B Clinton bashes Trump

Hillary and the DNC lost that election all on their own.

They were so sure she had it in the bag they completely ignored the American middle class. The workers.

Trump didn't. He got his message out there and the American people heard it and voted for him.

Hillary was a lousy candidate. The DNC would have done better to talk Biden into running. He's been VP for eight years and is way more qualified than Hillary would ever be.

Hillary cooked her own goose with Benghazi and her e mail scandal. Her absolute belief that she had this election sown up.

She only proved that she, the DNC, the media, the pollsters and anyone else who thought she would win were so far off the mark it ain't funny.
She couldn't even say what middle class is. She still hasn't

Yup and all Trump supporters were "deplorables."

Just shows how out of touch that elitist is.

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