Bachmann won't seek another term! Thank you, Jay-a-zus!!!

I just read Bachmann's biography, and discovered that she worked to elect Jimmy Carter, and also worked for several years as an attorney for the IRS. That was, of course, after she had obtained her law degree from Oral Roberts University, (before they lost their certification of their law school). She was born again at age 16, and now celebrates two birthdays per year. She sounds a lot like my very impressional brother. I am sure that she will discover a new cause and embrace it with full enthusiasm....probably something like advocating creationism teaching in public schools and starting more clincis to "cure" gays.
Glad to see this vile woman go.


ooooo vile...
we'd be happy if you people would get RID of some the vile people in the Democrat party..then you all might have a leg calling others, VILE...but that won't happen so keep sucking up to your own vile people..
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Michele Bachmann: I'm quitting my House seat in 2014 - NBC Politics

Tea Party favorite Michele Bachmann, who last year ran for the Republican presidential nomination, announced on Wednesday that she will stand down from her seat in the U.S. House of Representatives.

In a video posted on her website and on YouTube, the stressed that her decision to stand down from her Minnesota seat was not due to any concern she would be defeated at the next election in 2014 or the inquiries into activities of her former presidential campaign staff.
yeah... right.

she'll be more effective without the constraints of the office holding her back

Holding her back from what exactly? I ask because Bachmann only gets attention BECAUSE she's holding office. Without the trappings of being a Congresswoman, she loses pretty much the only thing that makes her quotable regardless of what she says or how outlandish it might be.

If you don't believe me, perhaps you'll recall what happened to Sarah Palin once she no longer was Governor of Alaska. Her income soared even as her credibility and relevance plummeted. Now you can only find her if you're on a scavenger hunt for Waldo or Carmen Sandiego.
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she'll be more effective without the constraints of the office holding her back

Holding her back from what exactly? I ask because Bachmann only gets attention BECAUSE she's holding office. Without the trappings of being a Congresswoman, she loses pretty much the only thing that makes her quotable regardless of what she says or how outlandish it might be.

If you don't believe me, perhaps you'll recall what happened to Sarah Palin once she no longer was Governor of Alaska. She income soared even as her credibility and relevance plummeted. Now you can only find her if you're on a scavenger hunt for Waldo or Carmen Sandiego.

Yeah we saw what happened to people smeared her as much as you have Bachmann in this's the only way you people know how to win a election..look at this last one with Romney...we heard about his horse, he was a bully in grade, he had a elevator, he pushed grandma's in wheelchairs over cliffs..

sleazy and dirty is the Democrat campaign motto and his base has no problems playing it
she'll be more effective without the constraints of the office holding her back

Holding her back from what exactly? I ask because Bachmann only gets attention BECAUSE she's holding office. Without the trappings of being a Congresswoman, she loses pretty much the only thing that makes her quotable regardless of what she says or how outlandish it might be.

If you don't believe me, perhaps you'll recall what happened to Sarah Palin once she no longer was Governor of Alaska. Her income soared even as her credibility and relevance plummeted. Now you can only find her if you're on a scavenger hunt for Waldo or Carmen Sandiego.

Yeah we saw what happened to people smeared her as much as you have Bachmann in this's the only way you people know how to win a election..look at this last one with Romney...we heard about his horse, he was a bully in grade, he had a elevator, he pushed grandma's in wheelchairs over cliffs..

sleazy and dirty is the Democrat campaign motto and his base has no problems playing it

"You people smeared her..."???

McCain's OWN advisers pretty much universally panned her because of her lack of knowledge on governance and world affairs, and her performance, attitude, and temperament behind the scenes. Palin repeatedly made a fool of herself and took personal offense at what comedians said. In case you don't know what I'm about to say (Palin certainly didn't), if you're in public office, you IGNORE comedians because they're unimportant in the scheme of things. Besides, once they know they can get under your skin, you open up the floodgates. And that's exactly what happened. A person has to have a thick skin in politics. And do you know something else? Once a person is involved in national politics at that level, they shouldn't be wasting their time watching or listening to what comedians say. They should be TOO BUSY to even watch entertainment TV.
Well, there goes another good-lookin' dame, off the market...
she'll be more effective without the constraints of the office holding her back

Holding her back from what exactly? I ask because Bachmann only gets attention BECAUSE she's holding office. Without the trappings of being a Congresswoman, she loses pretty much the only thing that makes her quotable regardless of what she says or how outlandish it might be.

If you don't believe me, perhaps you'll recall what happened to Sarah Palin once she no longer was Governor of Alaska. She income soared even as her credibility and relevance plummeted. Now you can only find her if you're on a scavenger hunt for Waldo or Carmen Sandiego.

Yeah we saw what happened to people smeared her as much as you have Bachmann in this's the only way you people know how to win a election..look at this last one with Romney...we heard about his horse, he was a bully in grade, he had a elevator, he pushed grandma's in wheelchairs over cliffs..

sleazy and dirty is the Democrat campaign motto and his base has no problems playing it

Yeah, nobody attempted to smear Obama at all. :cuckoo:

Obama isn't an American citizen. His birth certificate was forged. He ate dog. Reverend Wright. Bill Ayers. Flag pin lapels. All this for a flag? Communist. Fascist. Some have even suggested he was the Antichrist.

The problem with the Republican's smears is that they were so off the wall, bat shit insane that they cost them the election, instead of won it for them.
Why should I revel in the loss of a MILF RW religious fanatic married to a gay man desperately trying to stay straight? I mean we have terror, poverty, ignorance, sloth and out right thievery in govt and society, and now I'm deprived of a bit of comic relief. And, people think this a good thing?
Holding her back from what exactly? I ask because Bachmann only gets attention BECAUSE she's holding office. Without the trappings of being a Congresswoman, she loses pretty much the only thing that makes her quotable regardless of what she says or how outlandish it might be.

If you don't believe me, perhaps you'll recall what happened to Sarah Palin once she no longer was Governor of Alaska. Her income soared even as her credibility and relevance plummeted. Now you can only find her if you're on a scavenger hunt for Waldo or Carmen Sandiego.

Yeah we saw what happened to people smeared her as much as you have Bachmann in this's the only way you people know how to win a election..look at this last one with Romney...we heard about his horse, he was a bully in grade, he had a elevator, he pushed grandma's in wheelchairs over cliffs..

sleazy and dirty is the Democrat campaign motto and his base has no problems playing it

"You people smeared her..."???

McCain's OWN advisers pretty much universally panned her because of her lack of knowledge on governance and world affairs, and her performance, attitude, and temperament behind the scenes. Palin repeatedly made a fool of herself and took personal offense at what comedians said. In case you don't know what I'm about to say (Palin certainly didn't), if you're in public office, you IGNORE comedians because they're unimportant in the scheme of things. Besides, once they know they can get under your skin, you open up the floodgates. And that's exactly what happened. A person has to have a thick skin in politics. And do you know something else? Once a person is involved in national politics at that level, they shouldn't be wasting their time watching or listening to what comedians say. They should be TOO BUSY to even watch entertainment TV.

her lack of knowledge of governance..she was a governor of a state that had three major military bases, a early warning radar base, the oil pipeline , beat out a entrenched good ole boy Republican...but she had a lack of governance..
.what was Obama's experience in it..? oh he was a lowly state senator from one of the most corrupted state governments there is, Illinois..and he got that seat because of dirty politics..
YOU PEOPLE ARE SUCH A JOKE..the one who had a lack of KNOWLEDGE in governance was the JUNIOR SENATOR you all put in as President..and with help from smears like this one from you..

McCains so called advisers was trying to cover his ass for helping LOSE the election..but you want to take their word, go ahead.
let them BE you all's excuse for how you people treated and smeared people talk about how no one gives your Dear Leader any people just out and out lie about people
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Yeah we saw what happened to people smeared her as much as you have Bachmann in this's the only way you people know how to win a election..look at this last one with Romney...we heard about his horse, he was a bully in grade, he had a elevator, he pushed grandma's in wheelchairs over cliffs..

sleazy and dirty is the Democrat campaign motto and his base has no problems playing it

"You people smeared her..."???

McCain's OWN advisers pretty much universally panned her because of her lack of knowledge on governance and world affairs, and her performance, attitude, and temperament behind the scenes. Palin repeatedly made a fool of herself and took personal offense at what comedians said. In case you don't know what I'm about to say (Palin certainly didn't), if you're in public office, you IGNORE comedians because they're unimportant in the scheme of things. Besides, once they know they can get under your skin, you open up the floodgates. And that's exactly what happened. A person has to have a thick skin in politics. And do you know something else? Once a person is involved in national politics at that level, they shouldn't be wasting their time watching or listening to what comedians say. They should be TOO BUSY to even watch entertainment TV.

her lack of knowledge of governance..she was a governor of a state that had three major military bases, a early warning radar base, the oil pipeline , beat out a entrenched good ole Republican...but she didn't had a lack of governance..
.what was Obama's experience in it..? oh he was a lowly state senator from one of the most corrupted there is, Illinois..
YOU PEOPLE ARE SUCH A JOKE..the one who had a lack of KNOWLEDGE in governance was the JUNIOR SENATOR you all put in as President..and with help from smears like this one from you..

McCains so called advisers was trying to cover his ass for helping LOSE the election..but you want to take their word, go ahead.
let them lead the nose for how you people treated and smeared people talk about how no one gives your Dear Leader any people just out and out lie about people

Palin was running for national office, and she didn't know squat about the Federal Reserve.
"You people smeared her..."???

McCain's OWN advisers pretty much universally panned her because of her lack of knowledge on governance and world affairs, and her performance, attitude, and temperament behind the scenes. Palin repeatedly made a fool of herself and took personal offense at what comedians said. In case you don't know what I'm about to say (Palin certainly didn't), if you're in public office, you IGNORE comedians because they're unimportant in the scheme of things. Besides, once they know they can get under your skin, you open up the floodgates. And that's exactly what happened. A person has to have a thick skin in politics. And do you know something else? Once a person is involved in national politics at that level, they shouldn't be wasting their time watching or listening to what comedians say. They should be TOO BUSY to even watch entertainment TV.

her lack of knowledge of governance..she was a governor of a state that had three major military bases, a early warning radar base, the oil pipeline , beat out a entrenched good ole Republican...but she didn't had a lack of governance..
.what was Obama's experience in it..? oh he was a lowly state senator from one of the most corrupted there is, Illinois..
YOU PEOPLE ARE SUCH A JOKE..the one who had a lack of KNOWLEDGE in governance was the JUNIOR SENATOR you all put in as President..and with help from smears like this one from you..

McCains so called advisers was trying to cover his ass for helping LOSE the election..but you want to take their word, go ahead.
let them lead the nose for how you people treated and smeared people talk about how no one gives your Dear Leader any people just out and out lie about people

Palin was running for national office, and she didn't know squat about the Federal Reserve.

yeah right..
go on with your bullshit...It won't change the fact you smeared this woman mercilessly, brought her children and family into it and smeared them too..I don't how you people live with your selves...whatever, you put in a no knowledge of anything in as people should smeared for that
One candid pic does not a misogynist make.

In fact, one such picture does label you as sexist. It is flatly inappropriate to make fun period about women using sexual innuendo.

I don't MB as a politician or as a person, but her decency and dignity should be respected as a woman.

Michelle Bachmann is a lying, hate-mongering homophobe who deserves as much decency and dignity in return as she has shown the gay community. Respect isn't just something you "get" in life. Respect is earned. Bachmann has earned every bit of disrespect she gets.

Oh, and by the way:

sex·ism (skszm)
1. Discrimination based on gender, especially discrimination against women.
2. Attitudes, conditions, or behaviors that promote stereotyping of social roles based on gender.

You're wrong about posting one pic being sexist. Posting one pic is anecdotal. Continually posting compromising pics of women in general would be an attitude or a pattern of behavior.
this thread is an obvious attempt to attack a conservative woman who is fed up with the DC bullshit. This is done several times a day in a failed attempt to deflect from the corruption and incompetence that is the obama administration.

Sorry, libs, its not working.

No, this thread is an obvious attempt to bid adieu to a batshit crazy, ignorant whack job.

In Memoriam


why any woman would want to belong to the democrat party..

when this is what they think of a woman

no no no see, thats GOOD sexist BS...:rolleyes:

war on woman? :lol: what a bunch of hacks....
One candid pic does not a misogynist make.

In fact, one such picture does label you as sexist. It is flatly inappropriate to make fun period about women using sexual innuendo.

I don't MB as a politician or as a person, but her decency and dignity should be respected as a woman.

Michelle Bachmann is a lying, hate-mongering homophobe who deserves as much decency and dignity in return as she has shown the gay community. Respect isn't just something you "get" in life. Respect is earned. Bachmann has earned every bit of disrespect she gets.

Oh, and by the way:

sex·ism (skszm)
1. Discrimination based on gender, especially discrimination against women.
2. Attitudes, conditions, or behaviors that promote stereotyping of social roles based on gender.

You're wrong about posting one pic being sexist. Posting one pic is anecdotal. Continually posting compromising pics of women in general would be an attitude or a pattern of behavior.

oh look, he gave himself a pass....:clap2:

what hackage...:rolleyes:

oh, does Bachmann represent your district?
In fact, one such picture does label you as sexist. It is flatly inappropriate to make fun period about women using sexual innuendo.

I don't MB as a politician or as a person, but her decency and dignity should be respected as a woman.

Michelle Bachmann is a lying, hate-mongering homophobe who deserves as much decency and dignity in return as she has shown the gay community. Respect isn't just something you "get" in life. Respect is earned. Bachmann has earned every bit of disrespect she gets.

Oh, and by the way:

sex·ism (skszm)
1. Discrimination based on gender, especially discrimination against women.
2. Attitudes, conditions, or behaviors that promote stereotyping of social roles based on gender.

You're wrong about posting one pic being sexist. Posting one pic is anecdotal. Continually posting compromising pics of women in general would be an attitude or a pattern of behavior.

oh look, he gave himself a pass....:clap2:

what hackage...:rolleyes:

oh, does Bachmann represent your district?

You think Bachmann's influence is confined only to her district?

Typical myopic conservative :lmao:
Michelle Bachmann is a lying, hate-mongering homophobe who deserves as much decency and dignity in return as she has shown the gay community. Respect isn't just something you "get" in life. Respect is earned. Bachmann has earned every bit of disrespect she gets.

Oh, and by the way:

sex·ism (skszm)
1. Discrimination based on gender, especially discrimination against women.
2. Attitudes, conditions, or behaviors that promote stereotyping of social roles based on gender.

You're wrong about posting one pic being sexist. Posting one pic is anecdotal. Continually posting compromising pics of women in general would be an attitude or a pattern of behavior.

oh look, he gave himself a pass....:clap2:

what hackage...:rolleyes:

oh, does Bachmann represent your district?

You think Bachmann's influence is confined only to her district?

Typical myopic conservative :lmao:

thats not what I asked you dummy try and focus for 30 seconds......come on, you can do it.
I'm not going to bother protesting the sophomoric and pathologically crazy rhetoric against Bachmann that reveals the posters emotional problems as opposed to actually making some sort of succinct point.
Putting the conversation on another level (even temporarily) I would have to say that even though I'm one of those "angry ignorant conservative Tea Party types" according to the usual suspects. I was never a Bachmann fan. I think she really lost me when she was running for the presidential nomination and accused Rick Perry of contributing to the autism of children because of his support of Gardasil. She claimed that Gardasil caused autism. How did she know this? Because she talked to a parent in a parking lot who claimed her child was autistic because of Gardasil. I remember thinking at the time what a stupid thing to say. Who the hell gets their information from strangers in parking lots? You might as well get your information from MSNBC.
In the succeeding years she seemed more concerned about advertising herself that any particular cause. Her legislative successes were nearly nonexistent. The voters of her district seem to concur. Obama carried her district by one and a half points. She spent six times as much as her opponent in a very red district and barely won. The RNC was obviously unhappy with her and helped nudge her out.
The people who should be celebrating her departure are the very same people she once claimed to speak for.

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