Bachmann won't seek another term! Thank you, Jay-a-zus!!!

Thank you Michelle Bachmann, for reminding us on a daily basis of how fucked up in the head those on the far right are to have elected you 4 times into office, you will be missed.

will you say the same thing about all the idiots who have voted people like Maxine Waters and Nancy Pelosi in again and again?.....just askin....
Great coverage of some of Bachmann's goofs.

Rachel Maddow Show

That was funny.

And Republicans showed how much they care about this country by having this woman sit on the intelligence committee.

i got news for you Sallow.....the majority of the Politicians in this Country should not be sitting on any Committee that has to do with Intel or whats best for America.....some of these idiots would have a problem throwing together a Ham Sandwich....
Great coverage of some of Bachmann's goofs.

Rachel Maddow Show

That was funny.

And Republicans showed how much they care about this country by having this woman sit on the intelligence committee.

i got news for you Sallow.....the majority of the Politicians in this Country should not be sitting on any Committee that has to do with Intel or whats best for America.....some of these idiots would have a problem throwing together a Ham Sandwich....

agree, but they don't care about that..wouldn't fit in his dump on Michele
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news for ya, Joey. Romney is not running for anything. Bashing him and Bush to try to deflect from the terrible job being done by obama is not working. trying to bash the GOP to deflect from the incompetence and corruption of democrats is not working.

and I wish you libtardians would do a little study on the 'corporations are people' thing. That is a legal definition that corporations are "persons" for legal purposes. That protects the employees from liability for the acts of the corporation------it is a good thing.

The fact Romney would say something that asspoundingly stupid shows why he lost.

I'll believe corporations are people when we can execute one for killing people.

News for you, Fishy. I used to vote Republican until I realized that in the fight between Working Joes like myself and Corporations... they side with the corporations every time.

You can whine about Obama not doing this or that all day, but people figure out who has their back and who doesn't.

Joe the Democrats back any corporation that feeds them......they are no better....
Michele Bachmann: I'm quitting my House seat in 2014 - NBC Politics

Tea Party favorite Michele Bachmann, who last year ran for the Republican presidential nomination, announced on Wednesday that she will stand down from her seat in the U.S. House of Representatives.

In a video posted on her website and on YouTube, the stressed that her decision to stand down from her Minnesota seat was not due to any concern she would be defeated at the next election in 2014 or the inquiries into activities of her former presidential campaign staff.

yeah... right.

she'll be more effective without the constraints of the office holding her back

news for ya, Joey. Romney is not running for anything. Bashing him and Bush to try to deflect from the terrible job being done by obama is not working. trying to bash the GOP to deflect from the incompetence and corruption of democrats is not working.

and I wish you libtardians would do a little study on the 'corporations are people' thing. That is a legal definition that corporations are "persons" for legal purposes. That protects the employees from liability for the acts of the corporation------it is a good thing.

The fact Romney would say something that asspoundingly stupid shows why he lost.

I'll believe corporations are people when we can execute one for killing people.

News for you, Fishy. I used to vote Republican until I realized that in the fight between Working Joes like myself and Corporations... they side with the corporations every time.

You can whine about Obama not doing this or that all day, but people figure out who has their back and who doesn't.

Does your employer pay you every payday? Does he provide benefits? Do you give a days work for a days pay? You think obama has your back???? Do you think he is going to provide free medical care for you when your employer is forced to drop your coverage due to the cost of obamacare? Do you think he will pay your mortgage if your employer has to lay you off because the economy sucks?

You are a typical pussy, you want someone to stand beside you and pick up your sorry ass every time you fall. Grow the fuck up and take responsibility for yourself. The govt does not exist to be your momma.

From your avatar I assume that you are gay. Not surprising.

how does his Avatar make him gay?....:eusa_eh:
Great coverage of some of Bachmann's goofs.

Rachel Maddow Show

That was funny.

And Republicans showed how much they care about this country by having this woman sit on the intelligence committee.

i got news for you Sallow.....the majority of the Politicians in this Country should not be sitting on any Committee that has to do with Intel or whats best for America.....some of these idiots would have a problem throwing together a Ham Sandwich....

the best example, charlie rangel
I think it is, to a degree.

But they aren't running guys who say shit like

"I like to be able to fire people"
"half the country are moochers"
"Corporations are people, too"
"I'm not concerned about the very poor".

Romney has shown that the Plutocratic disease has run its course in the GOP. Either the patient is going to die, or it has to start getting better.

news for ya, Joey. Romney is not running for anything. Bashing him and Bush to try to deflect from the terrible job being done by obama is not working. trying to bash the GOP to deflect from the incompetence and corruption of democrats is not working.

and I wish you libtardians would do a little study on the 'corporations are people' thing. That is a legal definition that corporations are "persons" for legal purposes. That protects the employees from liability for the acts of the corporation------it is a good thing.

Except Obama is not doing a "terrible job".

You can put him against any Modern Republican President and you'd find he outperforms them all. Reagan/Bush/Bush pale in comparison to the performance of Barack Obama.
that is your opinion Sallow.....i delivered Mail to many Democrats who thought Obama is not a very good President.....and yes i delivered to many who thought he is the greatest ever.....
Coleman has turned out to be an "insider" as well w/ a cush job after his defeat by a proud Democrat
For Bachmann, probes and politics didn't line up - First Read
“I think she’ll have a lot of opportunities in the future, either on cable news or joining maybe a conservative group that advocates for the types of things she supports,” said Cullen Sheehan, the manager of Republican Sen. Norm Coleman’s campaign in 2008. “I think what you’re seeing now is the next step in an evolution of what she wants to do in the future.”

IOW's- she can "cash-in" on her so-called public service. I thought t-partiers were against that kind of thing. She played them like chumps.
Every conservative that I know watches Faux News. If they aren't watching it, how come they are rated "most watched"? You think Libs are the ones watching it? :cuckoo:
No, only immature and uninformed Republican/conservatives laugh at us - they don't know any better.

Seems to me you do a bit of hatin yourself.

yep, you libs watch it just won't admit it...and being rated number one doesn't mean ONLY CONSERVATIVES-Republican watch it..good grief...really
ok show me haten on Bauchmann?
I already said her leaving I don't care one or the other...but you people have to carry it to extremes..that's just what you all do..
What extremes? List something extreme anyone has stated about Bachmann in this thread. What you must be referring to are the extreme statements of Bachmann herself...yes, I know...they are mindblowing.

this thread is an obvious attempt to attack a conservative woman who is fed up with the DC bullshit. This is done several times a day in a failed attempt to deflect from the corruption and incompetence that is the obama administration.

Sorry, libs, its not working.

No, this thread is an obvious attempt to bid adieu to a batshit crazy, ignorant whack job.

In Memoriam


And you call the Republicans misogynistic?? That is one of the more sexist things I've seen a Democrat post.
What's sexist? This is a public picture found on multiple news sites. There were no accompanying text or other images to suggest anything...simply the pic. So what's sexist about it?

There are similar pics of Perry and others doing the exact same thing, that have all been posted on this very forum...again...what's sexist here?

I'd rather belong to a party that treats me as an equal, allows me to make my own choices and doesn't regard me as a Stepford Wife, like the Republican Party does women. I can't understand why any woman would want to be treated like they treat women in the Republican party.

So, you will dismiss the obvious innuendo that sfcali posted? Sure. Women are just political pawns, not equals in your party. You say such demeaning things about a woman when she doesn't have a (D) next to her name. You people are pathetic.

I didn't see what Sfcali posted - but why are you singling out the demeaning things we might say about a woman when Republican/conservatives are doing the same thing? I don't tell someone they are conceited and arrogant and blast them with pejoratives at the same time, that would be myopic. You all call Obama all kinds of names and that makes you what? Fair and balanced?
POWERFUL!!! :clap2:
yep, you libs watch it just won't admit it...and being rated number one doesn't mean ONLY CONSERVATIVES-Republican watch it..good grief...really
ok show me haten on Bauchmann?
I already said her leaving I don't care one or the other...but you people have to carry it to extremes..that's just what you all do..
What extremes? List something extreme anyone has stated about Bachmann in this thread. What you must be referring to are the extreme statements of Bachmann herself...yes, I know...they are mindblowing.

What's sexist? This is a public picture found on multiple news sites. There were no accompanying text or other images to suggest anything...simply the pic. So what's sexist about it?

There are similar pics of Perry and others doing the exact same thing, that have all been posted on this very forum...again...what's sexist here?

I didn't see what Sfcali posted - but why are you singling out the demeaning things we might say about a woman when Republican/conservatives are doing the same thing? I don't tell someone they are conceited and arrogant and blast them with pejoratives at the same time, that would be myopic. You all call Obama all kinds of names and that makes you what? Fair and balanced?
POWERFUL!!! :clap2:

what's so powerful about making an excuse for that picture, by saying others are doing it too..?
cop out is more like it...but easier instead of taking a stand
I think mertex is related to rdean
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She can join Coleman, another "win at all costs" Repub who cashed-in on his defeat:

A New York Times article based on rare cases in which donors have been disclosed, sometimes accidentally, explored the issue of corporations giving to these groups last year. Insurance giant Aetna, for example, accidentally revealed it gave $3 million in 2011 to the American Action Network, a social welfare group founded by former Sen. Norm Coleman, a Republican, that runs election ads.

Read more: Six Facts Lost in the IRS Scandal | Care2 Causes
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Here is my hope...she runs for Senate against Al Franken.
hehehe...yeah, that would totally entertaining.

Um.. no we don't actually. I don't care for the likes of Don Imus and co. However, when have you seen me posting demeaning things about women here?
I'm not talking about you personally - just conservatives on this Forum in general. There are plenty of conservatives that post demeaning things about women here. I don't post demeaning things about women either, but I also realize that there are Libs on here that do. But to try and claim that it is one-sided makes one look myopic.

See, there you go again, claiming it is one-sided. I've been called lots of things here by some conservatives just because they didn't like what I said. Name-calling seems to be the only way they can respond.

And scroll back a page or two, you'll see the photo. It's pretty obvious what sfcali was suggesting.
Oh, I know what picture you are referring to. It is crass and I declined to comment on it, but don't tell me that conservatives haven't posted rather demeaning pictures of Michelle, called her all kinds of names, too. We have them on both sides.

I still think it is quite unfair for either side to succumb to stereotypes. To me it is one sided. Leftists seem to only think women can be Democrats, or black people can become Democrats. God help them if they support the GOP. I mean come on, if that isn't one sided, what is? I know we both have ours, but it seems as if liberals on these boards in general claim they are beyond reproach, "Oh no, we don't think of women that way! We are the party who supports women!" Sure you are. Then why do we see liberals of all stripes treating Michelle Bachmann and Sarah Palin as a pair of two bit whores?

I see a double standard. If you are who you say you are, any woman would be held in an equal light, not shunned or disrespected for her political viewpoints. The very attitude liberals here display is crass and uncalled for. In my day, we respected women, no matter what she believed in. Politics be damned.
Where was this speech and this kind of talk when fatboy Lush Rimbaugh was disrespecting the heck out of Sandra Fluke for weeks on national radio?

You are so full of it.

Great coverage of some of Bachmann's goofs.

Rachel Maddow Show

That was funny.

And Republicans showed how much they care about this country by having this woman sit on the intelligence committee.
They don't give a damn about anything, but themselves and their politics. That's it.

I am sorry to see Bachmann leave the stage. She embodies all the characteristics that have lead the republican party down the road to ruin. Hell, we may have to inplant a phoney replacement for her, just to make sure that the republican party does not start to sound like a sane alternative political choice.

Very true, but there are plenty of GOP loons left and some new loons on the horizon. I remember an old George Jones song: Who's Gonna Fill Their Shoes?

Plenty of rightard loons in the wings

Michele Bachmann Is Out, So Who?s Our New Craziest Member of Congress? - The Daily Beast
True, but at least THAT crazy moonbat is out. We'll deal with the rest as they usual. :cool:

you people are a joke
you elected a friggen Junior Senator who had accomplished NOTHING in Congress (not even served his one term as he promised he would) to be the President of the United States..... and you go off on this woman.
you really have some NERVE

Great videos. The first one is Ground 0 on the fact that Republicans and RWers generally watch and support only and/or mostly theFOXNEWS. They were geniuinely shocked and upset by Obama's winning. They truly believe the tripe the likes of Dick "Toe Sucker" Morris and Karl "I Had The Biggest Televised Meltdown" Rove hook, line and sinker. And instead of punishing the network for lying to their faces for 4 years straight they still coddle and support them with their viewership. These people just like to be lied to.

I think it is, to a degree.

But they aren't running guys who say shit like

"I like to be able to fire people"
"half the country are moochers"
"Corporations are people, too"
"I'm not concerned about the very poor".

Romney has shown that the Plutocratic disease has run its course in the GOP. Either the patient is going to die, or it has to start getting better.

news for ya, Joey. Romney is not running for anything. Bashing him and Bush to try to deflect from the terrible job being done by obama is not working. trying to bash the GOP to deflect from the incompetence and corruption of democrats is not working.

and I wish you libtardians would do a little study on the 'corporations are people' thing. That is a legal definition that corporations are "persons" for legal purposes. That protects the employees from liability for the acts of the corporation------it is a good thing.

Except Obama is not doing a "terrible job".

You can put him against any Modern Republican President and you'd find he outperforms them all. Reagan/Bush/Bush pale in comparison to the performance of Barack Obama.
If Republicans didn't lie, they'd have nothing to say.

news for ya, Joey. Romney is not running for anything. Bashing him and Bush to try to deflect from the terrible job being done by obama is not working. trying to bash the GOP to deflect from the incompetence and corruption of democrats is not working.

and I wish you libtardians would do a little study on the 'corporations are people' thing. That is a legal definition that corporations are "persons" for legal purposes. That protects the employees from liability for the acts of the corporation------it is a good thing.

Except Obama is not doing a "terrible job".

You can put him against any Modern Republican President and you'd find he outperforms them all. Reagan/Bush/Bush pale in comparison to the performance of Barack Obama.

yes, we know that you love obama and worship his every word and deed.

8% unemployment for 5 years
almost doubled the national debt
more people in poverty than ever before
more people on food stamps than ever before
spying on news reporters
a dead ambassador for political reasons
spying on the AP
his AJ lying to congress
his secstate lying to congress
gave F-16s to the muslim brotherhood in Egypt
shit on Israel
Ft Hood = workplace violence
"57 states"
obamacare--unions don't want it, congress does not want it.

Wow, what a record of success. :cuckoo:
Exhibit A: Pure lies and garbage.

Except Obama is not doing a "terrible job".

You can put him against any Modern Republican President and you'd find he outperforms them all. Reagan/Bush/Bush pale in comparison to the performance of Barack Obama.

yes, we know that you love obama and worship his every word and deed.

8% unemployment for 5 years
almost doubled the national debt
more people in poverty than ever before
more people on food stamps than ever before
spying on news reporters
a dead ambassador for political reasons
spying on the AP
his AJ lying to congress
his secstate lying to congress
gave F-16s to the muslim brotherhood in Egypt
shit on Israel
Ft Hood = workplace violence
"57 states"
obamacare--unions don't want it, congress does not want it.

Wow, what a record of success. :cuckoo:


You have to denigrate the guy by lying.

You folks are something else. All of the above is complete bullshit.
That's all they have, that's all they know.

which of the things I listed is not true?

Every single one of them.

Additionally some of them have zero to do with Presidential performance.

It's bogus critiques.

You are very shallow, sallow. If a GOP president had that kind of record you would be the first one lining up to sign the impeachment petition. Economic results have nothing to do with presidential performance? since when?

If you think anything I listed is not true, prove it.

Face it. Obama has had a terrible record, his administration is corrupt and incompetent. Even the left wing media is turning on him because they are tired of him lying to them.
Post some examples of "the left wing" "turning on OBama"

This I gotta see...


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