Baby taken from parents after visiting hospital

You assume a great deal, when in fact you know nothing at all about this case. You are listening to one side of the story. Believe me when I tell you that the "squeeky wheels" aren't always trustworthy.

There was no abuse. How do you construe such a notion? CPS came and took the child based on their decision to seek additional medical opinions.

I would urge you not to trust everything you read on the Internet, friend.

But yet despite the evidence you make the assumption that they're somehow child abusers in an effort to quickly side with the state.
If I was that lady, I would sue them authority people for every penny that they are worth...if they are worth any ...and right now to me, they don't sound like that they are worth any.

God bless you and that lady and her husband and baby always!!!

Welp, there's a LOT of missing information in that story. And--like so many other stories just like it--we only hear one side, that of the "aggrieved" parents or caregivers. Why? Because the professionals are bound by ethical codes of conduct regarding privacy rights. They cannot divulge details, even to defend themselves.

Sorry, but I've seen plenty of this before. Abusive parents constantly cry foul when their kids are removed; as I see it, these parents merely decided to go the extra mile and found willing media outlets.

They weren't abusive parents. CPS just snatched them. The parents were within their rights to seek additional medical opinions. Now, its time for the parents to start with lawsuits. I'll never move to CA.

Yes they were...sounds as if the doc that 'treated' the baby was just pissed that he was second guessed.
Welp, there's a LOT of missing information in that story. And--like so many other stories just like it--we only hear one side, that of the "aggrieved" parents or caregivers. Why? Because the professionals are bound by ethical codes of conduct regarding privacy rights. They cannot divulge details, even to defend themselves.

Sorry, but I've seen plenty of this before. Abusive parents constantly cry foul when their kids are removed; as I see it, these parents merely decided to go the extra mile and found willing media outlets.

They weren't abusive parents. CPS just snatched them. The parents were within their rights to seek additional medical opinions. Now, its time for the parents to start with lawsuits. I'll never move to CA.
Gotta wonder if the baby is in such a life threatening condition that CPS claims he is,if the baby is in the hospital or at a foster home.
Welp, there's a LOT of missing information in that story. And--like so many other stories just like it--we only hear one side, that of the "aggrieved" parents or caregivers. Why? Because the professionals are bound by ethical codes of conduct regarding privacy rights. They cannot divulge details, even to defend themselves.

Sorry, but I've seen plenty of this before. Abusive parents constantly cry foul when their kids are removed; as I see it, these parents merely decided to go the extra mile and found willing media outlets.

They weren't abusive parents. CPS just snatched them. The parents were within their rights to seek additional medical opinions. Now, its time for the parents to start with lawsuits. I'll never move to CA.
Gotta wonder if the baby is in such a life threatening condition that CPS claims he is,if the baby is in the hospital or at a foster home.

I think AngelsnDemons nailed it.
It was a misunderstanding. The parents took him without the doctors discharging him and the hospital is bound by the law to report it to the police if they believe the child's life was in danger.

I think CPS and the police crossed the line, but it could have been avoided if the parents had waited and had the baby properly discharged.
Welp, there's a LOT of missing information in that story. And--like so many other stories just like it--we only hear one side, that of the "aggrieved" parents or caregivers. Why? Because the professionals are bound by ethical codes of conduct regarding privacy rights. They cannot divulge details, even to defend themselves.

Sorry, but I've seen plenty of this before. Abusive parents constantly cry foul when their kids are removed; as I see it, these parents merely decided to go the extra mile and found willing media outlets.

Ever notice how the same people seem to cover for corrupt gov agencies such as CPS? I'm noticing, Freemason.
if the case is as they say they will have NO problems and will soon be very rich.

we do have a justice system people
WHY don't the rw's ever read the article?

That they wanted a second opinion is great but they took the baby out of the hospital even though he was not legally discharged. Why did the police take a verbal statement fro the doctor but the doctor did not discharge?

That's all very fishy.

Why didn't they arrange for a legal transfer?

How do you fools get through your days? You seem to be completely unable to think things through or make intelligent judgments.
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Welp, there's a LOT of missing information in that story. And--like so many other stories just like it--we only hear one side, that of the "aggrieved" parents or caregivers. Why? Because the professionals are bound by ethical codes of conduct regarding privacy rights. They cannot divulge details, even to defend themselves.

Sorry, but I've seen plenty of this before. Abusive parents constantly cry foul when their kids are removed; as I see it, these parents merely decided to go the extra mile and found willing media outlets.

Ever notice how the same people seem to cover for corrupt gov agencies such as CPS? I'm noticing, Freemason.

CPS is a mess but do you really want them to ignore the law?

If their baby died as a result of them taking him out AMA, you would be right out there in front, demanding that CPS be blamed for not doing their job.
WHY don't the rw's ever read the article?

That they wanted a second opinion is great but they took the baby out of the hospital even though he was not legally discharged. Why did the police take a verbal statement fro the doctor but the doctor did not discharge?

That's all very fishy.

Why didn't they arrange for a legal transfer?

How do you fools get through your days? You seem to be completely unable to think things through or make intelligent judgments.

The hospital wanted to operate on the child and they'd already proved their incompetency to the parents. Of course they took their child to another hospital. Do you really think they should have let the hospital do whatever they wanted without a second opinion?

If the child gets a shot of antibiotics that isn't necessary and even the doctor admitted was a mistake, what's to prevent them from making a mistake during an operation?

Would you rather have the parents wait until the hospital kills their child, or causes their child serious harm?
if the case is as they say they will have NO problems and will soon be very rich.

we do have a justice system people

A hospital goes overboard and causes problems for loving parents, a lawsuit is filed, the hospital pays and we end up footing the bill and you think that's justice?
It was a misunderstanding. The parents took him without the doctors discharging him and the hospital is bound by the law to report it to the police if they believe the child's life was in danger.

I think CPS and the police crossed the line, but it could have been avoided if the parents had waited and had the baby properly discharged.

The hospital wanted to operate on their child, they wouldn't have released the child in any case. Would you rather an incompetent hospital operate on your child, or would you rather immediately take him to another hospital for another opinion?
WHY don't the rw's ever read the article?

That they wanted a second opinion is great but they took the baby out of the hospital even though he was not legally discharged. Why did the police take a verbal statement fro the doctor but the doctor did not discharge?

That's all very fishy.

Why didn't they arrange for a legal transfer?

How do you fools get through your days? You seem to be completely unable to think things through or make intelligent judgments.

Sorry but the parents do not need a doctor's permission to take their kid out of the hospital.

In fact even a fucking idiot like you can walk out of a hospital whenever you want.
WHY don't the rw's ever read the article?

That they wanted a second opinion is great but they took the baby out of the hospital even though he was not legally discharged. Why did the police take a verbal statement fro the doctor but the doctor did not discharge?

That's all very fishy.

Why didn't they arrange for a legal transfer?

How do you fools get through your days? You seem to be completely unable to think things through or make intelligent judgments.

legal discharge?? hospitals can't hold you or your kids its not a jail. so you fall under your fool umbrella??
WHY don't the rw's ever read the article?

That they wanted a second opinion is great but they took the baby out of the hospital even though he was not legally discharged. Why did the police take a verbal statement fro the doctor but the doctor did not discharge?

That's all very fishy.

Why didn't they arrange for a legal transfer?

How do you fools get through your days? You seem to be completely unable to think things through or make intelligent judgments.

It's a HOSPITAL, for crying out loud.
It's not a fucking prison.
We're still free Americans that can check out of a hospital against the doctor's wishes.
When did that become a crime?
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why the fuck didn't the hospital and doctor give the parents what they requested i the first place? A second opinion. Misunderstanding my ass. Those parents need to join the 1.6 million people who have already left that shit hole.
Some of these authoritarian assholes need a good old fashion country ass kicking,cops included.

I hope they sue the living crap out of everyone that was involved. Many should be looking for new line of work.
It was a misunderstanding. The parents took him without the doctors discharging him and the hospital is bound by the law to report it to the police if they believe the child's life was in danger.

I think CPS and the police crossed the line, but it could have been avoided if the parents had waited and had the baby properly discharged.

The hospital wanted to operate on their child, they wouldn't have released the child in any case. Would you rather an incompetent hospital operate on your child, or would you rather immediately take him to another hospital for another opinion?

If the parents wanted a second opinion, they could have had their child transferred to the other hospital.

The options weren't only, run away or have an operation, that's a straw man.

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