

Silver Member
Jul 26, 2014
So, I'm almost 39 weeks pregnant.

My doctor wants to induce me this coming Thursday because of problems with the placenta. Gestational diabetes has been speeding up the aging process for the placenta but my baby isn't in distress.

I was hoping to avoid induction. I have bittersweet feelings about this. I'm glad that the pregnancy is coming to an end and that I'll be able to meet my second boy, Ezra. I'm also nervous that one intervention will lead to another, as it commonly does regarding childbirth. My doctor will be stripping/sweeping membranes Wednesday and hopefully I will go into labor without the use of Pitocin. This is quite a possibility since I'm already 3cm dilated and 80% effaced (if you don't know what that means, look it up). Anyways...I was hoping for an unmedicated birth but I will just see how things go.

Any similar experiences from the ladies?
No trolling or flaming please.
So, I'm almost 39 weeks pregnant.

My doctor wants to induce me this coming Thursday because of problems with the placenta. Gestational diabetes has been speeding up the aging process for the placenta but my baby isn't in distress.

I was hoping to avoid induction. I have bittersweet feelings about this. I'm glad that the pregnancy is coming to an end and that I'll be able to meet my second boy, Ezra. I'm also nervous that one intervention will lead to another, as it commonly does regarding childbirth. My doctor will be stripping/sweeping membranes Wednesday and hopefully I will go into labor without the use of Pitocin. This is quite a possibility since I'm already 3cm dilated and 80% effaced (if you don't know what that means, look it up). Anyways...I was hoping for an unmedicated birth but I will just see how things go.

Any similar experiences from the ladies?
No trolling or flaming please.
My first was induced against his mother's will.

Supposed to start at 7, be over by 9.

Thirty six injections and 12 hours later my son was delivered by forceps.

The next 2she had when she got ready, never took so much as an aspirin.

Go with the flow, tell the doc no.

Don't know what to tell you since I was three for three, no epidural but Pitocin each time, sons, myself.

May your labor be short and quickly fruitful!

Regards from Rosie
So, I'm almost 39 weeks pregnant.

My doctor wants to induce me this coming Thursday because of problems with the placenta. Gestational diabetes has been speeding up the aging process for the placenta but my baby isn't in distress.

I was hoping to avoid induction. I have bittersweet feelings about this. I'm glad that the pregnancy is coming to an end and that I'll be able to meet my second boy, Ezra. I'm also nervous that one intervention will lead to another, as it commonly does regarding childbirth. My doctor will be stripping/sweeping membranes Wednesday and hopefully I will go into labor without the use of Pitocin. This is quite a possibility since I'm already 3cm dilated and 80% effaced (if you don't know what that means, look it up). Anyways...I was hoping for an unmedicated birth but I will just see how things go.

Any similar experiences from the ladies?
No trolling or flaming please.
My first was induced against his mother's will.

Supposed to start at 7, be over by 9.

Thirty six injections and 12 hours later my son was delivered by forceps.

The next 2she had when she got ready, never took so much as an aspirin.

Go with the flow, tell the doc no.
I opted for an induction with my first. The doctor broke my water to induce me but didn't think I was dilating quick enough. Two hours later, I was started on a Pit drip and the nurses upped the dosage every 20 minutes by 4. I wish I never had an induction with Malikai. But I have a doula this time around, so I really hope that helps. I don't want pain medication because I know that makes babies drowsy after they're born. I want Ezra to be alert so he can breastfeed effectively.

My doctor only wants to induce me because the placenta is calcifying at an accelerated rate, probably due to gestational diabetes, even though the GB is controlled. I hope the sweeping of the membranes puts me into labor so Pit isn't necessary.
Besides the induction, the doctor is willing to do as I wish (delayed cord clamping, immediate skin to skin, etc.).
So, I'm almost 39 weeks pregnant.

My doctor wants to induce me this coming Thursday because of problems with the placenta. Gestational diabetes has been speeding up the aging process for the placenta but my baby isn't in distress.

I was hoping to avoid induction. I have bittersweet feelings about this. I'm glad that the pregnancy is coming to an end and that I'll be able to meet my second boy, Ezra. I'm also nervous that one intervention will lead to another, as it commonly does regarding childbirth. My doctor will be stripping/sweeping membranes Wednesday and hopefully I will go into labor without the use of Pitocin. This is quite a possibility since I'm already 3cm dilated and 80% effaced (if you don't know what that means, look it up). Anyways...I was hoping for an unmedicated birth but I will just see how things go.

Any similar experiences from the ladies?
No trolling or flaming please.
My first was induced against his mother's will.

Supposed to start at 7, be over by 9.

Thirty six injections and 12 hours later my son was delivered by forceps.

The next 2she had when she got ready, never took so much as an aspirin.

Go with the flow, tell the doc no.
I opted for an induction with my first. The doctor broke my water to induce me but didn't think I was dilating quick enough. Two hours later, I was started on a Pit drip and the nurses upped the dosage every 20 minutes by 4. I wish I never had an induction with Malikai. But I have a doula this time around, so I really hope that helps. I don't want pain medication because I know that makes babies drowsy after they're born. I want Ezra to be alert so he can breastfeed effectively.

My doctor only wants to induce me because the placenta is calcifying at an accelerated rate, probably due to gestational diabetes, even though the GB is controlled. I hope the sweeping of the membranes puts me into labor so Pit isn't necessary.
The induced one was the runt, about 5'8", the ones she went natural with were over 6'3.

She carried those last two almost ten months each.

She never was one to rush things.

Been a long time ago; back then, natural seemed better.

All of them were breastfed too; never had the colds and crap other kids had.
So, I'm almost 39 weeks pregnant.

My doctor wants to induce me this coming Thursday because of problems with the placenta. Gestational diabetes has been speeding up the aging process for the placenta but my baby isn't in distress.

I was hoping to avoid induction. I have bittersweet feelings about this. I'm glad that the pregnancy is coming to an end and that I'll be able to meet my second boy, Ezra. I'm also nervous that one intervention will lead to another, as it commonly does regarding childbirth. My doctor will be stripping/sweeping membranes Wednesday and hopefully I will go into labor without the use of Pitocin. This is quite a possibility since I'm already 3cm dilated and 80% effaced (if you don't know what that means, look it up). Anyways...I was hoping for an unmedicated birth but I will just see how things go.

Any similar experiences from the ladies?
No trolling or flaming please.
My first was induced against his mother's will.

Supposed to start at 7, be over by 9.

Thirty six injections and 12 hours later my son was delivered by forceps.

The next 2she had when she got ready, never took so much as an aspirin.

Go with the flow, tell the doc no.
I opted for an induction with my first. The doctor broke my water to induce me but didn't think I was dilating quick enough. Two hours later, I was started on a Pit drip and the nurses upped the dosage every 20 minutes by 4. I wish I never had an induction with Malikai. But I have a doula this time around, so I really hope that helps. I don't want pain medication because I know that makes babies drowsy after they're born. I want Ezra to be alert so he can breastfeed effectively.

My doctor only wants to induce me because the placenta is calcifying at an accelerated rate, probably due to gestational diabetes, even though the GB is controlled. I hope the sweeping of the membranes puts me into labor so Pit isn't necessary.
The induced one was the runt, about 5'8", the ones she went natural with were over 6'3.

She carried those last two almost ten months each.

She never was one to rush things.

Been a long time ago; back then, natural seemed better.

All of them were breastfed too; never had the colds and crap other kids had.
I was breastfed as a baby and hardly ever get sick. I got the flu shot this year (first time in over 10 years) and got sick shortly afterwards.
So, I'm almost 39 weeks pregnant.

My doctor wants to induce me this coming Thursday because of problems with the placenta. Gestational diabetes has been speeding up the aging process for the placenta but my baby isn't in distress.

I was hoping to avoid induction. I have bittersweet feelings about this. I'm glad that the pregnancy is coming to an end and that I'll be able to meet my second boy, Ezra. I'm also nervous that one intervention will lead to another, as it commonly does regarding childbirth. My doctor will be stripping/sweeping membranes Wednesday and hopefully I will go into labor without the use of Pitocin. This is quite a possibility since I'm already 3cm dilated and 80% effaced (if you don't know what that means, look it up). Anyways...I was hoping for an unmedicated birth but I will just see how things go.

Any similar experiences from the ladies?
No trolling or flaming please.
My first was induced against his mother's will.

Supposed to start at 7, be over by 9.

Thirty six injections and 12 hours later my son was delivered by forceps.

The next 2she had when she got ready, never took so much as an aspirin.

Go with the flow, tell the doc no.
I opted for an induction with my first. The doctor broke my water to induce me but didn't think I was dilating quick enough. Two hours later, I was started on a Pit drip and the nurses upped the dosage every 20 minutes by 4. I wish I never had an induction with Malikai. But I have a doula this time around, so I really hope that helps. I don't want pain medication because I know that makes babies drowsy after they're born. I want Ezra to be alert so he can breastfeed effectively.

My doctor only wants to induce me because the placenta is calcifying at an accelerated rate, probably due to gestational diabetes, even though the GB is controlled. I hope the sweeping of the membranes puts me into labor so Pit isn't necessary.
The induced one was the runt, about 5'8", the ones she went natural with were over 6'3.

She carried those last two almost ten months each.

She never was one to rush things.

Been a long time ago; back then, natural seemed better.

All of them were breastfed too; never had the colds and crap other kids had.
I was breastfed as a baby and hardly ever get sick. I got the flu shot this year (first time in over 10 years) and got sick shortly afterwards.

Do you still suck your thumb?

Or, is that a breast fed boy thing?
So, I'm almost 39 weeks pregnant.

My doctor wants to induce me this coming Thursday because of problems with the placenta. Gestational diabetes has been speeding up the aging process for the placenta but my baby isn't in distress.

I was hoping to avoid induction. I have bittersweet feelings about this. I'm glad that the pregnancy is coming to an end and that I'll be able to meet my second boy, Ezra. I'm also nervous that one intervention will lead to another, as it commonly does regarding childbirth. My doctor will be stripping/sweeping membranes Wednesday and hopefully I will go into labor without the use of Pitocin. This is quite a possibility since I'm already 3cm dilated and 80% effaced (if you don't know what that means, look it up). Anyways...I was hoping for an unmedicated birth but I will just see how things go.

Any similar experiences from the ladies?
No trolling or flaming please.

Congrats! :) I was lucky enough to not have any pregnancy-related complications and had a normal labor and delivery 2 days before my due date. After I had the baby is when I had an issue with hemorrhaging. However, the doctors took very good care of me, and everything turned out well, obviously, as I am here today. :) Good luck with everything Darlene! Positive thoughts to you and the new baby that everything goes as smoothly as possible!
So, I'm almost 39 weeks pregnant.

My doctor wants to induce me this coming Thursday because of problems with the placenta. Gestational diabetes has been speeding up the aging process for the placenta but my baby isn't in distress.

I was hoping to avoid induction. I have bittersweet feelings about this. I'm glad that the pregnancy is coming to an end and that I'll be able to meet my second boy, Ezra. I'm also nervous that one intervention will lead to another, as it commonly does regarding childbirth. My doctor will be stripping/sweeping membranes Wednesday and hopefully I will go into labor without the use of Pitocin. This is quite a possibility since I'm already 3cm dilated and 80% effaced (if you don't know what that means, look it up). Anyways...I was hoping for an unmedicated birth but I will just see how things go.

Any similar experiences from the ladies?
No trolling or flaming please.
My first was induced against his mother's will.

Supposed to start at 7, be over by 9.

Thirty six injections and 12 hours later my son was delivered by forceps.

The next 2she had when she got ready, never took so much as an aspirin.

Go with the flow, tell the doc no.
I opted for an induction with my first. The doctor broke my water to induce me but didn't think I was dilating quick enough. Two hours later, I was started on a Pit drip and the nurses upped the dosage every 20 minutes by 4. I wish I never had an induction with Malikai. But I have a doula this time around, so I really hope that helps. I don't want pain medication because I know that makes babies drowsy after they're born. I want Ezra to be alert so he can breastfeed effectively.

My doctor only wants to induce me because the placenta is calcifying at an accelerated rate, probably due to gestational diabetes, even though the GB is controlled. I hope the sweeping of the membranes puts me into labor so Pit isn't necessary.
The induced one was the runt, about 5'8", the ones she went natural with were over 6'3.

She carried those last two almost ten months each.

She never was one to rush things.

Been a long time ago; back then, natural seemed better.

All of them were breastfed too; never had the colds and crap other kids had.
I was breastfed as a baby and hardly ever get sick. I got the flu shot this year (first time in over 10 years) and got sick shortly afterwards.

Do you still suck your thumb?

Or, is that a breast fed boy thing?
No, I don't.
So, I'm almost 39 weeks pregnant.

My doctor wants to induce me this coming Thursday because of problems with the placenta. Gestational diabetes has been speeding up the aging process for the placenta but my baby isn't in distress.

I was hoping to avoid induction. I have bittersweet feelings about this. I'm glad that the pregnancy is coming to an end and that I'll be able to meet my second boy, Ezra. I'm also nervous that one intervention will lead to another, as it commonly does regarding childbirth. My doctor will be stripping/sweeping membranes Wednesday and hopefully I will go into labor without the use of Pitocin. This is quite a possibility since I'm already 3cm dilated and 80% effaced (if you don't know what that means, look it up). Anyways...I was hoping for an unmedicated birth but I will just see how things go.

Any similar experiences from the ladies?
No trolling or flaming please.

Congrats! :) I was lucky enough to not have any pregnancy-related complications and had a normal labor and delivery 2 days before my due date. After I had the baby is when I had an issue with hemorrhaging. However, the doctors took very good care of me, and everything turned out well, obviously, as I am here today. :) Good luck with everything Darlene! Positive thoughts to you and the new baby that everything goes as smoothly as possible!
I should have an easier labor this time around, at least I'm hoping so. I'm not too worried about it because Malikai was 9lbs even when he was born (big babies run in his dad's family).
I sh
So, I'm almost 39 weeks pregnant.

My doctor wants to induce me this coming Thursday because of problems with the placenta. Gestational diabetes has been speeding up the aging process for the placenta but my baby isn't in distress.

I was hoping to avoid induction. I have bittersweet feelings about this. I'm glad that the pregnancy is coming to an end and that I'll be able to meet my second boy, Ezra. I'm also nervous that one intervention will lead to another, as it commonly does regarding childbirth. My doctor will be stripping/sweeping membranes Wednesday and hopefully I will go into labor without the use of Pitocin. This is quite a possibility since I'm already 3cm dilated and 80% effaced (if you don't know what that means, look it up). Anyways...I was hoping for an unmedicated birth but I will just see how things go.

Any similar experiences from the ladies?
No trolling or flaming please.
My first was induced against his mother's will.

Supposed to start at 7, be over by 9.

Thirty six injections and 12 hours later my son was delivered by forceps.

The next 2she had when she got ready, never took so much as an aspirin.

Go with the flow, tell the doc no.
I opted for an induction with my first. The doctor broke my water to induce me but didn't think I was dilating quick enough. Two hours later, I was started on a Pit drip and the nurses upped the dosage every 20 minutes by 4. I wish I never had an induction with Malikai. But I have a doula this time around, so I really hope that helps. I don't want pain medication because I know that makes babies drowsy after they're born. I want Ezra to be alert so he can breastfeed effectively.

My doctor only wants to induce me because the placenta is calcifying at an accelerated rate, probably due to gestational diabetes, even though the GB is controlled. I hope the sweeping of the membranes puts me into labor so Pit isn't necessary.

Oh, I did have my water broken too, but no medications. Yes, if there is a problem, listen to your doctors and not people on the internet. :D
I sh
So, I'm almost 39 weeks pregnant.

My doctor wants to induce me this coming Thursday because of problems with the placenta. Gestational diabetes has been speeding up the aging process for the placenta but my baby isn't in distress.

I was hoping to avoid induction. I have bittersweet feelings about this. I'm glad that the pregnancy is coming to an end and that I'll be able to meet my second boy, Ezra. I'm also nervous that one intervention will lead to another, as it commonly does regarding childbirth. My doctor will be stripping/sweeping membranes Wednesday and hopefully I will go into labor without the use of Pitocin. This is quite a possibility since I'm already 3cm dilated and 80% effaced (if you don't know what that means, look it up). Anyways...I was hoping for an unmedicated birth but I will just see how things go.

Any similar experiences from the ladies?
No trolling or flaming please.
My first was induced against his mother's will.

Supposed to start at 7, be over by 9.

Thirty six injections and 12 hours later my son was delivered by forceps.

The next 2she had when she got ready, never took so much as an aspirin.

Go with the flow, tell the doc no.
I opted for an induction with my first. The doctor broke my water to induce me but didn't think I was dilating quick enough. Two hours later, I was started on a Pit drip and the nurses upped the dosage every 20 minutes by 4. I wish I never had an induction with Malikai. But I have a doula this time around, so I really hope that helps. I don't want pain medication because I know that makes babies drowsy after they're born. I want Ezra to be alert so he can breastfeed effectively.

My doctor only wants to induce me because the placenta is calcifying at an accelerated rate, probably due to gestational diabetes, even though the GB is controlled. I hope the sweeping of the membranes puts me into labor so Pit isn't necessary.

Oh, I did have my water broken too, but no medications. Yes, if there is a problem, listen to your doctors and not people on the internet. :D
I don't want my water broken this time around. The bag of waters act kind of like a cushion during contractions. My contractions got seriously painful after my water was broken with Kai.
So, I'm almost 39 weeks pregnant.

My doctor wants to induce me this coming Thursday because of problems with the placenta. Gestational diabetes has been speeding up the aging process for the placenta but my baby isn't in distress.

I was hoping to avoid induction. I have bittersweet feelings about this. I'm glad that the pregnancy is coming to an end and that I'll be able to meet my second boy, Ezra. I'm also nervous that one intervention will lead to another, as it commonly does regarding childbirth. My doctor will be stripping/sweeping membranes Wednesday and hopefully I will go into labor without the use of Pitocin. This is quite a possibility since I'm already 3cm dilated and 80% effaced (if you don't know what that means, look it up). Anyways...I was hoping for an unmedicated birth but I will just see how things go.

Any similar experiences from the ladies?
No trolling or flaming please.

Congrats! :) I was lucky enough to not have any pregnancy-related complications and had a normal labor and delivery 2 days before my due date. After I had the baby is when I had an issue with hemorrhaging. However, the doctors took very good care of me, and everything turned out well, obviously, as I am here today. :) Good luck with everything Darlene! Positive thoughts to you and the new baby that everything goes as smoothly as possible!
I should have an easier labor this time around, at least I'm hoping so. I'm not too worried about it because Malikai was 9lbs even when he was born (big babies run in his dad's family).

I only have one, but I've heard the second time around is easier and I do type a lot about these things for my job. The second time around, you know more about what to expect, you are less anxious, and all of that helps too IMO. I think everything will probably be fine. The doctors have to do this all the time for a variety of reasons.
Did you say if you plan to keep the cord blood? No need to answer if you prefer not to.

Hope all goes well and your little boy is healthy and strong.
I sh
So, I'm almost 39 weeks pregnant.

My doctor wants to induce me this coming Thursday because of problems with the placenta. Gestational diabetes has been speeding up the aging process for the placenta but my baby isn't in distress.

I was hoping to avoid induction. I have bittersweet feelings about this. I'm glad that the pregnancy is coming to an end and that I'll be able to meet my second boy, Ezra. I'm also nervous that one intervention will lead to another, as it commonly does regarding childbirth. My doctor will be stripping/sweeping membranes Wednesday and hopefully I will go into labor without the use of Pitocin. This is quite a possibility since I'm already 3cm dilated and 80% effaced (if you don't know what that means, look it up). Anyways...I was hoping for an unmedicated birth but I will just see how things go.

Any similar experiences from the ladies?
No trolling or flaming please.
My first was induced against his mother's will.

Supposed to start at 7, be over by 9.

Thirty six injections and 12 hours later my son was delivered by forceps.

The next 2she had when she got ready, never took so much as an aspirin.

Go with the flow, tell the doc no.
I opted for an induction with my first. The doctor broke my water to induce me but didn't think I was dilating quick enough. Two hours later, I was started on a Pit drip and the nurses upped the dosage every 20 minutes by 4. I wish I never had an induction with Malikai. But I have a doula this time around, so I really hope that helps. I don't want pain medication because I know that makes babies drowsy after they're born. I want Ezra to be alert so he can breastfeed effectively.

My doctor only wants to induce me because the placenta is calcifying at an accelerated rate, probably due to gestational diabetes, even though the GB is controlled. I hope the sweeping of the membranes puts me into labor so Pit isn't necessary.

Oh, I did have my water broken too, but no medications. Yes, if there is a problem, listen to your doctors and not people on the internet. :D
I don't want my water broken this time around. The bag of waters act kind of like a cushion during contractions. My contractions got seriously painful after my water was broken with Kai.

Yes, mine too, but that is also because it moves you into that second stage of labor more quickly. The bag of waters is going to break eventually anyway. Hope it's a quick labor and delivery for you!
So, I'm almost 39 weeks pregnant.

My doctor wants to induce me this coming Thursday because of problems with the placenta. Gestational diabetes has been speeding up the aging process for the placenta but my baby isn't in distress.

I was hoping to avoid induction. I have bittersweet feelings about this. I'm glad that the pregnancy is coming to an end and that I'll be able to meet my second boy, Ezra. I'm also nervous that one intervention will lead to another, as it commonly does regarding childbirth. My doctor will be stripping/sweeping membranes Wednesday and hopefully I will go into labor without the use of Pitocin. This is quite a possibility since I'm already 3cm dilated and 80% effaced (if you don't know what that means, look it up). Anyways...I was hoping for an unmedicated birth but I will just see how things go.

Any similar experiences from the ladies?
No trolling or flaming please.

Congrats! :) I was lucky enough to not have any pregnancy-related complications and had a normal labor and delivery 2 days before my due date. After I had the baby is when I had an issue with hemorrhaging. However, the doctors took very good care of me, and everything turned out well, obviously, as I am here today. :) Good luck with everything Darlene! Positive thoughts to you and the new baby that everything goes as smoothly as possible!
I should have an easier labor this time around, at least I'm hoping so. I'm not too worried about it because Malikai was 9lbs even when he was born (big babies run in his dad's family).

I only have one, but I've heard the second time around is easier and I do type a lot about these things for my job. The second time around, you know more about what to expect, you are less anxious, and all of that helps too IMO. I think everything will probably be fine. The doctors have to do this all the time for a variety of reasons.
A lot of doctors do inductions just for convenience. I did the induction with Kai because I was so uncomfortable. But the discomfort is worth dealing with so the baby has more time to develop.
So, I'm almost 39 weeks pregnant.

My doctor wants to induce me this coming Thursday because of problems with the placenta. Gestational diabetes has been speeding up the aging process for the placenta but my baby isn't in distress.

I was hoping to avoid induction. I have bittersweet feelings about this. I'm glad that the pregnancy is coming to an end and that I'll be able to meet my second boy, Ezra. I'm also nervous that one intervention will lead to another, as it commonly does regarding childbirth. My doctor will be stripping/sweeping membranes Wednesday and hopefully I will go into labor without the use of Pitocin. This is quite a possibility since I'm already 3cm dilated and 80% effaced (if you don't know what that means, look it up). Anyways...I was hoping for an unmedicated birth but I will just see how things go.

Any similar experiences from the ladies?
No trolling or flaming please.

Congrats! :) I was lucky enough to not have any pregnancy-related complications and had a normal labor and delivery 2 days before my due date. After I had the baby is when I had an issue with hemorrhaging. However, the doctors took very good care of me, and everything turned out well, obviously, as I am here today. :) Good luck with everything Darlene! Positive thoughts to you and the new baby that everything goes as smoothly as possible!
I should have an easier labor this time around, at least I'm hoping so. I'm not too worried about it because Malikai was 9lbs even when he was born (big babies run in his dad's family).

I only have one, but I've heard the second time around is easier and I do type a lot about these things for my job. The second time around, you know more about what to expect, you are less anxious, and all of that helps too IMO. I think everything will probably be fine. The doctors have to do this all the time for a variety of reasons.
A lot of doctors do inductions just for convenience. I did the induction with Kai because I was so uncomfortable. But the discomfort is worth dealing with so the baby has more time to develop.

How far along were you when you were induced? Not trying to be argumentative (even though I suppose I am - lol) but I mean, as long as the baby is at or close to being full term, they don't need to stay in any longer. In fact, it can make the labor much more difficult on mom and baby if baby stays inside TOO long too.
My first was induced against his mother's will.

Supposed to start at 7, be over by 9.

Thirty six injections and 12 hours later my son was delivered by forceps.

The next 2she had when she got ready, never took so much as an aspirin.

Go with the flow, tell the doc no.
I opted for an induction with my first. The doctor broke my water to induce me but didn't think I was dilating quick enough. Two hours later, I was started on a Pit drip and the nurses upped the dosage every 20 minutes by 4. I wish I never had an induction with Malikai. But I have a doula this time around, so I really hope that helps. I don't want pain medication because I know that makes babies drowsy after they're born. I want Ezra to be alert so he can breastfeed effectively.

My doctor only wants to induce me because the placenta is calcifying at an accelerated rate, probably due to gestational diabetes, even though the GB is controlled. I hope the sweeping of the membranes puts me into labor so Pit isn't necessary.
The induced one was the runt, about 5'8", the ones she went natural with were over 6'3.

She carried those last two almost ten months each.

She never was one to rush things.

Been a long time ago; back then, natural seemed better.

All of them were breastfed too; never had the colds and crap other kids had.
I was breastfed as a baby and hardly ever get sick. I got the flu shot this year (first time in over 10 years) and got sick shortly afterwards.

Do you still suck your thumb?

Or, is that a breast fed boy thing?
No, I don't.

Those boys of mine do.

Grown ass men, but, catch them sleeping hard, and that thumb pops in.

Blows my mind.

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