Ayatollah Cries Over Soleimani


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified


As my loving Grandfather would always tell me - DO IT AGAIN AND I’LL REALLY GIVE YOU SOMETHING TO CRY ABOUT!

Well if you lost your lover you would cry too!

How heartless can you be?

Correction: I should say, it was more of a 3 way

I don't know why, but the thought of Putin being capable of tears is hilarious by itself.


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As my loving Grandfather would always tell me - DO IT AGAIN AND I’LL REALLY GIVE YOU SOMETHING TO CRY ABOUT!

According to the reports I saw, Soleimani's body was blown to shreds and the only identifiable part of him they could recover was his finger with his ring on it. So all these guys are standing around looking at a coffin containing only a finger. Which finger is it?

View attachment 298749

As my loving Grandfather would always tell me - DO IT AGAIN AND I’LL REALLY GIVE YOU SOMETHING TO CRY ABOUT!

According to the reports I saw, Soleimani's body was blown to shreds and the only identifiable part of him they could recover was his finger with his ring on it. So all these guys are standing around looking at a coffin containing only a finger. Which finger is it?
I’ll bet they used this ironic toy on him.

Secret Hellfire Missile With Sword-Like Blades Made Mysterious Strike On Terror Leader In Syria
According to the reports I saw, Soleimani's body was blown to shreds and the only identifiable part of him they could recover was his finger with his ring on it. So all these guys are standing around looking at a coffin containing only a finger. Which finger is it?

:desk: I know!!!! I know!!! :fu:
Suppose They Threw World War III and Nobody Came?

“By any measure, Trump’s daring call to eliminate Suleimani hasn’t brought us any closer to war with Iran, because we’ve been at war for a very long time. It hasn’t brought us any closer to World War III, because there’s no Iranian coalition, and far from being a global power, Iran is an overextended regional player. If anything, as both Fernandez and Codevilla made plain, the Suleimani assassination sets the stage, however unlikely, for a potential peace.”​
Since those fanatics seized Iran, they have murdered tens of thousands of people for all kinds of offenses.

So it was surprising to see the current head honcho actually cry. I assumed that he -- like his ilk -- had no heart.
Since those fanatics seized Iran, they have murdered tens of thousands of people for all kinds of offenses.

So it was surprising to see the current head honcho actually cry. I assumed that he -- like his ilk -- had no heart.

"When the Iranian revolution came to power, with the help of Democratic President Jimmy Carter, the Ayatollah Khomeini killed more human beings (about twenty thousand) in two weeks than had been killed by the Shah during his entire thirty-eight years. Khomeini followed this by sending hundreds of thousands of Iranians to die in the Iran-Iraq war, as martyrdom was needed to resurrect the Islamic Empire."
Paul Berman, “Terror and Liberalism,” p. 108
"After the Iranians, on the direction of Soleimani, attacked the U.S. embassy in Baghdad and destroyed the reception area on Thursday, the Iranian theocratic leader Ayatollah Khamanei announced to his Friday prayer session that despite Trump’s threats, “There’s not a damn thing he can do about it.”

A few hours later, Mr. Trump did something about it."
Democrats Start To Look Like the Gadarene Swine

"The United States could also destroy every strategically relevant military and economic target in Iran in 30 minutes."

Iran knows that they would have been met with an irresistible attack had they done real damage in the fireworks display last night....but they kept their 'eye on the prize'......nuclear weapons and missiles capable of carrying same.

At some point Trump will have to deal with same, as we can see that it is largely impossible to de-nuclearize a nation....

Fingers crossed.

Iran knows that they would have been met with an irresistible attack had they done real damage in the fireworks display last night....but they kept their 'eye on the prize'......nuclear weapons and missiles capable of carrying same.

At some point Trump will have to deal with same, as we can see that it is largely impossible to de-nuclearize a nation....

Fingers crossed.
Good point.

Certainly Kim is watching and Trump is communicating to him as well as the Iranians.

Mr. Kim accepted the overture to meet, failed to swindle Mr. Trump as he had his three predecessors, and Mr. Trump has given him plenty of time to grandstand, promise “Christmas presents” that didn’t happen. Mr. Kim has not materially advanced his military nuclear program and eventually will make the choice between forging ahead and being completely humiliated, and making an agreement in which he gets an official peace and recognition as a legitimate state, the end of sanctions, economic assistance, plenty to crow about as part of an agreement for a nuclear-free Korean peninsula from the Yalu to Pusan.​

Mr. Trump has also made the point that American appeasement of China, as it rifles through American corporate pockets and dumps cheap goods in the United States, is also a policy that has ended.

A side-benefit of the more level economic playing field that is emerging with China is that Mr. Kim can now see that his guardian-cheerleader from Beijing, in all his mischief, is not immune to assertions of American economic strength, and will not put North Korea’s interest ahead of China’s own.

These are elemental steps in Great Power diplomacy, deploying economic and military strength as required.

The rather pathetic Iranian attempt to threaten Europe with violation of the nuclear military agreement will lead nowhere. Despite the warnings of Democrats, the United States only has to say, as it has, that failure to observe U.S. sanctions against Iran will result in loss of access to the U.S. market for the exports of offending countries, to keep France, Germany, and Italy on our side. These countries are singularly lacking in robustness as allies, but at least they can still count and will vote with their wallets.

Iran will soon be at the point of having to choose between having their nuclear program bombed out of existence, or stalling as North Korea has, or starting to deescalate the crisis. The United States is infinitely more powerful by every measurement than Iran or North Korea and this president’s application of elemental recourse to that power is producing results.

The overwhelming majority of Americans will support the president — the Democrats have put their head in a noose while standing over a trap-door. The consequences are predictable.

Democrats Start To Look Like the Gadarene Swine

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