B Clinton bashes Trump


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Nov 25, 2016
Bill Clinton bashes Trump, blames 'angry white men' and Comey for wife's loss
Published December 19, 2016
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Bill Clinton takes a shot at the heartland, Fox News viewers

Former President Bill Clinton mocked President-elect Donald Trump’s intelligence, said “angry, white men” helped secure his victory and blamed FBI Director James Comey for Hillary Clinton’s November defeat during a spontaneous Q-and-A at a New York bookstore earlier this month.

An unidentified editor at the Bedford-Pound Ridge Record Review happened to be present at the impromptu session and revealed the details in an editorial in the paper’s print edition. The editorial did not appear online but the contents were reported by Politico.

“He doesn’t know much,” Clinton said when asked if Trump was smart. “One thing he does know is how to get angry, white men to vote for him.”


Clinton placed the blame for his wife’s defeat squarely at the feet of Comey, who announced 11 days before the election that the FBI was reviewing newly discovered emails for any ties to the investigation of Hillary Clinton’s secret server. Comey told Congress two days before the election the FBI didn’t find any new evidence.

“James Comey cost her the election,” Clinton said during the lengthy discussion.

Clinton also said he believed the allegations that Russia was responsible for a series of pre-election hacks that revealed embarrassing – and politically damaging – acts by some prominent Democrats associated with Hillary Clinton’s campaign.

“You would need to have a single-digit IQ not to recognize what was going on,” Clinton said.

He also disputed that Trump won in a landslide, with a likely 306 electoral vote tally.

“Landslide?” Clinton asked. “I got something like 370 electoral votes. That was a landslide.” (Clinton earned exactly 370 electoral votes during his 1992 presidential election win).

Clinton said Trump called him the day after the election and, the Record Review editor wrote, Clinton appeared “incredulous” about Trump's cordial tone so soon after the contentious 2016 campaign.

“Like it was 15 years ago,” Clinton said.

Trump reportedly told Clinton his wife “was tougher than I thought she’d be.”

Asked if President Obama should make a recess appointment of Hillary Clinton to the Supreme Court, Clinton said he didn’t think the 2016 Democratic presidential nominee would “want” the gig.

The Man from Hope apparently offered little optimism, telling the crowd they were living in a “post-truth era where facts don’t matter.”

One woman reportedly told Clinton her 6-year-old child has asked to go to sleep for four years when he found out Trump won.

“No, we can’t go to sleep,” Clinton said. “We need to stay active.”


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Bill Clinton bashes Trump, blames 'angry white men' and Comey for wife's loss
Published December 19, 2016
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Bill Clinton takes a shot at the heartland, Fox News viewers

Former President Bill Clinton mocked President-elect Donald Trump’s intelligence, said “angry, white men” helped secure his victory and blamed FBI Director James Comey for Hillary Clinton’s November defeat during a spontaneous Q-and-A at a New York bookstore earlier this month.

An unidentified editor at the Bedford-Pound Ridge Record Review happened to be present at the impromptu session and revealed the details in an editorial in the paper’s print edition. The editorial did not appear online but the contents were reported by Politico.

“He doesn’t know much,” Clinton said when asked if Trump was smart. “One thing he does know is how to get angry, white men to vote for him.”


Clinton placed the blame for his wife’s defeat squarely at the feet of Comey, who announced 11 days before the election that the FBI was reviewing newly discovered emails for any ties to the investigation of Hillary Clinton’s secret server. Comey told Congress two days before the election the FBI didn’t find any new evidence.

“James Comey cost her the election,” Clinton said during the lengthy discussion.

Clinton also said he believed the allegations that Russia was responsible for a series of pre-election hacks that revealed embarrassing – and politically damaging – acts by some prominent Democrats associated with Hillary Clinton’s campaign.

“You would need to have a single-digit IQ not to recognize what was going on,” Clinton said.

He also disputed that Trump won in a landslide, with a likely 306 electoral vote tally.

“Landslide?” Clinton asked. “I got something like 370 electoral votes. That was a landslide.” (Clinton earned exactly 370 electoral votes during his 1992 presidential election win).

Clinton said Trump called him the day after the election and, the Record Review editor wrote, Clinton appeared “incredulous” about Trump's cordial tone so soon after the contentious 2016 campaign.

“Like it was 15 years ago,” Clinton said.

Trump reportedly told Clinton his wife “was tougher than I thought she’d be.”

Asked if President Obama should make a recess appointment of Hillary Clinton to the Supreme Court, Clinton said he didn’t think the 2016 Democratic presidential nominee would “want” the gig.

The Man from Hope apparently offered little optimism, telling the crowd they were living in a “post-truth era where facts don’t matter.”

One woman reportedly told Clinton her 6-year-old child has asked to go to sleep for four years when he found out Trump won.

“No, we can’t go to sleep,” Clinton said. “We need to stay active.”


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Bill Clinton bashes Trump, blames 'angry white men' and Comey for wife's loss
Published December 19, 2016
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Bill Clinton takes a shot at the heartland, Fox News viewers

Former President Bill Clinton mocked President-elect Donald Trump’s intelligence, said “angry, white men” helped secure his victory and blamed FBI Director James Comey for Hillary Clinton’s November defeat during a spontaneous Q-and-A at a New York bookstore earlier this month.

An unidentified editor at the Bedford-Pound Ridge Record Review happened to be present at the impromptu session and revealed the details in an editorial in the paper’s print edition. The editorial did not appear online but the contents were reported by Politico.

“He doesn’t know much,” Clinton said when asked if Trump was smart. “One thing he does know is how to get angry, white men to vote for him.”


Clinton placed the blame for his wife’s defeat squarely at the feet of Comey, who announced 11 days before the election that the FBI was reviewing newly discovered emails for any ties to the investigation of Hillary Clinton’s secret server. Comey told Congress two days before the election the FBI didn’t find any new evidence.

“James Comey cost her the election,” Clinton said during the lengthy discussion.

Clinton also said he believed the allegations that Russia was responsible for a series of pre-election hacks that revealed embarrassing – and politically damaging – acts by some prominent Democrats associated with Hillary Clinton’s campaign.

“You would need to have a single-digit IQ not to recognize what was going on,” Clinton said.

He also disputed that Trump won in a landslide, with a likely 306 electoral vote tally.

“Landslide?” Clinton asked. “I got something like 370 electoral votes. That was a landslide.” (Clinton earned exactly 370 electoral votes during his 1992 presidential election win).

Clinton said Trump called him the day after the election and, the Record Review editor wrote, Clinton appeared “incredulous” about Trump's cordial tone so soon after the contentious 2016 campaign.

“Like it was 15 years ago,” Clinton said.

Trump reportedly told Clinton his wife “was tougher than I thought she’d be.”

Asked if President Obama should make a recess appointment of Hillary Clinton to the Supreme Court, Clinton said he didn’t think the 2016 Democratic presidential nominee would “want” the gig.

The Man from Hope apparently offered little optimism, telling the crowd they were living in a “post-truth era where facts don’t matter.”

One woman reportedly told Clinton her 6-year-old child has asked to go to sleep for four years when he found out Trump won.

“No, we can’t go to sleep,” Clinton said. “We need to stay active.”


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Trump has said 10x worse about Bill.

Righties can dish it out but really can't take it.
Bill Clinton bashes Trump, blames 'angry white men' and Comey for wife's loss
Published December 19, 2016
Facebook Twitter livefyre Email Print


Bill Clinton takes a shot at the heartland, Fox News viewers

Former President Bill Clinton mocked President-elect Donald Trump’s intelligence, said “angry, white men” helped secure his victory and blamed FBI Director James Comey for Hillary Clinton’s November defeat during a spontaneous Q-and-A at a New York bookstore earlier this month.

An unidentified editor at the Bedford-Pound Ridge Record Review happened to be present at the impromptu session and revealed the details in an editorial in the paper’s print edition. The editorial did not appear online but the contents were reported by Politico.

“He doesn’t know much,” Clinton said when asked if Trump was smart. “One thing he does know is how to get angry, white men to vote for him.”


Clinton placed the blame for his wife’s defeat squarely at the feet of Comey, who announced 11 days before the election that the FBI was reviewing newly discovered emails for any ties to the investigation of Hillary Clinton’s secret server. Comey told Congress two days before the election the FBI didn’t find any new evidence.

“James Comey cost her the election,” Clinton said during the lengthy discussion.

Clinton also said he believed the allegations that Russia was responsible for a series of pre-election hacks that revealed embarrassing – and politically damaging – acts by some prominent Democrats associated with Hillary Clinton’s campaign.

“You would need to have a single-digit IQ not to recognize what was going on,” Clinton said.

He also disputed that Trump won in a landslide, with a likely 306 electoral vote tally.

“Landslide?” Clinton asked. “I got something like 370 electoral votes. That was a landslide.” (Clinton earned exactly 370 electoral votes during his 1992 presidential election win).

Clinton said Trump called him the day after the election and, the Record Review editor wrote, Clinton appeared “incredulous” about Trump's cordial tone so soon after the contentious 2016 campaign.

“Like it was 15 years ago,” Clinton said.

Trump reportedly told Clinton his wife “was tougher than I thought she’d be.”

Asked if President Obama should make a recess appointment of Hillary Clinton to the Supreme Court, Clinton said he didn’t think the 2016 Democratic presidential nominee would “want” the gig.

The Man from Hope apparently offered little optimism, telling the crowd they were living in a “post-truth era where facts don’t matter.”

One woman reportedly told Clinton her 6-year-old child has asked to go to sleep for four years when he found out Trump won.

“No, we can’t go to sleep,” Clinton said. “We need to stay active.”


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Bill is just pissed off because he thought his private conference with Lynch would guarantee the Justice Department would help with the cover up of Hillary's actions, but then Comey decided to follow the law and report to Congress that new emails had been discovered.
The Clintons are now irrelevant...they should start acting as such

since when?

RW's have been bashing anything Clinton for 20+ years .. all of a sudden they become irrelevant????????


Ok, you act as such first.

GO !
Hillary and the DNC lost that election all on their own.

They were so sure she had it in the bag they completely ignored the American middle class. The workers.

Trump didn't. He got his message out there and the American people heard it and voted for him.

Hillary was a lousy candidate. The DNC would have done better to talk Biden into running. He's been VP for eight years and is way more qualified than Hillary would ever be.

Hillary cooked her own goose with Benghazi and her e mail scandal. Her absolute belief that she had this election sown up.

She only proved that she, the DNC, the media, the pollsters and anyone else who thought she would win were so far off the mark it ain't funny.
Hillary and the DNC lost that election all on their own.

They were so sure she had it in the bag they completely ignored the American middle class. The workers.

Trump didn't. He got his message out there and the American people heard it and voted for him.

Hillary was a lousy candidate. The DNC would have done better to talk Biden into running. He's been VP for eight years and is way more qualified than Hillary would ever be.

Hillary cooked her own goose with Benghazi and her e mail scandal. Her absolute belief that she had this election sown up.

She only proved that she, the DNC, the media, the pollsters and anyone else who thought she would win were so far off the mark it ain't funny.
She couldn't even say what middle class is. She still hasn't

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