Ayatollah Alavi-Gorgani: “Forbidden music leads to destruction of society”


Gold Member
Mar 22, 2012
Probably many of the famous Iranian singers have left Iran by now and are continuing their careers in civilized countries. I am acquainted with one who was thrown into prison and beaten; however, he was lucky enough to be able to bribe the prison authorities or guards. Now he is able to live unafraid of using his golden voice.

Ayatollah Alavi-Gorgani: “Forbidden music leads to destruction of society”
November 13, 2014 _ 12:08 PM
Ayatollah Alavi-Gorgani has met with a group of members of the organizers of a conference on the knowledge of danger of music to culture. This movement says that in order to reform society, it is necessary that society knows the dangers of music.

Grand Ayatollah Sayyed Mohammad-Ali Alavi-Gorgani has met with a group of members of the organizers of a conference on the knowledge of danger of music to culture. This movement says that in order to reform society, it is necessary that society knows the dangers of music.

The prophets and imams sent by God worked to persuade society to obey God and tried to invite society to Islam because this work has much value for society.

The revered professor in the Islamic Seminary of Qom stressed that people have both individual and social responsibilities. He said that Islam specifies certain social responsibilities upon the Muslims. These responsibilities propel society towards reform. “Individuals must never look after their own needs alone and say that they have no responsibilities to help others. Everyone has responsibilities in relation to others,” Ayatollah Alavi-Gorgani.

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Ayatollah Alavi-Gorgani Forbidden music leads to destruction of society - AhlulBayt News Agency - ABNA - Shia News
The Ayatollah is stating the truth......... :cool:
The Ayatollah is full of shit.

Is the Sunni Porta-potty guy actually standing up for a Shiite, or is he just lonely being shut up in his room and wants a little attention? After all, he was the one who said that all the Shiites should be gathered up and put in one enclave. Maybe the Porta-potty guy should get together with the Ayatollah and listen to some music as music is supposed to soothe the savage beast.
Silly-Sally loves talking about the Sunni Man. ..... :cool:

She has been infatuated with me since day one.. ..... :thup:
...it is necessary that society knows the dangers of music...
To put this into an appropriate and freedom-loving modern Western context...

It is necessary that society knows the dangers of giving credence to phony-baloney belief-systems (Islam) and clerics (Ayatollahs) that claim that music is a danger to society.

Soul-less Neanderthals.
The Ayatollah is stating the truth......... :cool:

The Ayatollah is full of shit.

He certainly is, along with all the others who think the same about music. Can you imagine how shocked they must have been to see so many show up for the funeral of a pop singer?

Public Grieving for Pop Singer Is Startling for Iran


The coffin holding the body of the singer Morteza Pashaei was carried and photographed by a large crowd in Tehran on Sunday.CreditAbedin Taherkenareh/European Pressphoto Agency
TEHRAN — Iranian authorities were caught off guard over the weekend when thousands of people joined spontaneous gatherings around the country to mourn and remember a pop singer who died late last week.

The police were called out to deal with the crowds in several cities, and Tehran’s main cemetery was closed Sunday after mourners — mostly young people — assembled there in such large numbers that the singer’s burial had to be postponed.

The 30-year-old singer, Morteza Pashaei, who died on Friday of stomach cancer, was a popular figure among young Iranians, but many of his songs were not allowed to be played on state television because the authorities considered them to be too romantic.

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