Azov Battalion Accuses Russia Of Chemical Attacks In Mariupol, As WP & Poison Gas Allegations Fly


Azov Battalion Accuses Russia Of Chemical Attacks In Mariupol, As WP & Poison Gas Allegations Fly​

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Here is a CFR, mainstream source for this breaking event, if you are not comfortable with an independent survey of several sources, and you need to be told what to think by ruling class elite propagandists;

Ukrainian Battalion Accuses Russia of Using Chemical Weapons on Civilians​

". . . The U.K.'s Ministry of Defense on Monday warned that Russia might soon use phosphorous bombs as it seeks to increase military actions in eastern Ukraine.

"Russia forces' prior use of phosphorus munitions in the Donetsk Oblast raises the possibility of their future employment in Mariupol as fighting for the city intensifies," the ministry said in its latest defense intelligence update issued on Twitter.

Ukrainian officials alleged last month that in the eastern city of Kramatorsk, Russia deployed white phosphorous munitions strong enough to burn human flesh.

White phosphorous is not considered a chemical weapon under the U.N. Chemical Weapons Convention, but its use is tightly regulated under international law. It is illegal to use on civilians.. . . "

I have to admit, I have not watched TLAV's full run down yet, so I have yet to fully explore this issue. My first impressions? I do not entirely trust NAZIS, and I am not positive of the nature of these chemicals. Tear gas is a chemical weapon. . . so? AS the Newsweek article pointed out, some chemical warfare is, (white phosphorus,) actually permitted. The US used Napalm and Agent Orange at one point. . . .


LOL, right out of the Syria playbook.

Of course the Democrats and neocons will go for it. Hook, line, and sinker.
Why don’t you join the Reddit Rainbow Brigade and go fight the evil Russians then? Why are you allowing Putin to do all this? Are you a Putin stooge?
I don't have blinders on like apparently many others seem to have here. Long term cost to both humanity and financial markets will suffer more if the communist thug crowd is allowed to continue and grow.
I don't have blinders on like apparently many others seem to have here. Long term cost to both humanity and financial markets will suffer more if the communist thug crowd is allowed to continue and grow.
In other words you’re full of shit.

We aren’t the world’s police. If Ukraine can’t stand on its own, then it doesn’t deserve to stand.
In other words you’re full of shit.

We aren’t the world’s police. If Ukraine can’t stand on its own, then it doesn’t deserve to stand.
I suppose you may think that but if I sign an agreement with you I plan on following through with it wholly. The only way I wouldn't if is you do/did something to violate that agreement. In this case Ukraine held up their part, Russia did not but that doesn't let the UK and the USA off the hook for insuring Ukraine's well being.

Budapest Memorandum on Security Assurances
Memorandum on Security Assurances in connection with the Republic of Belarus'/Republic of Kazakhstan's/Ukraine's accession to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons
Original signatoriesBelarus Kazakhstan Ukraine Russia United States United Kingdom
That certainly would have been OTT...using the BBC to hide behind. It takes a couple of minutes to find out who likes to make up their own news and a quick look at the BBC website told me the BBC is saying nothing of the sort.
That certainly would have been OTT...using the BBC to hide behind. It takes a couple of minutes to find out who likes to make up their own news and a quick look at the BBC website told me the BBC is saying nothing of the sort.

They already have 18 to 60 year Olds.......and women lol...
Not much of a stretch for Ukrainian nazi fags
They already have 18 to 60 year Olds.......and women lol...
Not much of a stretch for Ukrainian nazi fags
We had a 'Dad's Army' during WW2. I doubt they put 60 year olds on the front line. I think 18 is a pretty normal age if people still need to fight wars. You said 13. Women fight in wars now and the ones who fight for Ukraine are volunteers.
The Russian Defense Ministry has published a large material in which it talked about the materials of documents on American biological laboratories in Ukraine. The Russian military department this time stated that the United States was testing potentially dangerous biological drugs on patients of the regional clinical psychiatric hospital No. 3 in Kharkiv.

Earlier, the Russian side accused the Americans of placing a network of biological laboratories on the territory of Ukraine. There, according to the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, dangerous experiments were conducted.

The Defense Ministry explained its concern about this issue by the fact that "contrary to its international obligations, the United States has retained in national legislation the norms allowing for work in the field of biological weapons," the report says. The Russian military recalled that the United States accompanied the ratification of the Geneva Protocol of 1925 with a number of reservations, one of which allows the retaliatory use of chemical and toxin weapons.

The Ministry of Defense drew attention to the fact that research in the field of creating biological weapons is allowed with the sanction of the American government. Participants in such studies are not criminally liable for the development of such weapons, and ethically controversial studies are conducted outside national jurisdiction.

— So, during a special operation on the territory of Ukraine, it was established that in the period from 2019 to 2021, American scientists from the laboratory in Merefa (Kharkiv region) conducted tests of potentially dangerous biological drugs on patients of the regional clinical psychiatric hospital No. 3 in Kharkiv, — the Ministry of Defense said at a briefing.

They added that people with mental disorders were selected for experiments taking into account their age, nationality and immune status. No information was entered into the hospital database, the staff of the medical institution gave a non-disclosure subscription. In January 2022, the activity of the laboratory in Meref was stopped, all equipment and drugs were taken to the west of Ukraine.

On March 9th, US Deputy Secretary of State for Political Affairs Victoria Nuland officially confirmed that there are biological research facilities in Ukraine.
I suppose you may think that but if I sign an agreement with you I plan on following through with it wholly. The only way I wouldn't if is you do/did something to violate that agreement. In this case Ukraine held up their part, Russia did not but that doesn't let the UK and the USA off the hook for insuring Ukraine's well being.

Budapest Memorandum on Security Assurances
Memorandum on Security Assurances in connection with the Republic of Belarus'/Republic of Kazakhstan's/Ukraine's accession to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons
Original signatoriesBelarus Kazakhstan Ukraine Russia United States United Kingdom
Hate to break it to you, but that Ukrainian government ended in 2014 after a violent insurrection funded by the West overthrow that government. They formed a new government without the consent of all the states within the former Ukraine. Crimea, Donetsk, and Luhansk all voted to be independent or to join Russia.
Hate to break it to you, but that Ukrainian government ended in 2014 after a violent insurrection funded by the West overthrow that government. They formed a new government without the consent of all the states within the former Ukraine. Crimea, Donetsk, and Luhansk all voted to be independent or to join Russia.
You aren't "breaking" anything as that agreement is still in place and viable with Ukraine, the UK and the USA.
The use of chemical weapons was proposed by so called DNR representative.
Yes, because there was no use in storming the object (the steel plant with underground chambers), and it pays to advertise, before that happened, they surrendered. But these forces were alreay split in two when Russia took the fishing port of Mariupol a few days ago. There may be some still remaining in the underground chambers, and possibly amongst them NATO operatives and other foreign naemnikov 'mercenaries.'
You aren't "breaking" anything as that agreement is still in place and viable with Ukraine, the UK and the USA.
In other words, Hawk is correct: illegitimate since 2014 thanks to CIA-MI6 presence in the country for 70 years, culminating in a cocaine addict president and drug-trafficking hub to Europe and London. McCoy, The Politics of Heroin: CIA Complicity in the Global DruG Trade.
In other words, Hawk is correct: illegitimate since 2014 thanks to CIA-MI6 presence in the country for 70 years, culminating in a cocaine addict president and drug-trafficking hub to Europe and London. McCoy, The Politics of Heroin: CIA Complicity in the Global DruG Trade.
Wrong as the government of Ukraine is still in viable just with different players. There has been no "suspension" or "termination" of the treaty by our government.

Yes, because there was no use in storming the object (the steel plant with underground chambers), and it pays to advertise, before that happened, they surrendered. But these forces were alreay split in two when Russia took the fishing port of Mariupol a few days ago. There may be some still remaining in the underground chambers, and possibly amongst them NATO operatives and other foreign naemnikov 'mercenaries.'
It is yet unclear how many soldiers surrendered. There is the number promoted by Russian propaganda. I don't believe it is true. I still wait some 'break-out' of Ukrainian forces from Mariupol to mainland to happen.

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