AZ court orders wedding invitation designers to serve LGBTP crowd

It doesn't matter why gays are gay, it matters that they are treated as equals. You need to get passed your obsession. It's a done deal.

So why aren't white nationalists treated as equals? Why are web-hosting companies allowed to refuse service to stormfront?

The only answer to this problem is a return to free association. Every business should be allowed to refuse a customer for any reason.
You will not get what you want and the Nazis got bounced for breaking the same policy that a kiddy porn site would.

Time to start dealing with the fact your country protects faggots but not so much people who think like you do. Found a church of hatred and live in it. That's allowed.
You use the identical twins as an example, but it is actually a meaningless one, in and of itself. That one twin is gay and one is straight proves nothing.

It proves it's behavioral. So it does prove something.
It doesn't fucking matter if it is. Religion is behavioral. If your name is Jim whether you kneel before God or kneeI before Bob both are protected. Same difference.
You use the identical twins as an example, but it is actually a meaningless one, in and of itself. That one twin is gay and one is straight proves nothing.

It proves it's behavioral. So it does prove something.
It doesn't fucking matter if it is. Religion is behavioral. If your name is Jim whether you kneel before God or kneeI before Bob both are protected. Same difference.
Yes but religion is constitutionally-protected behavior. Drug addiction and deviant sex addiction isn't constitutionally-protected behavior. And, moreover, one religion cannot force others of another religion to practice their edicts of faith.
You use the identical twins as an example, but it is actually a meaningless one, in and of itself. That one twin is gay and one is straight proves nothing.

It proves it's behavioral. So it does prove something.
It doesn't fucking matter if it is. Religion is behavioral. If your name is Jim whether you kneel before God or kneeI before Bob both are protected. Same difference.
Yes but religion is constitutionally-protected behavior. Drug addiction and deviant sex addiction isn't constitutionally-protected behavior. And, moreover, one religion cannot force others of another religion to practice their edicts of faith.
Both are protected here. You can get drunk as skunk every night at home or in a bar and it's perfectly legal. You can dress up as Batman and Robin, hang from the ceiling and spank each other until you can't sit down and it's protected. So is NAMBLA as long as it stays an idea not an act. You are clueless and that is why you have lost at every case you've ever mentioned. The war is over, your side lost. Equality won. Move on.

And the Christians are constantly trying to force everyone to follow their faith. My state still has Blue Laws. That's Christianity trying to tell the rest of society what to do.
You use the identical twins as an example, but it is actually a meaningless one, in and of itself. That one twin is gay and one is straight proves nothing.

It proves it's behavioral. So it does prove something.

No, it does not. It might if twins were actually, completely identical. But do those twin girls you know have the same fingerprints? The exact same DNA? No, they do not.
Actually, yes: identical twins, by definition, have the same DNA.
You use the identical twins as an example, but it is actually a meaningless one, in and of itself. That one twin is gay and one is straight proves nothing.

It proves it's behavioral. So it does prove something.

No, it does not. It might if twins were actually, completely identical. But do those twin girls you know have the same fingerprints? The exact same DNA? No, they do not.
Actually, yes: identical twins, by definition, have the same DNA.
That used to be thought true but it isn't. DNA changes, even in identical twins.
Time to start dealing with the fact your country protects faggots but not so much people who think like you do. Found a church of hatred and live in it. That's allowed.

You think child-molesting faggots should have protection but white nationalists should not?? Get help please.
Yes but religion is constitutionally-protected behavior.

Actually that's not true. The constitution says "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof."

So states are free to restrict religion how they please. THINK
Yes but religion is constitutionally-protected behavior.

Actually that's not true. The constitution says "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof."

So states are free to restrict religion how they please. THINK
No, because the Supreme Court applied that and the entire Bill of Rights to the States as well. THINK and LEARN, dumbass.
Time to start dealing with the fact your country protects faggots but not so much people who think like you do. Found a church of hatred and live in it. That's allowed.

You think child-molesting faggots should have protection but white nationalists should not?? Get help please.
Your kind has more protection than you deserve. THINK and LEARN.
But web hosters are still allowed to refuse service to white nationalist groups like stormfront!!! This does NOT appear to be a case of judges writing laws and inventing rights. Phoenix city council wrote a stupid law giving queers special treatment. I say the principle of free association should apply to all businesses.

Court: Phoenix wedding invitation designers must serve LGBT customers

oct 26 2017 A Maricopa County Superior Court judge has quashed a local wedding shop's attempt to override a Phoenix ordinance that protects lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people from discrimination.

Joanna Duka and Breanna Koski, owners of Brush & Nib Studio and self-described evangelical Christians, create invitations and other handmade artwork for weddings and events.

They filed a lawsuit against Phoenix in May 2016 challenging the part of the city's nondiscrimination ordinance that prohibits discrimination based on sexual orientation.

Their suit alleges the city's ordinance would compel them to create invitations or artwork for same-sex couples, which would conflict with their religious belief that marriage is between one man and one woman andviolate their freedoms of speech and religion.
Gay marriage is legal, thus no business can discriminate against it. If you own a Jewish bakery, it is not legal to refuse to make a Christmas cake. A business owner cannot discriminate against the public for religious beliefs. If you believe being a Christian means you cannot accept homosexuality, you still cannot discriminate against it in your business activities.
Gay marriage is legal, thus no business can discriminate against it. If you own a Jewish bakery, it is not legal to refuse to make a Christmas cake. A business owner cannot discriminate against the public for religious beliefs. If you believe being a Christian means you cannot accept homosexuality, you still cannot discriminate against it in your business activities.

Satan worshiping is legal too. However I doubt you'll find the courts ordering a Christian baker to make a "Hail Satan" wedding cake. The question is going to come down to whether or not homosexuality is a behavior or inborn. Mark my words. This is ultimately how they have to parse it out in order to resolve fundamental loggerheads in belief system vs belief system/ habitual behaviors.

Do you think the courts will force gay graphic designers to make huge billboards that say "homosexuality is a sin against God" for Christians who walk through their doors?

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