Baby taken from parents after visiting hospital

This is a sad situation, when a misunderstanding leads to overzealous CPS workers and police following their procedures and doing more damage to a family and a child.

However, this is a rarity.

Most often, police are confronting the most horrible abuse you can imagine.

you would have a point, if the police had not already determined they did not pose a risk to the child. they showed AFTER they left the hospital.

that is what a police state gives you. and you support it.
Update on the story: Custody Controversy: Judge orders 'Baby Sammy' Nikolayev to hospital for evaluation |

A judge has returned parental rights to the parents, and the baby is currently in a hospital in Palo Alto for a second opinion.

no he has not. you completely ignored the salient facts of your link:

The court also ruled Monday the parents must following all medical advice from now on, including not taking their child from Stanford without proper discharge.

A county social worker will make regular house visits to check on Sammy once he is returned home.
Parents are not allowed to go against medical advice when it comes to the life of their child.

Parents are allowed to get a 2nd opinion and in fact most doctors recommend it. The good doctors anyway.

Of course.

Did the parents tell the hospital they wanted their child transferred to a different hospital for a second opinion? Or did they pick up their child and disappear without so much as a see ya later?
Parents are not allowed to go against medical advice when it comes to the life of their child.

Parents are allowed to get a 2nd opinion and in fact most doctors recommend it. The good doctors anyway.

Of course.

Did the parents tell the hospital they wanted their child transferred to a different hospital for a second opinion? Or did they pick up their child and disappear without so much as a see ya later?

From what I saw in the first report, they said they wanted a second opinion and doctor refused. Don't know for sure what happened, it wasn't mentioned specifically only that the doctor refused to release their son. As a parent, I can tell you that I would in no way leave my son in the hands of someone I thought was incompetent, even if I had to take him out of the hospital against the doctors orders. I would rather be arrested than have my child die on the operating table due to incompetence, how about you?
Refusing to release the child is not the same as denying them a second opinion. There are procedures you have to follow and the law is very clear. The hospital could have faced a huge lawsuit had they not reported the incident to the police.

These type of stories are rarely black and white situations. I highly doubt it was parents struggling with a mad doctor bent on opening their baby up unnecessarily.

Probably the parents weren't aware of the law about removing the baby ama, and the doctor wasnt happy that they questioned him. I think the situation got way out of hand, and CPS was overzealous IMO.
This case is not the PA case. These parents went to another care provider after they perceived the nurse was going to give a shot the doctor had said was not necessary. The nurse may have been right or not. I think this needs to be resolved in the medical community familiar with laws in the state of California, where this took place, and not the kangaroo court of public opinion. I haven't heard enough information about the particular disease process that became the center of the dispute between parents and the first hospital. Did the laboratory see bacteria in the lungs, and was it bacterial pneumonia as in the PA case? That has not been resolved. If that was the lab report, the nurse was right to administer the correct antibiotic. If no lab result showed positive for such a microorganism, the parents were right. I haven't seen the report, but if the parents thought they were being misled by someone other than the attending physician, the court should give them the benefit of the doubt. After all, they didn't take the child home. They went to a different facility and got a second opinion that favored their feelings on the health of their child. Hopefully the two hospitals are similarly accredited.
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The baby needs heart surgery, he just won't be getting it at the 1st hospital.

He has a heart murmur, he may or may not need surgery. My husband was born with one and never had to have surgery, it healed on it's own, my sister had surgery when she was 6 to fix hers.
Parents had a right to asked for a second opinion and the doctor who reported her said he needed EMERGENCY surgery. Guess what baby still has not had surgery!! I guess it was not that urgent after all
The baby needs heart surgery, he just won't be getting it at the 1st hospital.

He has a heart murmur, he may or may not need surgery. My husband was born with one and never had to have surgery, it healed on it's own, my sister had surgery when she was 6 to fix hers.

Nikolayev family happy to be reunited with baby boy, but worried about future CPS visits |

According to this article, the couple fully expects the baby will have heart surgery once he's settled at the new children's hospital.
The baby needs heart surgery, he just won't be getting it at the 1st hospital.

He has a heart murmur, he may or may not need surgery. My husband was born with one and never had to have surgery, it healed on it's own, my sister had surgery when she was 6 to fix hers.

Nikolayev family happy to be reunited with baby boy, but worried about future CPS visits |

According to this article, the couple fully expects the baby will have heart surgery once he's settled at the new children's hospital.

Like I said, he may or may's obvious the first doctor was wrong, and in so many ways.
The baby needs heart surgery, he just won't be getting it at the 1st hospital.
He has a heart murmur, he may or may not need surgery. My husband was born with one and never had to have surgery, it healed on it's own, my sister had surgery when she was 6 to fix hers.
I was born with a heart murmur. I'll be 31 at the end of next month and I still have it. Obviously its not that severe of a health issue, thank the Lord, or I would not have stuck around for this long.

God bless you always!!! :) :) :)

It was a misunderstanding. The parents took him without the doctors discharging him and the hospital is bound by the law to report it to the police if they believe the child's life was in danger.

I think CPS and the police crossed the line, but it could have been avoided if the parents had waited and had the baby properly discharged.

The hospital wanted to operate on their child, they wouldn't have released the child in any case. Would you rather an incompetent hospital operate on your child, or would you rather immediately take him to another hospital for another opinion?

If the parents wanted a second opinion, they could have had their child transferred to the other hospital.

The options weren't only, run away or have an operation, that's a straw man.

They were transferring the kid themselves.

Parents do not need the permission of a doctor or some hack hospital administrator to seek care elsewhere.
The hospital wanted to operate on their child, they wouldn't have released the child in any case. Would you rather an incompetent hospital operate on your child, or would you rather immediately take him to another hospital for another opinion?

If the parents wanted a second opinion, they could have had their child transferred to the other hospital.

The options weren't only, run away or have an operation, that's a straw man.

They were transferring the kid themselves.

Parents do not need the permission of a doctor or some hack hospital administrator to seek care elsewhere.
Actually they do.
I should say, they don't need permission to seek care, they do need permission to remove the child.

They could have had the baby transferred.

Again, I think this is a case of parents who aren't familiar with the laws, and over zealous CPS agents.

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