AZ Audit hearing live. Stunning numbers of vote fraud!

This all comes down to people who will believe anything because they want to. It's essentially religion.
You are ignoring what you want to. But im sure thats different, right?
I'm ignoring nonsense from idiots.

Let's lay it out there. Trump is the champion of stupid people. They love him. He stands up for them. He stands for stupidity.
You are doing the same thing you are complaining about. Period.
Nah. That shit is over. Biden is your POTUS now.

The correct phrase is '*igga rigged'.

There. I fixed it for ya'.
The correct phrase is....
Dump lost. Get over it.
There. I fixed it for you.

You mean to say that we need even more black ballot counters in Atlanta, Philadelphia, Detroit, Milwaukee than we already had last election! :muahaha:
Thats a good idea. Thanks.

Only if you wanna '*igga rig' an election like the last one.
When I was a poor white youngster who could not afford a mechanic, I used to '*igga rig' my beater car so it would drive a few more miles.
The Dimm's did the same thing this last election. And like my car, it ran for a short while, but eventually broke down and left me stranded. Unfortunately, this metaphor applies to our Country.
Why do you not think this is not a big deal?

I wouldn't necessarily say that. Could be a very big deal. These jackasses are playing with fire. This kind of crap can bring a country down.

But it's still a circle jerk amongst deluded morons.
Apparently, not too deluded
Of course they're deluded. It's utterly transparent, to anyone who has parented a five-year-old, that this entire charade is the result of an egomaniac throwing a fit, a narcissist who simply can't admit he failed. The people pushing this shit are either simpletons who can't parse reality, or nihilists who are deliberately trying to undermine our democracy. Unfortunately, far too many people in the US fill that bill.
So the people that found 90k votes that should have been voided are deluded as well?
They didn't state that in the video.

So, why are you taking that as fact?
Not being on voter rolls and still voted would mean what, you stupid mother fucker? Jesus
Their vote counts as they signed up to vote.
The deadline for registering to vote was October 15th.
And on cue and as expected, the usual suspects are doing nothing but crying about the source, refusing to watch videos and putting their hands over their eyes claiming they see nothing. The poor snowflakes expected things about bamboo like their LSM masters claimed. Instead they got the actual facts they can’t just sweep under the rug.
Asking if there is a credible source scares you?

No, that doesn't scare anyone, but it is well known that the only sources you consider "credible" are the liberal media propagandists that you know will not report on this up to, and until it is too big to ignore. Then they will still treat it as CT....
If that information was released, there will be a record of it. Why not point to that? Do you really expect anyone to take "because I said so" as proof?
No, I don't...But, this could be a case of the totallity of the information hasn't been released yet, and therefore not officially in the public sphere...You asked earlier who Navarro was, he was in the Trump administration but has an impressive background before serving in the administration...

"Peter Kent Navarro (born July 15, 1949) is an American economist and author. He served in the Trump administration as the Assistant to the President, Director of Trade and Manufacturing Policy, and the national Defense Production Act policy coordinator."

So, I am pretty sure that just the fact that he served under Trump will disqualify him in your eyes....In any case, I think we should wait until the AZ senate puts out their final report...
"So, I am pretty sure that just the fact that he served under Trump will disqualify him in your eyes.."

Anyone that voluntarily served under Drump and contributed to his lies has zero credibility.
Yep, knew that, among a slew of other excuses will come as these irregularities are made public...The thing to remember is that the American people will see them, and most of us are not as far down the Socialist rabbit hole as you...
I asked this before. Lets say Dump actually won. What are you going to do about it?
At this time, I don't think there is really anything that can be done, but as happened the last time progressivism overplayed, and over estimated their revelence in this country under the Wilson administration and was roundly defeated, and driven under their respective rocks for over 100 years til now, where they are once again overplaying...This time what will be done is possibly a victory for Republican's so big in '22, and '24 as to be 'veto proof' and then y'all are really going to have to eat it...
And on cue and as expected, the usual suspects are doing nothing but crying about the source, refusing to watch videos and putting their hands over their eyes claiming they see nothing. The poor snowflakes expected things about bamboo like their LSM masters claimed. Instead they got the actual facts they can’t just sweep under the rug.
Asking if there is a credible source scares you?

No, that doesn't scare anyone, but it is well known that the only sources you consider "credible" are the liberal media propagandists that you know will not report on this up to, and until it is too big to ignore. Then they will still treat it as CT....
If that information was released, there will be a record of it. Why not point to that? Do you really expect anyone to take "because I said so" as proof?
No, I don't...But, this could be a case of the totallity of the information hasn't been released yet, and therefore not officially in the public sphere...You asked earlier who Navarro was, he was in the Trump administration but has an impressive background before serving in the administration...

"Peter Kent Navarro (born July 15, 1949) is an American economist and author. He served in the Trump administration as the Assistant to the President, Director of Trade and Manufacturing Policy, and the national Defense Production Act policy coordinator."

So, I am pretty sure that just the fact that he served under Trump will disqualify him in your eyes....In any case, I think we should wait until the AZ senate puts out their final report...
If the information hasn't been released, then what is the thread supposed to be about? Somebody who doesn't know spouting numbers?

All the pertinent information was released in the hearing. Yanno, the one you chose to ignore?
OK. Where should I start watching? I already watched the first 10 minutes, and several other places for a minute or two throughout the video trying to find something relevant. Tell me where I missed it.
Nah. That shit is over. Biden is your POTUS now.

The correct phrase is '*igga rigged'.

There. I fixed it for ya'.
The correct phrase is....
Dump lost. Get over it.
There. I fixed it for you.

You mean to say that we need even more black ballot counters in Atlanta, Philadelphia, Detroit, Milwaukee than we already had last election! :muahaha:
Thats a good idea. Thanks.

Only if you wanna '*igga rig' an election like the last one.
When I was a poor white youngster who could not afford a mechanic, I used to '*igga rig' my beater car so it would drive a few more miles.
The Dimm's did the same thing this last election. And like my car, it ran for a short while, but eventually broke down and left me stranded. Unfortunately, this metaphor applies to our Country.
You must be extremely lazy and bitter. If youre white youre not supposed to be poor.
This all comes down to people who will believe anything because they want to. It's essentially religion.
You are ignoring what you want to. But im sure thats different, right?
I'm ignoring nonsense from idiots.

Let's lay it out there. Trump is the champion of stupid people. They love him. He stands up for them. He stands for stupidity.
You are doing the same thing you are complaining about. Period.
"I know you are but what am I?"


Did you ever see the movie Idiocracy? The trial scene in particular. Pretty much sums up the Trumpster movement.
And on cue and as expected, the usual suspects are doing nothing but crying about the source, refusing to watch videos and putting their hands over their eyes claiming they see nothing. The poor snowflakes expected things about bamboo like their LSM masters claimed. Instead they got the actual facts they can’t just sweep under the rug.
Asking if there is a credible source scares you?

No, that doesn't scare anyone, but it is well known that the only sources you consider "credible" are the liberal media propagandists that you know will not report on this up to, and until it is too big to ignore. Then they will still treat it as CT....
If that information was released, there will be a record of it. Why not point to that? Do you really expect anyone to take "because I said so" as proof?
No, I don't...But, this could be a case of the totallity of the information hasn't been released yet, and therefore not officially in the public sphere...You asked earlier who Navarro was, he was in the Trump administration but has an impressive background before serving in the administration...

"Peter Kent Navarro (born July 15, 1949) is an American economist and author. He served in the Trump administration as the Assistant to the President, Director of Trade and Manufacturing Policy, and the national Defense Production Act policy coordinator."

So, I am pretty sure that just the fact that he served under Trump will disqualify him in your eyes....In any case, I think we should wait until the AZ senate puts out their final report...
"So, I am pretty sure that just the fact that he served under Trump will disqualify him in your eyes.."

Anyone that voluntarily served under Drump and contributed to his lies has zero credibility.
Yep, knew that, among a slew of other excuses will come as these irregularities are made public...The thing to remember is that the American people will see them, and most of us are not as far down the Socialist rabbit hole as you...
I asked this before. Lets say Dump actually won. What are you going to do about it?
At this time, I don't think there is really anything that can be done, but as happened the last time progressivism overplayed, and over estimated their revelence in this country under the Wilson administration and was roundly defeated, and driven under their respective rocks for over 100 years til now, where they are once again overplaying...This time what will be done is possibly a victory for Republican's so big in '22, and '24 as to be 'veto proof' and then y'all are really going to have to eat it...
I wanted to gauge just how delusional you are. You seem like you can be saved.
And on cue and as expected, the usual suspects are doing nothing but crying about the source, refusing to watch videos and putting their hands over their eyes claiming they see nothing. The poor snowflakes expected things about bamboo like their LSM masters claimed. Instead they got the actual facts they can’t just sweep under the rug.
Asking if there is a credible source scares you?

No, that doesn't scare anyone, but it is well known that the only sources you consider "credible" are the liberal media propagandists that you know will not report on this up to, and until it is too big to ignore. Then they will still treat it as CT....
If that information was released, there will be a record of it. Why not point to that? Do you really expect anyone to take "because I said so" as proof?
No, I don't...But, this could be a case of the totallity of the information hasn't been released yet, and therefore not officially in the public sphere...You asked earlier who Navarro was, he was in the Trump administration but has an impressive background before serving in the administration...

"Peter Kent Navarro (born July 15, 1949) is an American economist and author. He served in the Trump administration as the Assistant to the President, Director of Trade and Manufacturing Policy, and the national Defense Production Act policy coordinator."

So, I am pretty sure that just the fact that he served under Trump will disqualify him in your eyes....In any case, I think we should wait until the AZ senate puts out their final report...
If the information hasn't been released, then what is the thread supposed to be about? Somebody who doesn't know spouting numbers?

All the pertinent information was released in the hearing. Yanno, the one you chose to ignore?
OK. Where should I start watching? I already watched the first 10 minutes, and several other places for a minute or two throughout the video trying to find something relevant. Tell me where I missed it.
You won't find anything relevant. Amusing yes. Relevant no.
This all comes down to people who will believe anything because they want to. It's essentially religion.
You are ignoring what you want to. But im sure thats different, right?
I'm ignoring nonsense from idiots.

Let's lay it out there. Trump is the champion of stupid people. They love him. He stands up for them. He stands for stupidity.
You are doing the same thing you are complaining about. Period.
"I know you are but what am I?"


Did you ever see the movie Idiocracy? The trial scene in particular. Pretty much sums up the Trumpster movement.
Ha! I was thinking the same of progressive Democrats...
This all comes down to people who will believe anything because they want to. It's essentially religion.
You are ignoring what you want to. But im sure thats different, right?
I'm ignoring nonsense from idiots.

Let's lay it out there. Trump is the champion of stupid people. They love him. He stands up for them. He stands for stupidity.
You are doing the same thing you are complaining about. Period.
"I know you are but what am I?"


Did you ever see the movie Idiocracy? The trial scene in particular. Pretty much sums up the Trumpster movement.
Im going to start calling you Mac Jr.
And on cue and as expected, the usual suspects are doing nothing but crying about the source, refusing to watch videos and putting their hands over their eyes claiming they see nothing. The poor snowflakes expected things about bamboo like their LSM masters claimed. Instead they got the actual facts they can’t just sweep under the rug.
Asking if there is a credible source scares you?

No, that doesn't scare anyone, but it is well known that the only sources you consider "credible" are the liberal media propagandists that you know will not report on this up to, and until it is too big to ignore. Then they will still treat it as CT....
If that information was released, there will be a record of it. Why not point to that? Do you really expect anyone to take "because I said so" as proof?
No, I don't...But, this could be a case of the totallity of the information hasn't been released yet, and therefore not officially in the public sphere...You asked earlier who Navarro was, he was in the Trump administration but has an impressive background before serving in the administration...

"Peter Kent Navarro (born July 15, 1949) is an American economist and author. He served in the Trump administration as the Assistant to the President, Director of Trade and Manufacturing Policy, and the national Defense Production Act policy coordinator."

So, I am pretty sure that just the fact that he served under Trump will disqualify him in your eyes....In any case, I think we should wait until the AZ senate puts out their final report...
If the information hasn't been released, then what is the thread supposed to be about? Somebody who doesn't know spouting numbers?

All the pertinent information was released in the hearing. Yanno, the one you chose to ignore?
OK. Where should I start watching? I already watched the first 10 minutes, and several other places for a minute or two throughout the video trying to find something relevant. Tell me where I missed it.
You won't find anything relevant. Amusing yes. Relevant no.
You have to believe. Then you'll see the relevance. It's like with Tinkerbell.
And on cue and as expected, the usual suspects are doing nothing but crying about the source, refusing to watch videos and putting their hands over their eyes claiming they see nothing. The poor snowflakes expected things about bamboo like their LSM masters claimed. Instead they got the actual facts they can’t just sweep under the rug.
Asking if there is a credible source scares you?

No, that doesn't scare anyone, but it is well known that the only sources you consider "credible" are the liberal media propagandists that you know will not report on this up to, and until it is too big to ignore. Then they will still treat it as CT....
If that information was released, there will be a record of it. Why not point to that? Do you really expect anyone to take "because I said so" as proof?
No, I don't...But, this could be a case of the totallity of the information hasn't been released yet, and therefore not officially in the public sphere...You asked earlier who Navarro was, he was in the Trump administration but has an impressive background before serving in the administration...

"Peter Kent Navarro (born July 15, 1949) is an American economist and author. He served in the Trump administration as the Assistant to the President, Director of Trade and Manufacturing Policy, and the national Defense Production Act policy coordinator."

So, I am pretty sure that just the fact that he served under Trump will disqualify him in your eyes....In any case, I think we should wait until the AZ senate puts out their final report...
"So, I am pretty sure that just the fact that he served under Trump will disqualify him in your eyes.."

Anyone that voluntarily served under Drump and contributed to his lies has zero credibility.
Yep, knew that, among a slew of other excuses will come as these irregularities are made public...The thing to remember is that the American people will see them, and most of us are not as far down the Socialist rabbit hole as you...
I asked this before. Lets say Dump actually won. What are you going to do about it?
At this time, I don't think there is really anything that can be done, but as happened the last time progressivism overplayed, and over estimated their revelence in this country under the Wilson administration and was roundly defeated, and driven under their respective rocks for over 100 years til now, where they are once again overplaying...This time what will be done is possibly a victory for Republican's so big in '22, and '24 as to be 'veto proof' and then y'all are really going to have to eat it...
I wanted to gauge just how delusional you are. You seem like you can be saved.
I look not for your redemption...After all who are you to redeem anyone?
This all comes down to people who will believe anything because they want to. It's essentially religion.
You are ignoring what you want to. But im sure thats different, right?
I'm ignoring nonsense from idiots.

Let's lay it out there. Trump is the champion of stupid people. They love him. He stands up for them. He stands for stupidity.
You are doing the same thing you are complaining about. Period.
"I know you are but what am I?"


Did you ever see the movie Idiocracy? The trial scene in particular. Pretty much sums up the Trumpster movement.
Im going to start calling you Mac Jr.

I'm good with that. Call me whatever you like. Anything but a Trumpster. Them's fightin' words.
This all comes down to people who will believe anything because they want to. It's essentially religion.
You are ignoring what you want to. But im sure thats different, right?
I'm ignoring nonsense from idiots.

Let's lay it out there. Trump is the champion of stupid people. They love him. He stands up for them. He stands for stupidity.
You are doing the same thing you are complaining about. Period.
"I know you are but what am I?"


Did you ever see the movie Idiocracy? The trial scene in particular. Pretty much sums up the Trumpster movement.
Im going to start calling you Mac Jr.

I'm good with that. Call me whatever you like. Anything but a Trumpster. Them's fightin' words.
You certainly behave and think just like them.
If the shoe fits :dunno:
Nah. That shit is over. Biden is your POTUS now.

The correct phrase is '*igga rigged'.

There. I fixed it for ya'.
The correct phrase is....
Dump lost. Get over it.
There. I fixed it for you.

You mean to say that we need even more black ballot counters in Atlanta, Philadelphia, Detroit, Milwaukee than we already had last election! :muahaha:
Thats a good idea. Thanks.

Only if you wanna '*igga rig' an election like the last one.
When I was a poor white youngster who could not afford a mechanic, I used to '*igga rig' my beater car so it would drive a few more miles.
The Dimm's did the same thing this last election. And like my car, it ran for a short while, but eventually broke down and left me stranded. Unfortunately, this metaphor applies to our Country.
You must be extremely lazy and bitter. If youre white youre not supposed to be poor.

Please look up the definition of youngster, you stoopid Zulu! :blsmile:
And on cue and as expected, the usual suspects are doing nothing but crying about the source, refusing to watch videos and putting their hands over their eyes claiming they see nothing. The poor snowflakes expected things about bamboo like their LSM masters claimed. Instead they got the actual facts they can’t just sweep under the rug.
Asking if there is a credible source scares you?

No, that doesn't scare anyone, but it is well known that the only sources you consider "credible" are the liberal media propagandists that you know will not report on this up to, and until it is too big to ignore. Then they will still treat it as CT....
If that information was released, there will be a record of it. Why not point to that? Do you really expect anyone to take "because I said so" as proof?
No, I don't...But, this could be a case of the totallity of the information hasn't been released yet, and therefore not officially in the public sphere...You asked earlier who Navarro was, he was in the Trump administration but has an impressive background before serving in the administration...

"Peter Kent Navarro (born July 15, 1949) is an American economist and author. He served in the Trump administration as the Assistant to the President, Director of Trade and Manufacturing Policy, and the national Defense Production Act policy coordinator."

So, I am pretty sure that just the fact that he served under Trump will disqualify him in your eyes....In any case, I think we should wait until the AZ senate puts out their final report...
"So, I am pretty sure that just the fact that he served under Trump will disqualify him in your eyes.."

Anyone that voluntarily served under Drump and contributed to his lies has zero credibility.
Yep, knew that, among a slew of other excuses will come as these irregularities are made public...The thing to remember is that the American people will see them, and most of us are not as far down the Socialist rabbit hole as you...
I asked this before. Lets say Dump actually won. What are you going to do about it?
At this time, I don't think there is really anything that can be done, but as happened the last time progressivism overplayed, and over estimated their revelence in this country under the Wilson administration and was roundly defeated, and driven under their respective rocks for over 100 years til now, where they are once again overplaying...This time what will be done is possibly a victory for Republican's so big in '22, and '24 as to be 'veto proof' and then y'all are really going to have to eat it...
I wanted to gauge just how delusional you are. You seem like you can be saved.
I look not for your redemption...After all who are you to redeem anyone?
I didnt ask you if you wanted me to redeem you. I just made an observation and mental note about you.

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