Ay Carumba! Death Record For #JudgeCuriel Papa’s Proves New York Times Lying About U.S. Citizenship

Not in court. Odd isn't it that Trump and his lawyers are trying to argue this in public- and not in court?

Yes, it is. Maybe his lawyers think that they will win anyway and dont want to start everything over from square one with a different judge? I dont know, just guessing.

And of course the judge is not part of "La Raza"- which is why this is such a fail from the beginning.

He is a member of a legal association that is part of the la Raza movement, yes he most certainly is.

Why is racist hatred totally OK with you if it comes from minorities?

If this judge is such a racist- why did the Republican Senate confirm him? Why did a Republican Governor appoint him?

Because Republican leaders are either 1. ignorant of the history of la Raza and they think it is just a Hispanic civic organization, or 2. they are just too weak willed to stand up for consistent principles, or 3 both 1 and 2. Any assortment of which would explain why Republican voters are sick to the point of the GOP elites, to the point of nominating a complete novice to lead the party instead of anyone with acceptability to the GOP establishment.

They are gutless, witless power mongering fools after decades of training to be Democrat lap dogs.

They can all go straight to hell.
I've seen your lefty playbook.

You fish for any information, and then lie about it to smear your enemies.

What is truly and epicly funny about your post is that this thread is based upon a lie intended to smear Judge Curiel.

That is what you right wing nut jobs do.

You specialize in smear tactics.

In this case- a right wing smear professional goes after Judge Curiel by trying to smear his dead parents.

What kind of person does that?

A right wing nut job you cheer on.

Just as you assholes tried to smear President Obama by attacking his dead mother and father, you try to attack Judge Curiel by attacking his dead mother and father.

And how terrible those parents were? Judge Curiels parents raised a son who graduated from law school, took on Mexican drug cartels, and became a Federal Judge. President Obama's mom raised a son who graduated from Harvard Law, and became a Senator and President.

Both sons of immigrants- both examples of the American dream of success.

Of course the right wing nut jobs like you will attempt to smear them by attacking their dead parents.

Because that is what you do.

No one is saying this judges parents were bad people. Try to be less dishonest.


yes- Brip is saying just that- he called the parents "Illegals" and the judge an anchor baby.

He has started multiple threads doing just that - this thread is an attack on the judge's dead father- and slimy Conservative assholes are okay with it.

Nothing is slimier than attacking a person by attacking his dead parents.

Or so cowardly.

If you think illegals are bad people, then why do you want them to be allowed to stay here?

Your position on the matter is schizophrenic.

The bottom line is that there isn't a shred of evidence that his parents were here legally.

The bottom line is that you are a slimy asshole who a) lies and b) attacks a person by attacking his dead parents

Your very first post showed the evidence that they were here legally- like I say- you just lie.

yes- Brip is saying just that- he called the parents "Illegals" and the judge an anchor baby.

He has started multiple threads doing just that - this thread is an attack on the judge's dead father- and slimy Conservative assholes are okay with it.

Nothing is slimier than attacking a person by attacking his dead parents.

Or so cowardly

Like attacking George Bush's grandfather, calling no him a Nazi sympathizer? Slimy, like that? I agree.
What is truly and epicly funny about your post is that this thread is based upon a lie intended to smear Judge Curiel.

That is what you right wing nut jobs do.

You specialize in smear tactics.

In this case- a right wing smear professional goes after Judge Curiel by trying to smear his dead parents.

What kind of person does that?

A right wing nut job you cheer on.

Just as you assholes tried to smear President Obama by attacking his dead mother and father, you try to attack Judge Curiel by attacking his dead mother and father.

And how terrible those parents were? Judge Curiels parents raised a son who graduated from law school, took on Mexican drug cartels, and became a Federal Judge. President Obama's mom raised a son who graduated from Harvard Law, and became a Senator and President.

Both sons of immigrants- both examples of the American dream of success.

Of course the right wing nut jobs like you will attempt to smear them by attacking their dead parents.

Because that is what you do.

No one is saying this judges parents were bad people. Try to be less dishonest.


yes- Brip is saying just that- he called the parents "Illegals" and the judge an anchor baby.

He has started multiple threads doing just that - this thread is an attack on the judge's dead father- and slimy Conservative assholes are okay with it.

Nothing is slimier than attacking a person by attacking his dead parents.

Or so cowardly.

If you think illegals are bad people, then why do you want them to be allowed to stay here?

Your position on the matter is schizophrenic.

The bottom line is that there isn't a shred of evidence that his parents were here legally.

The bottom line is that you are a slimy asshole who a) lies and b) attacks a person by attacking his dead parents

Your very first post showed the evidence that they were here legally- like I say- you just lie.

yes- Brip is saying just that- he called the parents "Illegals" and the judge an anchor baby.

He has started multiple threads doing just that - this thread is an attack on the judge's dead father- and slimy Conservative assholes are okay with it.

Nothing is slimier than attacking a person by attacking his dead parents.

Or so cowardly

Like attacking George Bush's grandfather, calling no him a Nazi sympathizer? Slimy, like that? I agree.


I musta missed that.
No one is saying this judges parents were bad people. Try to be less dishonest.


yes- Brip is saying just that- he called the parents "Illegals" and the judge an anchor baby.

He has started multiple threads doing just that - this thread is an attack on the judge's dead father- and slimy Conservative assholes are okay with it.

Nothing is slimier than attacking a person by attacking his dead parents.

Or so cowardly.

If you think illegals are bad people, then why do you want them to be allowed to stay here?

Your position on the matter is schizophrenic.

The bottom line is that there isn't a shred of evidence that his parents were here legally.

The bottom line is that you are a slimy asshole who a) lies and b) attacks a person by attacking his dead parents

Your very first post showed the evidence that they were here legally- like I say- you just lie.

yes- Brip is saying just that- he called the parents "Illegals" and the judge an anchor baby.

He has started multiple threads doing just that - this thread is an attack on the judge's dead father- and slimy Conservative assholes are okay with it.

Nothing is slimier than attacking a person by attacking his dead parents.

Or so cowardly

Like attacking George Bush's grandfather, calling no him a Nazi sympathizer? Slimy, like that? I agree.


I musta missed that.

If you do a search on the board using bush and Nazi, you will find a lot of threads. Pretty stupid stuff but the nutters like it.
yes- Brip is saying just that- he called the parents "Illegals" and the judge an anchor baby.

He has started multiple threads doing just that - this thread is an attack on the judge's dead father- and slimy Conservative assholes are okay with it.

Nothing is slimier than attacking a person by attacking his dead parents.

Or so cowardly.

If you think illegals are bad people, then why do you want them to be allowed to stay here?

Your position on the matter is schizophrenic.

The bottom line is that there isn't a shred of evidence that his parents were here legally.

The bottom line is that you are a slimy asshole who a) lies and b) attacks a person by attacking his dead parents

Your very first post showed the evidence that they were here legally- like I say- you just lie.

yes- Brip is saying just that- he called the parents "Illegals" and the judge an anchor baby.

He has started multiple threads doing just that - this thread is an attack on the judge's dead father- and slimy Conservative assholes are okay with it.

Nothing is slimier than attacking a person by attacking his dead parents.

Or so cowardly

Like attacking George Bush's grandfather, calling no him a Nazi sympathizer? Slimy, like that? I agree.


I musta missed that.

If you do a search on the board using bush and Nazi, you will find a lot of threads. Pretty stupid stuff but the nutters like it.

No no, I mean a link to somewhere in this thread.
I'm well aware of Prescott's dealings with Nazi Germany. Not sure how it's relevant here.
If you think illegals are bad people, then why do you want them to be allowed to stay here?

Your position on the matter is schizophrenic.

The bottom line is that there isn't a shred of evidence that his parents were here legally.

The bottom line is that you are a slimy asshole who a) lies and b) attacks a person by attacking his dead parents

Your very first post showed the evidence that they were here legally- like I say- you just lie.

yes- Brip is saying just that- he called the parents "Illegals" and the judge an anchor baby.

He has started multiple threads doing just that - this thread is an attack on the judge's dead father- and slimy Conservative assholes are okay with it.

Nothing is slimier than attacking a person by attacking his dead parents.

Or so cowardly

Like attacking George Bush's grandfather, calling no him a Nazi sympathizer? Slimy, like that? I agree.


I musta missed that.

If you do a search on the board using bush and Nazi, you will find a lot of threads. Pretty stupid stuff but the nutters like it.

No no, I mean a link to somewhere in this thread.
I'm well aware of Prescott's dealings with Nazi Germany. Not sure how it's relevant here.

Not in this thread, Syirus made the statement "Nothing is slimier than attacking a person by attacking his dead parents." I simply brought up another incident of people attacking dead parents.
The bottom line is that you are a slimy asshole who a) lies and b) attacks a person by attacking his dead parents

Your very first post showed the evidence that they were here legally- like I say- you just lie.

yes- Brip is saying just that- he called the parents "Illegals" and the judge an anchor baby.

He has started multiple threads doing just that - this thread is an attack on the judge's dead father- and slimy Conservative assholes are okay with it.

Nothing is slimier than attacking a person by attacking his dead parents.

Or so cowardly

Like attacking George Bush's grandfather, calling no him a Nazi sympathizer? Slimy, like that? I agree.


I musta missed that.

If you do a search on the board using bush and Nazi, you will find a lot of threads. Pretty stupid stuff but the nutters like it.

No no, I mean a link to somewhere in this thread.
I'm well aware of Prescott's dealings with Nazi Germany. Not sure how it's relevant here.

Not in this thread, Syirus made the statement "Nothing is slimier than attacking a person by attacking his dead parents." I simply brought up another incident of people attacking dead parents.

And I asked for a link. Etc etc.

It ain't the topic here anyway, but the fact remains, that's exactly what the OP did -- attack the judge's dead parents.
Like attacking George Bush's grandfather, calling no him a Nazi sympathizer? Slimy, like that? I agree.


I musta missed that.

If you do a search on the board using bush and Nazi, you will find a lot of threads. Pretty stupid stuff but the nutters like it.

No no, I mean a link to somewhere in this thread.
I'm well aware of Prescott's dealings with Nazi Germany. Not sure how it's relevant here.

Not in this thread, Syirus made the statement "Nothing is slimier than attacking a person by attacking his dead parents." I simply brought up another incident of people attacking dead parents.

And I asked for a link. Etc etc.

It ain't the topic here anyway, but the fact remains, that's exactly what the OP did -- attack the judge's dead parents.

Not sure what the link is for, I made a statement. Why do we pick and choose which dead parents we can attack? The judge is a judge, Trump is using a legal tactic, good for him, the downside it is a poor political tactic, bad for him.
Not according to Brip- you know the author of the OP.

According to him an anchor baby is anyone born in the United States whose parents are not U.S. citizens- and just coincidentally- he is talking specifically about people who are from Mexico.

You know- how in this thread he claims that the Judge is an anchor baby even though he knows both parents were legally in the United States?
Well, that is kind of a gray area, as they do not need the baby to stay in the USA, thus no anchor needed, but a lot of people consider that still the same.

I dont know.

I do know that Hispanics will eventually be the majority in the USA and it would be better for everyone if they are not a subclass of illegal laborers, living in the shadows and providing a profit to the human traffickers that get them here. They need to re-enter the US in accordance with out laws and live in the light of normal society.

Important point.

The coming Minority Majority will not be a Majority of Hispanics, but a Majority of people who are NOT white.

Whites will still be the largest single ethnic group, for the foreseeable future.

The mistaken expectation that Hispanics/minorities will achieve complete and unbridled power is an expectation that is going to be very disappointed when the largest ethnic group refuses to be a door mat.

In the short run Hispanics will become the plurality of Americans, and then a true majority as people assimilate into their society which is still traditional, mostly Christian based, and wholesome unlike ours.

Adopting a blend of Hispanic-American culture as the norm for our society will be what saves us, if we are saved. And this rotted liberal agnostic moral relativism pop culture will be shed like an old dead skin.

You are assuming that all hispanics are like the ones you see, in your middle class job, and middle class community.

YOu are failing to understand how much socialism and leftism has corrupted their culture and that they are aligning with the worst segments of our society.

I hope you are enjoying the quiet civility we are currently having.

For these are the Good Old Days.

I musta missed that.

If you do a search on the board using bush and Nazi, you will find a lot of threads. Pretty stupid stuff but the nutters like it.

No no, I mean a link to somewhere in this thread.
I'm well aware of Prescott's dealings with Nazi Germany. Not sure how it's relevant here.

Not in this thread, Syirus made the statement "Nothing is slimier than attacking a person by attacking his dead parents." I simply brought up another incident of people attacking dead parents.

And I asked for a link. Etc etc.

It ain't the topic here anyway, but the fact remains, that's exactly what the OP did -- attack the judge's dead parents.

Not sure what the link is for, I made a statement. Why do we pick and choose which dead parents we can attack? The judge is a judge, Trump is using a legal tactic, good for him, the downside it is a poor political tactic, bad for him.

Pogo is just playing word games in a desperate attempt to deflect and distract from the primary point here.

The question is, is this Judge biased against Donald Trump.

As lefties have been screaming for months that Hispanics hate Donald Trump, their outrage is not very convincing.
Why is it so important for Trumpenators to destroy Curiel?

Because they want to distract attention from the point that Trump called him a "Mexican"

So what? Trump called him a Mexican, I have called him a Mexican, his mom probably called his whole family Mexican.

Can you liberals stop being offended for so many other people and let them speak for themselves?

And what would be the relevance in raising that adjective --- in a fraud case?

If I get a speeding ticket, do I want to go before a Portuguese judge, or a Latvian? Any idea?

You lefties have been gloating for months that Hispanics hate Donald Trump.

Did you forget that?

Again, everybody knows by now you're a moron who can't disntinguish between an individual and some label you contrive in your head, so until you figure out how to do that you are irrelevant.

But go ahead --- prove me wrong with a link. You know, as I challenged you to before, when you ran away like the abject coward you are, courageously hiding behind generalization fallacies.


Your behavior in this entire thread demonstrates that you are a completely partisan political hack.

YOur denials are laughable.
Why is it so important for Trumpenators to destroy Curiel?

What I wanna know is ---- what the hell is in those unsealed papers that Donald Rump is so horrified might get around?

You do not want to know.

You don't care.

Not in the short term, you're right. I don't. I just find it interesting that Rump wants so desperately to keep them from view. THAT tells me enough for now.

His reasons for doing so might be real, as in damning evidence, or might be imagined, as in more of the same whiny little bitch behavior exposed. Who cares for now. It's more interesting that he's trying to smokescreen that fear of exposure through the lens of this "Mexican from Indiana" bullshit. At this point, for me it's not about the fraud-- it's about the psychology.


For you, everything is obviously about partisan politics.

YOu want this lefty judge to give your lefty allies in the media something they can gin up into more negative talking points.

And in the short term, you feel a need to deflect and distract from the central truth of this "scandal".

The question is, is this Judge biased against Donald Trump.

As you lefties have been screaming for months that Hispanics hate Donald Trump, your outrage is not very convincing.
Why is it so important for Trumpenators to destroy Curiel?

It's not.

It's important for lefties to pretend that questioning the fairness of a hispanic judge is racist, so that they can smear Trump.

That's hard to do, since "Hispanic" is not a race. Nor is "Mexican", which is the term Rump actually used.

It is funny that you use a word, "rump" to describe something ELSE, while being such a disingenuous prick about proper word choice.

Liberals: All the self awareness of a turnip.

I eagerly await your bizarre and self serving rationalization why YOU get to use words "incorrectly" when you throw such a hissy fit if some one uses them in a manner not exactly dictionary definition perfect.

Note how I dismiss the possibly that you will honestly admit your ironic mistake and stop being such a prick.
Yep- and as we all know it is quite one thing to call someone else within the community as "Irish" it is quite different when the WASP Mayor of a New Engliand town refers to his opposition as 'the Irish candidate"
Why is it different?

If they self identify themselves as Irish, using synecdoche, why is it offenseive for people to repeat this same figure of speech?

You know why- you just want to argue about it.

Those who despised the Irish Americans used to call them "Irish" and worse- as a perjorative- because to them they weren't Americans- they were "Irish". The Irish diminished the pejorative by using it themselves. But you call an Irish American "Irish" on any day other than Saint Patricks day and you are likely going to offend.

Every ethnic group I know of feels the same way- they are proudly American of "X" heritage- if someone else calls them Mexican or Chinese it is an insult.

We all know this- we have all known ethnic minorities who feel the exact same way- and you know this too.

I have never run into this. I've referred to people as Italian or Polish, or what have you, and heard them use the same terms without trying to make any "point" other than using the words to refer to their ethnic and/or cultural heritage.

Hell, I'VE used such speech in reference to my OWN very distant ancestral homeland/heritage.
Why is it so important for Trumpenators to destroy Curiel?

Because they want to distract attention from the point that Trump called him a "Mexican"

So what? Trump called him a Mexican, I have called him a Mexican, his mom probably called his whole family Mexican.

Can you liberals stop being offended for so many other people and let them speak for themselves?

The Judge can't speak for himself- he is forbidden by law and court rules from defending himself.

Remember- this thread was not started by 'you liberals' it was started by a Conservative wanker who is attacking Judge Curiel by attacking his dead parents.

And it doesn't get much more slimy than attacking someone by attacking someone's dead parents.

There is nothing in the op attacking the Judges parents.
Why is it so important for Trumpenators to destroy Curiel?

It's not.

It's important for lefties to pretend that questioning the fairness of a hispanic judge is racist, so that they can smear Trump.

That's hard to do, since "Hispanic" is not a race. Nor is "Mexican", which is the term Rump actually used.

It is funny that you use a word, "rump" to describe something ELSE, while being such a disingenuous prick about proper word choice.

Liberals: All the self awareness of a turnip.

I eagerly await your bizarre and self serving rationalization why YOU get to use words "incorrectly" when you throw such a hissy fit if some one uses them in a manner not exactly dictionary definition perfect.

Note how I dismiss the possibly that you will honestly admit your ironic mistake and stop being such a prick.

Ain't no hissy, missy. I simply negated your claim that, and I quote, "It's important for lefties to pretend that questioning the fairness of a hispanic [sic] judge is racist, so that they can smear Trump". Not only is "Hispanic" not racist -- making that argument impossible -- it isn't even the word Rump used anyway, so you utterly fail in two dimensions.

And by the way we capitalize proper adjectives in English.
If you do a search on the board using bush and Nazi, you will find a lot of threads. Pretty stupid stuff but the nutters like it.

No no, I mean a link to somewhere in this thread.
I'm well aware of Prescott's dealings with Nazi Germany. Not sure how it's relevant here.

Not in this thread, Syirus made the statement "Nothing is slimier than attacking a person by attacking his dead parents." I simply brought up another incident of people attacking dead parents.

And I asked for a link. Etc etc.

It ain't the topic here anyway, but the fact remains, that's exactly what the OP did -- attack the judge's dead parents.

Not sure what the link is for, I made a statement. Why do we pick and choose which dead parents we can attack? The judge is a judge, Trump is using a legal tactic, good for him, the downside it is a poor political tactic, bad for him.

Pogo is just playing word games in a desperate attempt to deflect and distract from the primary point here.

The question is, is this Judge biased against Donald Trump.

As lefties have been screaming for months that Hispanics hate Donald Trump, their outrage is not very convincing.

Again ----------- link?

I musta missed that.

If you do a search on the board using bush and Nazi, you will find a lot of threads. Pretty stupid stuff but the nutters like it.

No no, I mean a link to somewhere in this thread.
I'm well aware of Prescott's dealings with Nazi Germany. Not sure how it's relevant here.

Not in this thread, Syirus made the statement "Nothing is slimier than attacking a person by attacking his dead parents." I simply brought up another incident of people attacking dead parents.

And I asked for a link. Etc etc.

It ain't the topic here anyway, but the fact remains, that's exactly what the OP did -- attack the judge's dead parents.

Not sure what the link is for, I made a statement. Why do we pick and choose which dead parents we can attack? The judge is a judge, Trump is using a legal tactic, good for him, the downside it is a poor political tactic, bad for him.

It's simply a mob mentality brownie points tactic, for lack of a shorter term like "demagogue". Obviously the ethnicity of any given judge has no bearing on a fraud case -- fraud is fraud is fraud. As I said before, if I get a speeding ticket, do I want a Romanian judge or a Finn? It makes no sense on its face, so it's an obvious appeal to ..... something else.
The piece of shit author of that piece of shit hit peace in one article states that Curiel's Mother's death certificate is not proof she was a U.S. citizen.

But in this article this piece of shit then claims the father's death certificate is proof of his citizenship.

He also claims Curiel is biased- because get this- as U.S. attorney- he negotiated with Mexico- IN SPANISH.

Which apparently makes him a Mexican to pieces of shit like Brip and the author.

And what Finger-boy can't figure out, even though I laid it out for him as soon as he opened this wank thread --- the judge is born in Indiana, so it doesn't fricking matter if his parents are Venutians.

That sailed right over his jelly-smeared head.

YOur pretense that Trump was claiming that the Judge was a Mexican Citizen is utter nonsense.

You are being very dishonest.

I said "Mexican Citizen" where?

Yeah tell me about "dishonesty", you lying hack.

And more stupid dishonest word games.

Your repeated statements that the Judge is NOT "Mexican" because he was born in Indiana, ONLY makes sense if you are referring to national citizenship, because a Mexican-American can CERTAINLY be born in Indiana.

Is this how you lawyers supposedly contribute to society?

And the judge is indeed a "Mexican American"

But Trump didn't call him a Mexican American- he called him a Mexican.

Mexican's are not born in Indiana.

But Trump purposely called him a Mexican- he specifically identified him as a Mexican. And specifically said he was biased because of his "Mexican heritage".

Or as Republican Speaker of the House said "a textbook example of a racist statement"

I have repeatedly addressed this "point" of yours.

By ignoring my explanations, and repeating your original position as though it has not been addressed, you are engaged in the Logical Fallacy of Proof by Assertion..

Thus your argument is invalid.

I assume you know of the Logical Fallacy of which I have accused you? Or do you need a link?
If you do a search on the board using bush and Nazi, you will find a lot of threads. Pretty stupid stuff but the nutters like it.

No no, I mean a link to somewhere in this thread.
I'm well aware of Prescott's dealings with Nazi Germany. Not sure how it's relevant here.

Not in this thread, Syirus made the statement "Nothing is slimier than attacking a person by attacking his dead parents." I simply brought up another incident of people attacking dead parents.

And I asked for a link. Etc etc.

It ain't the topic here anyway, but the fact remains, that's exactly what the OP did -- attack the judge's dead parents.

Not sure what the link is for, I made a statement. Why do we pick and choose which dead parents we can attack? The judge is a judge, Trump is using a legal tactic, good for him, the downside it is a poor political tactic, bad for him.

It's simply a mob mentality brownie points tactic, for lack of a shorter term like "demagogue". Obviously the ethnicity of any given judge has no bearing on a fraud case -- fraud is fraud is fraud. As I said before, if I get a speeding ticket, do I want a Romanian judge or a Finn? It makes no sense on its face, so it's an obvious appeal to ..... something else.

Depends if you are looking to appeal an unfavorable decision.

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