Babies and children among the injured in summer terror. 55 plus road firebomb attacks


Gold Member
Jun 15, 2013
More power to the authorities in routing out terrorists and potential attacks. Israel needs to stop the madness that is going on in the country by these murderous thugs.

July: 38 Israelis Wounded in Terrorist Attacks
Babies and children among the injured in summer terror wave. At least 55 firebomb attacks on the roads.​

By Maayana Miskin
First Publish: 8/4/2013, 11:31 AM

The IDF and Shin Bet have released their report on terrorist attacks in the month of July. Over the course of the month, 38 Israelis were wounded in terrorist assaults.

Among the wounded was a young toddler who suffered a head injury when Arabs hurled stones at a Jewish family near the Old City of Jerusalem.

An eight-year-old Jewish boy was also injured in a rock-throwing attack in the Old City, and a baby girl was wounded in a rock attack on a bus heading for the Kotel (Western Wall).

There were additional injuries in rock attacks near the Shechem Gate of the Old City, and on Uzi Narkis Street in Jerusalem. One man was wounded when an Arab attacker hit him in the face during a carjacking north of Jerusalem.

A Jewish youth who was attacked by a group of Arab men in the Jewish Quarter of the Old City of Jerusalem was not hurt, the report noted.

Other injuries reported during the month included three Border Police officers hit by a bomb blast in Abu Dis, a hareidi-religious man who was moderately wounded in a stabbing attack in Jerusalem, and a man who was moderately wounded in a second stabbing attack in a park near the Yemin Moshe neighborhood of Jerusalem.

Alert guards stopped an Arab woman who attempted to carry out a stabbing attack in the city of Hevron.

Soldiers foiled several terrorist attacks, as well. A terrorist with bomb-making materials was caught in the Hevron region. Border Police arrested three Arab men at a checkpoint after finding weapons in their car. Another three were arrested at the Yitzhar junction with weapons; they had apparently planned to carry out a shooting attack.

Terrorists carried out at least 55 firebomb attacks over the course of the month, targeting civilian buses and Israeli travelers in Judea and Samaria.

There were attacks in the Southern District as well. Gaza terrorists fired on Navy ships off the coast, and three rocket attacks targeted Israeli communities near Gaza. A fourth rocket attack was reported targeting the city of Eilat.

July: 38 Israelis Wounded in Terrorist Attacks - Defense/Security - News - Israel National News
Muslimes are the demonic, vile maggots of the universe. We should deport them all back to Hell. Ugh.

Islam: Making a True Difference in the World - One Body at a Time


Fcking devils.
What a mind set. The Palestinians attack & kill Israeli's. And then when Israel retaliates, they bitch that more Palestinians have been killed than Israeli's. It's called Palestinian mentality.
What a mind set. The Palestinians attack & kill Israeli's. And then when Israel retaliates, they bitch that more Palestinians have been killed than Israeli's. It's called Palestinian mentality.

Strap bombs on their kids. Send them off to murder Israeli children then whine like babies when Israel retaliates.
What a mind set. The Palestinians attack & kill Israeli's. And then when Israel retaliates, they bitch that more Palestinians have been killed than Israeli's. It's called Palestinian mentality.

Strap bombs on their kids. Send them off to murder Israeli children then whine like babies when Israel retaliates.

Peace will come when the Arabs will love their children more than they hate us.​

Just one of many words of wisdom quotes from Golda Meir.
Sometimes I think I can get into their heads, but then I look into the eyes of this innocent baby-


That beautiful baby's name, was Jonathan Palmer.

He was not even a year old when he was murdered, by Palestinian stone-throwers.

Is this the face of the "cruel" "illegal" occupation?

With the people who killed him, I should shake my hand in peace?
Sometimes I think I can get into their heads, but then I look into the eyes of this innocent baby-


That beautiful baby's name, was Jonathan Palmer.

He was not even a year old when he was murdered, by Palestinian stone-throwers.

Is this the face of the "cruel" "illegal" occupation?

With the people who killed him, I should shake my hand in peace?

And his father Asher too (G-d rest their good innocent souls) was also murdered at the same time by the cowardly thugs who threw the rock from a vehicle they were travelling in, thereby causing the rock to have more speed and force that had the rock been thrown not from a moving vehicle and not aimed at a moving vehicle.

[ame=]Police: act of terror killed Israeli man and baby son - YouTube[/ame]
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What a mind set. The Palestinians attack & kill Israeli's. And then when Israel retaliates, they bitch that more Palestinians have been killed than Israeli's. It's called Palestinian mentality.
I wonder if our friends here would ever mention that the Muslim Brotherhood is using children as human shields in Egypt.
Muslimes are vile, demonic monsters of death, destruction, violence and mayhem.

Islam: Making a True Difference in the World - One Body at a Time

This year's Ramadan Bombathon is winding down, and it appears the Religion of Peace is cruising to its 1,434th consecutive win. On day 27 of Ramadan we find almost 5,000 innocent people dead/injured from the dirty Muslimes' savage behavior in 271 terror attacks/suicide b*mbings. Disgusting maggots...
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What a mind set. The Palestinians attack & kill Israeli's. And then when Israel retaliates, they bitch that more Palestinians have been killed than Israeli's. It's called Palestinian mentality.
I wonder if our friends here would ever mention that the Muslim Brotherhood is using children as human shields in Egypt.
Well, the more things change, the more they remain the same. :(
[ame=]Pallywood is proud to present- Man runs over kids throwing rocks.flv - YouTube[/ame]

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