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AZ passes law saying life beings pre-conception

the allegedly 'small government GOP'er Jan Brewer has signed into law saying, essentially, life begins two weeks before conception.

so now, every time you ovulate...congrats you're a mom.


AllGov - News - Arizona Law Declares Life Begins before Conception: Update

the statute...one of the most disgusting i've ever read.


holy cow..you people call yourselves compassionate human beings
but you all sure didn't mind when Government stepped in to make ABORTIONS legal

Pro-choice is the allowance of choice and individual liberty. Isn't that what this country is all about? How can you want to limit choice in the name of your specific religion and still call yourself an american? It's so hypocritical and preposterous. I understand you want to do something good, and I don't like abortion either, and I'm an atheist, but you have to give people that CHOICE. You do not get to decide for other people because you believe your religion is true. Have some respect for other people's beliefs. A bunch of cells is not a human. It is potential, but not a feeling, breathing human. I don't know at what point it is acceptable to terminate that potential, but there is a point, and it is past conception, and before the nervous system is fully formed, in my opinion. (late-term abortions should not be allowed in my opinion, except under extreme cicrumstances)
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A State Senate amendment to the bill, H.B. 2036, states that a fetus’ life starts not at conception, but up to two weeks before then—“from the first day of the last menstrual period of the pregnant woman.”

The controversial language is part of a plan seeking to ban abortions after a fetus is 20 weeks old. Abortion-rights advocates say the new definition would essentially make the prohibition take effect at 18 weeks, not 20 weeks.

They're not 'redefining' when life starts, they're using the exact same method that obs use.

Gestational age, or the age of the baby, is calculated from the first day of the mother's last menstrual period. Since the exact date of conception is almost never known, the first day of the last menstrual period is used to measure how old the baby is.

Pregnancy Due Date Calculator : American Pregnancy Association

How can you be sure how far along the pregnancy is when ovulation/conception (oh, sorry Jillian, fertilization) takes place? Ovulation is not a definite; the first day of your last period is which is why obs use that as the starting point.

A vaginal ultrasound would eliminate any guesswork as to how far the pregnancy has progressed. But the left claims that's too invasive. And here I thought you guys were all for education.

Why even bother pointing out facts, you pro-abortion types only care about the women and would be fine ripping the unborn out and destroying them at any point.
It is too invasive. It's pretty close to rape.
Well, I think that the GOP should push it in every state. Really should help them in November.

i know. it should help them greatly with women voters. :D

you know... they rant and rave and say how they're the party of small government and fiscal conservatism, but seems the second they're given an ounce of power, they go off into rabid religious zealot mode.

someone really needs to tell them that normal people really don't think like they do.

Actually, you need to practice tolerance for those that think differently than you do.

I have read many of your posts....I admire your passion for your ideology....and respect your reasons for believing what you believe

However, there are times where you say the most idiotic things I have ever seen....where even the most liberal would question "what the fuck is she talking about".

Making you not the "know it all" you seem to think you are.
Why does the GOP spend so much time pandering to the nutters in their camp?

This has got to be the stupidest legislation ever for the laughably called party of small government.

This past year has been nothing but. It's like they fought about the debt ceiling, they fought about not raising taxes, and then they started the anti-reproductive rights legislation. From sea-to-shining-sea, it's been nothing but crazy.

A woman should have to tell her EMPLOYER if she's on the pill for medical reasons or to prevent pregnancy? Are you fucking KIDDING ME?!

Arizona House Bill 2625, authored by Majority Whip Debbie Lesko, R-Glendale, would permit employers to ask their employees for proof of medical prescription if they seek contraceptives for non-reproductive purposes, such as hormone control or acne treatment.

Format Document
Why does the GOP spend so much time pandering to the nutters in their camp?

This has got to be the stupidest legislation ever for the laughably called party of small government.

This past year has been nothing but. It's like they fought about the debt ceiling, they fought about not raising taxes, and then they started the anti-reproductive rights legislation. From sea-to-shining-sea, it's been nothing but crazy.

A woman should have to tell her EMPLOYER if she's on the pill for medical reasons or to prevent pregnancy? Are you fucking KIDDING ME?!

Arizona House Bill 2625, authored by Majority Whip Debbie Lesko, R-Glendale, would permit employers to ask their employees for proof of medical prescription if they seek contraceptives for non-reproductive purposes, such as hormone control or acne treatment.

Format Document

And some people claim that there is no republican war on women.

the allegedly 'small government GOP'er Jan Brewer has signed into law saying, essentially, life begins two weeks before conception.

so now, every time you ovulate...congrats you're a mom.


AllGov - News - Arizona Law Declares Life Begins before Conception: Update

the statute...one of the most disgusting i've ever read.



So what exactly in this prevents an abortion...???
A State Senate amendment to the bill, H.B. 2036, states that a fetus’ life starts not at conception, but up to two weeks before then—“from the first day of the last menstrual period of the pregnant woman.”

The controversial language is part of a plan seeking to ban abortions after a fetus is 20 weeks old. Abortion-rights advocates say the new definition would essentially make the prohibition take effect at 18 weeks, not 20 weeks.

They're not 'redefining' when life starts, they're using the exact same method that obs use.

Gestational age, or the age of the baby, is calculated from the first day of the mother's last menstrual period. Since the exact date of conception is almost never known, the first day of the last menstrual period is used to measure how old the baby is.

Pregnancy Due Date Calculator : American Pregnancy Association

How can you be sure how far along the pregnancy is when ovulation/conception (oh, sorry Jillian, fertilization) takes place? Ovulation is not a definite; the first day of your last period is which is why obs use that as the starting point.

A vaginal ultrasound would eliminate any guesswork as to how far the pregnancy has progressed. But the left claims that's too invasive. And here I thought you guys were all for education.

Why even bother pointing out facts, you pro-abortion types only care about the women and would be fine ripping the unborn out and destroying them at any point
It is too invasive. It's pretty close to rape.

Well, that was quick.
False OP fails.

Don't trust slanted rags for your news.
Read the bill.

Here are the definitions outlined in the bill.
I'll paste real slow.

"Conception" means the fusion of a human spermatozoon with a human ovum.

"Gestational age" means the age of the unborn child as calculated from the first day of the last menstrual period of the pregnant woman.

"Pregnant" or "pregnancy" means a female reproductive condition of having a developing unborn child in the body and that begins with conception.

Can anyone find where the bill attempts to define when "life begins"??

That's what I thought.


Ah so we need to play the "literal word game" in order to have a point.

Anyways any dumbass can see that the underline defines the bold.

Thank you for playing, now go play with your marbles.

I would love to see a bozo like you having a conversation with an OB/GYN about gestational age and watching you accuse the doctor of playing word games.

Priceless! :lol::lol::lol:
the allegedly 'small government GOP'er Jan Brewer has signed into law saying, essentially, life begins two weeks before conception.

No, the law doesn't, and you know it doesn't. We went through this in another topic. So now you are just being a willful idiot and deliberately spreading a lie.

It says a lot about your personal belief system that it is not strong enough to stand on truth.
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I thought liberals believed in science?

Technically, a sperm and egg are living things. Just like our blood cells are living things. And plants are living. And fruit flies. And grass. And a cockroach. It depends on your definition of "life" I suppose. Is a sperm or egg a human life yet? No, I dont think so. But it is "life".

But then again...liberals have historically supported or even advocated the idea of eugenics, so it's not suprising they are anti-life.

Wait a minute, a sperm or an egg on their own does not constitute life.

It would be like trying to tell me that an axle is a car.

A sperm and an egg are living human cells.
This cracks me up.

The liberal geniuses are whining about the scientific terminology that defines gestational age...that is used in every PP clinic across the globe to determine gestational age as a matter of course when planning an abortion...

They're being dishonest. Per usual. It's the only way they can sell a holocaust.
This cracks me up.

The liberal geniuses are whining about the scientific terminology that defines gestational age...that is used in every PP clinic across the globe to determine gestational age as a matter of course when planning an abortion...

They're being dishonest. Per usual. It's the only way they can sell a holocaust.

Are you saying retarded thread is retarded?

Why yes, I believe you are.

you know... they rant and rave and say how they're the party of small government and fiscal conservatism, but seems the second they're given an ounce of power, they go off into rabid religious zealot mode.

That ‘small government’ rhetoric is a façade, behind which they conceal their authoritarian agenda.

Its more of the same ole same ole ... They accuse the left of what they themselves are doing. The right wants total control of our bodies. That's an undeniable fact.

This law from AZ is just the beginning and will surely spread to other backward red states.

Someone mentioned masturbation ... They won't make that illegal because its something that men do as well as women. The pubs go after women, never men.
If you really want to know how these types of bills that take up the time of Arizona Citizens and impose moral views upon it's citizens look here.

Home | Center for Arizona Policy

The Center for Arizona Policy is a major driver for these types of nonsense legislation here in Arizona and sadly people like Rep. Kimberly Yee listen to them at the expense of the the Arizona economy. What's really sad here is that people seem to have forgotten that elected house members are there to represent the people of the state of Arizona and not what some policy centers who main mission is the following...

Center for Arizona Policy is a nonprofit research and education organization committed to promoting and defending the foundational values of life, marriage and family, and religious liberty.

We were established in 1995 as a nonprofit organization dedicated to strengthening Arizona families through policy and education. We accomplish this by actively educating Arizonans on issues like:

Frankly I find it somewhat tragic that a group like this would be out there in the promotion of education and at the same time endorse an educational system in our state that is dead last, at the expense of a moral agenda.
you know... they rant and rave and say how they're the party of small government and fiscal conservatism, but seems the second they're given an ounce of power, they go off into rabid religious zealot mode.

That ‘small government’ rhetoric is a façade, behind which they conceal their authoritarian agenda.

Its more of the same ole same ole ... They accuse the left of what they themselves are doing. The right wants total control of our bodies. That's an undeniable fact.

This law from AZ is just the beginning and will surely spread to other backward red states.

Someone mentioned masturbation ... They won't make that illegal because its something that men do as well as women. The pubs go after women, never men.

Right on que with your special brand of idiocy............
the allegedly 'small government GOP'er Jan Brewer has signed into law saying, essentially, life begins two weeks before conception.

so now, every time you ovulate...congrats you're a mom.


AllGov - News - Arizona Law Declares Life Begins before Conception: Update

the statute...one of the most disgusting i've ever read.


holy cow..you people call yourselves compassionate human beings
but you all sure didn't mind when Government stepped in to make ABORTIONS legal

Pro-choice is the allowance of choice and individual liberty. Isn't that what this country is all about? How can you want to limit choice in the name of your specific religion and still call yourself an american? It's so hypocritical and preposterous. I understand you want to do something good, and I don't like abortion either, and I'm an atheist, but you have to give people that CHOICE. You do not get to decide for other people because you believe your religion is true. Have some respect for other people's beliefs. A bunch of cells is not a human. It is potential, but not a feeling, breathing human. I don't know at what point it is acceptable to terminate that potential, but there is a point, and it is past conception, and before the nervous system is fully formed, in my opinion. (late-term abortions should not be allowed in my opinion, except under extreme cicrumstances)

I personally do not believe in abortion...but I respect those that feel it is invasive to their choices to ban it, so my tolerance for the beliefs of others has me supporting the pro choice side.

However....the question is not really about choice. It is, and has always been, whether or not abortion is murder...whuich stems from "when does life begin."

now...you say "a bunch of cells" is not a human life.....I agree.

However...if that "bunch of cells" is dependant upon a human being to grow...via the umbilical chord/placenta....then maybe it is not just a bunch of cells?

Look at it this way.....what other than a human being requires human antibodies and human blood cells to survive?

So you see, it is not just the religious right that feel that way...many form a science background see a fetus as a human being...from a scientific standpoint.

Unless, of course, you can cite what other than a lviing human requires human antibodies to survive....
This cracks me up.

The liberal geniuses are whining about the scientific terminology that defines gestational age...that is used in every PP clinic across the globe to determine gestational age as a matter of course when planning an abortion...

Yup. One giant foot in their mouths.
That ‘small government’ rhetoric is a façade, behind which they conceal their authoritarian agenda.

Its more of the same ole same ole ... They accuse the left of what they themselves are doing. The right wants total control of our bodies. That's an undeniable fact.

This law from AZ is just the beginning and will surely spread to other backward red states.

Someone mentioned masturbation ... They won't make that illegal because its something that men do as well as women. The pubs go after women, never men.

Right on que with your special brand of idiocy............

It's 'cue', you moron.
you know... they rant and rave and say how they're the party of small government and fiscal conservatism, but seems the second they're given an ounce of power, they go off into rabid religious zealot mode.

That ‘small government’ rhetoric is a façade, behind which they conceal their authoritarian agenda.

Its more of the same ole same ole ... They accuse the left of what they themselves are doing. The right wants total control of our bodies. That's an undeniable fact.

This law from AZ is just the beginning and will surely spread to other backward red states.

Someone mentioned masturbation ... They won't make that illegal because its something that men do as well as women. The pubs go after women, never men.

The undeniable fact is that O is in our bedrooms.
That ‘small government’ rhetoric is a façade, behind which they conceal their authoritarian agenda.

Its more of the same ole same ole ... They accuse the left of what they themselves are doing. The right wants total control of our bodies. That's an undeniable fact.

This law from AZ is just the beginning and will surely spread to other backward red states.

Someone mentioned masturbation ... They won't make that illegal because its something that men do as well as women. The pubs go after women, never men.

The undeniable fact is that O is in our bedrooms.

The undeniable fact is that the Koch brothers are in our bedrooms, or dyin tryin. Funny how this is happening across the country, without a concerted effort behind -

Oh wait.

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