Ay Carumba! Death Record For #JudgeCuriel Papa’s Proves New York Times Lying About U.S. Citizenship

everyone is talking about the judge and not the actual alleged crime of Fraud that was committed.... trump's antics is working....

There was no crime, dumbass. It's a civil suit.

It amazes me how persistent you turds are about misstating the facts.

It's a fraud case cheating and taking advantage of old people.
Trumpo should go to jail.

It's a civil case, you fucking douche bag moron. You don't go to jail for civil cases. You've been told this 100 times, but you insist on pretending to be stupid. Businesses get sued every day. There's nothing particularly unusual or incriminating about this case. Trump will probably win it.

The plaintiffs are not old.

Paper towel. He should go to jail.
everyone is talking about the judge and not the actual alleged crime of Fraud that was committed.... trump's antics is working....

There was no crime, dumbass. It's a civil suit.

It amazes me how persistent you turds are about misstating the facts.

It's a fraud case cheating and taking advantage of old people.
Trumpo should go to jail.

It's a civil case, you fucking douche bag moron. You don't go to jail for civil cases. You've been told this 100 times, but you insist on pretending to be stupid. Businesses get sued every day. There's nothing particularly unusual or incriminating about this case. Trump will probably win it.

The plaintiffs are not old.

Paper towel. He should go to jail.
ROFL! That's so ironic coming from someone who's going to vote for Hillary.
Did Trump University allegedly defraud these students filing the suit? Trump will probably get what he wants and get another Judge....NOT because this Judge did anything at all to recuse himself, but because of the tantrum Donald has been throwing and the bigoted comments he has made over and over and over and over again for months on end.... (May Karma come back around on the bigoted ass hole and the next American born Judge appointed to his suit be a Muslim!) :p

Right now, to my knowledge, there are three suits against Trump about his university with a grande total of 6 people involved in all of them, except New York where the AG is suing on behalf of everyone that attended, whether they asked him to or not. The Trump University lawsuit in California was down to 1 person at one time, and she said that she liked the education she received but was upset that Trump did not pick all the instructors personally. Trump moved to get the suit dropped and the judge refused, granted it class action status and the legal group found a couple more people to join in, and one of those also said that Trump U gave him a great education but he had quibbles.

So out of 80 thousand students that went through Trump U, only 150 are filing against him in New York and a handful elsewhere.

Trump began his 'university' in 2005 and closed it down in 2010, and the AG there launched the lawsuit in 2011 after Trump made a bunch of criticisms of President Obama and spoke again of running for President.

What are the complaints? N.Y. AG sues Trump, 'Trump University,' claims fraud
1. Trump did not personally meet with the students.

2. Trump did not handpick the instructors.

3. Not all the instructors are successful real estate businessmen (of cours not, that is why they are teaching instead of making money on real estate)

4. Program failed to promptly cancel the students membership when asked to.

5. Not a licensed University, which was changed later in 2010 to 'Trump Entrepreneur Initiative', a year before they got sued by the NY AG.

6. The three-day seminars didn't, as promised, teach consumers everything they needed to know about real estate. (anyone that thinks you canliterally learn everything needed to be successful in real estate after a 3 day seminar is an idiot).

A long list of trivial bullshit and for that the Democrats are saying Trump University was a fraud, an issue that they raised about a year after the school closed down. And isnt it funny how all those students losses added up to a round $40 million?

Attention America, anyone claiming to have graduated from 'Hard Knocks University' risks being sued by the AG of New York.

Trump says when the lawsuits are over he plans to reopen Trump U. I guess he means 'Trump Entrepreneur Initiative'.

Donald Trump’s misleading claim that he’s ‘won most of’ lawsuits over Trump University

Trump University marketed a free introductory seminar, which can then be upgraded to a three-day seminar that cost $1,495. Then, the students can buy “elite” packages starting at $10,000, with year-long mentorship programs at $35,000....

About 80,000 people attended the free introductory seminar, and an additional 9,200 paid for the three-day seminars, according to Schneiderman’s lawsuit. About 800 paid as much as $35,000 for the advanced packages.

Schneiderman’s lawsuit blamed Trump University for running a scam program. Despite what was advertised, few instructors and mentors were successful real estate entrepreneurs, according to the lawsuit. In fact, many of them came to Trump University after their real estate investments caused them to declare bankruptcy. Former attendees filed complaints with attorneys general in several states, and 150 students signed affidavits in the Schneiderman lawsuit...(Edit: Trump claims the AG is trying to shake Trump down for more political contributions).

There are two other class-action lawsuits against Trump by a handful of former students, demanding their money back.

The plaintiff in one class-action suit paid for the $1,495 three-day seminar. He alleged that he was upsold to pay for the Gold Elite program for $35,000. Cohen said he would not have paid for any of them if he knew he wouldn’t get insider knowledge or that Trump had no meaningful role in selecting instructors, as advertised.

The other class-action suit is brought by other former “students” in California, Florida and New York, who have a similar complaint as Cohen.

Trump’s attorneys have created a website called 98percentapproval.com to show that many of the people who are now suing Trump had given positive feedback in evaluations. There are more than 10,000 students who have given positive testimonials, according to Trump’s attorneys.

Trump University - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Tarla Makaeff, who paid nearly $60,000 to Trump University in 2008, brought a class action lawsuit against Trump University on April 30, 2010, in U.S. District Court for Southern California.[27][28] The suit, Makaeff v. Trump University, LLC, sought refunds for Makaeff and other former clients of Trump University, as well as punitive damages for breach of contract, fraud, negligent misrepresentation and bad faith. It did not originally name Donald Trump as a defendant,[29] but did so in a later amended complaint.[30] In February 2014, U.S. District Court Judge Gonzalo P. Curiel denied recognition to the nationwide class the plaintiffs had requested and recognized the suit as class-action on the part of Trump University clients in just three states–California, Florida, and New York–based on specific alleged violations of the consumer protection laws of those states. He also narrowed the case to just five of the plaintiffs' original fourteen charges......

(Her evaluation of Trumps program. http://www.98percentapproval.com/uploads/02_Tarla_Makaeff_Surveys.pdf)

On October 18, 2013, California businessman Art Cohen filed a civil lawsuit, Cohen v. Trump, in U.S. District Court for Southern California, as a class action on behalf of consumers throughout the United States who purchased services known as "Live Events" from Trump University after January 1, 2007. It alleged violations of the RICO statute, essentially a scheme to defraud. The suit named Donald Trump as the sole defendant and sought restitution as well as damages, including punitive, and treble damages.[39] In an order dated October 24, 2014, U.S. District Judge Gonzalo P. Curielcertified the class proposed by the plaintiff and ruled that Cohen had presented enough evidence to allow the lawsuit to proceed.

(His evaluation of Trumps program: http://www.98percentapproval.com/uploads/01_Art_Cohen_Survey.pdf)

Evaluations of Trump University

Home Page

On the whole, I think this case looks bad for Trump as he obviously allowed some very aggressive salesmen to use his name in promoting this 'University' for five years, and his new political enemies in the GOP and Democratic parties are not known for being forgiving and impartial.

And politicians supporting a class action lawsuit for failure to keep promises is just the height of hubris and irony. While this thing can cost Trump millions, which I doubt will happen, it will be a distraction and the 'victims stories' dont make him look good at all. This is Hillary's counter-point to Trumps discussion of her past scandals at Whtiewater, the Rose Law firm, cattle futures, the Bimbo Suppression Brigade, etc and that is where this will hurt him the most.
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Did Trump University allegedly defraud these students filing the suit? Trump will probably get what he wants and get another Judge....NOT because this Judge did anything at all to recuse himself, but because of the tantrum Donald has been throwing and the bigoted comments he has made over and over and over and over again for months on end.... (May Karma come back around on the bigoted ass hole and the next American born Judge appointed to his suit be a Muslim!) :p

Right now, to my knowledge, there are three suits against Trump with a grande total of 6 people involved in all of them, except New York where the AG is suing on behalf of everyone that attended, whether they asked him to or not. The Trump University lawsuit in California was down to 1 person at one time, and she said that she liked the education she received but was upset that Trump did not pick all the instructors personally. Trump moved to get the suit dropped and the judge refused, granted it class action status and the legal group found a couple more people to join in, and one of those also said that Trump U gave him a great education but he had quibbles.

So out of 80 thousand students that went through Trump U, only 150 are filing against him in New York and a handful elsewhere.

Trump began his 'university' in 2005 and closed it down in 2010, and the AG there launched the lawsuit in 2011 after Trump made a bunch of criticisms of President Obama and spoke again of running for President.

What are the complaints? N.Y. AG sues Trump, 'Trump University,' claims fraud
1. Trump did not personally meet with the students.

2. Trump did not handpick the instructors.

3. Not all the instructors are successful real estate businessmen (of cours not, that is why they are teaching instead of making money on real estate)

4. Program failed to promptly cancel the students membership when asked to.

5. Not a licensed University, which was changed later in 2010 to 'Trump Entrepreneur Initiative', a year before they got sued by the NY AG.

6. The three-day seminars didn't, as promised, teach consumers everything they needed to know about real estate. (anyone that thinks you canliterally learn everything needed to be successful in real estate after a 3 day seminar is an idiot).

A long list of trivial bullshit and for that the Democrats are saying Trump University was a fraud, an issue that they raise d about a year after the school closed down. And isnt it funny how all those students losses added up to a round $40 million?

Attention America, anyone claiming to have graduated from 'Hard Knocks University' risks being sued by the AG of New York.

Trump says when the lawsuits are over he plans to reopen Trump U. I guess he means 'Trump Entrepreneur Initiative'.

Donald Trump’s misleading claim that he’s ‘won most of’ lawsuits over Trump University

Trump University marketed a free introductory seminar, which can then be upgraded to a three-day seminar that cost $1,495. Then, the students can buy “elite” packages starting at $10,000, with year-long mentorship programs at $35,000....

About 80,000 people attended the free introductory seminar, and an additional 9,200 paid for the three-day seminars, according to Schneiderman’s lawsuit. About 800 paid as much as $35,000 for the advanced packages.

Schneiderman’s lawsuit blamed Trump University for running a scam program. Despite what was advertised, few instructors and mentors were successful real estate entrepreneurs, according to the lawsuit. In fact, many of them came to Trump University after their real estate investments caused them to declare bankruptcy. Former attendees filed complaints with attorneys general in several states, and 150 students signed affidavits in the Schneiderman lawsuit...
There are two other class-action lawsuits against Trump by a handful of former students, demanding their money back.

The plaintiff in one class-action suit paid for the $1,495 three-day seminar. He alleged that he was upsold to pay for the Gold Elite program for $35,000. Cohen said he would not have paid for any of them if he knew he wouldn’t get insider knowledge or that Trump had no meaningful role in selecting instructors, as advertised.

The other class-action suit is brought by other former “students” in California, Florida and New York, who have a similar complaint as Cohen.

Trump’s attorneys have created a website called 98percentapproval.com to show that many of the people who are now suing Trump had given positive feedback in evaluations. There are more than 10,000 students who have given positive testimonials, according to Trump’s attorneys.

Trump University - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Tarla Makaeff, who paid nearly $60,000 to Trump University in 2008, brought a class action lawsuit against Trump University on April 30, 2010, in U.S. District Court for Southern California.[27][28] The suit, Makaeff v. Trump University, LLC, sought refunds for Makaeff and other former clients of Trump University, as well as punitive damages for breach of contract, fraud, negligent misrepresentation and bad faith. It did not originally name Donald Trump as a defendant,[29] but did so in a later amended complaint.[30] In February 2014, U.S. District Court Judge Gonzalo P. Curiel denied recognition to the nationwide class the plaintiffs had requested and recognized the suit as class-action on the part of Trump University clients in just three states–California, Florida, and New York–based on specific alleged violations of the consumer protection laws of those states. He also narrowed the case to just five of the plaintiffs' original fourteen charges......

(Her evaluation of Trumps program. http://www.98percentapproval.com/uploads/02_Tarla_Makaeff_Surveys.pdf)

On October 18, 2013, California businessman Art Cohen filed a civil lawsuit, Cohen v. Trump, in U.S. District Court for Southern California, as a class action on behalf of consumers throughout the United States who purchased services known as "Live Events" from Trump University after January 1, 2007. It alleged violations of the RICO statute, essentially a scheme to defraud. The suit named Donald Trump as the sole defendant and sought restitution as well as damages, including punitive, and treble damages.[39] In an order dated October 24, 2014, U.S. District Judge Gonzalo P. Curielcertified the class proposed by the plaintiff and ruled that Cohen had presented enough evidence to allow the lawsuit to proceed.

(His evaluation of Trumps program: http://www.98percentapproval.com/uploads/01_Art_Cohen_Survey.pdf)

Evaluations of Trump University

Home Page

On the whole, I think this case looks bad for Trump as he obviously allowed some very aggressive salesmen to use his name in promoting this 'University' for five years, and his new political enemies in the GOP and Democratic parties are not known for being forgiving and impartial.

And politicians supporting a class action lawsuit for failure to keep promises is just the height of hubris and irony. While this thing can cost Trump millions, which I doubt will happen, it will be a distraction and the 'victims stories' dont make him look good at all. This is Hillary's counter-point to Trumps discussion of her past scandals at Whtiewater, the Rose Law firm, cattle futures, the Bimbo Suppression Brigade, etc and that is where this will hurt him the most.

So to boil down that Emilyesque torrent, your basic point is, "the fake university didn't deliver what it promised, because anybody who thinks a 3-day Rump seminar will deliver what it promised to deliver, is an idiot".

You need me to edit your posts down to the basic point. Save keystrokes.
So to boil down that Emilyesque torrent, your basic point is, "the fake university didn't deliver what it promised, because anybody who thinks a 3-day Rump seminar will deliver what it promised to deliver, is an idiot"..

No, it would boil down to:
1. Trump complied with the New York state governments complaints and instructions and closed down the institution in 2010, only five years after initiating it.

2. He didnt get sued untill he slammed on Obama in 2011, a full year after the entire thing was voluntarily shut down.

3. The whole thing is nothing but partisan bullshit.

4. Politicians are the biggest hypocrits on the planet if they attack Trump for failure to keep his promises.
So to boil down that Emilyesque torrent, your basic point is, "the fake university didn't deliver what it promised, because anybody who thinks a 3-day Rump seminar will deliver what it promised to deliver, is an idiot"..

No, it would boil down to:
1. Trump complied with the New York state governments complaints and instructions and closed down the institution in 2010, only five years after initiating it.

2. He didnt get sued untill he slammed on Obama in 2011, a full year after the entire thing was voluntarily shut down.

3. The whole thing is nothing but partisan bullshit.

4. Politicians are the biggest hypocrits on the planet if they attack Trump for failure to keep his promises.

That's nice tinfoil stuff, but you have no evidence. Just paranoia. And about a lifelong huckster to boot.

Here's an angle that hasn't been brought up though. Regardless of who the judge is or what language his parents knew, why is Rump so terrified of the sealed documents getting out? If he's running a "legitimate business" and all? What's he got to HIDE?

Have you seen the playbook?

Anyway, again what you said in the previous was that people are manipulatable, and if somebody manipulates them it's their fault for being the victim. That's just weird.
No, it would boil down to:
1. Trump complied with the New York state governments complaints and instructions and closed down the institution in 2010, only five years after initiating it.

2. He didnt get sued untill he slammed on Obama in 2011, a full year after the entire thing was voluntarily shut down.

3. The whole thing is nothing but partisan bullshit.

4. Politicians are the biggest hypocrits on the planet if they attack Trump for failure to keep his promises.

That's nice tinfoil stuff, but you have no evidence. Just paranoia.

The evidence was in the long article you couldnt read, dipshit.
"Judge Curiel, 62, was born in East Chicago, Ind"

That means "Indiana".

Indiana is in the United States.

Your own link.

No wonder you're on ignore. Dumbass.
Dear God you are fucking stupid.

No one is claiming the judge is not born in the USA, estupido

Trump claims that the Judge is a Mexican.

Mexicans are born in Mexico.
Americans are born in America.

Not complicated.

He is referring to Mexican-Americans like most people do; Mexicans like people say black instead of Afro-American, etc..

He knows that. They all know that.

THey scream racism long enough and loud enough and people who aren't really paying attention start to believe it must be true.

That's how they win.

It's really ALL they have.

They are assholes.
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"Judge Curiel, 62, was born in East Chicago, Ind"

That means "Indiana".

Indiana is in the United States.

Your own link.

No wonder you're on ignore. Dumbass.
Dear God you are fucking stupid.

No one is claiming the judge is not born in the USA, estupido

Trump claims that the Judge is a Mexican.

Mexicans are born in Mexico.
Americans are born in America.

Not complicated.

He is referring to Mexican-Americans like most people do; Mexicans like people say black instead of Afro-American, etc..

"Black" is not short for "African American". Black is a color; Africa is a place.
And Mexico is a country.

And we should add --- Indiana is not in Mexico.

And yet that is the way people talk.

IT IS ABSURD for you to pretend not to know this.

Your blind partisanship is driving you to make yourself look like a utter fool.
Once again the facts show that the lefties are lying about the anchor baby judge and that Trump's criticism is totally justified.

Ay Carumba! Death Record For #JudgeCuriel Papa’s Proves New York Times Lying About U.S. Citizenship

The death certificate for the father of the controversial Mexican judge confirms that Curiel’s parents were not U.S. citizens when he was born.

Death records from Indiana records confirm that Salvador Curiel died a Mexican citizen in 1964… not as the New York Times’s Alan Rappeport reported in an anti-Donald Trump article.

But Rappeport claimed that the elder Curiel had died a U.S. citizen. He didn’t.

Here’s what Rappeport wrote:

Judge Curiel, 62, was born in East Chicago, Ind., to parents who had emigrated from Mexico. Raul Curiel said their father, Salvador, arrived in Arizona as a laborer in the 1920s, eventually receiving citizenship and becoming a steelworker. Their parents were married in Mexico in 1946, and their mother, Francisca, became a citizen after joining her husband in the United States.

In fact Salvador Curiel never received U.S. citizenship and Francisca became a citizen in 1969–five years after her husband died and 18 years after her last son — the future judge Gonzalo Curiel — was born.

So the New York Times got it wrong. They didn’t do their fact checking. Oops.

Could the fact that Mexican telecom billionaire Carlos Slim’s ownership of The New York Times have played a role?

The piece of shit author of that piece of shit hit peace in one article states that Curiel's Mother's death certificate is not proof she was a U.S. citizen.

But in this article this piece of shit then claims the father's death certificate is proof of his citizenship.

He also claims Curiel is biased- because get this- as U.S. attorney- he negotiated with Mexico- IN SPANISH.

Which apparently makes him a Mexican to pieces of shit like Brip and the author.

And what Finger-boy can't figure out, even though I laid it out for him as soon as he opened this wank thread --- the judge is born in Indiana, so it doesn't fricking matter if his parents are Venutians.

That sailed right over his jelly-smeared head.

Your pretense that Trump was claiming that the Judge was a Mexican Citizen is utter nonsense.
Once again the facts show that the lefties are lying about the anchor baby judge and that Trump's criticism is totally justified.

Ay Carumba! Death Record For #JudgeCuriel Papa’s Proves New York Times Lying About U.S. Citizenship

The death certificate for the father of the controversial Mexican judge confirms that Curiel’s parents were not U.S. citizens when he was born.

Death records from Indiana records confirm that Salvador Curiel died a Mexican citizen in 1964… not as the New York Times’s Alan Rappeport reported in an anti-Donald Trump article.

But Rappeport claimed that the elder Curiel had died a U.S. citizen. He didn’t.

Here’s what Rappeport wrote:

Judge Curiel, 62, was born in East Chicago, Ind., to parents who had emigrated from Mexico. Raul Curiel said their father, Salvador, arrived in Arizona as a laborer in the 1920s, eventually receiving citizenship and becoming a steelworker. Their parents were married in Mexico in 1946, and their mother, Francisca, became a citizen after joining her husband in the United States.

In fact Salvador Curiel never received U.S. citizenship and Francisca became a citizen in 1969–five years after her husband died and 18 years after her last son — the future judge Gonzalo Curiel — was born.

So the New York Times got it wrong. They didn’t do their fact checking. Oops.

Could the fact that Mexican telecom billionaire Carlos Slim’s ownership of The New York Times have played a role?

The piece of shit author of that piece of shit hit peace in one article states that Curiel's Mother's death certificate is not proof she was a U.S. citizen.

But in this article this piece of shit then claims the father's death certificate is proof of his citizenship.

He also claims Curiel is biased- because get this- as U.S. attorney- he negotiated with Mexico- IN SPANISH.

Which apparently makes him a Mexican to pieces of shit like Brip and the author.

And what Finger-boy can't figure out, even though I laid it out for him as soon as he opened this wank thread --- the judge is born in Indiana, so it doesn't fricking matter if his parents are Venutians.

That sailed right over his jelly-smeared head.

YOur pretense that Trump was claiming that the Judge was a Mexican Citizen is utter nonsense.

You are being very dishonest.
So to boil down that Emilyesque torrent, your basic point is, "the fake university didn't deliver what it promised, because anybody who thinks a 3-day Rump seminar will deliver what it promised to deliver, is an idiot"..

No, it would boil down to:
1. Trump complied with the New York state governments complaints and instructions and closed down the institution in 2010, only five years after initiating it.

2. He didnt get sued untill he slammed on Obama in 2011, a full year after the entire thing was voluntarily shut down.

3. The whole thing is nothing but partisan bullshit.

4. Politicians are the biggest hypocrits on the planet if they attack Trump for failure to keep his promises.

That's nice tinfoil stuff, but you have no evidence. Just paranoia. And about a lifelong huckster to boot.

Here's an angle that hasn't been brought up though. Regardless of who the judge is or what language his parents knew, why is Rump so terrified of the sealed documents getting out? If he's running a "legitimate business" and all? What's he got to HIDE?

Have you seen the playbook?

Anyway, again what you said in the previous was that people are manipulatable, and if somebody manipulates them it's their fault for being the victim. That's just weird.

I've seen your lefty playbook.

You fish for any information, and then lie about it to smear your enemies.
"Judge Curiel, 62, was born in East Chicago, Ind"

That means "Indiana".

Indiana is in the United States.

Your own link.

No wonder you're on ignore. Dumbass.
Did you notice his baby picture showing his 1 finger? His IQ number obviously.
"Judge Curiel, 62, was born in East Chicago, Ind"

That means "Indiana".

Indiana is in the United States.

Your own link.

No wonder you're on ignore. Dumbass.
Dear God you are fucking stupid.

No one is claiming the judge is not born in the USA, estupido

Then what the fuck is the issue? Fingerboy can't tell me, maybe you can.
Is Rump under the impression that Curiel's dead father is the judge?


The issue is that the judge is a member of a Hispanic racist organization that proudly displays its participation in that racist movement known as "la Raza". Hence Trump does not believe that he is getting a fair trial.

You know all this, but you somehow think that you are being clever by playing stupid.

But then again, maybe you are not playing at all.
That's right...you're afraid of the phrase "la raza".
"Judge Curiel, 62, was born in East Chicago, Ind"

That means "Indiana".

Indiana is in the United States.

Your own link.

No wonder you're on ignore. Dumbass.
Dear God you are fucking stupid.

No one is claiming the judge is not born in the USA, estupido

Trump claims that the Judge is a Mexican.

Mexicans are born in Mexico.
Americans are born in America.

Not complicated.

He is referring to Mexican-Americans like most people do; Mexicans like people say black instead of Afro-American, etc..

He knows that. They all know that.

THey scream racism long enough and loud enough and people who aren't really paying attention start to believe it must be true.

That's how they win.

It's really ALL they have.

They are assholes.

Sure, we are the assholes...

you and rightwingers CREATED this tactic and use it daily, by the minute...

crooked Hillary, evil Hillary, murderous Hillary, lyin hillary, Benghazi, Benghazi, Benghazi, email, email, email, Obama is the Worst president ever in our History, worst worst worst, Bill the Rapist, Rapist, Rapist, killed Vince Foster, killed Vince Foster

Cut me a break on who the ASSHOLES truly are....
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"Judge Curiel, 62, was born in East Chicago, Ind"

That means "Indiana".

Indiana is in the United States.

Your own link.

No wonder you're on ignore. Dumbass.

THe OP is about the Judge's father.

It is odd that you missed that, as you claim to NOT be a partisan Leftist.

Don't you think it is wrong that the partisan leftists at the NYTimes lied?

YOu claimed to be very concerned that Trump misrepresented the JUDGE'S nationality, but now the LEft, as represented by the Times does the same thing with his father and you attack the guy that called them on it.

This really undermines your claimed non-partisanship.

The author who made these claims in two different articles claimed that:
a) that there was no proof that the judges mother was an American citizen, even though her death certificate said "American citizen" because and I quote:
Yes, it’s true that the death certificate has the mother’s citizenship but death certificates are a notoriously unreliable document
b) And then in this article- the author claims that he has proof that the judge's dad was not an American citizen- and the proof? The dad's death certificate- yes the very document that the author the previous day had said was 'notoriously unreliable'

The author being cited by Brip is a dishonest piece of shit- that shows because of how he makes claims against the mother and father- treating their death certificates entirely differently- to support the author's bias.

That's pretty funny.

And yes, Charles C. Johnson is a racist piece of shit.

Not that it matters, but Salvador was almost certainly a US Citizen. He worked in the steel mills in the 1920's when there was much demand for labor, especially in areas like Chicago (they actively courted immigrants from the Latin American counties then, and even though the harsh Immigration Act of 1924 effectively shut down most all immigration to the US - it set no limits on those coming from LA countries).

He rose up the ladder in his profession as well. Most immigrants that worked in the mills at that time, knew English, passed the residency requirements and were of good character, were awarded with citizenship.
"Judge Curiel, 62, was born in East Chicago, Ind"

That means "Indiana".

Indiana is in the United States.

Your own link.

No wonder you're on ignore. Dumbass.

THe OP is about the Judge's father.

It is odd that you missed that, as you claim to NOT be a partisan Leftist.

Don't you think it is wrong that the partisan leftists at the NYTimes lied?

YOu claimed to be very concerned that Trump misrepresented the JUDGE'S nationality, but now the LEft, as represented by the Times does the same thing with his father and you attack the guy that called them on it.

This really undermines your claimed non-partisanship.

The author who made these claims in two different articles claimed that:
a) that there was no proof that the judges mother was an American citizen, even though her death certificate said "American citizen" because and I quote:
Yes, it’s true that the death certificate has the mother’s citizenship but death certificates are a notoriously unreliable document
b) And then in this article- the author claims that he has proof that the judge's dad was not an American citizen- and the proof? The dad's death certificate- yes the very document that the author the previous day had said was 'notoriously unreliable'

The author being cited by Brip is a dishonest piece of shit- that shows because of how he makes claims against the mother and father- treating their death certificates entirely differently- to support the author's bias.

That's pretty funny.

And yes, Charles C. Johnson is a racist piece of shit.

Not that it matters, but Salvador was almost certainly a US Citizen. He worked in the steel mills in the 1920's when there was much demand for labor, especially in areas like Chicago (they actively courted immigrants from the Latin American counties then, and even though the harsh Immigration Act of 1924 effectively shut down most all immigration to the US - it set no limits on those coming from LA countries).

He rose up the ladder in his profession as well. Most immigrants that worked in the mills at that time, knew English, passed the residency requirements and were of good character, were awarded with citizenship.

That would also be the exact time the Ku Klux Klan was at its peak terrorizing immigrants and labor unions, especially in Indiana, where it had the run of the state right up to the Governor, and where an estimated one-third of the state male population were Klan members, so that's part of the context under which he would have traveled and worked.

Coincidentally it's the same time that Fred Christ Trump's name shows up on a list of arrests made at a Klan rally in New York. So, whether Rump himself made that particular connection to arrive at the same conclusion the Klan would have made (while of course having no idea who David Duke is) we can only speculate, but there's another dimension to historical context....

Stephenson --- A "very talented charlatan" and "acute businessman"... who "realized the potential" of bigotry as a source of power and had been at various times a Democrat or Republican until he got what he wanted. Hmmm.... :eusa_think:
Once again the facts show that the lefties are lying about the anchor baby judge and that Trump's criticism is totally justified.

Ay Carumba! Death Record For #JudgeCuriel Papa’s Proves New York Times Lying About U.S. Citizenship

The death certificate for the father of the controversial Mexican judge confirms that Curiel’s parents were not U.S. citizens when he was born.

Death records from Indiana records confirm that Salvador Curiel died a Mexican citizen in 1964… not as the New York Times’s Alan Rappeport reported in an anti-Donald Trump article.

But Rappeport claimed that the elder Curiel had died a U.S. citizen. He didn’t.

Here’s what Rappeport wrote:

Judge Curiel, 62, was born in East Chicago, Ind., to parents who had emigrated from Mexico. Raul Curiel said their father, Salvador, arrived in Arizona as a laborer in the 1920s, eventually receiving citizenship and becoming a steelworker. Their parents were married in Mexico in 1946, and their mother, Francisca, became a citizen after joining her husband in the United States.

In fact Salvador Curiel never received U.S. citizenship and Francisca became a citizen in 1969–five years after her husband died and 18 years after her last son — the future judge Gonzalo Curiel — was born.

So the New York Times got it wrong. They didn’t do their fact checking. Oops.

Could the fact that Mexican telecom billionaire Carlos Slim’s ownership of The New York Times have played a role?

The piece of shit author of that piece of shit hit peace in one article states that Curiel's Mother's death certificate is not proof she was a U.S. citizen.

But in this article this piece of shit then claims the father's death certificate is proof of his citizenship.

He also claims Curiel is biased- because get this- as U.S. attorney- he negotiated with Mexico- IN SPANISH.

Which apparently makes him a Mexican to pieces of shit like Brip and the author.

And what Finger-boy can't figure out, even though I laid it out for him as soon as he opened this wank thread --- the judge is born in Indiana, so it doesn't fricking matter if his parents are Venutians.

That sailed right over his jelly-smeared head.

YOur pretense that Trump was claiming that the Judge was a Mexican Citizen is utter nonsense.

You are being very dishonest.

I said "Mexican Citizen" where?

Yeah tell me about "dishonesty", you lying hack.
So, when will Donald Trump release his own mother's immigration/citizenship/birth/death/marriage records?
So you dont think that white people have a right to a fair trial?

So you automatically thing this judge can't be fair because of his ethnicity...hmmmmmmm...that makes you...what?

Perhaps some of these posters can explain that if Judge Curiel is a member of a activist racist organization why doesn't he have a record of conviction reversals on his resume? How do his judgments stand if he is a racist trouble maker?

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