AZ Att Gen Orders Maricopa to give up info or lose funding

Defund Maricopa County? Republicans need to lay off the stupid pills.
Yep, if that were to happen the GOP would never win another statewide election again. Wow, why not piss off more than half the population of a state that is already tired of this shit ass audit?
Using the system to defeat the system. It's all masturbation. Nothing will come from any of this.
Arizona is a big baseball state. It's time for the GOP to stop bitching and start playing hardball. Let's get to the truth of the 2020 election and prosecute anyone who obstructs.
Nothing says legitimate election like fighting to keep election information secret.

Arizona attorney general to Maricopa: Give up election information or lose state’s $700M.
Does this mean the Attorney General of Arizona, lacks the ability to get a court order in his own state, and therefore cannot have the board members jailed for contempt of court? Or does it mean he lacks sufficient probable cause to achieve to legitimate warrant relating to a crime, to get them to comply? Is the real goal to block funds or get compliance with his demands? Sounds like a political stunt for the newspapers to me.:bigbed:
Arizona is a big baseball state. It's time for the GOP to stop bitching and start playing hardball. Let's get to the truth of the 2020 election and prosecute anyone who obstructs.
Yes, that is exactly what the Republican party should be doing.
Does this mean the Attorney General of Arizona, lacks the ability to get a court order in his own state, and therefore cannot have the board members jailed for contempt of court? Or does it mean he lacks sufficient probable cause to achieve to legitimate warrant relating to a crime, to get them to comply? Is the real goal to block funds or get compliance with his demands? Sounds like a political stunt for the newspapers to me.:bigbed:
Irrelevant. Fighting against transparency draws only one conclusion.
Take the AG's illegal order to court.

The fight over material in the previous subpoena should also be resolved in a court of law, not by a strong arm threat.
Using the system to defeat the system. It's all masturbation. Nothing will come from any of this.
The StAG gave them over 30 days to comply. It should have been immediate. Additionally, the county supervisors will do exactly what has worked so well for the FBI, State Department, and the Intelligence community. They will simply say….”we can’t find them….they must have been lost….sorry.”
Irrelevant. Fighting against transparency draws only one conclusion.
No it doesn't. There were recounts and audits under state law at the time of the election, under existing state law of that time. Nobody and no state law was in effect to turn their voting records, machines, or ballets over to 3rd parties, outside of government. I am not aware it was ever common, anywhere in the history of the country. The conservative move was to comply with laws, conduct the audits/recounts, certify the election results (which they did at local and state level), cast their electoral votes along with the other states and move on. They just don't make conservatives the way they used to.
No it doesn't. There were recounts and audits under state law at the time of the election, under existing state law of that time. Nobody and no state law was in effect to turn their voting records, machines, or ballets over to 3rd parties, outside of government. I am not aware it was ever common, anywhere in the history of the country. The conservative move was to comply with laws, conduct the audits/recounts, certify the election results (which they did at local and state level), cast their electoral votes along with the other states and move on. They just don't make conservatives the way they used to.
Fighting against transparency means just one thing.
The StAG gave them over 30 days to comply. It should have been immediate. Additionally, the county supervisors will do exactly what has worked so well for the FBI, State Department, and the Intelligence community. They will simply say….”we can’t find them….they must have been lost….sorry.”
It's depressing...
I was listening to a podcast while exercising the other day. There was one of those motivational 'power of positive thought' douchebags on a show tryna sell a book, or a plan...or some shit to rubes. He says;


How much you want to bet they are going to pull a Hillary and wipe everything clean?
22 months after the election they will destroy everything. Why do you think there is no cooperation and they drag everything through a biased courtroom?
Yep, if that were to happen the GOP would never win another statewide election again. Wow, why not piss off more than half the population of a state that is already tired of this shit ass audit?
prove it.
It is perfectly obvious to anyone with any intelligence at all that the Dems

Massively cheated
Know they massively cheated
Will do anything to cover up the truth that they cheated
Why? As in why days later you're still responding to this thread?
cause you're on ignore and i don't pay attention to the side forums much. i made another post in here today, saw *someone* replied to my old thread, so i checked.

sure enough it was you practicing the great art of dumbassery.

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