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AZ passes law saying life beings pre-conception

Wacky Republicans are winning the election for Obama.

On behalf of Dems everywhere....thank you!
My, that was smug.

Some Americans notice how smug the Demmies are when they dismiss people who are questioning why it's so important to allow the killings of 1.3 million preborn Americans to allow 1.3 million immigrants to come over the border every year.

Kill our citizens, prosper aliens, Democrat Party? Y'all are such smug tyrants. :rolleyes:
My, that was smug.

Some Americans notice how smug the Demmies are when they dismiss people who are questioning why it's so important to allow the killings of 1.3 million preborn Americans to allow 1.3 million immigrants to come over the border every year.

Kill our citizens, prosper aliens, Democrat Party? Y'all are such smug tyrants. :rolleyes:

Chris has delusions of relevance.
My, that was smug.

Some Americans notice how smug the Demmies are when they dismiss people who are questioning why it's so important to allow the killings of 1.3 million preborn Americans to allow 1.3 million immigrants to come over the border every year.

Kill our citizens, prosper aliens, Democrat Party? Y'all are such smug tyrants. :rolleyes:

Chris has delusions of relevance.

I see that in you as well.
My, that was smug.

Some Americans notice how smug the Demmies are when they dismiss people who are questioning why it's so important to allow the killings of 1.3 million preborn Americans to allow 1.3 million immigrants to come over the border every year.

Kill our citizens, prosper aliens, Democrat Party? Y'all are such smug tyrants. :rolleyes:

Chris has delusions of relevance.
Yebbut, Chris is like a bellwether of sorts. He rings it like the left-heavy sheepies wish to hear it. :lmao:
you mean we shouldn't have a discussion about how the rightwingers are trying to divest women of already settled rights?


Let it go...? :lol: Some people obviously don't understand what's going on here...

28 weeks, 26 weeks, 24 weeks, 22 weeks, 20 weeks, now 18 weeks...........

Fetal viability is rightfully defined by medical professionals, not legislators.

Roe vs. Wade, the 1973 case legalizing abortion, made fetal viability an important legal concept. The Supreme Court ruled that states cannot put the interests of a fetus ahead of the interests of the pregnant woman until the fetus is "viable." The court defined viable to mean capable of prolonged life outside the mother's womb.

Fetal Viability - Slate Magazine

you get no argument from me. i think these decisions should be between a woman and her doctor and a woman and her conscience.... they certainly shouldn't be legislated by pretend "small government" types.

On this we all agree and have for all time.. just don't involve the taxpayer and you'll do fine. have all the abortions you want. at your own expense and that includes birth control too.
Here's how it works. Media Matters or Move-On or some other left wing tax exempt research organization dedicated to getting democrats elected is constantly on the lookout for stuff like this. The stories are printed on left wing blog sites or appear as opinion editorials in the mulch media. The hate mongers on the left swallow the story without thinking and pretend to be outraged. The truth of the Arizona abortion litigation concerns the age, if you will, of the unborn child about to be killed. You have to start somewhere and Arizona decided on a standard to gauge the length of pregnancy. Let it go and see how it works lefties you can't stay hysterical for ever.

you mean we shouldn't have a discussion about how the rightwingers are trying to divest women of already settled rights?


go ahead have your conversation numbnutz,, it still don't make it true.

Oh really?

1) Republicans not only want to reduce women's access to abortion care, they're actually trying to redefine rape. After a major backlash, they promised to stop. But they haven't yet. Shocker.

2) A state legislator in Georgia wants to change the legal term for victims of rape, stalking, and domestic violence to "accuser." But victims of other less gendered crimes, like burglary, would remain "victims."

3) In South Dakota, Republicans proposed a bill that could make it legal to murder a doctor who provides abortion care. (Yep, for real.)

4) Republicans want to cut nearly a billion dollars of food and other aid to low-income pregnant women, mothers, babies, and kids.

5) In Congress, Republicans have a bill that would let hospitals allow a woman to die rather than perform an abortion necessary to save her life.

6) Maryland Republicans ended all county money for a low-income kids' preschool program. Why? No need, they said. Women should really be home with the kids, not out working.

7) And at the federal level, Republicans want to cut that same program, Head Start, by $1 billion. That means over 200,000 kids could lose their spots in preschool.

8) Two-thirds of the elderly poor are women, and Republicans are taking aim at them too. A spending bill would cut funding for employment services, meals, and housing for senior citizens.

9) Congress just voted for a Republican amendment to cut all federal funding from Planned Parenthood health centers, one of the most trusted providers of basic health care and family planning in our country.

10) And if that wasn't enough, Republicans are pushing to eliminate all funds for the only federal family planning program. (For humans. But Republican Dan Burton has a bill to provide contraception for wild horses. You can't make this stuff up).





The Recorder Online

Wisconsin governor Scott Walker signed a bill repealing the state's 2009 Equal Pay Enforcement Act, which allowed victims of workplace discrimination to seek damages in state courts. In doing so, he demonstrated that our political battles over women's rights aren't just about sex and reproduction - they extend to every aspect of women's lives.

In Texas: Governor Rick Perry has declared that a bill which mandates that women seeking abortions undergo forced ultrasounds is an “emergency” priority--literally. He’s actually hinted to anti-choicers in the state that he’ll put the bill on an actual emergency fast-track for passage, even though the state is facing a huge budget crisis of epic proportions. And he’s doing this even though he’s previously threatened to secede due to excessive government oversight of his state. Apparently oversight of states is not okay, but oversight of women’s bodies is. Hypocrite, much?

South Dakota wants to*require*“spiritual” counseling (House Bill 1217) at religious centers before allowing an abortion to take place. The bill was signed into law in March 2011 and challenged in court by Planned Parenthood and the ACLU in May. We still haven’t heard what the courts will decide in this case (though a federal judge has suspended most of the law in the interim) and Republicans aren’t waiting to find out. The South Dakota House of Representatives approved a bill on February 13 sponsored by Rep. Roger Hunt, R-Brandon that changes counseling requirements. Women seeking abortions will still have to wait 72 hours and endure spiritual counseling but now requires those counselors be licensed. The consulting doctor will now have to decide if it is likely the woman will develop mental health problems as a result of the abortion. As a side note, in both 2006 and 2008 voters rejected attempts to outlaw most abortions.

Also in South Dakota,*H.B. 1166, which was enacted in 2005, was,*says*RHRealityCheck.org, billed as an “informed consent law,” but what it really mandated was misinformation, requiring doctors “to tell a woman seeking an abortion that she faces an ‘increased risk of suicide ideation and suicide,’ a claim for which there is absolutely no scientific or medical evidence.” On September 2, 2011, “Eighth Circuit Court of Appeals threw out important provisions of a South Dakota law that literally forced doctors to lie to their patients.”

Also from Texas, the passage of SB 257, passed by House and Senate on May 5, 2011 and signed by the governor on May 17, 2011 provides for “Choose Life” license plates. As explained by Planned Parenthood: “The state will now produce “Choose Life” license plates and distribute revenue from the sale of the plates to anti-choice groups such as crisis pregnancy centers (CPC). The “Alternative to Abortion” program currently receives $4 million dollars a year in taxpayer money through the Health and Human Services Commission (HHSC) that is distributed to CPCs. CPC are unregulated anti-choice organizations that do not provide any medical services and are known to spend nearly half of the tax dollars they receive on advertising and administrative costs, not client services.”

Georgia State Representative Bobby Franklin has*introduced*a bill that would not only make abortion illegal but would make miscarriages illegal.

Indiana (House Bill 1210)*wants*to force doctors to lie to women about abortion causing breast cancer despite medical evidence to the contrary in order to discourage women from having abortions

In the U.S. House the Susan B. Anthony and Frederick Douglass Prenatal Nondiscrimination Act (PRENDA) otherwise known as*HR 3541, is being called a “civil rights” bill by its Republican sponsors. Under this bill, physicians would be banned from performing abortions based on the race of the fetus, something that does not happen anyway, apparently, since nobody could offer any evidence that it did.

Kansas Republicans have unleashed a blitzkrieg on women’s reproductive rights. A Kansas house subcommittee will began considering a bill Wednesday that draws inspiration from anti-abortion laws in Texas, Oklahoma and Arizona. Reports HuffPo: “The bill includes provisions similar to those found in other state laws now facing federal lawsuits, including Texas’ requirement that the mother*hear the fetal heartbeat, and Oklahoma’s*mandate that mothers be told about a potential risk of breast cancer*with an abortion

Arguing that it is “morally wrong to take the tax dollars of millions of pro-life Americans and use them to fund organizations that provide and promote abortions,” Rep.*Mike Pence, R-Ind, introduced a bill (HR 217) in the U.S. House of Representatives to strip Planned Parenthood of federal funding, despite the many other services Planned Parenthood provides to both men and women, including contraception and STD testing

In*Iowa*a pregnant woman was arrested for falling down a flight of stairs. Yes, for falling down a flight of stairs. You see, following a fight on the phone with her husband, Christine Taylor fell down a flight of. Like any responsible pregnant woman would, she went to the hospital to check on the fetus – and was arrested thanks to one of the many state laws that grant fetuses rights separate from the mother. Iowa has a “feticide” law that pertains to the second trimester and beyond, and since Taylor confessed that she had contemplated abortion but had chosen to have the baby, the nurse and doctor at the hospital decided to phone the police and accuse her of trying to terminate her pregnancy illegally. She was fortunate not to be charged with a crime – for falling down the stairs.

In Oklahoma, eggs are about to become people. The bill (HJR- 1067) *introduced on January 12, 2012, bears a resemblance to the recently rejected Mississippi law (see *Measure 26 above, this category). Republican Rep. Mike Reynolds, the author of the bill, says it won’t apply to miscarriages or to cases where the mother’s life is threatened, but no exceptions are made for rape or incest (though he claims there are), and it would ban birth control and in vitro that “kills a person.” If approved by the legislature, the bill will appear on the ballot in November. The legislature convenes on February 6. Oklahoma requires only a simple majority in both House and Senate.

Oklahoma State Senator Ralph Shortey, infamous for authoring failed bills, has proposed a* bill “that would ban the use of aborted human fetuses in food, despite conceding that he’s unaware of any company using such a practice,” and even Republican Sen. Brian Crain, a self-professed “pro-lifer” and the chairman of the Senate Human Services Committee says, “I’d hate to think we’re going to spend our time coming up with possibilities of things we need to stop.” *The FDA, of course, says it is “not aware of this particular concern.”

What war on women? Its a made up issue....right?
This topic is still going?

You are talking about Roe v Wade now, eh?

Let's check in on that decision, shall we?

Who did the judges look to for some expert advice?
The position of the American Public Health Association.

OH! And what did they have to say?

An important function of counseling should be to simplify and expedite the provision of abortion services; it should not delay the obtaining of these services.

What? Counseling before an abortion? Isn't that what the Arizona law calls for?

What else did those docs have to say?
The factor of gestational age is of overriding importance.


The doctors just defined life as two weeks before conception!
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So...there will be no more retarded claims about Arizona saying life begins before conception, right?
Yeah, they did.

No. They did not. You just don't have enough brainpower to understand there is a medical difference between gestational age and conception. The former does not define when life begins. That connection is entirely in your imagination.

Your ignorance is not evidence that they said life begins before conception. Your ignorance just proves...you are ignorant.

Repeating your ignorance over and over just makes the rest of us embarassed for you.
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Ask an OB/GYN when life begins. You will get a long and rambling discourse about how all kinds of people have their own ideas about when life begins. Some believe it begins at conception. Some believe it begins at the "quickening". Some don't believe life begins until the baby draws its first breath. So on and so forth.

Then ask the same doctor what "gestational age" means. You will not in any circumstances hear the words "when life begins" in the definition of that term as the doctor explains it to you.

In the face of these facts, people who maintain that "gestational age" means life begins up to two weeks before conception are willful idiots. The desire to be stupid is strong in these people. Avoid them.
you mean we shouldn't have a discussion about how the rightwingers are trying to divest women of already settled rights?


When have you ever "discussed" anything?

You recite what the hate sites program you to recite. Actual discussion requires intellect, which you sorely lack.

Her little pinky shows more signs of intelligence than that grey matter between your ears.

You have problems debating. Admit it. When you start losing (which is all the time) you start flaming, or picking on grammar or syntax. That is what you do. Unfortunately for you, you're not very good at it...
Ask an OB/GYN when life begins. You will get a long and rambling discourse about how all kinds of people have their own ideas about when life begins. Some believe it begins at conception. Some believe it begins at the "quickening". Some don't believe life begins until the baby draws its first breath. So on and so forth.

Then ask the same doctor what "gestational age" means. You will not in any circumstances hear the words "when life begins" in the definition of that term as the doctor explains it to you.

In the face of these facts, people who maintain that "gestational age" means life begins up to two weeks before conception are willful idiots. The desire to be stupid is strong in these people. Avoid them.

it's not about gestational age. it's about when GOVERNMENT has the right to interject itself into our personal choices.
Or on a different but similar note, as inthemiddle so brilliantly put it; "You're damn right it's too invasive. When the government can legislatively insert something into your vagina, you're god damned right it's too invasive. What you insert into your own vagina is your own decision and business. But when government does it, it's being too god damned invasive."
Or on a different but similar note, as inthemiddle so brilliantly put it; "You're damn right it's too invasive. When the government can legislatively insert something into your vagina, you're god damned right it's too invasive. What you insert into your own vagina is your own decision and business. But when government does it, it's being too god damned invasive."


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