- yes the very same document the author said was notoriously unreliable and claimed was not evidence of the mother's citizenship- he turns around and claims it is evidence- for the father's citizenship.
Brip and him- two lying peas in a pod.

What kind of slime ball attacks people by attacking their dead parents?


1. NO one is attacking the parents.


Why do you lie to protect the right wing nut jobs that are attacking the dead parents of a judge?

Whitehall: "Parents who emigrated from Mexico" translates to illegal criminal aliens

No one is attacking the parents.
And getting away from Correll brown nosing Trump- back to the OP's lies.

I will point out again that the source Brip is relying upon is a partisan hack liar.

  1. In the first article Brip posted- the hack writer claims there was no evidence that the Judge's mother was ever an American citizen- EVEN though he posted her death certificate which showed her to be an American citizen. Why? Because the hack writer said 'Death Certificates are notoriously unreliable'
  2. In the article the same hack writer wrote- he claims he has proof that the judge's father was never a U.S. Citizen. What evidence? His death certificate- yes the very same document the author said was notoriously unreliable and claimed was not evidence of the mother's citizenship- he turns around and claims it is evidence- for the father's citizenship.
Brip and him- two lying peas in a pod.

What kind of slime ball attacks people by attacking their dead parents?


1. NO one is attacking the parents.


Why do you lie to protect the right wing nut jobs that are attacking the dead parents of a judge?

Whitehall: "Parents who emigrated from Mexico" translates to illegal criminal aliens. When

Bripat9643: ROFL! Of course it's a legitimate question since his family are exactly the kind of people Trump is promising to deport.

Only a totally shameless douche bag would claim the judge's family isn't relevant.

Bripat9643: The anchor baby judge's parents were Mexican illegal aliens.

Correll: THe OP is about the Judge's father.

Correll: No one is saying this judges parents were bad people. Try to be less dishonest.

Bripat943: The bottom line is that there isn't a shred of evidence that his parents were here legally.

Correll: There is nothing in the op attacking the Judges parents.

Correll: No one attacked the judges dead parents.

So, you consider all illegals to be bad people?

Cause Trump doesn't, he was very clear about that.

Neither do I.

I can't speak for Bripat, but it wasn't clear to me from the context that he was attacking anyone.
No, he was referring to the mans national heritage, obviously.

Why do you have to twist this shit into something EVERYBODY knows would not be the intended meaning if spoken in real life?

Why do you have to defend what Trump says regardless of what he says?

Brip himself said that the term Mexican refers to a citizen of Mexico

The term "Mexican" is not an insult. What do you call people who are citizens of Mexico?

Trump called an American citizen from Indiana "Mexican"

By Brip's own wierd 'logic' that would mean Trump thinks the judge is a Mexican citizen.

YOur lack of reading comprehension is incredible.

When Brit pointed out that calling someone a Mexican is not an insult, because "what do you call a citizens of MExico", that does NOT mean that the only people you would call "Mexican" is a citizen of Mexico.

Your pretense that you do not know that people will often say Italian, when they mean Italian-American, or Mexican when they mean Mexican-American is absurd.

Your pretense is that you do not know that people will often say "Mexican" about a Mexican American in order to imply that he is less than a 'real American'- or that people regularly use "Mexican" and "Mexican American" interchangeably"
View attachment 78016

You and Brip- standing there with Ryan.

When I tell people that my wife is part Italian, I am not implying that she is less than a real America.

When I tell people that my best friend is Italian, I am not implying that he is less than a real America.

When I tell people that my oldest friend is Russian, I am not implying that he is less than a real American.

When Trump said the judge was a "Mexican"- he was implying that he is less than a real American.

Your pretense is that you do not know that people will often say "Mexican" about a Mexican American in order to imply that he is less than a 'real American'- or that people regularly use "Mexican" and "Mexican American" interchangeably"

His stated reason for saying that was to support his accusation that the Judge hates him.

As you lefties have been screaming for months that "Hispanics hate Trump" it is not credible for you to pretend to be confused by this.

Or even to disagree.

There is nothing to support your claim that he was claiming that the Judge was "less than a real American".

BTW, I note you have FINALLY gave up on that pathetic game you were playing where you were pretending that Trump was claiming that the Judge was a Citizen of Mexico.

BUT, that you were too intellectually dishonest to admit that you were wrong.

Still, something finally got though to you and got you to drop that absurd defense.
And getting away from Correll brown nosing Trump- back to the OP's lies.

I will point out again that the source Brip is relying upon is a partisan hack liar.

  1. In the first article Brip posted- the hack writer claims there was no evidence that the Judge's mother was ever an American citizen- EVEN though he posted her death certificate which showed her to be an American citizen. Why? Because the hack writer said 'Death Certificates are notoriously unreliable'
  2. In the article the same hack writer wrote- he claims he has proof that the judge's father was never a U.S. Citizen. What evidence? His death certificate- yes the very same document the author said was notoriously unreliable and claimed was not evidence of the mother's citizenship- he turns around and claims it is evidence- for the father's citizenship.
Brip and him- two lying peas in a pod.

What kind of slime ball attacks people by attacking their dead parents?


1. NO one is attacking the parents.


Why do you lie to protect the right wing nut jobs that are attacking the dead parents of a judge?

Whitehall: "Parents who emigrated from Mexico" translates to illegal criminal aliens. When

Bripat9643: ROFL! Of course it's a legitimate question since his family are exactly the kind of people Trump is promising to deport.

Only a totally shameless douche bag would claim the judge's family isn't relevant.

Bripat9643: The anchor baby judge's parents were Mexican illegal aliens.

Correll: THe OP is about the Judge's father.

Correll: No one is saying this judges parents were bad people. Try to be less dishonest.

Bripat943: The bottom line is that there isn't a shred of evidence that his parents were here legally.

Correll: There is nothing in the op attacking the Judges parents.

Correll: No one attacked the judges dead parents.

So, you consider all illegals to be bad people?

So you like to lie about what i have said too?

You lied about no one attacking Judge Curiel's parents.


Why do you lie to protect the right wing nut jobs that are attacking the dead parents of a judge?

Whitehall: "Parents who emigrated from Mexico" translates to illegal criminal aliens. When

Bripat9643: ROFL! Of course it's a legitimate question since his family are exactly the kind of people Trump is promising to deport.

Only a totally shameless douche bag would claim the judge's family isn't relevant.

Bripat9643: The anchor baby judge's parents were Mexican illegal aliens.

Correll: THe OP is about the Judge's father.

Correll: No one is saying this judges parents were bad people. Try to be less dishonest.

Bripat943: The bottom line is that there isn't a shred of evidence that his parents were here legally.

Correll: There is nothing in the op attacking the Judges parents.

Correll: No one attacked the judges dead parents
And getting away from Correll brown nosing Trump- back to the OP's lies.

I will point out again that the source Brip is relying upon is a partisan hack liar.

  1. In the first article Brip posted- the hack writer claims there was no evidence that the Judge's mother was ever an American citizen- EVEN though he posted her death certificate which showed her to be an American citizen. Why? Because the hack writer said 'Death Certificates are notoriously unreliable'
  2. In the article the same hack writer wrote- he claims he has proof that the judge's father was never a U.S. Citizen. What evidence? His death certificate- yes the very same document the author said was notoriously unreliable and claimed was not evidence of the mother's citizenship- he turns around and claims it is evidence- for the father's citizenship.
Brip and him- two lying peas in a pod.

What kind of slime ball attacks people by attacking their dead parents?


1. NO one is attacking the parents.


Why do you lie to protect the right wing nut jobs that are attacking the dead parents of a judge?

Whitehall: "Parents who emigrated from Mexico" translates to illegal criminal aliens

No one is attacking the parents.

Why do you lie to support a RWNJ like Brip?

Whitehall: "Parents who emigrated from Mexico" translates to illegal criminal aliens. When

Bripat9643: ROFL! Of course it's a legitimate question since his family are exactly the kind of people Trump is promising to deport.

Only a totally shameless douche bag would claim the judge's family isn't relevant.

Bripat9643: The anchor baby judge's parents were Mexican illegal aliens.

Correll: THe OP is about the Judge's father.
Correll: No one is saying this judges parents were bad people. Try to be less dishonest.

Bripat943: The bottom line is that there isn't a shred of evidence that his parents were here legally.

Correll: There is nothing in the op attacking the Judges parents.

Correll: No one attacked the judges dead parents.

Bripat9643 other thread:

“The judges parent’s were illegals”

Bripat9643: …. then so is being the child of illegal aliens.

Bripat9643 There's no evidence that Curiel's family was here legally.

Slyhunter They were undocumented aliens which is illegal.

Bripat9643: The lack of any records showing they were legal is all the evidence needed.

Slyhunter: undocumented is illegal.

Bripat9643: Why would someone who is the child of illegal aliens

Easyt65: NOW we find out the judge's parents were illegals,

Uncensored2008 Judge Anchor Baby had illegal parents?
Why do you have to defend what Trump says regardless of what he says?

Brip himself said that the term Mexican refers to a citizen of Mexico

The term "Mexican" is not an insult. What do you call people who are citizens of Mexico?

Trump called an American citizen from Indiana "Mexican"

By Brip's own wierd 'logic' that would mean Trump thinks the judge is a Mexican citizen.

YOur lack of reading comprehension is incredible.

When Brit pointed out that calling someone a Mexican is not an insult, because "what do you call a citizens of MExico", that does NOT mean that the only people you would call "Mexican" is a citizen of Mexico.

Your pretense that you do not know that people will often say Italian, when they mean Italian-American, or Mexican when they mean Mexican-American is absurd.

Your pretense is that you do not know that people will often say "Mexican" about a Mexican American in order to imply that he is less than a 'real American'- or that people regularly use "Mexican" and "Mexican American" interchangeably"
View attachment 78016

You and Brip- standing there with Ryan.

When I tell people that my wife is part Italian, I am not implying that she is less than a real America.

When I tell people that my best friend is Italian, I am not implying that he is less than a real America.

When I tell people that my oldest friend is Russian, I am not implying that he is less than a real American.

When Trump said the judge was a "Mexican"- he was implying that he is less than a real American.

Your pretense is that you do not know that people will often say "Mexican" about a Mexican American in order to imply that he is less than a 'real American'- or that people regularly use "Mexican" and "Mexican American" interchangeably"

His stated reason for saying that was to support his accusation that the Judge hates him.

Yep- his stated reason is that he called the Judge a Mexican because he believes the judge hates him- because the judge is a "Mexican"

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