Ay Carumba! Death Record For #JudgeCuriel Papa’s Proves New York Times Lying About U.S. Citizenship

Not according to Brip- you know the author of the OP.

According to him an anchor baby is anyone born in the United States whose parents are not U.S. citizens- and just coincidentally- he is talking specifically about people who are from Mexico.

You know- how in this thread he claims that the Judge is an anchor baby even though he knows both parents were legally in the United States?
Well, that is kind of a gray area, as they do not need the baby to stay in the USA, thus no anchor needed, but a lot of people consider that still the same.

I dont know.

I do know that Hispanics will eventually be the majority in the USA and it would be better for everyone if they are not a subclass of illegal laborers, living in the shadows and providing a profit to the human traffickers that get them here. They need to re-enter the US in accordance with out laws and live in the light of normal society.

Important point.

The coming Minority Majority will not be a Majority of Hispanics, but a Majority of people who are NOT white.

Whites will still be the largest single ethnic group, for the foreseeable future.

The mistaken expectation that Hispanics/minorities will achieve complete and unbridled power is an expectation that is going to be very disappointed when the largest ethnic group refuses to be a door mat.

In the short run Hispanics will become the plurality of Americans, and then a true majority as people assimilate into their society which is still traditional, mostly Christian based, and wholesome unlike ours.

Adopting a blend of Hispanic-American culture as the norm for our society will be what saves us, if we are saved. And this rotted liberal agnostic moral relativism pop culture will be shed like an old dead skin.

You are assuming that all hispanics are like the ones you see, in your middle class job, and middle class community.

YOu are failing to understand how much socialism and leftism has corrupted their culture and that they are aligning with the worst segments of our society.

You are assuming that hispanics have been corrupted and that they are now the 'worst segments of our society'.

Not a surprise that you support Trump's condemnation of the judge for his Mexican heritage- since you are labeling all hispanics as 'culturally corrupt'

No, no, no. YOu failed your reading comprehension roll AGAIN.

I said "they were ALIGNING themselves" with the worst segments of our society.

That would be you lefties.

This is no assumption. The polls show it to be true.

YOu lefties have certainly been screaming it loudly enough.

YOu lefties have been screaming that HIspanics hate TRump.

Now Trump says that A hispanic hates him.

You say that makes him racist.

Soooo, what does that make you?

Racist to the infinity degree?
And I asked for a link. Etc etc.

It ain't the topic here anyway, but the fact remains, that's exactly what the OP did -- attack the judge's dead parents.

Not sure what the link is for, I made a statement. Why do we pick and choose which dead parents we can attack? The judge is a judge, Trump is using a legal tactic, good for him, the downside it is a poor political tactic, bad for him.

Pogo is just playing word games in a desperate attempt to deflect and distract from the primary point here.

The question is, is this Judge biased against Donald Trump.

As lefties have been screaming for months that Hispanics hate Donald Trump, their outrage is not very convincing.

Again ----------- link?

As I said, I'm not here to play your silly games.

You are just here to kiss Trump's butt- that is your silly game.

I'm here to Speak the Truth.

You lefties have been screaming that Hispanics hate Trump for months.

Now Trump has said that A hispanic hates him.

And you libs are pretending to be horrible offended by that.


This is me laughing at how stupid that is.

He is a member of a legal association that is part of the la Raza movement, yes he most certainly is.

Why is racist hatred totally OK with you if it comes from minorities?.

I am totally against racist hatred- you know- like what Trump has expressed towards this judge.

Meanwhile- unlike Trump- there is no record of this judge making any racial slurs.

Nor is there any record of the organization that he belongs to making any racist remarks or taking any racist actions.

Show me that an organization that he belongs to has expressed any racial hatred- and I will be glad to condemn such racism.

But in the meantime- I will continue to condemn what Paul Ryan calls 'textbook racism'

And that is by Donald Trump.

Textbook racism is believing that Racial groups have inherent traits that make one racial group superior or inferior to another, and that such differences define people and their lives.

Claiming that HIspanics hate Trump does not fit that textbook definition.

Not when Lefties have been doing it for the last several months, over and over again, and not when Trump did it once too.
You lefties have been gloating for months that Hispanics hate Donald Trump.

Did you forget that?

Again, everybody knows by now you're a moron who can't disntinguish between an individual and some label you contrive in your head, so until you figure out how to do that you are irrelevant.

But go ahead --- prove me wrong with a link. You know, as I challenged you to before, when you ran away like the abject coward you are, courageously hiding behind generalization fallacies.


Your behavior in this entire thread demonstrates that you are a completely partisan political hack.

YOur denials are laughable.

LOL- that is pretty funny since every post you have made is a partisan political hackjob.

All you are interested in is protecting Donald Trump- you don't care that slimeballs like the OP are attacking the judge by attacking his parents, or that Trump is attacking the judge just because of his Mexican heritage.

No one has attacked the dead parents. Please stop lying..

Brip has started two threads attacking the dead parents of the judge- calling them illegals and claiming the judge is an anchor baby.

Why do you lie to stick up for a right wing nut job like Brip?

Do you think being called an illegal is an insult?
So you think Trump was calling this judge a citizen of Mexico- and that is what you are doing?
No, he was referring to the mans national heritage, obviously.

Why do you have to twist this shit into something EVERYBODY knows would not be the intended meaning if spoken in real life?

Why do you have to defend what Trump says regardless of what he says?

Brip himself said that the term Mexican refers to a citizen of Mexico

The term "Mexican" is not an insult. What do you call people who are citizens of Mexico?

Trump called an American citizen from Indiana "Mexican"

By Brip's own wierd 'logic' that would mean Trump thinks the judge is a Mexican citizen.

YOur lack of reading comprehension is incredible.

When Brit pointed out that calling someone a Mexican is not an insult, because "what do you call a citizens of MExico", that does NOT mean that the only people you would call "Mexican" is a citizen of Mexico.

Your pretense that you do not know that people will often say Italian, when they mean Italian-American, or Mexican when they mean Mexican-American is absurd.

Your pretense is that you do not know that people will often say "Mexican" about a Mexican American in order to imply that he is less than a 'real American'- or that people regularly use "Mexican" and "Mexican American" interchangeably"

You and Brip- standing there with Ryan.
But it is absurd for you lefties who have been screaming for months that Hispanic Hate Trump to pretend to be offended when Trump says a hispanic hates him.

It is absurd for you to continue to claim that Trump's foot in mouth is the fault of 'Lefties' when Trump is the one proclaiming that Hispanics love him.

Well, that is kind of a gray area, as they do not need the baby to stay in the USA, thus no anchor needed, but a lot of people consider that still the same.

I dont know.

I do know that Hispanics will eventually be the majority in the USA and it would be better for everyone if they are not a subclass of illegal laborers, living in the shadows and providing a profit to the human traffickers that get them here. They need to re-enter the US in accordance with out laws and live in the light of normal society.

Important point.

The coming Minority Majority will not be a Majority of Hispanics, but a Majority of people who are NOT white.

Whites will still be the largest single ethnic group, for the foreseeable future.

The mistaken expectation that Hispanics/minorities will achieve complete and unbridled power is an expectation that is going to be very disappointed when the largest ethnic group refuses to be a door mat.

In the short run Hispanics will become the plurality of Americans, and then a true majority as people assimilate into their society which is still traditional, mostly Christian based, and wholesome unlike ours.

Adopting a blend of Hispanic-American culture as the norm for our society will be what saves us, if we are saved. And this rotted liberal agnostic moral relativism pop culture will be shed like an old dead skin.

You are assuming that all hispanics are like the ones you see, in your middle class job, and middle class community.

YOu are failing to understand how much socialism and leftism has corrupted their culture and that they are aligning with the worst segments of our society.

You are assuming that hispanics have been corrupted and that they are now the 'worst segments of our society'.

Not a surprise that you support Trump's condemnation of the judge for his Mexican heritage- since you are labeling all hispanics as 'culturally corrupt'

No, no, no. YOu failed your reading comprehension roll AGAIN.

I said "they were ALIGNING themselves" with the worst segments of our society.

And once again- I will point out that you are maligning HIspanics by claiming that they are among the worst segments of our society.

You and Trump- two peas in a pod
Once again the facts show that the lefties are lying about the anchor baby judge and that Trump's criticism is totally justified.

Ay Carumba! Death Record For #JudgeCuriel Papa’s Proves New York Times Lying About U.S. Citizenship

The death certificate for the father of the controversial Mexican judge confirms that Curiel’s parents were not U.S. citizens when he was born.

Death records from Indiana records confirm that Salvador Curiel died a Mexican citizen in 1964… not as the New York Times’s Alan Rappeport reported in an anti-Donald Trump article.

But Rappeport claimed that the elder Curiel had died a U.S. citizen. He didn’t.

Here’s what Rappeport wrote:

Judge Curiel, 62, was born in East Chicago, Ind., to parents who had emigrated from Mexico. Raul Curiel said their father, Salvador, arrived in Arizona as a laborer in the 1920s, eventually receiving citizenship and becoming a steelworker. Their parents were married in Mexico in 1946, and their mother, Francisca, became a citizen after joining her husband in the United States.

In fact Salvador Curiel never received U.S. citizenship and Francisca became a citizen in 1969–five years after her husband died and 18 years after her last son — the future judge Gonzalo Curiel — was born.

So the New York Times got it wrong. They didn’t do their fact checking. Oops.

Could the fact that Mexican telecom billionaire Carlos Slim’s ownership of The New York Times have played a role?

The Times lied routinely LONG before Carlos Slim bought them.

The NY Times looks at the impact a story will have on the party. Whether the story happens to be true or not is of no concern to them.
And I'm not the one of those that have been gloating about how much HIspanics hate Trump and are now pretending to be offended that Trump has agreed.

You are the one defending Trump's racist remarks.

There is nothing racist about saying that Hispanics hate Trump.

Not when Lefties do it, and not when TRump did it.

Why do you believe that Hispanics hate Trump?

Trump says he believes Hispanics love him.....except of course for the Judge who he claims is biased because he is "Mexican"- and is biased because of his 'Mexican heritage'

Hey just like you!
And getting away from Correll brown nosing Trump- back to the OP's lies.

I will point out again that the source Brip is relying upon is a partisan hack liar.

  1. In the first article Brip posted- the hack writer claims there was no evidence that the Judge's mother was ever an American citizen- EVEN though he posted her death certificate which showed her to be an American citizen. Why? Because the hack writer said 'Death Certificates are notoriously unreliable'
  2. In the article the same hack writer wrote- he claims he has proof that the judge's father was never a U.S. Citizen. What evidence? His death certificate- yes the very same document the author said was notoriously unreliable and claimed was not evidence of the mother's citizenship- he turns around and claims it is evidence- for the father's citizenship.
Brip and him- two lying peas in a pod.

What kind of slime ball attacks people by attacking their dead parents?

Here is the family Brip wants to slime

Salvador Curiel originally arrived on his own from the small town of Moscota in Jalisco, Mexico. He joined a cousin in working in the mills, starting with the most difficult and dangerous tasks, but counting himself lucky.

“It was a very good job for any immigrant to have,” the son said.

The father went from U.S. Steel in Gary to Youngstown Sheet and Tub in East Chicago, where he settled down with a woman he had married on a return trip to his native town. Salvador and Francisca had four children, first a daughter, then three sons.

The neighborhood was a mix of seemingly every kind of ethnic group. Raul recalled, “It was blacks, Mexicans, Puerto Ricans, Greek, Polish, and Irish. We all kind of enjoyed each other’s company.”

After years of grunt-level dangers on the job, the father was promoted to working the controls in the coke-making process, selecting particular coals to be mixed and pulverized and laced with oil so as to achieve an ideal density before it is fed into the ovens. He returned home from work one day in 1964, well on the way to achieving the American dream, when he suffered a massive fatal heart attack.

The mother went to work in local factories and kept the dream going along with the household. Raul noted to the Beast, “She was a very strong woman.”

Raul proceeded from high school to Purdue University but was drafted into the Army when he took a brief leave. He was sent to Vietnam in 1970 while his widowed mother and siblings worried at home. He often wrote to his mother and his youngest brother, Gonzalo, who was just entering high school.

In 1971, Raul returned safely home. The family had another reason to celebrate, as the middle brother, Antonio, received an undergraduate degree from Indiana University and proceeded on to the law school. He was just three months from receiving his law degree when his mother suffered a stroke and died in 1975.

She was just 58. She and her husband were cheated of witnessing what all their hard work had enabled the next generation to achieve.

“They never saw the end result,” Raul said.

The youngest brother, Gonzalo, received an undergraduate degree from Indiana University the following year. He was a notably talented guitarist, but he also continued on to the law school, graduating in 1979.

Gonzalo entered private practice in Dyer, Indiana, for several years before heading west. He became an assistant U.S. attorney in San Diego and in Los Angeles, eventually heading the narcotics division.

Talk about the American dream. Two immigrants come to the United States, raise three sons and a daughter- one serves our country in Vietnam, two end up attorneys, one of them a prosecutor of Mexican cartels and eventually a judge.

This is an American family- not a "Mexican" family.
So you think Trump was calling this judge a citizen of Mexico- and that is what you are doing?
No, he was referring to the mans national heritage, obviously.

Why do you have to twist this shit into something EVERYBODY knows would not be the intended meaning if spoken in real life?

Why do you have to defend what Trump says regardless of what he says?

Brip himself said that the term Mexican refers to a citizen of Mexico

The term "Mexican" is not an insult. What do you call people who are citizens of Mexico?

Trump called an American citizen from Indiana "Mexican"

By Brip's own wierd 'logic' that would mean Trump thinks the judge is a Mexican citizen.

YOur lack of reading comprehension is incredible.

When Brit pointed out that calling someone a Mexican is not an insult, because "what do you call a citizens of MExico", that does NOT mean that the only people you would call "Mexican" is a citizen of Mexico.

Your pretense that you do not know that people will often say Italian, when they mean Italian-American, or Mexican when they mean Mexican-American is absurd.

Your pretense is that you do not know that people will often say "Mexican" about a Mexican American in order to imply that he is less than a 'real American'- or that people regularly use "Mexican" and "Mexican American" interchangeably"
View attachment 78016

You and Brip- standing there with Ryan.

When I tell people that my wife is part Italian, I am not implying that she is less than a real America.

When I tell people that my best friend is Italian, I am not implying that he is less than a real America.

When I tell people that my oldest friend is Russian, I am not implying that he is less than a real American.

What this is about is that the Left, for months has been saying that Hispanics Hate Trump.

Thus, when Trump said that a Hispanic hates him, his claim was a very strong claim.

For many political reasons , lefties CAN NOT have Trump's claim seriously considered by the People.

Thus, the manufactured hysteria we see from the Left on this comment.
But it is absurd for you lefties who have been screaming for months that Hispanic Hate Trump to pretend to be offended when Trump says a hispanic hates him.

It is absurd for you to continue to claim that Trump's foot in mouth is the fault of 'Lefties' when Trump is the one proclaiming that Hispanics love him.


Trump's statement about the judge does not contradict his earlier statement the way the Lefties statements attacking Trump does clashes with THEIR earlier statements.

Trump can claim that Hispanics love him and still point out that one Hispanic does NOT.

Lefties are the one that were claiming that HIspanics hate Trump and are now pretending to be outraged that Trump would dare claim that a Hispanic hates him.
Important point.

The coming Minority Majority will not be a Majority of Hispanics, but a Majority of people who are NOT white.

Whites will still be the largest single ethnic group, for the foreseeable future.

The mistaken expectation that Hispanics/minorities will achieve complete and unbridled power is an expectation that is going to be very disappointed when the largest ethnic group refuses to be a door mat.

In the short run Hispanics will become the plurality of Americans, and then a true majority as people assimilate into their society which is still traditional, mostly Christian based, and wholesome unlike ours.

Adopting a blend of Hispanic-American culture as the norm for our society will be what saves us, if we are saved. And this rotted liberal agnostic moral relativism pop culture will be shed like an old dead skin.

You are assuming that all hispanics are like the ones you see, in your middle class job, and middle class community.

YOu are failing to understand how much socialism and leftism has corrupted their culture and that they are aligning with the worst segments of our society.

You are assuming that hispanics have been corrupted and that they are now the 'worst segments of our society'.

Not a surprise that you support Trump's condemnation of the judge for his Mexican heritage- since you are labeling all hispanics as 'culturally corrupt'

No, no, no. YOu failed your reading comprehension roll AGAIN.

I said "they were ALIGNING themselves" with the worst segments of our society.

And once again- I will point out that you are maligning HIspanics by claiming that they are among the worst segments of our society.

You and Trump- two peas in a pod

Here is the definition of Align. Try to be less stupid.


give support to (a person, organization, or cause).

I am not saying that they ARE the worst segments of society, I am saying that they are SUPPORTING the worst segments of society, ie you lefties.

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