Bachmann To Americans: Invoking 14th Amendment Would Effectively Make Obama Dictator


May 29, 2010
She's right. Just heard Judge Napolitano state the same thing. He should know. I think this is the plan that the usurper has had all along. He wants to use America's possible default as a excuse to usurp the Constitution and invoke the 14th Amendment. The 14th Amendment is not designed for this type of situation. It was designed for the United States to pay for existing debt but not new future debt according to Napolitano. Also in the 14th Amendment, Congress has the only authority to provide funding for old debt, not the president or actually, the usurper 'acting' as president unConstitutionally. From Obama's recently comments last monday stating he would like to bypass Congress and do things on his own as President, I can see clearly he wants to become a dictator. What were cotton pickin Americans thinking when they voted for this Constitutionally inelgible candidate with absolutely no executive experience of ever operating and balancing budgets, creating fiscal reform and cutting earmarks unlike Governor Sarah Palin who did?

Michele Bachmann - President Obama - Effectively A Dictator | VIDEO | Mediaite

In an interview with CNN’s Kiran Chetry on American Morning, Republican Presidential candidate Michele Bachmann sharply dismissed the idea that President Obama could simply move to raise the debt ceiling by invoking the 14th Amendment, saying to do so would make Obama effectively “a dictator.” Bachmann described any such move by the President to unilaterally end the immediate debt crisis unconstitutional. “Congress has the power to lay and collect taxes,” Bachmann said. “It’s Congress that does the spending. The President is prohibited to do that. If he had the power to do that he would effectively be a dictator.”

Bachmann argues that President Obama has failed on the economy:

What President Obama, in my estimation, has failed to do is properly understand the issues. On every measure, this president has failed. He has a big “F” on his economic report card.

He has to take responsibility for the economy because he’s the one that’s made these decisions
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I agree. He would be the same as Hugo Chavez . Next he will tell us what we can watch on TV. They are already tapping our phone lines . Tracking our cell phones. Groping us, Xraying us.. This is not a free country at all. I tell my kids all the time you just dont know how many freedoms that were lost in the 46 years I have been alive.:(
I agree. He would be the same as Hugo Chavez . Next he will tell us what we can watch on TV. They are already tapping our phone lines . Tracking our cell phones. Groping us, Xraying us.. This is not a free country at all. I tell my kids all the time you just dont know how many freedoms that were lost in the 46 years I have been alive.:(

I agree. Obama aspires to be like Chavez.




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