Ay Carumba! Death Record For #JudgeCuriel Papa’s Proves New York Times Lying About U.S. Citizenship

Then again --- Judge Curiel's family has become a question only for jelly-smeared tots like the OP; it has never however become a legitimate question.
ROFL! Of course it's a legitimate question since his family are exactly the kind of people Trump is promising to deport.

Only a totally shameless douche bag would claim the judge's family isn't relevant.

What the flying fuck does a judge's ethincity have to do with sitting before a FRAUD case?

Is "FRAUD" somehow different if your ancestry is from Mexico than it is if it came from Germany?

He's from FUCKING INDIANA, Fingerboy. Is Rump proposing to build a wall around fucking Indiana?? :banghead:

Fuckin' partisan hacks....

It's already been explained about 1000 times, douche bag. The anchor baby judge's parents were Mexican illegal aliens. Trump is promising to deport 11 million illegal aliens, almost all from Mexico. What could be more relevant than that?

Do you really think pretending to be the world's biggest dumbass makes your case more credible?

So the only judge that can hear this case should be one who agrees with Trump's policies? Is that right? Or only the non white judges?
Nope. Just a judge that doesn't have a personal conflict of interest.

Funny then that STILL nobody can explain what some judge's personal heritage has to do with the merits of a fraud case.

I take it "fraud" must take on a different meaning if your parents were from Mexico. If only these things were written down, codified in something like ----- , I dunno, we could call it "law" just to make up a name --- instead of being based on genetics. I can dream, can't I?

Btw do you guys have a resource somewhere that explains what nationality judge to go for on other crimes? Like, if I get a speeding ticket, is it better to get an Inuit judge or a Greek? :eusa_think:
"Judge Curiel, 62, was born in East Chicago, Ind"

That means "Indiana".

Indiana is in the United States.

Your own link.

No wonder you're on ignore. Dumbass.
Dear God you are fucking stupid.

No one is claiming the judge is not born in the USA, estupido

Then what the fuck is the issue? Fingerboy can't tell me, maybe you can.
Is Rump under the impression that Curiel's dead father is the judge?


The issue is that the judge is a member of a Hispanic racist organization that proudly displays its participation in that racist movement known as "la Raza". Hence Trump does not believe that he is getting a fair trial.

You know all this, but you somehow think that you are being clever by playing stupid.

But then again, maybe you are not playing at all.

And even if that were true, and even if it somehow by some stretch had something in some way to do with what defines "Fraud" --- how in the FUCK would it have anything to do with his dead father?

How do summa y'all even locate the power switch on your computer? Does the nurse do it for ya?
Actually she's been dead since 2000, we know very little about her. Since Judge Curiel's family has become a question, it's only fair to look into Donald Trump's own immigrant mothers history.

Then again --- Judge Curiel's family has become a question only for jelly-smeared tots like the OP; it has never however become a legitimate question.
ROFL! Of course it's a legitimate question since his family are exactly the kind of people Trump is promising to deport.

Only a totally shameless douche bag would claim the judge's family isn't relevant.

What the flying fuck does a judge's ethincity have to do with sitting before a FRAUD case?

Is "FRAUD" somehow different if your ancestry is from Mexico than it is if it came from Germany?

He's from FUCKING INDIANA, Fingerboy. Is Rump proposing to build a wall around fucking Indiana?? :banghead:

Fuckin' partisan hacks....

It's already been explained about 1000 times, douche bag. The anchor baby judge's parents were Mexican illegal aliens. Trump is promising to deport 11 million illegal aliens, almost all from Mexico. What could be more relevant than that?

Do you really think pretending to be the world's biggest dumbass makes your case more credible?

So the only judge that can hear this case should be one who agrees with Trump's policies? Is that right? Or only the non white judges?

Only a judge whose parents or anyone he's ever heard of touched, felt, smelt, read about or worked for is from a country, religion or group that Rump hasn't previously singled out to demonize. That means No Mexicans need apply, No Muslims, No Chinese, Japanese, Women, No Native Americans... I think Albanians are still OK. For now.
So Scottish immigrants are never illegal criminal aliens? Have we even seen Mary MacLeod's arrest record?
Yep, we got millions of Irish drunks immigrating to the states, AS WE SPEAK!!!

And these drunk bastards want to take back the land they lost in the Revolutionary War.

The Irish bastards never had any land prior to the Revolutionary war, hell they didnt even rule Ire-land.

IF ire = anger, then doesnt Ireland = Angerland?
The issue is that the judge is a member of a Hispanic racist organization that proudly displays its participation in that racist movement known as "la Raza". Hence Trump does not believe that he is getting a fair trial.

You know all this, but you somehow think that you are being clever by playing stupid.

But then again, maybe you are not playing at all.

The problem here is that the only thing you have to show they are racist is that you say they are racist? Racist against who?

According to Cesar Chavez they are racist against Gringos. According to Vasconcelos, they are racist against anyone not Mexican, but they will give some room for Amerindian-Mexican mix (Mestizos).
So Scottish immigrants are never illegal criminal aliens? Have we even seen Mary MacLeod's arrest record?
Yep, we got millions of Irish drunks immigrating to the states, AS WE SPEAK!!!

And these drunk bastards want to take back the land they lost in the Revolutionary War.

The Irish bastards never had any land prior to the Revolutionary war, hell they didnt even rule Ire-land.

IF ire = anger, then doesnt Ireland = Angerland?

Good god man. What does that make Germans then? :ack-1:

Is this why I can't get anywhere with Icelandic women?
Once again the facts show that the lefties are lying about the anchor baby judge and that Trump's criticism is totally justified.

Ay Carumba! Death Record For #JudgeCuriel Papa’s Proves New York Times Lying About U.S. Citizenship

The death certificate for the father of the controversial Mexican judge confirms that Curiel’s parents were not U.S. citizens when he was born.

Death records from Indiana records confirm that Salvador Curiel died a Mexican citizen in 1964… not as the New York Times’s Alan Rappeport reported in an anti-Donald Trump article.

But Rappeport claimed that the elder Curiel had died a U.S. citizen. He didn’t.

Here’s what Rappeport wrote:

Judge Curiel, 62, was born in East Chicago, Ind., to parents who had emigrated from Mexico. Raul Curiel said their father, Salvador, arrived in Arizona as a laborer in the 1920s, eventually receiving citizenship and becoming a steelworker. Their parents were married in Mexico in 1946, and their mother, Francisca, became a citizen after joining her husband in the United States.

In fact Salvador Curiel never received U.S. citizenship and Francisca became a citizen in 1969–five years after her husband died and 18 years after her last son — the future judge Gonzalo Curiel — was born.

So the New York Times got it wrong. They didn’t do their fact checking. Oops.

Could the fact that Mexican telecom billionaire Carlos Slim’s ownership of The New York Times have played a role?

THe New York TImes did what they could to try to support the absurd fake outrage over Trump saying the same thing they have been saying for months.

That has been more important than the truth to the NYTimes, specifically and lefties in general for a very long time.

They cannot be trusted to tell the truth.
"Judge Curiel, 62, was born in East Chicago, Ind"

That means "Indiana".

Indiana is in the United States.

Your own link.

No wonder you're on ignore. Dumbass.

THe OP is about the Judge's father.

It is odd that you missed that, as you claim to NOT be a partisan Leftist.

Don't you think it is wrong that the partisan leftists at the NYTimes lied?

YOu claimed to be very concerned that Trump misrepresented the JUDGE'S nationality, but now the LEft, as represented by the Times does the same thing with his father and you attack the guy that called them on it.

This really undermines your claimed non-partisanship.
"Judge Curiel, 62, was born in East Chicago, Ind"

That means "Indiana".

Indiana is in the United States.

Your own link.

No wonder you're on ignore. Dumbass.

THe OP is about the Judge's father.

It is odd that you missed that, as you claim to NOT be a partisan Leftist.

Don't you think it is wrong that the partisan leftists at the NYTimes lied?

YOu claimed to be very concerned that Trump misrepresented the JUDGE'S nationality, but now the LEft, as represented by the Times does the same thing with his father and you attack the guy that called them on it.

This really undermines your claimed non-partisanship.

I have not read any Times article. I don't need to.
The question was, remains, and ever shall be, what the fuck a judge's dead FATHER has to do with a fraud case. That question remains unmolested.

But then, that's the kind of question I tend to ask, because I like to watch hacks like Fingerboy squirm. I'm kind of sadistic that way.
This appears to be a FAKE, from bripat's link... it has no Death Certificate certification number, no Death Registration Number, which all official death certificates have.... Why would it be cut off and not shown, if this were REAL?

How would Trump's mother be relevant to the trial?
The same way Judge Curiel's parents are relevant. Was she a criminal, was she properly vetted to become a citizen, had she ever bribed or coerced a city, state, county legal authority. Why the hell did she raise an asshole?
roflmao, you really are just that stupid, arent you?
Oh! white people can't be criminals.
The judge is white.....white Hispanic.
How would Trump's mother be relevant to the trial?
The same way Judge Curiel's parents are relevant. Was she a criminal, was she properly vetted to become a citizen, had she ever bribed or coerced a city, state, county legal authority. Why the hell did she raise an asshole?
roflmao, you really are just that stupid, arent you?
Oh! white people can't be criminals.
The judge is white.....white Hispanic.

And Rump is Orange. Orange histrionics.
The judges race has nothing to do with a fair trial but his political ties to certain people with affect his decision.
The judges race has nothing to do with a fair trial but his political ties to certain people with affect his decision.

Nobody mentioned a race. Rump said "Mexican".

If Rump's lawyers had any kind of actual legitimate concern they would file for a recusal on that basis. They haven't.
Ergo, the usual empty Orange rhetoric from the Orangutan. Just trying to stir up shit with the unwashed. Same old shit. Apparently it worked, and worked so well with some of the particularly Unwashed that now they're digging up the corpse of the judge's father and trying to pretend to have found some relevance.

Partisan hackery. Such an entertainment deal.
everyone is talking about the judge and not the actual alleged crime of Fraud that was committed.... trump's antics is working....
everyone is talking about the judge and not the actual alleged crime of Fraud that was committed.... trump's antics is working....

There was no crime, dumbass. It's a civil suit.

It amazes me how persistent you turds are about misstating the facts.

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