Azov Battalion Accuses Russia Of Chemical Attacks In Mariupol, As WP & Poison Gas Allegations Fly

That’s because our government helped overthrow the democracy that was there and installed the current regime.
Yeah Nuland handing out cookies over there in support of getting rid of Russia's puppet who was helping take the country into the abyss and making people there miserable enough that they desired to revolt against Viktor Yanukovych - Wikipedia was just awful wasn't it? Why that is just comparable with the entire destruction of whole cities, raping of women and children and killing civilians of all sorts by Russia in Ukraine since it didn't get its way.

And Russia?
Russia is not on that final UN treaty document between Ukraine, USA and the UK. You would have seen that if you'd looked at it.
I suppose you may think that but if I sign an agreement with you I plan on following through with it wholly. The only way I wouldn't if is you do/did something to violate that agreement. In this case Ukraine held up their part, Russia did not but that doesn't let the UK and the USA off the hook for insuring Ukraine's well being.

Budapest Memorandum on Security Assurances
Memorandum on Security Assurances in connection with the Republic of Belarus'/Republic of Kazakhstan's/Ukraine's accession to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons
Original signatoriesBelarus Kazakhstan Ukraine Russia United States United Kingdom
No where in this treaty, does it say we are obligated to insure Ukraine's well being, it only state's that the signatories, "reaffirm their obligation to refrain from the threat or use of force against the territorial integrity or political independence of Ukraine."

Here is the applicable part;

". . . Confirm the following:

1. The Russian Federation, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the United States of America reaffirm their commitment to Ukraine, in accordance with the principles of the Final Act of the Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe, to respect the independence and sovereignty and the existing borders of Ukraine;

2. The Russian Federation, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the United States of America reaffirm their obligation to refrain from the threat or use of force against the territorial integrity or political independence of Ukraine, and that none of their weapons will ever be used against Ukraine except in self-defence or otherwise in accordance with the Charter of the United Nations;

3. The Russian Federation, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the United States of America reaffirm their commitment to Ukraine, in accordance with the principles of the Final Act of the Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe, to refrain from economic coercion designed to subordinate to their own interest the exercise by Ukraine of the rights inherent in its sovereignty and thus to secure advantages of any kind;

4. The Russian Federation, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the United States of America reaffirm their commitment to seek immediate United Nations Security Council action to provide assistance to Ukraine, as a non-nuclear-weapon State party to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons, if Ukraine should become a victim of an act of aggression or an object of a threat of aggression in which nuclear weapons are used;

5. The Russian Federation, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the United States of America reaffirm, in the case of Ukraine, their commitment not to use nuclear weapons against any non-nuclear weapon State party to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons, except in the case of an attack on themselves, their territories or dependent territories, their armed forces, or their allies, by such a State in association or alliance with a nuclear-weapon State;

6. Ukraine, the Russian Federation, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the United States of America will consult in the event a situation arises that raises a question concerning these commitments.

This Memorandum will become applicable upon signature. . ."

And in the video upon signing, Bill Clinton, when questioned, even dodges the question when asked, if the US would come aid Ukraine, if Russia should seek to take Crimea back;

Time stamp: 22:30 for the question if you do not want to listen to the whole conference.

President Clinton's News Conference w/ Pres. Kravchuk (1994)​

So, no. . . we have no obligation to either send weapons or troops. Not according to this treaty.

This is the Final Act of the Conference on Security and Co-operation in Europe which the Memorandum referred to, and which I believe Russia, pre-invasion, wanted to negotiate European security structure on.

Source: Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars 1
Final Act of the Conference on Security and Co-operation in Europe

". . . Accordingly, the participating States will refrain from any acts constituting a threat of force or
direct or indirect use of force against another participating State. Likewise they will refrain from
any manifestation of force for the purpose of inducing another participating State to renounce the
full exercise of its sovereign rights. Likewise they will also refrain in their mutual relations from
any act of reprisal by force.
No such threat or use of force will be employed as a means of settling disputes, or questions
likely to give rise to disputes, between them.. . . "
Yeah Nuland handing out cookies over there in support of getting rid of Russia's puppet who was helping take the country into the abyss and making people there miserable enough that they desired to revolt against Viktor Yanukovych - Wikipedia was just awful wasn't it? Why that is just comparable with the entire destruction of whole cities, raping of women and children and killing civilians of all sorts by Russia in Ukraine since it didn't get its way.

Russia is not on that final UN treaty document between Ukraine, USA and the UK. You would have seen that if you'd looked at it.
From your own wiki link;

"The election was judged free and fair by international observers."

Yanukovych set to become president as observers say Ukraine election was fair​

This article is more than 12 years old
Yulia Tymoshenko under pressure to concede defeat
Monitors praise 'impressive display' of democracy

. . . . I'm not sure you are aware who the, "puppets," were. :rolleyes:
LOL, right out of the Syria playbook.

Of course the Democrats and neocons will go for it. Hook, line, and sinker.
I'm open to rational discussion.

Not much interest in name calling, ad hom & slander.

Not sure what your point is.

Nothing is simple in war, and there are no good guys.
"Crowd control"? Seriously have you seen the actual videos from the people onsite where Russian butchers have been? Mariupol Maternity Hospital Destroyed By Russian Air Strike, Triggering Global Horror, Outrage

The soldiers affected said it was like Sarin gas. How Sarin Gas Works

I question the human cost of continuing to wait. How far does the world allow Putin to get before putting a stop to it all? He already declared war on anyone helping Ukraine. He's taken a massive amount of civilians prisoner and that is the one's they didn't just rape, rob and kill outright from the get go. On the watch he is also moving his weapons to the border of Finland.
That hospital narrative has been seriously questioned, even with reports that we have had by residents that live in Mariupol. They have told us that the Azov battalion told every one to get out, and they were using it as a post.

We only saw one woman as a causality. You will not in the video in that article you posted? No blood, no bodies. Use your head. . . and a little critical thinking. I have known you, I can't imagine you are paid to lie to us. . . that is outrageous you would do that. This narrative has already been debunked.

. . . as for soldiers being hit with Sarin? Give me a link. . I want to see some sourcing on that.

I have see no reliable reports of the Russians committing purposeful atrocities upon civilians.
From your own wiki link;

"The election was judged free and fair by international observers."

Yanukovych set to become president as observers say Ukraine election was fair​

This article is more than 12 years old
Yulia Tymoshenko under pressure to concede defeat
Monitors praise 'impressive display' of democracy

. . . . I'm not sure you are aware who the, "puppets," were. :rolleyes:
We've been told that Biden got 81 million votes breaking Odama's overall vote totals too.

I merely gave the Wiki for a quick reference to him, timeline etc..

Birds of a feather generally......

That hospital narrative has been seriously questioned, even with reports that we have had by residents that live in Mariupol. They have told us that the Azov battalion told every one to get out, and they were using it as a post.

We only saw one woman as a causality. You will not in the video in that article you posted? No blood, no bodies. Use your head. . . and a little critical thinking. I have known you, I can't imagine you are paid to lie to us. . . that is outrageous you would do that. This narrative has already been debunked.

. . . as for soldiers being hit with Sarin? Give me a link. . I want to see some sourcing on that.

I have see no reliable reports of the Russians committing purposeful atrocities upon civilians.

Can't say I am impressed.

These also interviewed people living in Mariupol and from everything I have previously seen I tend to believe Russians are purposely targeting civilians.

everything I have previously seen I tend to believe Russians are purposely targeting civilians.
It wouldn't surprise me.

The Azov battalion was using genocide and purposely using genocide type tactics on ethnic Russians in the Donbas. . . Between civilian and militian, they had killed between 12,000 to 15,000 since 2014. IMO? Americans just need to stay that hell out of this. . .

Let them destroy each other. Our founders told us, getting involved in other's squabbles like this, will only threaten our liberties. If these tyrants, (on both sides,) have no willingness to use diplomacy, then corrupt elements of our government are only interested in getting a piece of the pie.
We've been told that Biden got 81 million votes breaking Odama's overall vote totals too.

The same folks telling you that Biden received 81 million votes, are now telling you that Putin invaded on a whim, and that he bombed innocent pregnant women and children for "no reason. . . "

. . . and that now? They are targeting civilians because? ? ? oh, because it is just fun????


Or because it will make you angry and emotional, and help get the US into the war to help defend the corrupt deals Biden, his family, and the folks at the CFR have with the Ukrainian government. . .


Joe Biden Brags At CFR Meeting About Withholding Aid To Ukraine To Force Firing Of Prosecutor​

"In this clip from a January 2018 appearance at the Council on Foreign Relations, former Vice President Joe Biden seems to brag about threatening to withhold military aid to Ukraine as a pressure tactic to force the firing of a prosecutor he did not like.

In September 2019, House Democrats launched a formal impeachment inquiry into President Trump over a whistleblower's accusation that he threatened to withhold aid to Ukraine as a pressure tactic to force the Ukrainian government to investigate allegations that Joe Biden's son Hunter benefited financially from the firing of that same Ukrainian prosecutor."

Ukraine on Fire: The Real Story - Full Documentary by Oliver Stone (Original English version)​

It wouldn't surprise me.

The Azov battalion was using genocide and purposely using genocide type tactics on ethnic Russians in the Donbas. . . Between civilian and militian, they had killed between 12,000 to 15,000 since 2014. IMO? Americans just need to stay that hell out of this. . .

Let them destroy each other. Our founders told us, getting involved in other's squabbles like this, will only threaten our liberties. If these tyrants, (on both sides,) have no willingness to use diplomacy, then corrupt elements of our government are only interested in getting a piece of the pie.
Again, we are already involved and have been for many years. As much as it would be nice to total the system it would not be so nice because it will leave a large void where tyrants and thugs can get a larger foothold than they already have.

Loss of lives has been on all sides but would there have been that many if Russia had not bee feeding the kettle of shit for their own gain of what is not theirs?


The same folks telling you that Biden received 81 million votes, are now telling you that Putin invaded on a whim, and that he bombed innocent pregnant women and children for "no reason. . . "

. . . and that now? They are targeting civilians because? ? ? oh, because it is just fun????


Or because it will make you angry and emotional, and help get the US into the war to help defend the corrupt deals Biden, his family, and the folks at the CFR have with the Ukrainian government. . .


Joe Biden Brags At CFR Meeting About Withholding Aid To Ukraine To Force Firing Of Prosecutor​

"In this clip from a January 2018 appearance at the Council on Foreign Relations, former Vice President Joe Biden seems to brag about threatening to withhold military aid to Ukraine as a pressure tactic to force the firing of a prosecutor he did not like.

In September 2019, House Democrats launched a formal impeachment inquiry into President Trump over a whistleblower's accusation that he threatened to withhold aid to Ukraine as a pressure tactic to force the Ukrainian government to investigate allegations that Joe Biden's son Hunter benefited financially from the firing of that same Ukrainian prosecutor."

Ukraine on Fire: The Real Story - Full Documentary by Oliver Stone (Original English version)​

We can agree Biden is corrupt.

The people of Ukraine are not "the same folks" so you will have to push that elsewhere.

I will try to watch your videos later when the bandwidth here isn't dragging so much.

There does seem to be some empirical evidence for this. . .

The western media and politicians do seem to be getting desperate in their lies and info. wars. I am stunned at how little curiosity folks on this forum show, and how they are so easily led astray from facts on the ground. . .

TLAV analysis seems to be much closer to truth, and there probably weren't any chemical attacks. . . or. . . if indeed there were, it sounds like crowd control.

Sitrep: Operation Z​

" . . . On top of this another estimated 200-300 have surrendered in Mariupol and many more are due to surrender soon. This happened in several phases. Firstly a huge ‘breakout’ was orchestrated by the trapped Marines of the UAF where they took 30-50 civilian vehicles plus some remaining light armor and put ‘Z’ signs on them to try and trick Russian troops, then tried to storm out of Mariupol towards the north as high command in Kiev promised them support if they can just make it towards Zaporizhzhia oblast. But RF had intercepted every part of their plan and captured/killed all of them. . . . "

Russians Let Surrendering Nazis Keep Their Pets​

Pootin Lover
Dozens of killed civilians found in Mariupol after the retreat of "Azov" (some have their hands tied)

18+ Mariupol Residents Expose War Crimes & Show Dead Ukraine Soldiers​

Wrong as the government of Ukraine is still in viable just with different players. There has been no "suspension" or "termination" of the treaty by our government.

Ukraine is a drug-trafficking hub. The CIA-MI6 hold on an illegitimate state since 2014 includes Zelenskiy's cocaine addiction. As Kennedy warned us, earlier, it would be CIA-MI6 involved with internet propaganda (The Real Anthony Fauci). This includes the scrubbing of Zelenskiy's CIA-sponsored cocaine-induced movements video, here:

That Operation Paper Clip was ever terminated is a nazi joke.

Dutch Journalist: "We are here in Donbass to awaken Westerners deluded by propaganda: Ukrainian Neo-nazism Is No Myth."
'....After carrying out a 2014 coup d'etat in Ukraine, the minority of neo-nazis grabbed power and have been terrorising mainly the eastern part of the country using very vicious and cruel nazi-style methods for eight years.'

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