Babies Are (wait for it.....)

You are a lying cocksucker.

throwing out feelers, are ya......?

You worried I'll take some of your action?

Don't be.

And don't lie. It is THE number one thing i HATE and DESPISE about dimocrap scum.

I wouldn't be the least bit upset with people that disagree with me -- Politically or otherwise.

It's that you and people like you lie with every breath you take.

It's pathological with you. It's an autonomic function, it's a disease, it's a sickness.

It's why I despise you and your ideas.

I can deal with almost anything but a liar.

And every single libturd on this Board is a lying bitch.

Conservatives make mistakes. I make mistakes (although not many). But we seldom lie.

Well, okay. Maybe once in while. Like when one of us says that we're happy for you because you finally found a woman with most of her body parts intact... But that's out of sympathy

But you? Your side?

You are the lyingest cocksuckers to ever walk the face of the Earth.

You're a disease.

I'm the cure

negative waves, man, negative waves.....

You're completely wrong moron.

What's wrong about it? A child feels safer around people that they know(Parents)...And they kind of realize their skin color.

babies do not have the capacity cognizant enough to recognize the difference and make a reasoned response to being racist....

Who says? You?

This is what I mean. You have absolutely no supporting evidence for your bullshit statement but you put it out there like it's some kind of scientific fucking fact.

That's called a "LIE"

lying fucking bitches. All of you

Had you prefaced your idiotic and juvenile statement with, "In my opinion...."

I might have cut you some slack. But nope. You motherfuckers act like you have the RIGHT to lie and if we don't accept it as gospel, we're the bad guys.

That shit don't fly with me.

With limp-dicks like Mitt Romney? Okay.

Not with me.
throwing out feelers, are ya......?

You worried I'll take some of your action?

Don't be.

And don't lie. It is THE number one thing i HATE and DESPISE about dimocrap scum.

I wouldn't be the least bit upset with people that disagree with me -- Politically or otherwise.

It's that you and people like you lie with every breath you take.

It's pathological with you. It's an autonomic function, it's a disease, it's a sickness.

It's why I despise you and your ideas.

I can deal with almost anything but a liar.

And every single libturd on this Board is a lying bitch.

Conservatives make mistakes. I make mistakes (although not many). But we seldom lie.

Well, okay. Maybe once in while. Like when one of us says that we're happy for you because you finally found a woman with most of her body parts intact... But that's out of sympathy

But you? Your side?

You are the lyingest cocksuckers to ever walk the face of the Earth.

You're a disease.

I'm the cure

negative waves, man, negative waves.....


Oh yeaaaaaaahhh whatever happend to Oddball?
throwing out feelers, are ya......?

You worried I'll take some of your action?

Don't be.

And don't lie. It is THE number one thing i HATE and DESPISE about dimocrap scum.

I wouldn't be the least bit upset with people that disagree with me -- Politically or otherwise.

It's that you and people like you lie with every breath you take.

It's pathological with you. It's an autonomic function, it's a disease, it's a sickness.

It's why I despise you and your ideas.

I can deal with almost anything but a liar.

And every single libturd on this Board is a lying bitch.

Conservatives make mistakes. I make mistakes (although not many). But we seldom lie.

Well, okay. Maybe once in while. Like when one of us says that we're happy for you because you finally found a woman with most of her body parts intact... But that's out of sympathy

But you? Your side?

You are the lyingest cocksuckers to ever walk the face of the Earth.

You're a disease.

I'm the cure

negative waves, man, negative waves.....


His brother was my client for several years. A veterinarian. An okay guy but a little off.

Donald married the daughter of the 'Father of Canadian socialism', Tommy Douglas.

Kiefer I never met. Don't know much about him. But the brother was cool. Kind of.

Donald is a douchebag
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What's wrong about it? A child feels safer around people that they know(Parents)...And they kind of realize their skin color.

babies do not have the capacity cognizant enough to recognize the difference and make a reasoned response to being racist....

Who says? You?

This is what I mean. You have absolutely no supporting evidence for your bullshit statement but you put it out there like it's some kind of scientific fucking fact.

That's called a "LIE"

lying fucking bitches. All of you

Had you prefaced your idiotic and juvenile statement with, "In my opinion...."

I might have cut you some slack. But nope. You motherfuckers act like you have the RIGHT to lie and if we don't accept it as gospel, we're the bad guys.

That shit don't fly with me.

With limp-dicks like Mitt Romney? Okay.

Not with me.

damn dude, you are off the edge, I am sure you're a sweetheart to be with in person...
Racism is more than a preference to be with one's own kind. Racism hinges on a hatred and fear of those who are different. The baby study did not show babies refuse to play with others who are different.

You have catastrophically failed, again, Edgetho.

Where did I fail, dickbreath?

All I did was post the article. It was the article that stated that babies are ethnically (read; racially) biased.

Racial bias is called racism.

Are you that stupid.....?

Oh wait..... You're a dimocrap. Of course you are :dunno:

So many mistakes in a single post!

Racial bias is not called racism, any more than sexual bias is called homophobia. My sexual preference is for women, that does not make me an anti-gay bigot. As you probably know, I am not prejudiced towards gays even though I am a heterosexual.

The same principle applies to racial bias.

Next, the article plainly states in black and white (pun DEFINITELY intended) "this research does not mean that babies are racist". And yet for some unfathomable reason, you went ahead and decided to say it did! You should not be surprised you subsequently got your ass handed to you. This is what happens when you slam your eyes and ears to the truth.

Finally, I am a lifelong Republican here to take out the trash like you that has infected the Right. A Democrat would not want you to stop being the way you are. You are a big help to Democrats! They can point to topics like this one and say, "Look how fucking retarded right wingers are..."
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Racism is more than a preference to be with one's own kind. Racism hinges on a hatred and fear of those who are different. The baby study did not show babies refuse to play with others who are different.

You have catastrophically failed, again, Edgetho.

Where did I fail, dickbreath?

All I did was post the article. It was the article that stated that babies are ethnically (read; racially) biased.

Racial bias is called racism.

Are you that stupid.....?

Oh wait..... You're a dimocrap. Of course you are :dunno:

So many mistakes in a single post!

Racial bias is not called racism, any more than sexual bias is called homophobia. My sexual preference is for women, that does not make me an anti-gay bigot. As you probably know, I am not prejudiced towards gays even though I am a heterosexual.

The same principle applies to racial bias.

Next, the article plainly states in black and white (pun DEFINITELY intended) "this research does not mean that babies are racist". And yet for some unfathomable reason, you went ahead and decided to say it did! You should not be surprised you subsequently got your ass handed to you. This is what happens when you slam your eyes and ears to the truth.

Finally, I am a lifelong Republican here to take out the trash like you that has infected the party. A Democrat would not want you to stop being the way you are. You are a big help to Democrats!

Wow. Just.....


Take your meds, dewd. Seriously
You worried I'll take some of your action?

Don't be.

And don't lie. It is THE number one thing i HATE and DESPISE about dimocrap scum.

I wouldn't be the least bit upset with people that disagree with me -- Politically or otherwise.

It's that you and people like you lie with every breath you take.

It's pathological with you. It's an autonomic function, it's a disease, it's a sickness.

It's why I despise you and your ideas.

I can deal with almost anything but a liar.

And every single libturd on this Board is a lying bitch.

Conservatives make mistakes. I make mistakes (although not many). But we seldom lie.

Well, okay. Maybe once in while. Like when one of us says that we're happy for you because you finally found a woman with most of her body parts intact... But that's out of sympathy

But you? Your side?

You are the lyingest cocksuckers to ever walk the face of the Earth.

You're a disease.

I'm the cure

negative waves, man, negative waves.....


Oh yeaaaaaaahhh whatever happend to Oddball?

he's been in movies and tv shows.....
You worried I'll take some of your action?

Don't be.

And don't lie. It is THE number one thing i HATE and DESPISE about dimocrap scum.

I wouldn't be the least bit upset with people that disagree with me -- Politically or otherwise.

It's that you and people like you lie with every breath you take.

It's pathological with you. It's an autonomic function, it's a disease, it's a sickness.

It's why I despise you and your ideas.

I can deal with almost anything but a liar.

And every single libturd on this Board is a lying bitch.

Conservatives make mistakes. I make mistakes (although not many). But we seldom lie.

Well, okay. Maybe once in while. Like when one of us says that we're happy for you because you finally found a woman with most of her body parts intact... But that's out of sympathy

But you? Your side?

You are the lyingest cocksuckers to ever walk the face of the Earth.

You're a disease.

I'm the cure

negative waves, man, negative waves.....


His brother was my client for several years. A veterinarian. An okay guy but a little off.

Donald married the daughter of the 'Father of Canadian socialism', Tommy Douglas.

Kiefer I never met. Don't know much about him. But the brother was cool. Kind of.

Donald is a douchebag

most performers are. I was working at a radio station and many of those have super inflated egos also....
The study actually showed that even as early as undergrad colleges students, the weak-minded can be conditioned by agenda-driven professors into reading any conclusion into any behavior under any circumstances. It had previously been thought that such tractability wasn't seen until the final stages of dementia.

One infant who participated in the study noted: "I don't know what the fuck they were looking at. I was just playing with some toys and wondering when the next time I'd get to suck on a breast would come. These college kids ain't right in the head."
negative waves, man, negative waves.....


His brother was my client for several years. A veterinarian. An okay guy but a little off.

Donald married the daughter of the 'Father of Canadian socialism', Tommy Douglas.

Kiefer I never met. Don't know much about him. But the brother was cool. Kind of.

Donald is a douchebag

most performers are. I was working at a radio station and many of those have super inflated egos also....

Not like him.

His whore wife, Shirley, was once arrested for raising money to buy hand grenades for the Black Panthers.

He went on a tour around the Country staging Anti-American, anti-war shows near Military bases. He called the shows FTA (a common acronym for 'Fuck The Army' in those days)

The man is a scumbag. A total and complete scumbag.

But, so what? You voted for a man that got his political start in the home of a domestic terrorist responsible for God-Knows how many murders.

But conservatives are the ones Homeland Security is worried about? :lmao:

Your whole fucking belief system is based on terrorism. Your fucking president is a known associate of terrorists.
Racism is more than a preference to be with one's own kind. Racism hinges on a hatred and fear of those who are different. The baby study did not show babies refuse to play with others who are different.

You have catastrophically failed, again, Edgetho.

How DARE you use the actual definition of racism you commie, mom Jean wearing, socialist, evil liberal!!!
The study actually showed that even as early as undergrad colleges students, the weak-minded can be conditioned by agenda-driven professors into reading any conclusion into any behavior under any circumstances. It had previously been thought that such tractability wasn't seen until the final stages of dementia.

One infant who participated in the study noted: "I don't know what the fuck they were looking at. I was just playing with some toys and wondering when the next time I'd get to suck on a breast would come. These college kids ain't right in the head."

How can anybody question the genius of a political party that includes in its ranks such intellect as this:

Finally: Scientists Unveil Latest Weapon Against Global Warming, Cow “Fartpacks”…


We’re saved!

Via Daily Mail:

On Friday, the Obama administration stated that it would make a multi-pronged attack on cow flatulence, in an attempt to cut methane emissions.

As a result, windy cows have come under renewed scrutiny by scientists, who plan to capture their harmful emissions and convert them into ‘green’ energy.

But scientists in Argentina believe they have come up with a solution – cow backpacks that can be used to trap the animal’s natural gas.

The ‘fartpacks’ extract 300 litres of methane a day from a tube inserted into the cow’s digestive tract and convert it into enough energy to run a car for 24 hours.

The tube running to the animals’ stomachs collects the gas inside the backpacks, which are then hung from the roof of the corral for analysis.

The systems have been under development by Argentina’s National Institute for Agricultural Technology (INTA) for a number of years and are still at proof-of-concept stage.

I feel so safe and secure with dimocraps in charge :lmao:

Stupid motherfuckers

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