Ay Carumba! Death Record For #JudgeCuriel Papa’s Proves New York Times Lying About U.S. Citizenship

Why is it so important for Trumpenators to destroy Curiel?

It's not.

It's important for lefties to pretend that questioning the fairness of a hispanic judge is racist, so that they can smear Trump.
Why is it so important for Trumpenators to destroy Curiel?

What I wanna know is ---- what the hell is in those unsealed papers that Donald Rump is so horrified might get around?

You do not want to know.

You don't care.

YOu know that in a big enough pile of papers, your lefties allies in the media can find SOMETHING they can lie about to smear Trump.

Because Lord knows that you can't beat him on the Issues.

That is what this is about.
Why is it so important for Trumpenators to destroy Curiel?

Because they want to distract attention from the point that Trump called him a "Mexican"

So what? Trump called him a Mexican, I have called him a Mexican, his mom probably called his whole family Mexican.

Can you liberals stop being offended for so many other people and let them speak for themselves?

And what would be the relevance in raising that adjective --- in a fraud case?

If I get a speeding ticket, do I want to go before a Portuguese judge, or a Latvian? Any idea?

You lefties have been gloating for months that Hispanics hate Donald Trump.

Did you forget that?
Why is it so important for Trumpenators to destroy Curiel?
Who wants him destroyed?

Apparently a hispanic person can be a member of a virulent racist movement and not be destroyed, so I would imagine that those wanting to destroy him would take a different approach.

I simply think he should be removed fromt he case and it given to someone else who is not part of a movement that hates Gringos.

What "virulent racist movement" is this person a member of? I think you guys are mistaken in this.

The "la Raza" movement is a racist movement spawned from the ideas of Jose Vasconcelos, who was a Nazi collaborator during WW2 and was a racist and fascist in his writings. The magazine he edited was financed by the Nazis and it presented a Nazi perspective to events.

Is this José Vasconcelos ...... the judge in this case? I thought his name was Curiel. :dunno:
Stop actin like an idiot, please.

You know as well as anyone else that Vasconcelos is the author of the principle underlying the la Raza movement.

No one has even suggested he is the judge, but the judge is a member of a racist organization that is part of the la Raza movement.

I thought you said you have Aspergers Syndrome? Shouldnt you be feeling like a total ass hole about now?.
And again --- that's not what *I* said. I proposed a Portuguese judge versus a Latvian. I gave exactly the same adjective Rump did -- a nationality. I'm looking for the relevance thereof.

Thenationality is not the sole factor here, but also the membership in a racist organization, so your analogy fails.

As I said --- you cannot win this.

Not with closed minded people like yourself, no, but there are ten lurkers for every poster and I trust that most of them can see the point by now.
Not according to Brip- you know the author of the OP.

According to him an anchor baby is anyone born in the United States whose parents are not U.S. citizens- and just coincidentally- he is talking specifically about people who are from Mexico.

You know- how in this thread he claims that the Judge is an anchor baby even though he knows both parents were legally in the United States?
Well, that is kind of a gray area, as they do not need the baby to stay in the USA, thus no anchor needed, but a lot of people consider that still the same.

I dont know.

I do know that Hispanics will eventually be the majority in the USA and it would be better for everyone if they are not a subclass of illegal laborers, living in the shadows and providing a profit to the human traffickers that get them here. They need to re-enter the US in accordance with out laws and live in the light of normal society.

Important point.

The coming Minority Majority will not be a Majority of Hispanics, but a Majority of people who are NOT white.

Whites will still be the largest single ethnic group, for the foreseeable future.

The mistaken expectation that Hispanics/minorities will achieve complete and unbridled power is an expectation that is going to be very disappointed when the largest ethnic group refuses to be a door mat.

In the short run Hispanics will become the plurality of Americans, and then a true majority as people assimilate into their society which is still traditional, mostly Christian based, and wholesome unlike ours.

Adopting a blend of Hispanic-American culture as the norm for our society will be what saves us, if we are saved. And this rotted liberal agnostic moral relativism pop culture will be shed like an old dead skin.
There is no single entity known as 'la Raza', any more than there is a single KKK.

That pretty much obliterates your association fallacy with this José Vasconcelos, does it not?

No it does not. Movements can contain many multiple organizations that are part of it.

Do you feel ashamed of acting like a moron yet?

Are you aware you just posted a note to self on the internets?

Of course it obliterates it. You're actually suggesting that some name some guy was associated with is forever tainted by other things he did, just because it's the same name? Think about it.
And again --- that's not what *I* said. I proposed a Portuguese judge versus a Latvian. I gave exactly the same adjective Rump did -- a nationality. I'm looking for the relevance thereof.

Thenationality is not the sole factor here, but also the membership in a racist organization, so your analogy fails.

Well no, YOUR attempt to move MY goalposts fails. You don't get to do that. *I* don't even get to do that.
Why is it so important for Trumpenators to destroy Curiel?

Because they want to distract attention from the point that Trump called him a "Mexican"

So what? Trump called him a Mexican, I have called him a Mexican, his mom probably called his whole family Mexican.

Can you liberals stop being offended for so many other people and let them speak for themselves?

And what would be the relevance in raising that adjective --- in a fraud case?

If I get a speeding ticket, do I want to go before a Portuguese judge, or a Latvian? Any idea?

You lefties have been gloating for months that Hispanics hate Donald Trump.

Did you forget that?

Again, everybody knows by now you're a moron who can't disntinguish between an individual and some label you contrive in your head, so until you figure out how to do that you are irrelevant.

But go ahead --- prove me wrong with a link. You know, as I challenged you to before, when you ran away like the abject coward you are, courageously hiding behind generalization fallacies.

Stop actin like an idiot, please.

You know as well as anyone else that Vasconcelos is the author of the principle underlying the la Raza movement.

I don't know any such thing. I know what you posted. That's a far cry from being a reliable source. If I thought it was worth investigation I would have searched it out for myself. You haven't made your case, so I don't.
Why is it so important for Trumpenators to destroy Curiel?

What I wanna know is ---- what the hell is in those unsealed papers that Donald Rump is so horrified might get around?

You do not want to know.

You don't care.

Not in the short term, you're right. I don't. I just find it interesting that Rump wants so desperately to keep them from view. THAT tells me enough for now.

His reasons for doing so might be real, as in damning evidence, or might be imagined, as in more of the same whiny little bitch behavior exposed. Who cares for now. It's more interesting that he's trying to smokescreen that fear of exposure through the lens of this "Mexican from Indiana" bullshit. At this point, for me it's not about the fraud-- it's about the psychology.
"Judge Curiel, 62, was born in East Chicago, Ind"

That means "Indiana".

Indiana is in the United States.

Your own link.

No wonder you're on ignore. Dumbass.

How did you see his post if he is on ignore?
"Judge Curiel, 62, was born in East Chicago, Ind"

That means "Indiana".

Indiana is in the United States.

Your own link.

No wonder you're on ignore. Dumbass.

How did you see his post if he is on ignore?

You don't know about the "show ignored content" option?

When you have a poster on Ignore and he creates a thread, that thread title still shows up on the list. You just don't get an OP until you click "show ignored content".

His point here apparently is that it is Judge Curiel's father (who is deceased) in charge of the Rump fraud case, not Judge Curiel himself. I know, that makes no sense, which is exactly why I posted that. I got another smokescreener later on who would have us believe Nana Vasconcelos is running the case. Apparently they not only believe in association fallacies, they think everybody else will too. It's weird stuff in here.

Anyway, for me the Ignore List is for those who consistently waddle in with no rational point. Clearly Fingerboy's well qualified, and has been for a long time.
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"Judge Curiel, 62, was born in East Chicago, Ind"

That means "Indiana".

Indiana is in the United States.

Your own link.

No wonder you're on ignore. Dumbass.

How did you see his post if he is on ignore?

You don't know about the "show ignored content" option?

When you have a poster on Ignore and he creates a thread, that thread title still shows up on the list. You just don't get an OP until you click "show ignored content".

His point here apparently is that it is Judge Curiel's father (who is deceased) in charge of the Rump fraud case, not Judge Curiel himself. I know, that makes no sense, which is exactly why I posted that. I got another smokescreener later on who would have us believe Nana Vasconcelos is running the case. Apparently they not only believe in association fallacies, they think everybody else will too. It's weird stuff in here.

Anyway, for me the Ignore List is for those who consistently waddle in with no rational point. Clearly Fingerboy's well qualified, and has been for a long time.

I had only one person on ignore and I never saw a post. I guess I'd need to put a few on ignore, but I don't use the ignore.
Yep- and as we all know it is quite one thing to call someone else within the community as "Irish" it is quite different when the WASP Mayor of a New Engliand town refers to his opposition as 'the Irish candidate"
Why is it different?

If they self identify themselves as Irish, using synecdoche, why is it offenseive for people to repeat this same figure of speech?

You know why- you just want to argue about it.

Those who despised the Irish Americans used to call them "Irish" and worse- as a perjorative- because to them they weren't Americans- they were "Irish". The Irish diminished the pejorative by using it themselves. But you call an Irish American "Irish" on any day other than Saint Patricks day and you are likely going to offend.

Every ethnic group I know of feels the same way- they are proudly American of "X" heritage- if someone else calls them Mexican or Chinese it is an insult.

We all know this- we have all known ethnic minorities who feel the exact same way- and you know this too.
Why is it so important for Trumpenators to destroy Curiel?
Who wants him destroyed?

Apparently a hispanic person can be a member of a virulent racist movement and not be destroyed, so I would imagine that those wanting to destroy him would take a different approach.

I simply think he should be removed fromt he case and it given to someone else who is not part of a movement that hates Gringos.

And what movement is he part of that hates Gringos?
Not according to Brip- you know the author of the OP.

According to him an anchor baby is anyone born in the United States whose parents are not U.S. citizens- and just coincidentally- he is talking specifically about people who are from Mexico.

You know- how in this thread he claims that the Judge is an anchor baby even though he knows both parents were legally in the United States?
Well, that is kind of a gray area, as they do not need the baby to stay in the USA, thus no anchor needed, but a lot of people consider that still the same.

I dont know.

I do know that Hispanics will eventually be the majority in the USA and it would be better for everyone if they are not a subclass of illegal laborers, living in the shadows and providing a profit to the human traffickers that get them here. They need to re-enter the US in accordance with out laws and live in the light of normal society.

Again- while what you are discussing- a rational immigration policy- is an important discussion- this thread- and Brip's determination to call this judge an 'anchor baby' is not about a rational immigration policy.

Remember- the articles cited by Brip both claim that there was no proof that the mother was a U.S. citizen- because death certificates are so unreliable- and then turns around and cites the father's death certificate as proof that he was not a U.S. citizen- and that is the basis for Brip to call his parents 'illegal's' and this judge an 'anchor baby'.
That is his opinion, why is it such an outrage to you?

I am glad that Curiel is a legal citizen, but I wish he were not part of a racist movement that, according to Caesar Chavez, hates Gringos.

And what 'racist movement' is that? I am not aware of Judge Curiel belonging to any such organization.

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