AZ court orders wedding invitation designers to serve LGBTP crowd

But web hosters are still allowed to refuse service to white nationalist groups like stormfront!!! This does NOT appear to be a case of judges writing laws and inventing rights. Phoenix city council wrote a stupid law giving queers special treatment. I say the principle of free association should apply to all businesses.

Court: Phoenix wedding invitation designers must serve LGBT customers

oct 26 2017 A Maricopa County Superior Court judge has quashed a local wedding shop's attempt to override a Phoenix ordinance that protects lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people from discrimination.

Joanna Duka and Breanna Koski, owners of Brush & Nib Studio and self-described evangelical Christians, create invitations and other handmade artwork for weddings and events.

They filed a lawsuit against Phoenix in May 2016 challenging the part of the city's nondiscrimination ordinance that prohibits discrimination based on sexual orientation.

Their suit alleges the city's ordinance would compel them to create invitations or artwork for same-sex couples, which would conflict with their religious belief that marriage is between one man and one woman andviolate their freedoms of speech and religion.
The ultimate legal question to be settled is "should people be forced to promote or advocate or serve certain BEHAVIORS they object to"? The cult of LGBT needs to prove up on hard science that theirs is an inborn condition before they step one step further in any legal inroads of forcing others to play along.

This has gone far enough. A business needs to get the balls to take this all the way to the USSC and force the declaration once and for all on the core premise "Behavior vs innate". If it's found in some gray area liberal Justice language to be "not inborn but a permanent imprinted behavior" then we need to ask ourselves if drug addiction should be normalized also and other people forced to promote it?

During those deliberations we need to address how behaviors are passed on socially. And, does a cult have the right to force impressionable children to absorb their BEHAVIORAL values against the wishes of their parents? (currently being done in the liberal states as we speak in public schools) Given the numbers of young impressionable boys coming down with HIV from experimenting with anal sex with each other; we'd do well to really delve deep into this gay thing: where it comes from, how it is learned and impressed upon new recruits of the adolescent ages.

Fast Facts
HIV disproportionately affects young men who have sex with men (YMSM).
YMSM: ....In 2011, among adolescent males aged 13–19 years, approximately 93% of all
diagnosed HIV infections were from male-to-male sexual contact.

2 From 2008–2011, YMSM aged 13–24 years had the greatest percentage increase
(26%) in diagnosed HIV infections
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But web hosters are still allowed to refuse service to white nationalist groups like stormfront!!! This does NOT appear to be a case of judges writing laws and inventing rights. Phoenix city council wrote a stupid law giving queers special treatment. I say the principle of free association should apply to all businesses.

Court: Phoenix wedding invitation designers must serve LGBT customers

oct 26 2017 A Maricopa County Superior Court judge has quashed a local wedding shop's attempt to override a Phoenix ordinance that protects lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people from discrimination.

Joanna Duka and Breanna Koski, owners of Brush & Nib Studio and self-described evangelical Christians, create invitations and other handmade artwork for weddings and events.

They filed a lawsuit against Phoenix in May 2016 challenging the part of the city's nondiscrimination ordinance that prohibits discrimination based on sexual orientation.

Their suit alleges the city's ordinance would compel them to create invitations or artwork for same-sex couples, which would conflict with their religious belief that marriage is between one man and one woman andviolate their freedoms of speech and religion.
The ultimate legal question to be settled is "should people be forced to promote or advocate or serve certain BEHAVIORS they object to"? The cult of LGBT needs to prove up on hard science that theirs is an inborn condition before they step one step further in any legal inroads of forcing others to play along.

This has gone far enough. A business needs to get the balls to take this all the way to the USSC and force the declaration once and for all on the core premise "Behavior vs innate". If it's found in some gray area liberal Justice language to be "not inborn but a permanent imprinted behavior" then we need to ask ourselves if drug addiction should be normalized also and other people forced to promote it?

And, during those deliberations we need to address how behaviors are passed on socially and does a cult have the right to force impressionable children to absorb their BEHAVIORAL values against the wishes of their parents? (currently being done in the liberal states as we speak in public schools) Given the numbers of young impressionable boys coming down with HIV from experimenting with anal sex with each other; we'd do well to really delve deep into this gay thing: where it comes from, how it is learned and impressed upon new recruits of the adolescent ages.
Religion is a choice, a behavior, and it's protected by these exact same laws. You're fucked, get a life, Snowflake.
Religion is a choice, a behavior, and it's protected by these exact same laws. You're fucked, get a life, Snowflake.

Are you saying drug addiction and deviant sex behavior addiction are federally recognized religions? :popcorn: They DO seem to be cults though. Does the cult of LGBT have tax-exempt status yet? Just wondering. And should we be forced to promote a religion or cult that results in influencing young males to become the demographic with the most alarming increase in new HIV infections just since the trend of forcing the gay propaganda on youth began in earnest? 2000-present.
We did our invitations for our wedding via Vistaprint. Not only were they beautiful, we also saved a great some of money as well. I am sorry, I am not paying several thousands of dollars for wedding invitations. That's absurd.
Religion is a choice, a behavior, and it's protected by these exact same laws. You're fucked, get a life, Snowflake.

Are you saying drug addiction and deviant sex behavior addiction are federally recognized religions? :popcorn: They DO seem to be cults though. Does the cult of LGBT have tax-exempt status yet? Just wondering. And should we be forced to promote a religion or cult that results in influencing young males to become the demographic with the most alarming increase in new HIV infections just since the trend of forcing the gay propaganda on youth began in earnest? 2000-present.
How many times must you lose in the American courts before it enters your tiny mind that you've lost? You have no case. All your talking points, all your arguments have been tested in the courts and they all failed. It's over, move on. It doesn't matter why one man sucks another man's cock, when they go out for hamburgers later they are just two guys who got hungry. Get over it.
How many times must you lose in the American courts before it enters your tiny mind that you've lost?... ...Get over it.

Thanks for the advice but I'm not interested. If I owned a business, I would see it close before we served openly immoral people. No financial benefit is worth the damage to the Soul. It's just thst simple.
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Are you saying drug addiction and deviant sex behavior addiction are federally recognized religions? :popcorn: They DO seem to be cults though. Does the cult of LGBT have tax-exempt status yet? Just wondering. And should we be forced to promote a religion or cult that results in influencing young males to become the demographic with the most alarming increase in new HIV infections just since the trend of forcing the gay propaganda on youth began in earnest? 2000-present.
How many times must you lose in the American courts before it enters your tiny mind that you've lost? You have no case. All your talking points, all your arguments have been tested in the courts and they all failed. It's over, move on. It doesn't matter why one man sucks another man's cock, when they go out for hamburgers later they are just two guys who got hungry. Get over it.
I guess you won't be afraid then if a business takes this question to the USSC? You seem overly confident that the premise of "behavior vs inborn" will tip in your favor as to forcing others to play along.

You're kind of in a catch-22 with this one. When it is found that LGBT is elective and behavioral or a behavioral addiction, then your cult cannot force others to play along. Nor be allowed to influence children with your values. Because there can be no state agency that advocates or promotes a religion on others by force.

Good luck....especially with the escalating rates of HIV between "gay" experimenting boys ages 13-24... just since your cult's forced-propaganda campaign took off this Century. Dead kids and very young men are an alarming outfall of your state-forced religion.
Because there can be no state agency that advocates or promotes a religion on others by force.

Unless it's Kim Davis. :lol:

Welcome back, btw. I've missed your level of loon over the last several months.
Are you saying drug addiction and deviant sex behavior addiction are federally recognized religions? :popcorn: They DO seem to be cults though. Does the cult of LGBT have tax-exempt status yet? Just wondering. And should we be forced to promote a religion or cult that results in influencing young males to become the demographic with the most alarming increase in new HIV infections just since the trend of forcing the gay propaganda on youth began in earnest? 2000-present.
How many times must you lose in the American courts before it enters your tiny mind that you've lost? You have no case. All your talking points, all your arguments have been tested in the courts and they all failed. It's over, move on. It doesn't matter why one man sucks another man's cock, when they go out for hamburgers later they are just two guys who got hungry. Get over it.
I guess you won't be afraid then if a business takes this question to the USSC? You seem overly confident that the premise of "behavior vs inborn" will tip in your favor as to forcing others to play along.

You're kind of in a catch-22 with this one. When it is found that LGBT is elective and behavioral or a behavioral addiction, then your cult cannot force others to play along. Nor be allowed to influence children with your values. Because there can be no state agency that advocates or promotes a religion on others by force.

Good luck.
Behavior is protected, dummy, and it's already at the Supreme Court. You're about to lose the big one, again, and the only question is an artist versus a normal routine transaction which you have already lost. They are searching for a line of when is being involved in a gay ___ too much for morons like you who think Jesus will spank them. When it comes to taking pictures or selling flowers (or making invitations) those cases have already been decided against you. Bake the damn cake and get a life.

What is it that makes you unable to understand that no one is born Catholic? It's a choice, a behavior, it can even be an addiction. That matters not a damn because here it is also protected by Public Accommodation laws just like being black or gay or disabled is. Born gay or choosing to be gay changes nothing at all.
Are you saying drug addiction and deviant sex behavior addiction are federally recognized religions? :popcorn: They DO seem to be cults though. Does the cult of LGBT have tax-exempt status yet? Just wondering. And should we be forced to promote a religion or cult that results in influencing young males to become the demographic with the most alarming increase in new HIV infections just since the trend of forcing the gay propaganda on youth began in earnest? 2000-present.
How many times must you lose in the American courts before it enters your tiny mind that you've lost? You have no case. All your talking points, all your arguments have been tested in the courts and they all failed. It's over, move on. It doesn't matter why one man sucks another man's cock, when they go out for hamburgers later they are just two guys who got hungry. Get over it.
I guess you won't be afraid then if a business takes this question to the USSC? You seem overly confident that the premise of "behavior vs inborn" will tip in your favor as to forcing others to play along.

You're kind of in a catch-22 with this one. When it is found that LGBT is elective and behavioral or a behavioral addiction, then your cult cannot force others to play along. Nor be allowed to influence children with your values. Because there can be no state agency that advocates or promotes a religion on others by force.

Behavior is protected, dummy, and it's already at the Supreme Court. You're about to lose the big one, again, and the only question is an artist versus a normal routine transaction which you have already lost. They are searching for a line of when is being involved in a gay ___ too much for morons like you who think Jesus will spank them. When it comes to taking pictures or selling flowers (or making invitations) those cases have already been decided against you. Bake the damn cake and get a life.

What is it that makes you unable to understand that no one is born Catholic? It's a choice, a behavior, it can even be an addiction. That matters not a damn because here it is also protected by Public Accommodation laws just like being black or gay or disabled is. Born gay or choosing to be gay changes nothing at all.

So bullying isn't reserved just for those you accuse of it. Apparently you feel the need to use the word "dummy" when addressing my opposing views? If I called you a stupid dyke, would that improve the conversation or would you immediately seize upon it to milk sympathy and detract from the points I'm landing against you? :popcorn:

Meanwhile, the question of "lose vs win" will ultimately be determined about WHICH behaviors are protected. Again, see my comments on the alarming escalation in new HIV cases from impressionable young males experimenting with gay sex behaviors they've been groomed in school and the media to now see "as perfectly normal sexual behavior". Are behaviors that endanger children "protected"? We'll let a conservative Court parse that out

Fast Facts
HIV disproportionately affects young men who have sex with men (YMSM).
YMSM: In 2011, among adolescent males aged 13–19 years, approximately 93% of all
diagnosed HIV infections were from male-to-male sexual contact.
From 2008–2011, YMSM aged 13–24 years had the greatest percentage increase
(26%) in diagnosed HIV infections

The years 2008-2011 are the same years of the throes of beginning to normalize deviant gay sex behaviors in the media and schools. Funny coincidence eh?

Here's a related article on normalized social behaviors and how they are passed on from generation to generation:
Conditioning and Sexual Behavior: A Review
James G. Pfaus,
Tod E. Kippin, and Soraya Centeno
Center for Studies in Behavioral Neurobiology, Department of Psychology, Concordia
University, 1455 de Maisonneuve Bldg. W., Montreal, Quebec, H3G 1M8 Canada Be sure to check out the reference list at the end. Amazingly comprehensive citations of corroborating scientific agreement. Over 300 weighty independent citations/ support for the conclusions of the review.
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Are you sure it wasn't just that your charming personality overwhelmed them?

I work for an electric utility company. Plans needed to be drawn up to serve s new PP facility in our area. The project landed on my desk. I refused to work on it. Thankfully the company was willing to reassign the project because I'd have gotten fired before workkng on it.
Too bad they reassigned it.
Are you saying drug addiction and deviant sex behavior addiction are federally recognized religions? :popcorn: They DO seem to be cults though. Does the cult of LGBT have tax-exempt status yet? Just wondering. And should we be forced to promote a religion or cult that results in influencing young males to become the demographic with the most alarming increase in new HIV infections just since the trend of forcing the gay propaganda on youth began in earnest? 2000-present.
How many times must you lose in the American courts before it enters your tiny mind that you've lost? You have no case. All your talking points, all your arguments have been tested in the courts and they all failed. It's over, move on. It doesn't matter why one man sucks another man's cock, when they go out for hamburgers later they are just two guys who got hungry. Get over it.
I guess you won't be afraid then if a business takes this question to the USSC? You seem overly confident that the premise of "behavior vs inborn" will tip in your favor as to forcing others to play along.

You're kind of in a catch-22 with this one. When it is found that LGBT is elective and behavioral or a behavioral addiction, then your cult cannot force others to play along. Nor be allowed to influence children with your values. Because there can be no state agency that advocates or promotes a religion on others by force.

Behavior is protected, dummy, and it's already at the Supreme Court. You're about to lose the big one, again, and the only question is an artist versus a normal routine transaction which you have already lost. They are searching for a line of when is being involved in a gay ___ too much for morons like you who think Jesus will spank them. When it comes to taking pictures or selling flowers (or making invitations) those cases have already been decided against you. Bake the damn cake and get a life.

What is it that makes you unable to understand that no one is born Catholic? It's a choice, a behavior, it can even be an addiction. That matters not a damn because here it is also protected by Public Accommodation laws just like being black or gay or disabled is. Born gay or choosing to be gay changes nothing at all.

So bullying isn't reserved just for those you accuse of it. Apparently you feel the need to use the word "dummy" when addressing my opposing views? If I called you a stupid dyke, would that improve the conversation or would you immediately seize upon it to milk sympathy and detract from the points I'm landing against you? :popcorn:

Meanwhile, the question of "lose vs win" will ultimately be determined about WHICH behaviors are protected. Again, see my comments on the alarming escalation in new HIV cases from impressionable young males experimenting with gay sex behaviors they've been groomed in school and the media to now see "as perfectly normal sexual behavior". Are behaviors that endanger children "protected"? We'll let a conservative Court parse that out

Fast Facts
HIV disproportionately affects young men who have sex with men (YMSM).
YMSM: In 2011, among adolescent males aged 13–19 years, approximately 93% of all
diagnosed HIV infections were from male-to-male sexual contact.
From 2008–2011, YMSM aged 13–24 years had the greatest percentage increase
(26%) in diagnosed HIV infections

The years 2008-2011 are the same years of the throes of beginning to normalize deviant gay sex behaviors in the media and schools. Funny coincidence eh?

Here's a related article on normalized social behaviors and how they are passed on from generation to generation:
Conditioning and Sexual Behavior: A Review
James G. Pfaus,
Tod E. Kippin, and Soraya Centeno
Center for Studies in Behavioral Neurobiology, Department of Psychology, Concordia
University, 1455 de Maisonneuve Bldg. W., Montreal, Quebec, H3G 1M8 Canada Be sure to check outters that the reference list at the end. Amazingly comprehensive citations of corroborating scientific agreement. Over 300 weighty independent citations/ support for the conclusions of the review.
It doesn't matter why gays are gay, it matters that they are treated as equals. You need to get passed your obsession. It's a done deal.
It doesn't matter why gays are gay, it matters that they are treated as equals. You need to get passed your obsession. It's a done deal.

Well see when they try to push their agenda on others who don't agree with the behaviors then it DOES matter why gays are gay. Then the behaviors become the crux of the entire argument. The nexus, the core, the hub, the premise upon which all further argument fans out.

Once your behavioral cult values come into direct conflict with another sects behavioral values, you'd better believe it matters why gays are gay. By the way, how's Anne Heche doing these days? Didn't she USED TO BE a lesbian? How come I know a set of identical twin girls; one who grew up to be a lesbian and the other to be straight?

Yes, we need to discuss behaviors and how they're passed on...socially...using icons like marriage as carrier mechanisms for monkey-see, monkey-do. At the end of the day it really has been all about getting new recruits for a sexually-obsessed deviant subculture who isn't quite happy with the relatively small numbers of youngsters on the team...
It doesn't matter why gays are gay, it matters that they are treated as equals. You need to get passed your obsession. It's a done deal.

Well see when they try to push their agenda on others who don't agree with the behaviors then it DOES matter why gays are gay. Then the behaviors become the crux of the entire argument. The nexus, the core, the hub, the premise upon which all further argument fans out.

Once your behavioral cult values come into direct conflict with another sects behavioral values, you'd better believe it matters why gays are gay. By the way, how's Anne Heche doing these days? Didn't she USED TO BE a lesbian? How come I know a set of identical twin girls; one who grew up to be a lesbian and the other to be straight?

Yes, we need to discuss behaviors and how they're passed on...socially...using icons like marriage as carrier mechanisms for monkey-see, monkey-do. At the end of the day it really has been all about getting new recruits for a sexually-obsessed deviant subculture who isn't quite happy with the relatively small numbers of youngsters on the team...

You use the identical twins as an example, but it is actually a meaningless one, in and of itself. That one twin is gay and one is straight proves nothing.
You use the identical twins as an example, but it is actually a meaningless one, in and of itself. That one twin is gay and one is straight proves nothing.

It proves it's behavioral. So it does prove something.

No, it does not. It might if twins were actually, completely identical. But do those twin girls you know have the same fingerprints? The exact same DNA? No, they do not.
Here's a business opportunity, wedding professionals: StormFront needs some who will vendor their weddings!
It doesn't matter why gays are gay, it matters that they are treated as equals. You need to get passed your obsession. It's a done deal.

So why aren't white nationalists treated as equals? Why are web-hosting companies allowed to refuse service to stormfront?

The only answer to this problem is a return to free association. Every business should be allowed to refuse a customer for any reason.

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