Ay Carumba! Death Record For #JudgeCuriel Papa’s Proves New York Times Lying About U.S. Citizenship

So to boil down that Emilyesque torrent, your basic point is, "the fake university didn't deliver what it promised, because anybody who thinks a 3-day Rump seminar will deliver what it promised to deliver, is an idiot"..

No, it would boil down to:
1. Trump complied with the New York state governments complaints and instructions and closed down the institution in 2010, only five years after initiating it.

2. He didnt get sued untill he slammed on Obama in 2011, a full year after the entire thing was voluntarily shut down.

3. The whole thing is nothing but partisan bullshit.

4. Politicians are the biggest hypocrits on the planet if they attack Trump for failure to keep his promises.

That's nice tinfoil stuff, but you have no evidence. Just paranoia. And about a lifelong huckster to boot.

Here's an angle that hasn't been brought up though. Regardless of who the judge is or what language his parents knew, why is Rump so terrified of the sealed documents getting out? If he's running a "legitimate business" and all? What's he got to HIDE?

Have you seen the playbook?

Anyway, again what you said in the previous was that people are manipulatable, and if somebody manipulates them it's their fault for being the victim. That's just weird.

I've seen your lefty playbook.

You fish for any information, and then lie about it to smear your enemies.

What is truly and epicly funny about your post is that this thread is based upon a lie intended to smear Judge Curiel.

That is what you right wing nut jobs do.

You specialize in smear tactics.

In this case- a right wing smear professional goes after Judge Curiel by trying to smear his dead parents.

What kind of person does that?

A right wing nut job you cheer on.

Just as you assholes tried to smear President Obama by attacking his dead mother and father, you try to attack Judge Curiel by attacking his dead mother and father.

And how terrible those parents were? Judge Curiels parents raised a son who graduated from law school, took on Mexican drug cartels, and became a Federal Judge. President Obama's mom raised a son who graduated from Harvard Law, and became a Senator and President.

Both sons of immigrants- both examples of the American dream of success.

Of course the right wing nut jobs like you will attempt to smear them by attacking their dead parents.

Because that is what you do.
Once again the facts show that the lefties are lying about the anchor baby judge and that Trump's criticism is totally justified.

Ay Carumba! Death Record For #JudgeCuriel Papa’s Proves New York Times Lying About U.S. Citizenship

The death certificate for the father of the controversial Mexican judge confirms that Curiel’s parents were not U.S. citizens when he was born.

Death records from Indiana records confirm that Salvador Curiel died a Mexican citizen in 1964… not as the New York Times’s Alan Rappeport reported in an anti-Donald Trump article.

But Rappeport claimed that the elder Curiel had died a U.S. citizen. He didn’t.

Here’s what Rappeport wrote:

Judge Curiel, 62, was born in East Chicago, Ind., to parents who had emigrated from Mexico. Raul Curiel said their father, Salvador, arrived in Arizona as a laborer in the 1920s, eventually receiving citizenship and becoming a steelworker. Their parents were married in Mexico in 1946, and their mother, Francisca, became a citizen after joining her husband in the United States.

In fact Salvador Curiel never received U.S. citizenship and Francisca became a citizen in 1969–five years after her husband died and 18 years after her last son — the future judge Gonzalo Curiel — was born.

So the New York Times got it wrong. They didn’t do their fact checking. Oops.

Could the fact that Mexican telecom billionaire Carlos Slim’s ownership of The New York Times have played a role?

The piece of shit author of that piece of shit hit peace in one article states that Curiel's Mother's death certificate is not proof she was a U.S. citizen.

But in this article this piece of shit then claims the father's death certificate is proof of his citizenship.

He also claims Curiel is biased- because get this- as U.S. attorney- he negotiated with Mexico- IN SPANISH.

Which apparently makes him a Mexican to pieces of shit like Brip and the author.

And what Finger-boy can't figure out, even though I laid it out for him as soon as he opened this wank thread --- the judge is born in Indiana, so it doesn't fricking matter if his parents are Venutians.

That sailed right over his jelly-smeared head.

Your deliberate refusal to admit that this case isn't about where the anchor baby judge was born only shows what an enormous douche bag you are.

And by 'anchor baby' you mean someone born to 'brown parents' in the United States

The piece of shit author of that piece of shit hit peace in one article states that Curiel's Mother's death certificate is not proof she was a U.S. citizen.

But in this article this piece of shit then claims the father's death certificate is proof of his citizenship.

He also claims Curiel is biased- because get this- as U.S. attorney- he negotiated with Mexico- IN SPANISH.

Which apparently makes him a Mexican to pieces of shit like Brip and the author.
"Judge Curiel, 62, was born in East Chicago, Ind"

That means "Indiana".

Indiana is in the United States.

Your own link.

No wonder you're on ignore. Dumbass.
Dear God you are fucking stupid.

No one is claiming the judge is not born in the USA, estupido

Trump claims that the Judge is a Mexican.

Mexicans are born in Mexico.
Americans are born in America.

Not complicated.

He is referring to Mexican-Americans like most people do; Mexicans like people say black instead of Afro-American, etc..

'like most people do'?

I don't. Perhaps you do. Certainly within the Mexican American community they might refer to each other that way- but I don't know of a single Mexican American who would not take offense if I called them a "Mexican" while talking to them- or about them. They are Americans first- Mexican Americans second- and Mexicans only to other Mexican Americans.

Let us review what he actually said:
"We're in front of a very hostile judge. The judge was appointed by Barack Obama." Trump added of U.S. District Court Judge Gonzalo Curiel, who was born in East Chicago, Indiana, that he quote "happens to be, we believe Mexican, which is great. I think that's fine." end quote. But, Trump said, he's "not doing the right thing." In what some have construed as an appeal to younger voters by using youth vernacular, Trump said "I have a judge who is a hater of Donald Trump, a hater, he's a hater."

Why does Trump think the judge is a 'hater' of Donald Trump? Well clearly it is either a) because the judge has ruled in ways Trump doesn't approve of- or b) because the judge is a "Mexican"

Trump of course tried to clarify- he was attacking the judge because of his Mexican heritage....

claiming there was an “absolute conflict” because the jurist is “of Mexican heritage.”

I don't see how that is much better- Trump is attacking the judge either because he is a "Mexican" or a "Mexican American" or because of his "Mexican heritage"

I don't see how any of those issues should inspire or reassure any American Hispanics.
"Judge Curiel, 62, was born in East Chicago, Ind"

That means "Indiana".

Indiana is in the United States.

Your own link.

No wonder you're on ignore. Dumbass.
Dear God you are fucking stupid.

No one is claiming the judge is not born in the USA, estupido

Trump claims that the Judge is a Mexican.

Mexicans are born in Mexico.
Americans are born in America.

Not complicated.

He is referring to Mexican-Americans like most people do; Mexicans like people say black instead of Afro-American, etc..

He knows that. They all know that.

THey scream racism long enough and loud enough and people who aren't really paying attention start to believe it must be true.

That's how they win.

It's really ALL they have.

They are assholes.

Sure, we are the assholes...

you and rightwingers CREATED this tactic and use it daily, by the minute...

crooked Hillary, evil Hillary, murderous Hillary, lyin hillary, Benghazi, Benghazi, Benghazi, email, email, email, Obama is the Worst president ever in our History, worst worst worst, Bill the Rapist, Rapist, Rapist, killed Vince Foster, killed Vince Foster

Cut me a break on who the ASSHOLES truly are....

There is a fine line between being an asshole that exploits the topic of victimization on the one hand and actual victims on the other.

For example, Rosa Parks was a victim who worked hard to overcome the injustices of segregation and inequality before the law. And the movement that she helped to spawn in defense of minority civil rights was a just and noble movement that had exemplary and righteous goals.

But when people claim to speak for that movement and then deny equal standing in our courts to white people, that is being a racist and a hypocrit. When they still blow claims of victimhood for minorities as a weapon against whites, they are being ass holes.

People who are openly disgusted with 'date rape' and the victimization of women in sexual harassment cases are fighting the good fight for the side of the Angels.

But people who refuse to admit that men are often times victimized by dominating and bullying spouses as well and make sure that all spousal abuse funds are earmarked solely for battered women are hypocrits and ass holes.

I could go on, but I think you get the drift, right?

Moral of the story; if you stand for a principle be consistent and use it to defend people you dont like as well as the people you do like, or else you are nothing but an asshole.
And by 'anchor baby' you mean someone born to 'brown parents' in the United States
\No, and that racist tripe is total horse shit and you know it.

An 'anchor baby' has nothing to do with brown parents as there are millions of legal brown parents that have babies every year here in the USA that are not anchor babies.

The phrase has to do with parents ILLEGALLY IN THE USA who have a baby with natural born citizenship so that they can stay in the USA and there are many of them who are not brown, but are black, white and yellow.
When will you racist leftwing Jacobins ever realize that your horse shit is over?
And by 'anchor baby' you mean someone born to 'brown parents' in the United States
\No, and that racist tripe is total horse shit and you know it.

An 'anchor baby' has nothing to do with brown parents as there are millions of legal brown parents that have babies every year here in the USA that are not anchor babies.

The phrase has to do with parents ILLEGALLY IN THE USA who have a baby with natural born citizenship so that they can stay in the USA and there are many of them who are not brown, but are black, white and yellow.
When will you racist leftwing Jacobins ever realize that your horse shit is over?

Not according to Brip- you know the author of the OP.

According to him an anchor baby is anyone born in the United States whose parents are not U.S. citizens- and just coincidentally- he is talking specifically about people who are from Mexico.

You know- how in this thread he claims that the Judge is an anchor baby even though he knows both parents were legally in the United States?
Not according to Brip- you know the author of the OP.

According to him an anchor baby is anyone born in the United States whose parents are not U.S. citizens- and just coincidentally- he is talking specifically about people who are from Mexico.

You know- how in this thread he claims that the Judge is an anchor baby even though he knows both parents were legally in the United States?
Well, that is kind of a gray area, as they do not need the baby to stay in the USA, thus no anchor needed, but a lot of people consider that still the same.

I dont know.

I do know that Hispanics will eventually be the majority in the USA and it would be better for everyone if they are not a subclass of illegal laborers, living in the shadows and providing a profit to the human traffickers that get them here. They need to re-enter the US in accordance with out laws and live in the light of normal society.
"Judge Curiel, 62, was born in East Chicago, Ind"

That means "Indiana".

Indiana is in the United States.

Your own link.

No wonder you're on ignore. Dumbass.
Dear God you are fucking stupid.

No one is claiming the judge is not born in the USA, estupido

Trump claims that the Judge is a Mexican.

Mexicans are born in Mexico.
Americans are born in America.

Not complicated.

He is referring to Mexican-Americans like most people do; Mexicans like people say black instead of Afro-American, etc..

'like most people do'?

I don't. Perhaps you do. Certainly within the Mexican American community they might refer to each other that way- but I don't know of a single Mexican American who would not take offense if I called them a "Mexican" while talking to them- or about them. They are Americans first- Mexican Americans second- and Mexicans only to other Mexican Americans.

Let us review what he actually said:
"We're in front of a very hostile judge. The judge was appointed by Barack Obama." Trump added of U.S. District Court Judge Gonzalo Curiel, who was born in East Chicago, Indiana, that he quote "happens to be, we believe Mexican, which is great. I think that's fine." end quote. But, Trump said, he's "not doing the right thing." In what some have construed as an appeal to younger voters by using youth vernacular, Trump said "I have a judge who is a hater of Donald Trump, a hater, he's a hater."

Why does Trump think the judge is a 'hater' of Donald Trump? Well clearly it is either a) because the judge has ruled in ways Trump doesn't approve of- or b) because the judge is a "Mexican"

Trump of course tried to clarify- he was attacking the judge because of his Mexican heritage....

claiming there was an “absolute conflict” because the jurist is “of Mexican heritage.”

I don't see how that is much better- Trump is attacking the judge either because he is a "Mexican" or a "Mexican American" or because of his "Mexican heritage"

I don't see how any of those issues should inspire or reassure any American Hispanics.

People of Mexican heritage call themselves Mexican, people of Irish heritage call themselves Irish, People of Italian heritage call themselves Italian, etc. In context they mean Irish-American, and so forth, but it isnt specifically stated, a literary form of expression known as synecdoche.
"Judge Curiel, 62, was born in East Chicago, Ind"

That means "Indiana".

Indiana is in the United States.

Your own link.

No wonder you're on ignore. Dumbass.
Dear God you are fucking stupid.

No one is claiming the judge is not born in the USA, estupido

Trump claims that the Judge is a Mexican.

Mexicans are born in Mexico.
Americans are born in America.

Not complicated.

He is referring to Mexican-Americans like most people do; Mexicans like people say black instead of Afro-American, etc..

'like most people do'?

I don't. Perhaps you do. Certainly within the Mexican American community they might refer to each other that way- but I don't know of a single Mexican American who would not take offense if I called them a "Mexican" while talking to them- or about them. They are Americans first- Mexican Americans second- and Mexicans only to other Mexican Americans.

Let us review what he actually said:
"We're in front of a very hostile judge. The judge was appointed by Barack Obama." Trump added of U.S. District Court Judge Gonzalo Curiel, who was born in East Chicago, Indiana, that he quote "happens to be, we believe Mexican, which is great. I think that's fine." end quote. But, Trump said, he's "not doing the right thing." In what some have construed as an appeal to younger voters by using youth vernacular, Trump said "I have a judge who is a hater of Donald Trump, a hater, he's a hater."

Why does Trump think the judge is a 'hater' of Donald Trump? Well clearly it is either a) because the judge has ruled in ways Trump doesn't approve of- or b) because the judge is a "Mexican"

Trump of course tried to clarify- he was attacking the judge because of his Mexican heritage....

claiming there was an “absolute conflict” because the jurist is “of Mexican heritage.”

I don't see how that is much better- Trump is attacking the judge either because he is a "Mexican" or a "Mexican American" or because of his "Mexican heritage"

I don't see how any of those issues should inspire or reassure any American Hispanics.

People of Mexican heritage call themselves Mexican, people of Irish heritage call themselves Irish, People of Italian heritage call themselves Italian, etc. In context they mean Irish-American, and so forth, but it isnt specifically stated, a literary form of expression known as synecdoche.

Yep- and as we all know it is quite one thing to call someone else within the community as "Irish" it is quite different when the WASP Mayor of a New Engliand town refers to his opposition as 'the Irish candidate"
Not according to Brip- you know the author of the OP.

According to him an anchor baby is anyone born in the United States whose parents are not U.S. citizens- and just coincidentally- he is talking specifically about people who are from Mexico.

You know- how in this thread he claims that the Judge is an anchor baby even though he knows both parents were legally in the United States?
Well, that is kind of a gray area, as they do not need the baby to stay in the USA, thus no anchor needed, but a lot of people consider that still the same.

I dont know.

I do know that Hispanics will eventually be the majority in the USA and it would be better for everyone if they are not a subclass of illegal laborers, living in the shadows and providing a profit to the human traffickers that get them here. They need to re-enter the US in accordance with out laws and live in the light of normal society.

Again- while what you are discussing- a rational immigration policy- is an important discussion- this thread- and Brip's determination to call this judge an 'anchor baby' is not about a rational immigration policy.

Remember- the articles cited by Brip both claim that there was no proof that the mother was a U.S. citizen- because death certificates are so unreliable- and then turns around and cites the father's death certificate as proof that he was not a U.S. citizen- and that is the basis for Brip to call his parents 'illegal's' and this judge an 'anchor baby'.
Yep- and as we all know it is quite one thing to call someone else within the community as "Irish" it is quite different when the WASP Mayor of a New Engliand town refers to his opposition as 'the Irish candidate"
Why is it different?

If they self identify themselves as Irish, using synecdoche, why is it offenseive for people to repeat this same figure of speech?

Good gawd, we spend more time bickering over this silly bullshit than in addressing the REAL problems of our nation; the Corporate Crony Network that runs the rest of us into to the ground while helping themselves to $5 trillion of the public currency,
Why is it so important for Trumpenators to destroy Curiel?
Who wants him destroyed?

Apparently a hispanic person can be a member of a virulent racist movement and not be destroyed, so I would imagine that those wanting to destroy him would take a different approach.

I simply think he should be removed fromt he case and it given to someone else who is not part of a movement that hates Gringos.
Why is it so important for Trumpenators to destroy Curiel?
Who wants him destroyed?

Apparently a hispanic person can be a member of a virulent racist movement and not be destroyed, so I would imagine that those wanting to destroy him would take a different approach.

I simply think he should be removed fromt he case and it given to someone else who is not part of a movement that hates Gringos.

What "virulent racist movement" is this person a member of? I think you guys are mistaken in this.
Not according to Brip- you know the author of the OP.

According to him an anchor baby is anyone born in the United States whose parents are not U.S. citizens- and just coincidentally- he is talking specifically about people who are from Mexico.

You know- how in this thread he claims that the Judge is an anchor baby even though he knows both parents were legally in the United States?
Well, that is kind of a gray area, as they do not need the baby to stay in the USA, thus no anchor needed, but a lot of people consider that still the same.

I dont know.

I do know that Hispanics will eventually be the majority in the USA and it would be better for everyone if they are not a subclass of illegal laborers, living in the shadows and providing a profit to the human traffickers that get them here. They need to re-enter the US in accordance with out laws and live in the light of normal society.

Again- while what you are discussing- a rational immigration policy- is an important discussion- this thread- and Brip's determination to call this judge an 'anchor baby' is not about a rational immigration policy.

Remember- the articles cited by Brip both claim that there was no proof that the mother was a U.S. citizen- because death certificates are so unreliable- and then turns around and cites the father's death certificate as proof that he was not a U.S. citizen- and that is the basis for Brip to call his parents 'illegal's' and this judge an 'anchor baby'.
That is his opinion, why is it such an outrage to you?

I am glad that Curiel is a legal citizen, but I wish he were not part of a racist movement that, according to Caesar Chavez, hates Gringos.
Why is it so important for Trumpenators to destroy Curiel?

What I wanna know is ---- what the hell is in those unsealed papers that Donald Rump is so horrified might get around?

My guess is that some of the sales tactics were pretty aggressive and he thinks it will further distract the public from real issues, like Hillary being a whore for foreign nations while she was Secretary of State.
Why is it so important for Trumpenators to destroy Curiel?

Because they want to distract attention from the point that Trump called him a "Mexican"

So what? Trump called him a Mexican, I have called him a Mexican, his mom probably called his whole family Mexican.

Can you liberals stop being offended for so many other people and let them speak for themselves?
Why is it so important for Trumpenators to destroy Curiel?

What I wanna know is ---- what the hell is in those unsealed papers that Donald Rump is so horrified might get around?

The concerning thing is --- the Rumpbots don't have any idea what's in those papers either, but rather than consider that, they take the cue "Mexican" from the puppet master and spring into action, and they literally don't even know what it is they're protecting. It's just "Yes...... Master...... we ........ hear....... and ............. obey....."

Fer Chrissake I just wish these Rumpbots would grow a pair and dare to think outside the Rump.

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