No, minorities don't receive harsher penalties for crime, but left wing academics still lied about it....

You are the racist.

Of the two of us, your racism is shown with everything you post...I post facts, facts not based on my first post shows.........
View attachment 883718

A white cop got 10 years for murdering a black man in his own apartment.

If a black man had murdered a cop in her apartment, he would be on death row.

No shit. Killing a cop isn't very smart. It always results in harsher punishment. If a white dude shoots a black cop, he'd get the needle to. Doesn't matter that he's black, matters that he's a cop.
The attack in Las Vegas was preplanned.........there was no mistake as to the intent of the killer....the motive of the Las Vegas shooter was to murder people in the concert, which was easily determined by his firing into the crowd from a concealed and fortified position .............
Your opinion doesn't matter.

The police officer stated she entered the wrong apartment and saw an unknown man in the apartment, which she thought was her own apartment.......
Oh, you mean the murderer had an excuse. Wow, that's never happened.
Big fucking are not a smart human being....
Smart enough to know I'm talking to a racist douche bag.
No shit. Killing a cop isn't very smart. It always results in harsher punishment. If a white dude shoots a black cop, he'd get the needle to. Doesn't matter that he's black, matters that he's a cop.
White cop kills a black man--GETS CONVICTED OF MURDER--and gets 10 years.

10 years.

Your opinion doesn't matter.

Oh, you mean the murderer had an excuse. Wow, that's never happened.

Smart enough to know I'm talking to a racist douche bag.

That you call me a racist shows up stupid you are...
The attack in Las Vegas was preplanned.........there was no mistake as to the intent of the killer....the motive of the Las Vegas shooter was to murder people in the concert, which was easily determined by his firing into the crowd from a concealed and fortified position .............

The police officer stated she entered the wrong apartment and saw an unknown man in the apartment, which she thought was her own apartment.......

Big fucking are not a smart human being....
When I lived in an apartment complex, I never had any problem knowing which apartment was mine. This cop got away with murder.
That you call me a racist shows up stupid you are...
No, you're a racist. And what's so bad about your racism is that you actually believe that the stuff you say is non racist. The premise of this thread has been proven incorrect by members of law enforcement themselves. And the fact this is written about in the Daily Wire, a racist publication, is further evidence of your problem.
No, you're a racist. And what's so bad about your racism is that you actually believe that the stuff you say is non racist. The premise of this thread has been proven incorrect by members of law enforcement themselves. And the fact this is written about in the Daily Wire, a racist publication, is further evidence of your problem. actual research shows that minorities are not being incarcerated at higher levels due to are the racist who only seess black, white, brown and yellow....

I see Right and Wrong, and good and evil. actual research shows that minorities are not being incarcerated at higher levels due to are the racist who only seess black, white, brown and yellow....

I see Right and Wrong, and good and evil.
You don't see squat. You read some crap from the daily wire. Law enforcement professionals say differently.
Many big leftist cities like NY, Philly, CHI, SF, LA, DET, MN are actually freeing dangerous black felons in the name of diversity.
You can basically commit any crime ( except just 1st degree murder) such as rape, 2nd degree murder and be back on the street in DAYS

What a F UP nation

This is done from Jewish Bolsheviks and Subhuman blacks
You can steal cars, then use that stolen car to kill a white family and be back on the street by a radical leftist Jewish judge.
Many big leftist cities like NY, Philly, CHI, SF, LA, DET, MN are actually freeing dangerous black felons in the name of diversity.
You can basically commit any crime ( except just 1st degree murder) such as rape, 2nd degree murder and be back on the street in DAYS

What a F UP nation

This is done from Jewish Bolsheviks and Subhuman blacks
Donald Trump. Brock Turner. Both rapists running free. Now shut up.
You can steal cars, then use that stolen car to kill a white family and be back on the street by a radical leftist Jewish judge.
You can be white, get a job wearing a blue uniform, murder a black child and still keep that job.
You don't see squat. You read some crap from the daily wire. Law enforcement professionals say differently.

Hey, dipshit, they link to the actual researxh you racist twit
A comprehensive look at research shows that left wing academics perpetrated another lie about racism in this country......this time about crime and punishment...

An analysis of twenty years of academic literature found that there is little or no evidence that minorities are mistreated by the criminal justice system when it comes to punishment, despite assertions to the contrary by policymakers, media, and academics.

“In recent years it has become common belief within the scholarly community as well as the general public that the criminal justice system is biased due to race and class issues. We sought to examine this with meta-analysis. Our results suggest that for most crimes, criminal adjudication in the US is not substantially biased on race or class lines,” professors Christopher J. Ferguson and Sven Smith of Stetson University found in a study to be published in the criminology journal Aggression and Violent Behavior and obtained by The Daily Wire.

“Overall, this is a cause for optimism,” researchers concluded—though their findings also called into question the honesty and rigor of the work conducted by race-fueled scholars, whose weaknesses were highlighted this month in former Harvard president Claudine Gay.

Saying blacks are unfairly locked up is a spin and nothing else. It's presenting facts in a specific way in order to get a desired result.

If you say have 500 whites and 50 blacks in an area and the percent of each race that comitte crimes is say 10% of course it will look like blacks get locked up more than whites if you say "1 in 5 blacks are arrested because of racism!" Mean while they can say "only 1 in 50 white people are arrested because white supremacy" but in the end it's the same damn percent because the populations of each are very different.

Yeah because 10% of 50 is 5, 5x10 is 50, so essentially yes 1 in 5 blacks are arrested. But they arrested because they committed a fucking crime because blacks are more likely to comitt crimes.

Blacks are the smaller portion of Americans yet have a higher arrest rate because they are a smaller group. If you spin it correctly you can make it appear as if we just lock up every black we can willy nilly because we hate them.

If blacks don't want to go to jail then they should stop committing crimes. It really is that simple.

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