Bachmann won't seek another term! Thank you, Jay-a-zus!!!

It frees up Bachmann to run against Al Franken for Senator........That would be a hoot

Love to see those debates
I figured that Bachmann would do the Palin Dash and not run in order to save the taxpayers the expense of lengthy investigations.

What will Michelle do with her spare time? 'Hike the Appalachian Trail'? 'Spend more time with the family'? Take a job with Fox News as a commentator? Chase commies and Muslims? Visit the grave of Joe McCarthy? Open a frozen yogurt stand? Take the Larry Craig airport tour? Learn what all those buttons on the remote do? (My personal favorite): Read?

news for ya, Joey. Romney is not running for anything. Bashing him and Bush to try to deflect from the terrible job being done by obama is not working. trying to bash the GOP to deflect from the incompetence and corruption of democrats is not working.

and I wish you libtardians would do a little study on the 'corporations are people' thing. That is a legal definition that corporations are "persons" for legal purposes. That protects the employees from liability for the acts of the corporation------it is a good thing.

The fact Romney would say something that asspoundingly stupid shows why he lost.

I'll believe corporations are people when we can execute one for killing people.

News for you, Fishy. I used to vote Republican until I realized that in the fight between Working Joes like myself and Corporations... they side with the corporations every time.

You can whine about Obama not doing this or that all day, but people figure out who has their back and who doesn't.

Does your employer pay you every payday? Does he provide benefits? Do you give a days work for a days pay? You think obama has your back???? Do you think he is going to provide free medical care for you when your employer is forced to drop your coverage due to the cost of obamacare? Do you think he will pay your mortgage if your employer has to lay you off because the economy sucks?

You are a typical pussy, you want someone to stand beside you and pick up your sorry ass every time you fall. Grow the fuck up and take responsibility for yourself. The govt does not exist to be your momma.

From your avatar I assume that you are gay. Not surprising.

Everything is about him, he hijacks every thread with his tales of oh poor poor pitiful me, and I was ONCE A REPUBLICAN
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this thread is an obvious attempt to attack a conservative woman who is fed up with the DC bullshit. This is done several times a day in a failed attempt to deflect from the corruption and incompetence that is the obama administration.

Sorry, libs, its not working.

No, this thread is an obvious attempt to bid adieu to a batshit crazy, ignorant whack job.

In Memoriam


why any woman would want to belong to the democrat party..

when this is what they think of a woman
Good! I'm GLAD you find this pic offensive.

I can't think of a better way to honor the biggest idiot liar ever to offend the role of an elected official.

One candid pic does not a misogynist make. The only reason why you're pitching a a hissy fit is because it's not a pic of Hillary. Your faux-rage, however, is duly noted.
Does your employer pay you every payday? Does he provide benefits? Do you give a days work for a days pay? You think obama has your back???? Do you think he is going to provide free medical care for you when your employer is forced to drop your coverage due to the cost of obamacare? Do you think he will pay your mortgage if your employer has to lay you off because the economy sucks?

You are a typical pussy, you want someone to stand beside you and pick up your sorry ass every time you fall. Grow the fuck up and take responsibility for yourself. The govt does not exist to be your momma.

From your avatar I assume that you are gay. Not surprising.

No, from my Avatar, you can guess I'm a Doctor Who Fan.

If you'd been paying attention, I've been using images from DW to match the months. We are going into June (sixth month), that's a picture of Colin Baker, the Sixth Doctor. (Also the one most of the fans never really liked.)

To the point, what my last employer did was work me like a dog. I worked weekends, I worked evenings.

Then when I had a medical issue, and ran up 50K in medical bills, they found a way to get rid of me.

So, no, I don't trust or like corporations, and think they need to be strictly watched. If we didn't have OSHA or the EPA or EEOC who knows what kind of shit they would pull.

When the GOP gets right with working people, THEN I will listen to what they have to say on other issues. Not until.
I think it is, to a degree.

But they aren't running guys who say shit like

"I like to be able to fire people"
"half the country are moochers"
"Corporations are people, too"
"I'm not concerned about the very poor".

Romney has shown that the Plutocratic disease has run its course in the GOP. Either the patient is going to die, or it has to start getting better.

news for ya, Joey. Romney is not running for anything. Bashing him and Bush to try to deflect from the terrible job being done by obama is not working. trying to bash the GOP to deflect from the incompetence and corruption of democrats is not working.

and I wish you libtardians would do a little study on the 'corporations are people' thing. That is a legal definition that corporations are "persons" for legal purposes. That protects the employees from liability for the acts of the corporation------it is a good thing.

Except Obama is not doing a "terrible job".

You can put him against any Modern Republican President and you'd find he outperforms them all. Reagan/Bush/Bush pale in comparison to the performance of Barack Obama.

yes, we know that you love obama and worship his every word and deed.

8% unemployment for 5 years
almost doubled the national debt
more people in poverty than ever before
more people on food stamps than ever before
spying on news reporters
a dead ambassador for political reasons
spying on the AP
his AJ lying to congress
his secstate lying to congress
gave F-16s to the muslim brotherhood in Egypt
shit on Israel
Ft Hood = workplace violence
"57 states"
obamacare--unions don't want it, congress does not want it.

Wow, what a record of success. :cuckoo:

yes, we know that you love obama and worship his every word and deed.

8% unemployment for 5 years
almost doubled the national debt
more people in poverty than ever before
more people on food stamps than ever before
spying on news reporters
a dead ambassador for political reasons
spying on the AP
his AJ lying to congress
his secstate lying to congress
gave F-16s to the muslim brotherhood in Egypt
shit on Israel
Ft Hood = workplace violence
"57 states"
obamacare--unions don't want it, congress does not want it.

Wow, what a record of success. :cuckoo:

Why is Shitting on Israel a bad thing. Seriously. Fuck Israel.

The rest of your list is a litany of how nutty the Right Wing has become.

Frankly, I thought the left got unhinged when Bush was in, but they have nothing on you guys.
No, this thread is an obvious attempt to bid adieu to a batshit crazy, ignorant whack job.

In Memoriam


why any woman would want to belong to the democrat party..

when this is what they think of a woman
Good! I'm GLAD you find this pic offensive.

I can't think of a better way to honor the biggest idiot liar ever to offend the role of an elected official.

One candid pic does not a misogynist make. The only reason why you're pitching a a hissy fit is because it's not a pic of Hillary. Your faux-rage, however, is duly noted.

you calling others idiots, one a Senator the other a Governor, when did you hold these positions?
and you come back defending that picture and to make a bigger FOOL of yourself...that is a LOW CLASS IDIOT in my book
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news for ya, Joey. Romney is not running for anything. Bashing him and Bush to try to deflect from the terrible job being done by obama is not working. trying to bash the GOP to deflect from the incompetence and corruption of democrats is not working.

and I wish you libtardians would do a little study on the 'corporations are people' thing. That is a legal definition that corporations are "persons" for legal purposes. That protects the employees from liability for the acts of the corporation------it is a good thing.

Except Obama is not doing a "terrible job".

You can put him against any Modern Republican President and you'd find he outperforms them all. Reagan/Bush/Bush pale in comparison to the performance of Barack Obama.

yes, we know that you love obama and worship his every word and deed.

8% unemployment for 5 years
almost doubled the national debt
more people in poverty than ever before
more people on food stamps than ever before
spying on news reporters
a dead ambassador for political reasons
spying on the AP
his AJ lying to congress
his secstate lying to congress
gave F-16s to the muslim brotherhood in Egypt
shit on Israel
Ft Hood = workplace violence
"57 states"
obamacare--unions don't want it, congress does not want it.

Wow, what a record of success. :cuckoo:


You have to denigrate the guy by lying.

You folks are something else. All of the above is complete bullshit.
Does your employer pay you every payday? Does he provide benefits? Do you give a days work for a days pay? You think obama has your back???? Do you think he is going to provide free medical care for you when your employer is forced to drop your coverage due to the cost of obamacare? Do you think he will pay your mortgage if your employer has to lay you off because the economy sucks?

You are a typical pussy, you want someone to stand beside you and pick up your sorry ass every time you fall. Grow the fuck up and take responsibility for yourself. The govt does not exist to be your momma.

From your avatar I assume that you are gay. Not surprising.

No, from my Avatar, you can guess I'm a Doctor Who Fan.

If you'd been paying attention, I've been using images from DW to match the months. We are going into June (sixth month), that's a picture of Colin Baker, the Sixth Doctor. (Also the one most of the fans never really liked.)

To the point, what my last employer did was work me like a dog. I worked weekends, I worked evenings.

Then when I had a medical issue, and ran up 50K in medical bills, they found a way to get rid of me.

So, no, I don't trust or like corporations, and think they need to be strictly watched. If we didn't have OSHA or the EPA or EEOC who knows what kind of shit they would pull.

When the GOP gets right with working people, THEN I will listen to what they have to say on other issues. Not until.

I really doubt that you got fired for being sick. Probably for doing a shitty job. We already have laws to protect employees from abuse. Have the dems been enforcing those laws?

what exactly does "gets right with working people" mean? Try to be specific. What exactly do you think the GOP should do for "working people" ?

Which party passed the civil rights act? see my sig.
Except Obama is not doing a "terrible job".

You can put him against any Modern Republican President and you'd find he outperforms them all. Reagan/Bush/Bush pale in comparison to the performance of Barack Obama.

yes, we know that you love obama and worship his every word and deed.

8% unemployment for 5 years
almost doubled the national debt
more people in poverty than ever before
more people on food stamps than ever before
spying on news reporters
a dead ambassador for political reasons
spying on the AP
his AJ lying to congress
his secstate lying to congress
gave F-16s to the muslim brotherhood in Egypt
shit on Israel
Ft Hood = workplace violence
"57 states"
obamacare--unions don't want it, congress does not want it.

Wow, what a record of success. :cuckoo:


You have to denigrate the guy by lying.

You folks are something else. All of the above is complete bullshit.

which of the things I listed is not true?

yes, we know that you love obama and worship his every word and deed.

8% unemployment for 5 years
almost doubled the national debt
more people in poverty than ever before
more people on food stamps than ever before
spying on news reporters
a dead ambassador for political reasons
spying on the AP
his AJ lying to congress
his secstate lying to congress
gave F-16s to the muslim brotherhood in Egypt
shit on Israel
Ft Hood = workplace violence
"57 states"
obamacare--unions don't want it, congress does not want it.

Wow, what a record of success. :cuckoo:

Why is Shitting on Israel a bad thing. Seriously. Fuck Israel.

The rest of your list is a litany of how nutty the Right Wing has become.

Frankly, I thought the left got unhinged when Bush was in, but they have nothing on you guys.

everything I listed is true. We have a treaty with Israel. The USA should honor its treaties. If you think the treaty should be cancelled, call your senator and congressmen.

yes, we know that you love obama and worship his every word and deed.

8% unemployment for 5 years
almost doubled the national debt
more people in poverty than ever before
more people on food stamps than ever before
spying on news reporters
a dead ambassador for political reasons
spying on the AP
his AJ lying to congress
his secstate lying to congress
gave F-16s to the muslim brotherhood in Egypt
shit on Israel
Ft Hood = workplace violence
"57 states"
obamacare--unions don't want it, congress does not want it.

Wow, what a record of success. :cuckoo:

Why is Shitting on Israel a bad thing. Seriously. Fuck Israel.

The rest of your list is a litany of how nutty the Right Wing has become.

Frankly, I thought the left got unhinged when Bush was in, but they have nothing on you guys.

Except the President never "Shit on Israel". That's complete bullshit.

And the election of 2012 proved that.

More people who follow the Jewish faith voted for Barack Obama then they did Mitt Romney.

Jewish Vote Goes 69 Percent For Barack Obama: Exit Polls

And Obama is hugely popular in Israel.

Opinion: In Mideast, Obama knocks it out of the park -

That's just one of that poster's bullshit points..destroyed.

yes, we know that you love obama and worship his every word and deed.

8% unemployment for 5 years
almost doubled the national debt
more people in poverty than ever before
more people on food stamps than ever before
spying on news reporters
a dead ambassador for political reasons
spying on the AP
his AJ lying to congress
his secstate lying to congress
gave F-16s to the muslim brotherhood in Egypt
shit on Israel
Ft Hood = workplace violence
"57 states"
obamacare--unions don't want it, congress does not want it.

Wow, what a record of success. :cuckoo:

Why is Shitting on Israel a bad thing. Seriously. Fuck Israel.

The rest of your list is a litany of how nutty the Right Wing has become.

Frankly, I thought the left got unhinged when Bush was in, but they have nothing on you guys.

Except the President never "Shit on Israel". That's complete bullshit.

And the election of 2012 proved that.

More people who follow the Jewish faith voted for Barack Obama then they did Mitt Romney.

Jewish Vote Goes 69 Percent For Barack Obama: Exit Polls

And Obama is hugely popular in Israel.

Opinion: In Mideast, Obama knocks it out of the park -

That's just one of that poster's bullshit points..destroyed.

Thanks for admitting that everything else is true. At least you are honest about that.

Don't you think that GIVING F-16s and tanks to Egypt (the enemy of Israel) is shitting on them? Note, we GAVE the planes and tanks to them, not SOLD, GAVE.

yes, we know that you love obama and worship his every word and deed.

8% unemployment for 5 years
almost doubled the national debt
more people in poverty than ever before
more people on food stamps than ever before
spying on news reporters
a dead ambassador for political reasons
spying on the AP
his AJ lying to congress
his secstate lying to congress
gave F-16s to the muslim brotherhood in Egypt
shit on Israel
Ft Hood = workplace violence
"57 states"
obamacare--unions don't want it, congress does not want it.

Wow, what a record of success. :cuckoo:

Why is Shitting on Israel a bad thing. Seriously. Fuck Israel.

The rest of your list is a litany of how nutty the Right Wing has become.

Frankly, I thought the left got unhinged when Bush was in, but they have nothing on you guys.

everything I listed is true. We have a treaty with Israel. The USA should honor its treaties. If you think the treaty should be cancelled, call your senator and congressmen.

USA should honor it's treaties eh? Where were you when Bush opted out of the anti-ballistic missile treaty?

American Opt-Out Torpedoes Anti-Smoking Treaty

And when did Obama opt out of ANY treaty with Israel.

Fact is Israel is in violation of Several UN Resolutions. Obama mildly tried to remind Israel of the howls of Conservatives and Netanyahu.

Otherwise, Obama's been quite faithful to all agreements with Israel. To the letter.
Why is Shitting on Israel a bad thing. Seriously. Fuck Israel.

The rest of your list is a litany of how nutty the Right Wing has become.

Frankly, I thought the left got unhinged when Bush was in, but they have nothing on you guys.

Except the President never "Shit on Israel". That's complete bullshit.

And the election of 2012 proved that.

More people who follow the Jewish faith voted for Barack Obama then they did Mitt Romney.

Jewish Vote Goes 69 Percent For Barack Obama: Exit Polls

And Obama is hugely popular in Israel.

Opinion: In Mideast, Obama knocks it out of the park -

That's just one of that poster's bullshit points..destroyed.

Thanks for admitting that everything else is true. At least you are honest about that.

Don't you think that GIVING F-16s and tanks to Egypt (the enemy of Israel) is shitting on them? Note, we GAVE the planes and tanks to them, not SOLD, GAVE.
None of it is true.

And the US has agreements with Egypt. Which is NOT an enemy of Israel and hasn't been since Anwar Sadat.
yes, we know that you love obama and worship his every word and deed.

8% unemployment for 5 years
almost doubled the national debt
more people in poverty than ever before
more people on food stamps than ever before
spying on news reporters
a dead ambassador for political reasons
spying on the AP
his AJ lying to congress
his secstate lying to congress
gave F-16s to the muslim brotherhood in Egypt
shit on Israel
Ft Hood = workplace violence
"57 states"
obamacare--unions don't want it, congress does not want it.

Wow, what a record of success. :cuckoo:


You have to denigrate the guy by lying.

You folks are something else. All of the above is complete bullshit.

which of the things I listed is not true?

Every single one of them.

Additionally some of them have zero to do with Presidential performance.

It's bogus critiques.
Why is Shitting on Israel a bad thing. Seriously. Fuck Israel.

The rest of your list is a litany of how nutty the Right Wing has become.

Frankly, I thought the left got unhinged when Bush was in, but they have nothing on you guys.

everything I listed is true. We have a treaty with Israel. The USA should honor its treaties. If you think the treaty should be cancelled, call your senator and congressmen.

USA should honor it's treaties eh? Where were you when Bush opted out of the anti-ballistic missile treaty?

American Opt-Out Torpedoes Anti-Smoking Treaty

And when did Obama opt out of ANY treaty with Israel.

Fact is Israel is in violation of Several UN Resolutions. Obama mildly tried to remind Israel of the howls of Conservatives and Netanyahu.

Otherwise, Obama's been quite faithful to all agreements with Israel. To the letter.

bullshit. Obama wanted them to go back to the 1967 borders---and clear pro-arab position.

As to abiding by treaties----I agree, no president should violate our treaties.

You have to denigrate the guy by lying.

You folks are something else. All of the above is complete bullshit.

which of the things I listed is not true?

Every single one of them.

Additionally some of them have zero to do with Presidential performance.

It's bogus critiques.

You are very shallow, sallow. If a GOP president had that kind of record you would be the first one lining up to sign the impeachment petition. Economic results have nothing to do with presidential performance? since when?

If you think anything I listed is not true, prove it.

Face it. Obama has had a terrible record, his administration is corrupt and incompetent. Even the left wing media is turning on him because they are tired of him lying to them.
Except the President never "Shit on Israel". That's complete bullshit.

And the election of 2012 proved that.

More people who follow the Jewish faith voted for Barack Obama then they did Mitt Romney.

Jewish Vote Goes 69 Percent For Barack Obama: Exit Polls

And Obama is hugely popular in Israel.

Opinion: In Mideast, Obama knocks it out of the park -

That's just one of that poster's bullshit points..destroyed.

Thanks for admitting that everything else is true. At least you are honest about that.

Don't you think that GIVING F-16s and tanks to Egypt (the enemy of Israel) is shitting on them? Note, we GAVE the planes and tanks to them, not SOLD, GAVE.
None of it is true.

And the US has agreements with Egypt. Which is NOT an enemy of Israel and hasn't been since Anwar Sadat.

Sadat was assasinated. Every leader since then has been an enemy of israel. the current guy is a member of the muslim brotherhood-------a clear enemy of israel. But obama gave them planes and tanks. Who will they use those against? Other arabs? other muslims? I think not.

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