Ayrshire Police storm house over lockdown breach, three people arrested

Natural Citizen

American Made
Aug 8, 2016
Police stormed into a family home yesterday on suspicion they had guests around.

A spokesperson added: "We received a complaint from a member of the public regarding a breach of coronavirus regulations at a property''

Apparently the family had just brought their ill daughter home from the hospital.

Cripes. Not even safe from the Gestapo and their informant minions in your own home with your family these days.

That video makes me sick to my stomach.

It's time to start fighting back.
Fight back ?


You can't even get Conservatives and Rightwingers to break their love affair with Radical Left Social Media.
Even as they censor their every post and tell them to EFF OFF.

Fight back?

PS....now that they have conquered the US and it's pesky Constitution......better hang on because
this type of thing is geoing to get MUCH worse everywhere.
PS....now that they have conquered the US and it's pesky Constitution......better hang on because
this type of thing is geoing to get MUCH worse everywhere.

The constitution is how they're getting away with it here in the US.

The anti-federalists, as I'd mentioned many times previously, have been proven correct in their predictions over and over and over again throughout history.

I dunno who is the worst in all of this. The Gestapo, or their minions who peer out their own windows and into everyone elses.

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