Ay Carumba! Death Record For #JudgeCuriel Papa’s Proves New York Times Lying About U.S. Citizenship

No, it would boil down to:
1. Trump complied with the New York state governments complaints and instructions and closed down the institution in 2010, only five years after initiating it.

2. He didnt get sued untill he slammed on Obama in 2011, a full year after the entire thing was voluntarily shut down.

3. The whole thing is nothing but partisan bullshit.

4. Politicians are the biggest hypocrits on the planet if they attack Trump for failure to keep his promises.

That's nice tinfoil stuff, but you have no evidence. Just paranoia. And about a lifelong huckster to boot.

Here's an angle that hasn't been brought up though. Regardless of who the judge is or what language his parents knew, why is Rump so terrified of the sealed documents getting out? If he's running a "legitimate business" and all? What's he got to HIDE?

Have you seen the playbook?

Anyway, again what you said in the previous was that people are manipulatable, and if somebody manipulates them it's their fault for being the victim. That's just weird.

I've seen your lefty playbook.

You fish for any information, and then lie about it to smear your enemies.

What is truly and epicly funny about your post is that this thread is based upon a lie intended to smear Judge Curiel.

That is what you right wing nut jobs do.

You specialize in smear tactics.

In this case- a right wing smear professional goes after Judge Curiel by trying to smear his dead parents.

What kind of person does that?

A right wing nut job you cheer on.

Just as you assholes tried to smear President Obama by attacking his dead mother and father, you try to attack Judge Curiel by attacking his dead mother and father.

And how terrible those parents were? Judge Curiels parents raised a son who graduated from law school, took on Mexican drug cartels, and became a Federal Judge. President Obama's mom raised a son who graduated from Harvard Law, and became a Senator and President.

Both sons of immigrants- both examples of the American dream of success.

Of course the right wing nut jobs like you will attempt to smear them by attacking their dead parents.

Because that is what you do.

No one is saying this judges parents were bad people. Try to be less dishonest.


yes- Brip is saying just that- he called the parents "Illegals" and the judge an anchor baby.

He has started multiple threads doing just that - this thread is an attack on the judge's dead father- and slimy Conservative assholes are okay with it.

Nothing is slimier than attacking a person by attacking his dead parents.

Or so cowardly.

Do you consider illegals by definition to be bad people?

I don't. Trump has clearly stated he does not.

If you assume that about a whole group of people, based on their, what? Ethnicity? Well, that is you, it doesn't mean Brit agrees.
No no, I mean a link to somewhere in this thread.
I'm well aware of Prescott's dealings with Nazi Germany. Not sure how it's relevant here.

Not in this thread, Syirus made the statement "Nothing is slimier than attacking a person by attacking his dead parents." I simply brought up another incident of people attacking dead parents.

And I asked for a link. Etc etc.

It ain't the topic here anyway, but the fact remains, that's exactly what the OP did -- attack the judge's dead parents.

Not sure what the link is for, I made a statement. Why do we pick and choose which dead parents we can attack? The judge is a judge, Trump is using a legal tactic, good for him, the downside it is a poor political tactic, bad for him.

Pogo is just playing word games in a desperate attempt to deflect and distract from the primary point here.

The question is, is this Judge biased against Donald Trump.

As lefties have been screaming for months that Hispanics hate Donald Trump, their outrage is not very convincing.

Again ----------- link?

I'm not here to play your silly games.

Is this how you act in a court of law?
If you do a search on the board using bush and Nazi, you will find a lot of threads. Pretty stupid stuff but the nutters like it.

No no, I mean a link to somewhere in this thread.
I'm well aware of Prescott's dealings with Nazi Germany. Not sure how it's relevant here.

Not in this thread, Syirus made the statement "Nothing is slimier than attacking a person by attacking his dead parents." I simply brought up another incident of people attacking dead parents.

And I asked for a link. Etc etc.

It ain't the topic here anyway, but the fact remains, that's exactly what the OP did -- attack the judge's dead parents.

Not sure what the link is for, I made a statement. Why do we pick and choose which dead parents we can attack? The judge is a judge, Trump is using a legal tactic, good for him, the downside it is a poor political tactic, bad for him.

It's simply a mob mentality brownie points tactic, for lack of a shorter term like "demagogue". Obviously the ethnicity of any given judge has no bearing on a fraud case -- fraud is fraud is fraud. As I said before, if I get a speeding ticket, do I want a Romanian judge or a Finn? It makes no sense on its face, so it's an obvious appeal to ..... something else.

The New York Times disagrees. I posted a link to an article from them.

Did you read it?
YOur pretense that Trump was claiming that the Judge was a Mexican Citizen is utter nonsense.

You are being very dishonest.

I said "Mexican Citizen" where?

Yeah tell me about "dishonesty", you lying hack.

And more stupid dishonest word games.

Your repeated statements that the Judge is NOT "Mexican" because he was born in Indiana, ONLY makes sense if you are referring to national citizenship, because a Mexican-American can CERTAINLY be born in Indiana.

Is this how you lawyers supposedly contribute to society?

And the judge is indeed a "Mexican American"

But Trump didn't call him a Mexican American- he called him a Mexican.

Mexican's are not born in Indiana.

But Trump purposely called him a Mexican- he specifically identified him as a Mexican. And specifically said he was biased because of his "Mexican heritage".

Or as Republican Speaker of the House said "a textbook example of a racist statement"

You're an idiot. Until PC made it a crime against humanity, Americans typical referred to people of Mexican heritage as "Mexican," just as they referred to people of Irish heritage as "Irish."

Your post is a big fat lie.

Yeah and at one time Americans typically referred to African Americans as n*ggers.

Yes- I know you hate the PC world that makes it un PC for you to call an African American a n*gger, or a woman a c*nt, or a Jew a k*ke.

And to you, a person born in Indiana whose parents are a browner shade of skin, is just a Mexican, or an Anchor Baby.

Because that is the kind of slimeball you are.

The kind that attacks someone by attacking their dead parents.

Calling someone Italian, or Polish, OR Mexican is not the same as calling them n*ggers.

Try to be less dishonest.
No no, I mean a link to somewhere in this thread.
I'm well aware of Prescott's dealings with Nazi Germany. Not sure how it's relevant here.

Not in this thread, Syirus made the statement "Nothing is slimier than attacking a person by attacking his dead parents." I simply brought up another incident of people attacking dead parents.

And I asked for a link. Etc etc.

It ain't the topic here anyway, but the fact remains, that's exactly what the OP did -- attack the judge's dead parents.

Not sure what the link is for, I made a statement. Why do we pick and choose which dead parents we can attack? The judge is a judge, Trump is using a legal tactic, good for him, the downside it is a poor political tactic, bad for him.

It's simply a mob mentality brownie points tactic, for lack of a shorter term like "demagogue". Obviously the ethnicity of any given judge has no bearing on a fraud case -- fraud is fraud is fraud. As I said before, if I get a speeding ticket, do I want a Romanian judge or a Finn? It makes no sense on its face, so it's an obvious appeal to ..... something else.

Depends if you are looking to appeal an unfavorable decision.

As has also been pointed out before, if there's a legal angle -- a legitimate one -- Rump's attorneys are already on it. I very much doubt that among them will be a "Motion to dismiss the judge on the basis that we think he's Mexican". :lol:

That would be right up there with the famous "Motion to Kiss My Ass".

-- So clearly, it's not the court he's addressing, nor is it his place to anyway. He's appealing to his minions to rise up and storm the courtroom in some fashion, just as he incites them to slug people. It's how he rolls --- puppet strings. And threads like this ..... going after the judge's dead parents of all things ..... show how obediently those zombies unquestioningly hear and obey.
So you think Trump was calling this judge a citizen of Mexico- and that is what you are doing?
No, he was referring to the mans national heritage, obviously.

Why do you have to twist this shit into something EVERYBODY knows would not be the intended meaning if spoken in real life?

Because they HAVE to do SOMETHING to distract from the truth.

The question is, is this Judge biased against Donald Trump.

As the lefties have been screaming for months that Hispanics hate Donald Trump, their outrage is not very convincing.
Not in this thread, Syirus made the statement "Nothing is slimier than attacking a person by attacking his dead parents." I simply brought up another incident of people attacking dead parents.

And I asked for a link. Etc etc.

It ain't the topic here anyway, but the fact remains, that's exactly what the OP did -- attack the judge's dead parents.

Not sure what the link is for, I made a statement. Why do we pick and choose which dead parents we can attack? The judge is a judge, Trump is using a legal tactic, good for him, the downside it is a poor political tactic, bad for him.

It's simply a mob mentality brownie points tactic, for lack of a shorter term like "demagogue". Obviously the ethnicity of any given judge has no bearing on a fraud case -- fraud is fraud is fraud. As I said before, if I get a speeding ticket, do I want a Romanian judge or a Finn? It makes no sense on its face, so it's an obvious appeal to ..... something else.

Depends if you are looking to appeal an unfavorable decision.

As has also been pointed out before, if there's a legal angle -- a legitimate one -- Rump's attorneys are already on it. I very much doubt that among them will be a "Motion to dismiss the judge on the basis that we think he's Mexican". :lol:

-- So clearly, it's not the court he's addressing, nor is it his place to anyway. He's appealing to his minions to rise up and storm the courtroom in some fashion, just as he incites them to slug people. It's how he rolls --- puppet strings. And threads like this ..... going after the judge's dead parents of all things ..... show how obediently those zombies unquestioningly hear and obey.

Not a motion to dismiss, it's a motion to appeal. It's an old tactic and will probably not work but it is worth the shot. Bad political move in my opinion but it is only my opinion, one of billions.
No no, I mean a link to somewhere in this thread.
I'm well aware of Prescott's dealings with Nazi Germany. Not sure how it's relevant here.

Not in this thread, Syirus made the statement "Nothing is slimier than attacking a person by attacking his dead parents." I simply brought up another incident of people attacking dead parents.

And I asked for a link. Etc etc.

It ain't the topic here anyway, but the fact remains, that's exactly what the OP did -- attack the judge's dead parents.

Not sure what the link is for, I made a statement. Why do we pick and choose which dead parents we can attack? The judge is a judge, Trump is using a legal tactic, good for him, the downside it is a poor political tactic, bad for him.

It's simply a mob mentality brownie points tactic, for lack of a shorter term like "demagogue". Obviously the ethnicity of any given judge has no bearing on a fraud case -- fraud is fraud is fraud. As I said before, if I get a speeding ticket, do I want a Romanian judge or a Finn? It makes no sense on its face, so it's an obvious appeal to ..... something else.

The New York Times disagrees. I posted a link to an article from them.

Did you read it?

Nope, didn't see it.

The New York Times disagrees with my speeding ticket analogy? I'm shocked.
Not in this thread, Syirus made the statement "Nothing is slimier than attacking a person by attacking his dead parents." I simply brought up another incident of people attacking dead parents.

And I asked for a link. Etc etc.

It ain't the topic here anyway, but the fact remains, that's exactly what the OP did -- attack the judge's dead parents.

Not sure what the link is for, I made a statement. Why do we pick and choose which dead parents we can attack? The judge is a judge, Trump is using a legal tactic, good for him, the downside it is a poor political tactic, bad for him.

It's simply a mob mentality brownie points tactic, for lack of a shorter term like "demagogue". Obviously the ethnicity of any given judge has no bearing on a fraud case -- fraud is fraud is fraud. As I said before, if I get a speeding ticket, do I want a Romanian judge or a Finn? It makes no sense on its face, so it's an obvious appeal to ..... something else.

Depends if you are looking to appeal an unfavorable decision.

As has also been pointed out before, if there's a legal angle -- a legitimate one -- Rump's attorneys are already on it. I very much doubt that among them will be a "Motion to dismiss the judge on the basis that we think he's Mexican". :lol:

That would be right up there with the famous "Motion to Kiss My Ass".

-- So clearly, it's not the court he's addressing, nor is it his place to anyway. He's appealing to his minions to rise up and storm the courtroom in some fashion, just as he incites them to slug people. It's how he rolls --- puppet strings. And threads like this ..... going after the judge's dead parents of all things ..... show how obediently those zombies unquestioningly hear and obey.

What or who is "Rump"?

Butts don't have attorneys.

You're crazy.
And I asked for a link. Etc etc.

It ain't the topic here anyway, but the fact remains, that's exactly what the OP did -- attack the judge's dead parents.

Not sure what the link is for, I made a statement. Why do we pick and choose which dead parents we can attack? The judge is a judge, Trump is using a legal tactic, good for him, the downside it is a poor political tactic, bad for him.

It's simply a mob mentality brownie points tactic, for lack of a shorter term like "demagogue". Obviously the ethnicity of any given judge has no bearing on a fraud case -- fraud is fraud is fraud. As I said before, if I get a speeding ticket, do I want a Romanian judge or a Finn? It makes no sense on its face, so it's an obvious appeal to ..... something else.

Depends if you are looking to appeal an unfavorable decision.

As has also been pointed out before, if there's a legal angle -- a legitimate one -- Rump's attorneys are already on it. I very much doubt that among them will be a "Motion to dismiss the judge on the basis that we think he's Mexican". :lol:

-- So clearly, it's not the court he's addressing, nor is it his place to anyway. He's appealing to his minions to rise up and storm the courtroom in some fashion, just as he incites them to slug people. It's how he rolls --- puppet strings. And threads like this ..... going after the judge's dead parents of all things ..... show how obediently those zombies unquestioningly hear and obey.

Not a motion to dismiss, it's a motion to appeal. It's an old tactic and will probably not work but it is worth the shot. Bad political move in my opinion but it is only my opinion, one of billions.

Funny, I thought POgo was a lawyer.
Not in this thread, Syirus made the statement "Nothing is slimier than attacking a person by attacking his dead parents." I simply brought up another incident of people attacking dead parents.

And I asked for a link. Etc etc.

It ain't the topic here anyway, but the fact remains, that's exactly what the OP did -- attack the judge's dead parents.

Not sure what the link is for, I made a statement. Why do we pick and choose which dead parents we can attack? The judge is a judge, Trump is using a legal tactic, good for him, the downside it is a poor political tactic, bad for him.

It's simply a mob mentality brownie points tactic, for lack of a shorter term like "demagogue". Obviously the ethnicity of any given judge has no bearing on a fraud case -- fraud is fraud is fraud. As I said before, if I get a speeding ticket, do I want a Romanian judge or a Finn? It makes no sense on its face, so it's an obvious appeal to ..... something else.

The New York Times disagrees. I posted a link to an article from them.

Did you read it?

Nope, didn't see it.

The New York Times disagrees with my speeding ticket analogy? I'm shocked.

Funny you didn't ask for THAT link, though, isn't it?

And I asked for a link. Etc etc.

It ain't the topic here anyway, but the fact remains, that's exactly what the OP did -- attack the judge's dead parents.

Not sure what the link is for, I made a statement. Why do we pick and choose which dead parents we can attack? The judge is a judge, Trump is using a legal tactic, good for him, the downside it is a poor political tactic, bad for him.

It's simply a mob mentality brownie points tactic, for lack of a shorter term like "demagogue". Obviously the ethnicity of any given judge has no bearing on a fraud case -- fraud is fraud is fraud. As I said before, if I get a speeding ticket, do I want a Romanian judge or a Finn? It makes no sense on its face, so it's an obvious appeal to ..... something else.

The New York Times disagrees. I posted a link to an article from them.

Did you read it?

Nope, didn't see it.

The New York Times disagrees with my speeding ticket analogy? I'm shocked.

Funny you didn't ask for THAT link, though, isn't it?


It's uh, not possible to ask for something I didn't know you don't have.
There is no single entity known as 'la Raza', any more than there is a single KKK.

That pretty much obliterates your association fallacy with this José Vasconcelos, does it not?

No it does not. Movements can contain many multiple organizations that are part of it.

Do you feel ashamed of acting like a moron yet?

Are you aware you just posted a note to self on the internets?

Of course it obliterates it. You're actually suggesting that some name some guy was associated with is forever tainted by other things he did, just because it's the same name? Think about it.

Yes, there are reasons that organizations take the names of movement like the KKK or the neoNazis, or la Raza; they agree with the movement and its goals, you fucking liar, and you know it.
Why is it so important for Trumpenators to destroy Curiel?

It's not.

It's important for lefties to pretend that questioning the fairness of a hispanic judge is racist, so that they can smear Trump.

That's hard to do, since "Hispanic" is not a race. Nor is "Mexican", which is the term Rump actually used.

It is funny that you use a word, "rump" to describe something ELSE, while being such a disingenuous prick about proper word choice.

Liberals: All the self awareness of a turnip.

I eagerly await your bizarre and self serving rationalization why YOU get to use words "incorrectly" when you throw such a hissy fit if some one uses them in a manner not exactly dictionary definition perfect.

Note how I dismiss the possibly that you will honestly admit your ironic mistake and stop being such a prick.

Ain't no hissy, missy. I simply negated your claim that, and I quote, "It's important for lefties to pretend that questioning the fairness of a hispanic [sic] judge is racist, so that they can smear Trump". Not only is "Hispanic" not racist -- making that argument impossible -- it isn't even the word Rump used anyway, so you utterly fail in two dimensions.

And by the way we capitalize proper adjectives in English.

Butts can't talk.

YOur post makes no sense.
No no, I mean a link to somewhere in this thread.
I'm well aware of Prescott's dealings with Nazi Germany. Not sure how it's relevant here.

Not in this thread, Syirus made the statement "Nothing is slimier than attacking a person by attacking his dead parents." I simply brought up another incident of people attacking dead parents.

And I asked for a link. Etc etc.

It ain't the topic here anyway, but the fact remains, that's exactly what the OP did -- attack the judge's dead parents.

Not sure what the link is for, I made a statement. Why do we pick and choose which dead parents we can attack? The judge is a judge, Trump is using a legal tactic, good for him, the downside it is a poor political tactic, bad for him.

Pogo is just playing word games in a desperate attempt to deflect and distract from the primary point here.

The question is, is this Judge biased against Donald Trump.

As lefties have been screaming for months that Hispanics hate Donald Trump, their outrage is not very convincing.

Again ----------- link?

As I said, I'm not here to play your silly games.
Not sure what the link is for, I made a statement. Why do we pick and choose which dead parents we can attack? The judge is a judge, Trump is using a legal tactic, good for him, the downside it is a poor political tactic, bad for him.

It's simply a mob mentality brownie points tactic, for lack of a shorter term like "demagogue". Obviously the ethnicity of any given judge has no bearing on a fraud case -- fraud is fraud is fraud. As I said before, if I get a speeding ticket, do I want a Romanian judge or a Finn? It makes no sense on its face, so it's an obvious appeal to ..... something else.

The New York Times disagrees. I posted a link to an article from them.

Did you read it?

Nope, didn't see it.

The New York Times disagrees with my speeding ticket analogy? I'm shocked.

Funny you didn't ask for THAT link, though, isn't it?


It's uh, not possible to ask for something I didn't know you don't have.

And you still didn't challenge me for it.

It's simply a mob mentality brownie points tactic, for lack of a shorter term like "demagogue". Obviously the ethnicity of any given judge has no bearing on a fraud case -- fraud is fraud is fraud. As I said before, if I get a speeding ticket, do I want a Romanian judge or a Finn? It makes no sense on its face, so it's an obvious appeal to ..... something else.

The New York Times disagrees. I posted a link to an article from them.

Did you read it?

Nope, didn't see it.

The New York Times disagrees with my speeding ticket analogy? I'm shocked.

Funny you didn't ask for THAT link, though, isn't it?


It's uh, not possible to ask for something I didn't know you don't have.

And you still didn't challenge me for it.


That's ironic, coming as it does IMMEDIATELY after this:
As I said, I'm not here to play your silly games.


--- such a tool.
So you think Trump was calling this judge a citizen of Mexico- and that is what you are doing?
No, he was referring to the mans national heritage, obviously.

Why do you have to twist this shit into something EVERYBODY knows would not be the intended meaning if spoken in real life?

Because they HAVE to do SOMETHING to distract from the truth.

The question is, is this Judge biased against Donald Trump..

But that is not the question in this thread.

This thread is about a slimeball's attempt to attack this judge by attacking his dead parents.

The question is why do you support slimeball attacks on a persons dead parents.

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