B. Hussein Obama was born in Mombasa in what is now Kenya on August 4, 1961 at 7:24 PM – and not in


Gold Member
Aug 5, 2016
B. Hussein Obama was born in Mombasa in what is now Kenya on August 4, 1961 at 7:24 PM – and not in Honolulu, Hawaii. Four simple questions must be answered here:

1. Back in 1961 people of color were called “Negroes”. So how can that Obama’s “birth certificate” state that he is "African-American" when the term wasn't even used at that time? Also – he could not have been an “African-American” since his mother was white; at best he should have been classified as an African White.
2. The birth certificate that the White House released lists Obama's birth as August 4, 1961 and lists Barack Hussein Obama as his father. That “long form” certificate was fabricated after the “short form” certificate was shown to be a rather sloppy computer-generated fabrication that had to be eliminated from circulation. At the time of Obama's birth, it also shows that his father was 25 years old and that he was born in "Kenya, East Africa" in 1936. This wouldn't seem like anything of concern, except the fact that Kenya did not even exist until 1963, two whole years after Obama's birth, and 27 years after his father's birth. How could Obama's father have been born in a country that did not yet exist? Up and until Kenya was formed in 1963, it was known as the "British East Africa Protectorate".
3. On the Birth Certificate released by the White House, the listed place of birth is "Kapi'olani Maternity & Gynecological Hospital ". This cannot be, because the hospitals in question in 1961 were separate entities called respectively "Kaui Keolani Children's Hospital" and "Kapi'olani Maternity Home”. The name did not change to Kapi'olani Maternity & Gynecological Hospital until 1978, when these two hospitals merged. How can this particular name of the hospital be on a birth certificate dated 1961 if this name had not yet been applied to it until 1978? Why hasn't this been discussed in the major media? Let me repeat this: Let somebody explain to this former refugee from a communist hell how come our Main Stream Media have been not only silent about this affair but more than that have been condescending and rather inimical to us “the truthers”? Their silence and their cover-up have made them the co-conspirators in this ongoing crime.
(Note: the state employee who invented this full-form “Birth Certificate” was flying on the inter-island flight with a dozen other passengers when the plane was forced to land on the ocean surface. All passengers and the pilot were saved – except that state employee who mysteriously “drowned”.) Loretta Fuddy, the Hawaii official who verified his long form birth certificate was the only casualty in a plane crash not too long after she did her old friends, the Obamas, this favor.)
4. Another clue comes from Obama's book on his father. He states how proud he is of his father fighting in WWII. B. Hussein Obama's "birth certificate" says his father was 25 years old in 1961 when Obama was born. That should have put his father's date of birth approximately in 1936. Now we need to remember that WWII was between 1939 and 1945. Just how many 3 year olds fight in wars? Does that mean that Mr. Obama is a liar, or simply chooses to alter the facts to satisfy his political purposes? No, Sir – he is a liar.
My own question is this: How come a President of the most powerful country in the history of the world could not secure services of better professional forgers? Not only that – but this mess to happen after the short-form “birth certificate” was shown to be a really low-quality forgery that had to be speedily retracted!
B. Hussein Obama was born in Mombasa in what is now Kenya on August 4, 1961 at 7:24 PM – and not in Honolulu, Hawaii. Four simple questions must be answered here:

1. Back in 1961 people of color were called “Negroes”. So how can that Obama’s “birth certificate” state that he is "African-American" when the term wasn't even used at that time? Also – he could not have been an “African-American” since his mother was white; at best he should have been classified as an African White.
2. The birth certificate that the White House released lists Obama's birth as August 4, 1961 and lists Barack Hussein Obama as his father. That “long form” certificate was fabricated after the “short form” certificate was shown to be a rather sloppy computer-generated fabrication that had to be eliminated from circulation. At the time of Obama's birth, it also shows that his father was 25 years old and that he was born in "Kenya, East Africa" in 1936. This wouldn't seem like anything of concern, except the fact that Kenya did not even exist until 1963, two whole years after Obama's birth, and 27 years after his father's birth. How could Obama's father have been born in a country that did not yet exist? Up and until Kenya was formed in 1963, it was known as the "British East Africa Protectorate".
3. On the Birth Certificate released by the White House, the listed place of birth is "Kapi'olani Maternity & Gynecological Hospital ". This cannot be, because the hospitals in question in 1961 were separate entities called respectively "Kaui Keolani Children's Hospital" and "Kapi'olani Maternity Home”. The name did not change to Kapi'olani Maternity & Gynecological Hospital until 1978, when these two hospitals merged. How can this particular name of the hospital be on a birth certificate dated 1961 if this name had not yet been applied to it until 1978? Why hasn't this been discussed in the major media? Let me repeat this: Let somebody explain to this former refugee from a communist hell how come our Main Stream Media have been not only silent about this affair but more than that have been condescending and rather inimical to us “the truthers”? Their silence and their cover-up have made them the co-conspirators in this ongoing crime.
(Note: the state employee who invented this full-form “Birth Certificate” was flying on the inter-island flight with a dozen other passengers when the plane was forced to land on the ocean surface. All passengers and the pilot were saved – except that state employee who mysteriously “drowned”.) Loretta Fuddy, the Hawaii official who verified his long form birth certificate was the only casualty in a plane crash not too long after she did her old friends, the Obamas, this favor.)
4. Another clue comes from Obama's book on his father. He states how proud he is of his father fighting in WWII. B. Hussein Obama's "birth certificate" says his father was 25 years old in 1961 when Obama was born. That should have put his father's date of birth approximately in 1936. Now we need to remember that WWII was between 1939 and 1945. Just how many 3 year olds fight in wars? Does that mean that Mr. Obama is a liar, or simply chooses to alter the facts to satisfy his political purposes? No, Sir – he is a liar.
My own question is this: How come a President of the most powerful country in the history of the world could not secure services of better professional forgers? Not only that – but this mess to happen after the short-form “birth certificate” was shown to be a really low-quality forgery that had to be speedily retracted!

This is verbatim the same conspiracy nonsense you posted a couple of weeks ago.

With His Fake Birth Certificate and Selective Service Form, Obama Claims Trump “Unfit” to be Preside

And it was debunked, word for word, by Snopes.....years ago.

Barack Obama Birth Certificate

If you're going to regurgitate debunked conspiracies....at least be original about it.
LOL @ "debunked by Snopes".....Snopes is useless unless you're a left loon then it's like some Holy Grail

Or if you're interested in actual evidence.

But hey, if your idea of evidence is reciting some email from 2011 verbatim, enjoy. That's always good for a giggle.
How Could Stanley Ann Dunham have delivered Barack Hussein Obama in August 1961 in Honolulu when Records show this? - Freedom Outpost

How Could Stanley Ann Dunham have delivered Barack Hussein Obama in August 1961 in Honolulu when Records show this?

Apparently the Governor of Hawaii has sealed Obama's birth certificate records. Why? Why seal the records? What is Obama afraid of?

Atlas reader Rudy emailed both the University of Washington and the University of Hawaii, and they sent him back dates of enrollment. It didn't match the dates Wikipedia had for Stanley Ann Dunham. Bob tried to update Wikipedia and his updates got deleted within minutes. The big question is how was Ann having Barack in Honolulu in Aug 1961 AND enrolled at the U of Washington the same month?

When public record information from the University of Washington was added to Wikipedia’s biography of Stanley Ann Dunham (Barack Hussein Obama Jr’s mother), it was removed in 35 minutes the first time and 34 minutes the second time. Read what Obama’s team of internet thugs doesn’t want you to know.
How Could Stanley Ann Dunham have delivered Barack Hussein Obama in August 1961 in Honolulu when Records show this? - Freedom Outpost

How Could Stanley Ann Dunham have delivered Barack Hussein Obama in August 1961 in Honolulu when Records show this?

Apparently the Governor of Hawaii has sealed Obama's birth certificate records. Why? Why seal the records? What is Obama afraid of?

Atlas reader Rudy emailed both the University of Washington and the University of Hawaii, and they sent him back dates of enrollment. It didn't match the dates Wikipedia had for Stanley Ann Dunham. Bob tried to update Wikipedia and his updates got deleted within minutes. The big question is how was Ann having Barack in Honolulu in Aug 1961 AND enrolled at the U of Washington the same month?

When public record information from the University of Washington was added to Wikipedia’s biography of Stanley Ann Dunham (Barack Hussein Obama Jr’s mother), it was removed in 35 minutes the first time and 34 minutes the second time. Read what Obama’s team of internet thugs doesn’t want you to know.

So.....Pam Geller cites an anonymous author claiming that Obama is Malcolm X's love child? Backed by absolutely nothing.

Wow. Sounds like a slam dunk for a Trumpite.
LOL @ "debunked by Snopes".....Snopes is useless unless you're a left loon then it's like some Holy Grail

Or if you're interested in actual evidence.

But hey, if your idea of evidence is reciting some email from 2011 verbatim, enjoy. That's always good for a giggle.

Oh BS, that POS fake birth certificate Obama tried to pawn off was debunked in literally hours after release, computer forensics were all over it, it was created on Adobe...newsflash Adobe didn't exist in 1961
How Could Stanley Ann Dunham have delivered Barack Hussein Obama in August 1961 in Honolulu when Records show this? - Freedom Outpost

How Could Stanley Ann Dunham have delivered Barack Hussein Obama in August 1961 in Honolulu when Records show this?

Apparently the Governor of Hawaii has sealed Obama's birth certificate records. Why? Why seal the records? What is Obama afraid of?

Atlas reader Rudy emailed both the University of Washington and the University of Hawaii, and they sent him back dates of enrollment. It didn't match the dates Wikipedia had for Stanley Ann Dunham. Bob tried to update Wikipedia and his updates got deleted within minutes. The big question is how was Ann having Barack in Honolulu in Aug 1961 AND enrolled at the U of Washington the same month?

When public record information from the University of Washington was added to Wikipedia’s biography of Stanley Ann Dunham (Barack Hussein Obama Jr’s mother), it was removed in 35 minutes the first time and 34 minutes the second time. Read what Obama’s team of internet thugs doesn’t want you to know.
Oh, and why would the University of Hawaii or the University of Washington send someone some random reader Stanley Ann Dunham's school records?

And of course, why didn't this random reader post said records?
B. Hussein Obama was born in Mombasa in what is now Kenya on August 4, 1961 at 7:24 PM – and not in Honolulu, Hawaii. Four simple questions must be answered here:

1. Back in 1961 people of color were called “Negroes”. So how can that Obama’s “birth certificate” state that he is "African-American" when the term wasn't even used at that time? Also – he could not have been an “African-American” since his mother was white; at best he should have been classified as an African White.
2. The birth certificate that the White House released lists Obama's birth as August 4, 1961 and lists Barack Hussein Obama as his father. That “long form” certificate was fabricated after the “short form” certificate was shown to be a rather sloppy computer-generated fabrication that had to be eliminated from circulation. At the time of Obama's birth, it also shows that his father was 25 years old and that he was born in "Kenya, East Africa" in 1936. This wouldn't seem like anything of concern, except the fact that Kenya did not even exist until 1963, two whole years after Obama's birth, and 27 years after his father's birth. How could Obama's father have been born in a country that did not yet exist? Up and until Kenya was formed in 1963, it was known as the "British East Africa Protectorate".
3. On the Birth Certificate released by the White House, the listed place of birth is "Kapi'olani Maternity & Gynecological Hospital ". This cannot be, because the hospitals in question in 1961 were separate entities called respectively "Kaui Keolani Children's Hospital" and "Kapi'olani Maternity Home”. The name did not change to Kapi'olani Maternity & Gynecological Hospital until 1978, when these two hospitals merged. How can this particular name of the hospital be on a birth certificate dated 1961 if this name had not yet been applied to it until 1978? Why hasn't this been discussed in the major media? Let me repeat this: Let somebody explain to this former refugee from a communist hell how come our Main Stream Media have been not only silent about this affair but more than that have been condescending and rather inimical to us “the truthers”? Their silence and their cover-up have made them the co-conspirators in this ongoing crime.
(Note: the state employee who invented this full-form “Birth Certificate” was flying on the inter-island flight with a dozen other passengers when the plane was forced to land on the ocean surface. All passengers and the pilot were saved – except that state employee who mysteriously “drowned”.) Loretta Fuddy, the Hawaii official who verified his long form birth certificate was the only casualty in a plane crash not too long after she did her old friends, the Obamas, this favor.)
4. Another clue comes from Obama's book on his father. He states how proud he is of his father fighting in WWII. B. Hussein Obama's "birth certificate" says his father was 25 years old in 1961 when Obama was born. That should have put his father's date of birth approximately in 1936. Now we need to remember that WWII was between 1939 and 1945. Just how many 3 year olds fight in wars? Does that mean that Mr. Obama is a liar, or simply chooses to alter the facts to satisfy his political purposes? No, Sir – he is a liar.
My own question is this: How come a President of the most powerful country in the history of the world could not secure services of better professional forgers? Not only that – but this mess to happen after the short-form “birth certificate” was shown to be a really low-quality forgery that had to be speedily retracted!

This is verbatim the same conspiracy nonsense you posted a couple of weeks ago.

With His Fake Birth Certificate and Selective Service Form, Obama Claims Trump “Unfit” to be Preside

And it was debunked, word for word, by Snopes.....years ago.

Barack Obama Birth Certificate

If you're going to regurgitate debunked conspiracies....at least be original about it.
This is all correct, of course, however the inane delusion that is birtherism has become for some on the right a ridiculous metaphor to express the lie that the president is ‘un-American,’ although aware of the fact that he is indeed a natural born citizen.
LOL @ "debunked by Snopes".....Snopes is useless unless you're a left loon then it's like some Holy Grail

Or if you're interested in actual evidence.

But hey, if your idea of evidence is reciting some email from 2011 verbatim, enjoy. That's always good for a giggle.

Oh BS, that POS fake birth certificate Obama tried to pawn off was debunked in literally hours after release, computer forensics were all over it, it was created on Adobe...newsflash Adobe didn't exist in 1961

Except it wasn't. Newsflash. The image on the WH website isn't an actual Birth Certificate. Its an *image* of an actual birth certificate. Jpgs didn't exist in 1961 either.

Your argument is akin to claiming that since the monitor you viewed the image on didn't exist in 1961, that Obama's birth certificate is a forgery.

Oh, and the State of Hawaii affirmed that the information on the WH website was accurate and matched their original records
. So your working theory is a 100% accurate forgery?

That's the stupidest fucking thing I've ever heard. But then, birthers. So consider the source.
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LOL @ "debunked by Snopes".....Snopes is useless unless you're a left loon then it's like some Holy Grail

Or if you're interested in actual evidence.

But hey, if your idea of evidence is reciting some email from 2011 verbatim, enjoy. That's always good for a giggle.

Oh BS, that POS fake birth certificate Obama tried to pawn off was debunked in literally hours after release, computer forensics were all over it, it was created on Adobe...newsflash Adobe didn't exist in 1961
As if on cue: a delusional rightwing liar and nitwit.
Don't funny it Jones, debunk it....prove the released copy wasn't created on Adobe...I'll blow your dumb ass out of the water so fast your head will spin. Created in seven layers...only Adobe could do it
LOL @ "debunked by Snopes".....Snopes is useless unless you're a left loon then it's like some Holy Grail

Or if you're interested in actual evidence.

But hey, if your idea of evidence is reciting some email from 2011 verbatim, enjoy. That's always good for a giggle.

Oh BS, that POS fake birth certificate Obama tried to pawn off was debunked in literally hours after release, computer forensics were all over it, it was created on Adobe...newsflash Adobe didn't exist in 1961
As if on cue: a delusional rightwing liar and nitwit.

Ball is in your court, Sparky. (Watches the fake asshole Jones scamper away...as usual) You're a nothing pal, you're incapable of defending a thing you post.
Don't funny it Jones, debunk it....prove the released copy wasn't created on Adobe...I'll blow your dumb ass out of the water so fast your head will spin. Created in seven layers...only Adobe could do it

Debunk what? The State of Hawaii already affirmed that the information on the WH image of Obama's birth certificate is 100% accurate.

So your working theory is a 100% accurate forgery?

Laughing.....you can't fix stupid.
B. Hussein Obama was born in Mombasa in what is now Kenya on August 4, 1961 at 7:24 PM – and not in Honolulu, Hawaii. Four simple questions must be answered here:

Nowhere on Barack Obama's birth certificate does the term "African-American" appear. The space for "Race of Father" is filled in with the word "African," which at the time was a descriptor that blacks who were actually native-born Africans (like Barack Obama's father was) were more likely to use for themselves than "negro" (the latter being synonymous with "slave" in Euro-colonial countries such as Kenya).

In 1895 the British Empire established the East Africa Protectorate, the forerunner of the country now known as the republic of Kenya. Although Kenya did not achieve complete independence from the United Kingdom until 1963, it was known as the Kenya Colony from 1920 onwards and was typically referred to as Kenya long before 1963. A search of news reports from 1961 (the year of Barack Obama's birth) turns up hundreds and hundreds of news articles referencing that entity simply as "Kenya."

The former Kapi'olani Maternity Home became the Kapi'olani Maternity & Gynecological Hospital (where Barack Obama was born) in 1931, and it retained that appellation until 1971, when its name was shortened to Kapi'olani Hospital. The Kauikeolani Children's Hospital (where Barack Obama was not born) was a separate entity which merged with the Kapi'olani Hospital in 1978 to become the Kapi'olani Medical Center for Women and Children.
LOL @ "debunked by Snopes".....Snopes is useless unless you're a left loon then it's like some Holy Grail

Or if you're interested in actual evidence.

But hey, if your idea of evidence is reciting some email from 2011 verbatim, enjoy. That's always good for a giggle.

Oh BS, that POS fake birth certificate Obama tried to pawn off was debunked in literally hours after release, computer forensics were all over it, it was created on Adobe...newsflash Adobe didn't exist in 1961

Except it wasn't. Newsflash. The image on the WH website isn't an actual Birth Certificate. Its an *image* of an actual birth certificate. Jpgs didn't exist in 1961 either.

Your argument is akin to claiming that since the monitor you viewed the image on didn't exist in 1961, that Obama's birth certificate is a forgery.

Oh, and the State of Hawaii affirmed that the information on the WH website was accurate and matched their original records
. So your working theory is a 100% accurate forgery?

That's the stupidest fucking thing I've ever heard. But the, birthers. So consider the source.

It was proven a fake, you can whine, bitch and moan all day long but I know better.
B. Hussein Obama was born in Mombasa in what is now Kenya on August 4, 1961 at 7:24 PM – and not in Honolulu, Hawaii. Four simple questions must be answered here:

Nowhere on Barack Obama's birth certificate does the term "African-American" appear. The space for "Race of Father" is filled in with the word "African," which at the time was a descriptor that blacks who were actually native-born Africans (like Barack Obama's father was) were more likely to use for themselves than "negro" (the latter being synonymous with "slave" in Euro-colonial countries such as Kenya).

In 1895 the British Empire established the East Africa Protectorate, the forerunner of the country now known as the republic of Kenya. Although Kenya did not achieve complete independence from the United Kingdom until 1963, it was known as the Kenya Colony from 1920 onwards and was typically referred to as Kenya long before 1963. A search of news reports from 1961 (the year of Barack Obama's birth) turns up hundreds and hundreds of news articles referencing that entity simply as "Kenya."

The former Kapi'olani Maternity Home became the Kapi'olani Maternity & Gynecological Hospital (where Barack Obama was born) in 1931, and it retained that appellation until 1971, when its name was shortened to Kapi'olani Hospital. The Kauikeolani Children's Hospital (where Barack Obama was not born) was a separate entity which merged with the Kapi'olani Hospital in 1978 to become the Kapi'olani Medical Center for Women and Children.

Explain how it was created on computer software that didn't exist....it's a fake
‘I created Obama’s certification of birth’

'I created Obama's certification of birth'

“The White House said the black-and-white image is a copy of Obama’s 2007 [Certification of Live Birth], but it’s not. It is the forgery I created, and I can prove that is the case,” he declared.

Polland said he created the image to bolster his contention that the short-form Certification of Live Birth circulated by the Obama presidential campaign was a forgery.

“You have to be able to show how an electronic document was created in order to prove it is a forgery,” he explained. “I wanted to prove the [short-form certificate] was a forgery, and I wanted to show how it can be done.”

Then how did the White House end up presenting the forgery as authentic?

Polland contends that all of the short-form “versions in circulation on the Internet are forgeries.”

“Probably the White House just picked my forgery off Snopes.com, thinking it was the real thing,” he said.

Read more at ‘I created Obama’s certification of birth’

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