Babel Women: Al Jazeera Bazaar(?)


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
Is there a link between modern media paranoia and Al Jazeera marketing issues (e.g., censorship dialogue)?

If so, is MTV the 'real' Babylon?

I for one want to believe in 'TrumpUSA'.



"American super-celebrity Tom Cruise had just completed an action-exploration-adventure film about Egyptian mythology and was suddenly curious about the Western world's investments in Middle Eastern and African history and culture. Cruise wanted to understand and appreciate the globalization symbolism of the emerged Muslim-TV network Al Jazeera and how it made people feel generally optimistic about media-driven modern networking in this age of news and entertainment."


"America was the consumerism center of the modern world. McDonald's, Disney, Apple, Nike, Energizer, and Hasbro were commercial symbols of America's investments in consumerism-consciousness and business-world imagination. These new age 'titans' of industry revealed the playful face of capitalism and modern business, and it was peculiar how Americans were fascinated by daydreams and toy-like production. This wasn't Stalinism after all..."


"Angels from heaven descended to investigate this cholesterol-trend in modern society. There was a Burger King in politically-challenged Afghanistan, and many anti-capitalism critics (e.g., ISIS) were not trustful of the powerhouse successes of consumerism-iconic 'convenience chains' from America such as McDonald's and Microsoft. The angels decided to encourage mankind to celebrate Planet Hollywood, Starbucks, and Wall Street and avoid the anti-social sentiments reminiscent of the anti-civilization horrors of 9/11."


"Artists and film-makers and cartoonists were exploring nouveau-Orwellian themes in drawings and storyboards. Fantastic robots arrayed in apocalyptic battles symbolized a modern fascination with streamlined production and the primal fear of complete mindless brainwashed commerce. People worried that the AntiChrist might be someone like Boss Tweed, the corrupt 1800s New York ring-operator in an emerging pro-capitalism America. Such paranoia-folklore and movie-making/storytelling were reflective of Americans' love of liberal anti-establishment dialogue in legal pedestrian forums!"


"As the popularity of Al Jazeera TV (Muslim-television) grew, the Trump Administration took note of the crucial fact that Algeria (member-nation of OPEC) was way ahead of America in the development of eco-friendly wind-energy (and wind-farms!). President Donald Trump wanted the world to believe that American investors were committed to seeing the USA proudly 'stand' as the official 'Big Brother' of the international community. Trump had already negotiated alliances between North Korea and South Korea during the PyeongChang Olympics."


"As with any era, there comes real challenges. God's archangel Michael had to debate with the harlot of Babylon (a seductive siren from Hell, sent by Satan himself) about the capitalism-virtue of the American software-company giant Microsoft. It was an intriguing debate/discussion (to say the least).

MICHAEL: Your reign on Earth will not undo the vitality of modern commerce.
BABEL-WOMAN: Do you realize how much pleasure Bill Gates receives?
MICHAEL: Capitalism-barons are diplomats of fortune and legalese.
BABEL-WOMAN: There's nothing wrong with legal mediation, but it's mindless(!).
MICHAEL: There is intellectual stimulation in the realm of democracy-negotiation.
BABEL-WOMAN: Microsoft had to stand in a symbolic anti-monopoly lawsuit.
MICHAEL: The U.S. government broke Microsoft's extended back...
BABEL-WOMAN: Modern American males think like pirates!
MICHAEL: Lust is a natural and 'workable' aspect of civilization.
BABEL-WOMAN: Stockbrokers picking up prostitutes is hardly 'divine.'
MICHAEL: There is redemption in leadership...
BABEL-WOMAN: America can stand as 'Big Brother' if it celebrates celebrity.
MICHAEL: The 'concept' of celebrity refers to an appreciation of fashion.
BABEL-WOMAN: Fashion is emotional, and competitive capitalism can be juvenile.
MICHAEL: You can't justify terrorism with claims about 'bureaucratic agony.'
BABEL-WOMAN: If you were Bill Gates, would you refrain from hiring prostitutes?
MICHAEL: Capitalism-barons have the 'opportunity' to exploit fame/fortune.
BABEL-WOMAN: I hope your suggestion that Apple will save face is intuitive.
MICHAEL: The best cure to fortune-cynicism is toy-making and commercial optimism.
BABEL-WOMAN: Humans will always 'idolize' grease.

After this stirring debate/discussion between Michael and the harlot of Babylon (also known simply as 'Babel-Woman'), God charged that Michael had effectively argued for the bureaucratic dignity of capitalism-patriotism, despite the 'tempting lure' of anti-civilization cynicism which prompted dark fantasies about rebellion, escapism, lust, and terrorism. Michael however remained haunted by Babel-Woman's ominous message that capitalism (e.g., Microsoft) created power-daydreams and gratification-biases..."


"American consumerism was creating all kinds of awesome inventions such as fiber-optics television, wireless video-games, smart-cars, and IMAX-cinema. It was a toy-like approach to commerce, and the energy was in NASDAQ and Coke, as South Korea emerged as a consumer electronics giant with its company Samsung (maker of highly-popular HDTVs, smartphones, and Blu-ray players). Why did Americans yearn for 'youthful amenities'?"


"Michael suggested to God that Americans get encouraged to market toys that dissuade violence, such as water-guns. God wondered if water-guns actually promoted violence, but Michael really believed the playful harmless and divine play with water (a natural and harmless element in nature) reminded youngsters of the value of creativity over the hellfires of criminality. Michael disguised himself as a professor and gave a guest-lecture at the Yale University commencement ceremony titled Capitalism: A Toy Story."


"After Babel-Woman was satisfied with her defiant discussion with God's archangel Michael, she decided to travel to NYC and plague a number of greedy American stockbrokers working for powerful Wall Street firms. Babel-Woman was the perfect diplomat of unbreakable rebelliousness towards the virtue of capitalism-prudence and humble patriotism. She was paving the way for the AntiChrist, and who could stand against such evil? Was capitalism even inspiring? It didn't seem so to many anti-TrumpUSA street-protesters furious about President Trump's various racist-comments in the press and sex-scandal allegations. Yes, it was the Age of Consequences."


CRUISE: So what do you do (exactly), Ajay?
AJAY: I'm an 'Internet-vigilante.'
HANKS: What does that mean?

CRUISE: You blog about 'political evangelism' (right?).
AJAY: That's precisely correct; I also talk about the End of Days.
HANKS: So you compare Wall Street to Babylon...

CRUISE: Sounds pretty familiar...
AJAY: Consumerism is either a toy-factory or a bank-robbery.
HANKS: So, you're sceptical about Burger King?

CRUISE: Are you some kind of 'moral nutritionist,' Ajay?
AJAY: Look, I'm grateful you two 'super-celebs' wanted to chat on the Internet with me.
HANKS: This is the age of Talk Radio after all, Ajay! It's cool...

CRUISE: I suppose you're a huge fan of comic books.
AJAY: Oh yeah; I think Captain America (Marvel Comics) represents purism.
HANKS: I see; you compare new age trends to socialism paranoia.

CRUISE: Do you think Microsoft is socialism, Ajay?
AJAY: I think the AntiChrist will be the opposite of Bill Gates.
HANKS: Maybe Planet Hollywood will remind voters of America's love of imagination.


"Ajay's stirring discussion with super-celebrities Tom Cruise and Tom Hanks on an Internet chatroom reminded all three idealistic 'modernism diplomats' of the value of commercial dialogue in this age of media. There was nothing wrong with pedestrian critiques, as long as all parties felt like their voices were being heard objectively rather than in some chaotic mudpit of slang, verbal abuse, and artless graffiti. Ajay was a big fan of the sci-fi fantasy-adventure TV series Buck Rogers in the 25th Century and wrote fanmail to Erin Gray who played female Colonel Wilma Deering on the show and received an autographed poster, which he hung in his private office. Cruise and Hanks were happy Ajay was a rational blogger and not some 'liberal nut'."


"Ajay had a complete collection of Transformers (Hasbro) robot-toys, which he presented on a Japanese toy-market fashion collection/exhibit and website in the summer of 2018. Ajay's most impressive Transformers set included a complete lineup of the Decepticon cassette-warriors (mini-robots who transformed into espionage-geared tapes). Ajay wrote that these modernism-symbolic toy robots evangelized consumers from the anti-social sentiment that capitalism could not be sociological. Ajay would have to contend with the AntiChrist(!)."


GOD: Ajay should watch what he dares say...
SATAN: Yes, he might be gunned down by terrorists!
GOD: It's so challenging being patriotic.
SATAN: Yes, revolutions, corruption, bankruptcy all spell doom.
GOD: Terrorism is the real evil now.
SATAN: Babel-Woman reminded us of the 'fantasy' of doom.
GOD: Political suicide is easy when the humiliation goes to someone else.
SATAN: Michael effectively showed Babel-Woman that Microsoft is subjective.
GOD: Were you excited about Babel-Woman hailing the AntiChrist?
SATAN: How could I not be? This is the Age of Consequences.
GOD: Will Al Jazeera be honoured by archaeologists?
SATAN: I think culture-access television will quickly be entirely legal.
GOD: The biggest obstacle to globalization is miscommunication.
SATAN: Anti-virus software represents modern hygiene.
GOD: Do you think Babel-Woman will continue to lure men towards indulgences?
SATAN: She is furious about human bias, but Michael has defended capitalism-bravado.
GOD: So you're satisfied for now; let's see if the AntiChrist approaches.
SATAN: Maybe Leo DiCaprio (star of The Wolf of Wall Street ) is the AntiChrist!
GOD: I doubt the AntiChrist will be invested in Planet Hollywood...
SATAN: Everyone loves a good buffet.




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