B Hussein O sets new record for narcissism

Oh, the New Yorker... a perfectly unbiased source in a he said/she said sort of scenario.

Tony Schwartz was Trump's ghostwriter. This much I can easily believe. That he wrote the book by himself without even Trump's input is bullshit.
Oh, the New Yorker... a perfectly unbiased source in a he said/she said sort of scenario.

Tony Schwartz was Trump's ghostwriter. This much I can easily believe. That he wrote the book by himself without even Trump's input is bullshit.

He followed Trump around and watched him while he wrote the book. But, I see that you don't like the New Yorker, but how about the Hill, or the Guardian? Those sites say the same thing as the New Yorker. (And I know conservatives like the Hill).

'Art of the Deal' co-author rips Trump: He's 'incapable of reading a book, much less writing one’
Citing someone’s narcissism doesn’t justify another’s.
The irony is that trump is obvious in his self-focus but his policies are about the collective.
Obama’s narcissism is more insidious and sinister. Always about himself. I, me, mine instead of us, we, ours.
He even dishonestly applied his narcissism when he lied about American energy boom being because him. ‘That was me’, he lied.
What a creep.
Undoubtedly Obama is prone to take credit for the work of others because he has accomplished so little on his own initiative. He has constantly throughout his life benefited from those around him boosting him up.

That's why only someone like Obama would claim that people of success have never achieved anything on their own.
He can't imagine such a thing and possibly may even feel guilt over being an empty vessel which other much more intelligent and accomplished people have filled up (if he is capable of feeling guilt at all).
He followed Trump around and watched him while he wrote the book. But, I see that you don't like the New Yorker, but how about the Hill, or the Guardian? Those sites say the same thing as the New Yorker. (And I know conservatives like the Hill).

'Art of the Deal' co-author rips Trump: He's 'incapable of reading a book, much less writing one’
I believe people quoting this writer who says he hates Trump. I don't believe the writer himself when he says he wrote it by himself.
Very true

Art of the deal was written by Tony Schwartz who says Trump never even read it
So Schwartz wrote the whole book himself? I can find zero evidence that's true. I have to conclude you are lying again. What a shock.
Very true as attested by Schwartz

When he gave the completed book to Trump to review,his only comment was that TRUMP needed to be bigger on the cover
Very true as attested by Schwartz

When he gave the completed book to Trump to review,his only comment was that TRUMP needed to be bigger on the cover
And what if Schwartz, who says he hates Trump, is saying things merely to denigrate him?
Oh, the New Yorker... a perfectly unbiased source in a he said/she said sort of scenario.

Tony Schwartz was Trump's ghostwriter. This much I can easily believe. That he wrote the book by himself without even Trump's input is bullshit.

He followed Trump around and watched him while he wrote the book. But, I see that you don't like the New Yorker, but how about the Hill, or the Guardian? Those sites say the same thing as the New Yorker. (And I know conservatives like the Hill).

'Art of the Deal' co-author rips Trump: He's 'incapable of reading a book, much less writing one’
He says that in all his time with Trump he never saw a single book in his home or office
New Record: Obama Mentions Himself 467 Times During Berlin Town Hall

Anyone forget just how narcissistic he is?

President Obama was in Germany on Saturday, ostensibly to speak about “community leadership and civic engagement” on behalf of his eponymous Obama Foundation, but Berliners soon discovered his main topic of interest was … Barack Obama.

Obama talking about himself in an almost obsessive manner is no new phenomenon, but today he shattered his own records. Over the course of a 90 minute townhall with “emerging leaders,” Obama mentioned himself an eye-popping 467 times.

Here’s the breakdown of his personal pronoun use (based on a rush transcript of the event):

I” — 312

Me” — 33

My” — 43

I’d” — 9

I’m” — 61

Myself” — 9

The former president’s comments began on his favorite topic: himself.

More @ New Record: Obama Mentions Himself 467 Times During Berlin Town Hall | Weasel Zippers
LOL at conservatives counting

The speech was about Obama
His views, his presidency, his concerns

How is he not supposed to say I, me or myself?

There is no "I" in team, RW. B. Hussein O has no reason to be so narcissistic. He really needs to admit his faults, humbly ask Almighty God to remove those shortcomings, and then make amends. That's the only way he's going to be able to regain his self respect.
There is no R in team either

The Great Obama has always been willing to laugh at humself. It is Crooked Donnie who is unwilling to admit fault

Just not true. B. Hussein O has religiously avoided anyone who would criticize him. That's why he never once appeared on Hannity's programs, the EIB network or even called Dr. Glenn Beck even once, even though Beck kept a phone on his set exclusively for Obama's phone calls. Never appeared at a Pro Life march even once, because he knew he would receive good natured kidding for being a baby killer.
He says that in all his time with Trump he never saw a single book in his home or office
Okay. Great story. I don't care what a detractor says. Who can verify anything this man says? bye

When Trump was asked to name the favorite book he has read.... He said... All Quiet on the Western Front

A book he was required to read in HS
Obamaggot did name is family dog Bo, spelled BO (as opposed to "Beau") as in Barack Obama.....that FUCKER named his own dog after himself. And as much as I hate British Royal Inbreds, his gift to them was so trashy, it was an I-pod filled with his own political speeches. And being the "selfie-president" is really creepy, think about it: any American president is already the most photographed man on earth, yet the millions of pictures still weren't enough for Obama, he still needed to constantly take his narcissist "selfie" photo-feces.

I actually agree with wretched old Bill Clinton when he said Obama, "is my most hated living thing on the face of the earth."

When Trump was asked to name the favorite book he has read.... He said... All Quiet on the Western Front

A book he was required to read in HS
And I was required to read Les Miserables in high school and it turned out to be my favorite book ever. So what?

Great point, Perry Mason.

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