Bachmann won't seek another term! Thank you, Jay-a-zus!!!

I still think it is quite unfair for either side to succumb to stereotypes. To me it is one sided. Leftists seem to only think women can be Democrats, or black people can become Democrats.

1. Not sure I can decipher your thoughts on this comment. Did you mean to say Democrats think women can only be Democrats? If that is what you meant, I would say no, we think women can be anything they want, but if they are Republican, they support a party that pretty much doesn't think they are capable of thinking for themselves, ala birth control, contraceptives, abortions, etc.

2. Considering that the GOP is against all programs/bills that benefit minorities, it does seem rather odd that they would choose to be in that party, but hey, it's a free country.

3. Now you are confusing posters in this forum with Democratic policies. The Democratic party does support women, and policies that are beneficial to them. That some posters get crass and call women names is not any different than some righty posters doing the same thing to Michelle Obama, Pelosi and others. That doesn't change the fact that the Democratic policies are more friendly to women.

I see a double standard. If you are who you say you are, any woman would be held in an equal light, not shunned or disrespected for her political viewpoints. The very attitude liberals here display is crass and uncalled for. In my day, we respected women, no matter what she believed in. Politics be damned.

4.Yes, but conservatives here do the same thing. Like I said, I've been called all kinds of names just because of what I say. You can't compare how people act on a Forum with the way they act in public. Wasn't Rush Limbaugh the one that called Sandra Fluke a slut?What is so respectful about that? And I have Republican friends that tried to defend Rush on that one, so, it goes both ways - you see what you want to see.

1. Therein lies my point. You liberals always seem to think you know what's best for women.
Women know what's best for women. That's why Republican party lost many women's vote.

2. Sure. Republicans are against everything, are they not? Do you hear yourself? And thank you once again, for proving my point.
Well, let's recap, they're against abortion, same-sex marriage, SS, Affirmative Action, Blacks, illegals, Medicare, Medicaid, Welfare, IRS, taxes, unemployment compensation, contraceptives, etc., etc.,

3. Democratic policies are far from friendly to women, or minorities for that matter. I don't base my opinions based off of just what I see from Democrats here on these boards, I live in a highly liberal college town; and I have quite the experience with them and their politics.
Well, don't go by what a group of Democrats believe, go by the Democratic platform. And, you'll never have a party that you will agree with 100% of their policies.

4. Does it please you to know that I don't listen to Rush Limbaugh? And what is wrong with honesty? Sluts beg for ways and means to continue their lecherous habits, same as Sandra did when she demanded there be "affordable" birth control provided by her government. There was a Target store not 8 miles from her university that sold contraceptives for under $10.
You are pathetic. You claim you don't demean women and you are already demeaning Sandra Fluke when you really don't know anything about her personal life. She wasn't even speaking for herself. And how come it's okay for men to get Viagra from the government but women can't get contraceptives? And you want to claim that the Republican party is friendly to women! Give me a Break!:badgrin:

Honesty is a form of free speech, so is insulting someone's character, as people on this thread have done to Bachmann. However, there's a difference between honesty and contempt.
Bachmann may not be as honest as you think. We'll soon find out if she is quitting because she knows she is guilty of breaking the law and will be done in anyway, or whether what she is saying is true. We'll soon know.
1. Not sure I can decipher your thoughts on this comment. Did you mean to say Democrats think women can only be Democrats? If that is what you meant, I would say no, we think women can be anything they want, but if they are Republican, they support a party that pretty much doesn't think they are capable of thinking for themselves, ala birth control, contraceptives, abortions, etc.

2. Considering that the GOP is against all programs/bills that benefit minorities, it does seem rather odd that they would choose to be in that party, but hey, it's a free country.

3. Now you are confusing posters in this forum with Democratic policies. The Democratic party does support women, and policies that are beneficial to them. That some posters get crass and call women names is not any different than some righty posters doing the same thing to Michelle Obama, Pelosi and others. That doesn't change the fact that the Democratic policies are more friendly to women.

4.Yes, but conservatives here do the same thing. Like I said, I've been called all kinds of names just because of what I say. You can't compare how people act on a Forum with the way they act in public. Wasn't Rush Limbaugh the one that called Sandra Fluke a slut?What is so respectful about that? And I have Republican friends that tried to defend Rush on that one, so, it goes both ways - you see what you want to see.

1. Therein lies my point. You liberals always seem to think you know what's best for women.
Women know what's best for women. That's why Republican party lost many women's vote.

Well, let's recap, they're against abortion, same-sex marriage, SS, Affirmative Action, Blacks, illegals, Medicare, Medicaid, Welfare, IRS, taxes, unemployment compensation, contraceptives, etc., etc.,
Well, don't go by what a group of Democrats believe, go by the Democratic platform. And, you'll never have a party that you will agree with 100% of their policies.

4. Does it please you to know that I don't listen to Rush Limbaugh? And what is wrong with honesty? Sluts beg for ways and means to continue their lecherous habits, same as Sandra did when she demanded there be "affordable" birth control provided by her government. There was a Target store not 8 miles from her university that sold contraceptives for under $10.
You are pathetic. You claim you don't demean women and you are already demeaning Sandra Fluke when you really don't know anything about her personal life. She wasn't even speaking for herself. And how come it's okay for men to get Viagra from the government but women can't get contraceptives? And you want to claim that the Republican party is friendly to women! Give me a Break!:badgrin:

Honesty is a form of free speech, so is insulting someone's character, as people on this thread have done to Bachmann. However, there's a difference between honesty and contempt.
Bachmann may not be as honest as you think. We'll soon find out if she is quitting because she knows she is guilty of breaking the law and will be done in anyway, or whether what she is saying is true. We'll soon know.

dear, you are liar...and you do nothing but regurgitate Democrat taking point. I guess when you've been spoon fed these things you stop thinking for yourself.. real shame
not one thing here is the truth
Well, let's recap, they're against abortion, same-sex marriage, SS, Affirmative Action, Blacks, illegals, Medicare, Medicaid, Welfare, IRS, taxes, unemployment compensation, contraceptives, etc., etc.,

how old are you? this is pathetic
Last edited:

Please focus. Focus on thread title...


They keep insisting that Obama lied but never prove it. They are just angry because their little moron is being investigated and probably will be found guilty. All their accusations toward Obama seem to blow up in their face.
dear, you are liar...and you do nothing but regurgitate Democrat taking point. I guess when you've been spoon fed these things you stop thinking for yourself.. real shame
not one thing here is the truth
Well, let's recap, they're against abortion, same-sex marriage, SS, Affirmative Action, Blacks, illegals, Medicare, Medicaid, Welfare, IRS, taxes, unemployment compensation, contraceptives, etc., etc.,

how old are you? this is pathetic

I'm not the liar - Republicans are. They keep coming up with scandals and they can't make any of them stick because they have nothing but lies to back their accusations with.

And if anyone has been spoon fed, it's the conservatives who watch Faux News 24/7 and then brag that more people watch Faux News while claiming they don't watch it! :cuckoo:

I'm old enough to know better, apparently you need to do some growing-up.
You seem to tolerate yourself, so do you really have a problem with her, do you live in her district?

I live in the same country as these nuts... which is bad enough.

What we really need are re-education camps for Funditards.

You could move back to Russia, live that Eastern European Iron Curtain lifestyle that you so desire, I will contribute to your passage...

Why should we do that? We're winning. You guys are on your way out, and eventually you are going to have to live with gay marriage and wealth redistribution and gun control and LIKE IT, bayitches!
1. Not sure I can decipher your thoughts on this comment. Did you mean to say Democrats think women can only be Democrats? If that is what you meant, I would say no, we think women can be anything they want, but if they are Republican, they support a party that pretty much doesn't think they are capable of thinking for themselves, ala birth control, contraceptives, abortions, etc.

2. Considering that the GOP is against all programs/bills that benefit minorities, it does seem rather odd that they would choose to be in that party, but hey, it's a free country.

3. Now you are confusing posters in this forum with Democratic policies. The Democratic party does support women, and policies that are beneficial to them. That some posters get crass and call women names is not any different than some righty posters doing the same thing to Michelle Obama, Pelosi and others. That doesn't change the fact that the Democratic policies are more friendly to women.

4.Yes, but conservatives here do the same thing. Like I said, I've been called all kinds of names just because of what I say. You can't compare how people act on a Forum with the way they act in public. Wasn't Rush Limbaugh the one that called Sandra Fluke a slut?What is so respectful about that? And I have Republican friends that tried to defend Rush on that one, so, it goes both ways - you see what you want to see.

1. Therein lies my point. You liberals always seem to think you know what's best for women.
Women know what's best for women. That's why Republican party lost many women's vote.

Well, let's recap, they're against abortion, same-sex marriage, SS, Affirmative Action, Blacks, illegals, Medicare, Medicaid, Welfare, IRS, taxes, unemployment compensation, contraceptives, etc., etc.,

Well, don't go by what a group of Democrats believe, go by the Democratic platform. And, you'll never have a party that you will agree with 100% of their policies.

4. Does it please you to know that I don't listen to Rush Limbaugh? And what is wrong with honesty? Sluts beg for ways and means to continue their lecherous habits, same as Sandra did when she demanded there be "affordable" birth control provided by her government. There was a Target store not 8 miles from her university that sold contraceptives for under $10.
You are pathetic. You claim you don't demean women and you are already demeaning Sandra Fluke when you really don't know anything about her personal life. She wasn't even speaking for herself. And how come it's okay for men to get Viagra from the government but women can't get contraceptives? And you want to claim that the Republican party is friendly to women! Give me a Break!:badgrin:

Honesty is a form of free speech, so is insulting someone's character, as people on this thread have done to Bachmann. However, there's a difference between honesty and contempt.
Bachmann may not be as honest as you think. We'll soon find out if she is quitting because she knows she is guilty of breaking the law and will be done in anyway, or whether what she is saying is true. We'll soon know.

Republicans talking about Sandra Fluke = losing
she'll be more effective without the constraints of the office holding her back

Holding her back from what exactly? I ask because Bachmann only gets attention BECAUSE she's holding office. Without the trappings of being a Congresswoman, she loses pretty much the only thing that makes her quotable regardless of what she says or how outlandish it might be.

If you don't believe me, perhaps you'll recall what happened to Sarah Palin once she no longer was Governor of Alaska. She income soared even as her credibility and relevance plummeted. Now you can only find her if you're on a scavenger hunt for Waldo or Carmen Sandiego.

Yeah we saw what happened to people smeared her as much as you have Bachmann in this's the only way you people know how to win a election..look at this last one with Romney...we heard about his horse, he was a bully in grade, he had a elevator, he pushed grandma's in wheelchairs over cliffs..

sleazy and dirty is the Democrat campaign motto and his base has no problems playing it

Remember folks this is coming from a person who has what is supposed to be an insulting picture of President Obama in the top left. Typical of Conservatives. Doubts WE PEOPLE are smart enough to notice the HYPOCRISY.
I live in the same country as these nuts... which is bad enough.

What we really need are re-education camps for Funditards.

You could move back to Russia, live that Eastern European Iron Curtain lifestyle that you so desire, I will contribute to your passage...

Why should we do that? We're winning. You guys are on your way out, and eventually you are going to have to live with gay marriage and wealth redistribution and gun control and LIKE IT, bayitches!

The America-love-it-or-leave-it crowd seems to forget that little fact.

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