Bachmann won't seek another term! Thank you, Jay-a-zus!!!

you people are a joke
you elected a friggen Junior Senator who had accomplished NOTHING in Congress (not even served his one term as he promised he would) to be the President of the United States..... and you go off on this woman.
you really have some NERVE

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this thread should DRAW in a lot of new members..

Most likey run away as fast as they can

you people are a joke
you elected a friggen Junior Senator who had accomplished NOTHING in Congress (not even served his one term as he promised he would) to be the President of the United States..... and you go off on this woman.
you really have some NERVE


Hey, Staph. Your hypothetical and metaphorical grandchildren are going to go to a school named after this guy.

Learn to deal.
you people are a joke
you elected a friggen Junior Senator who had accomplished NOTHING in Congress (not even served his one term as he promised he would) to be the President of the United States..... and you go off on this woman.
you really have some NERVE


Hey, Staph. Your hypothetical and metaphorical grandchildren are going to go to a school named after this guy.

Learn to deal.

well, I hope your grandchildren NEVER see some of your ugly posts and petty changing of peoples name and the way you disrespect women, politician or not.
..a five year old acts more grown up
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I am sorry to see Bachmann leave the stage. She embodies all the characteristics that have lead the republican party down the road to ruin. Hell, we may have to inplant a phoney replacement for her, just to make sure that the republican party does not start to sound like a sane alternative political choice.

Very true, but there are plenty of GOP loons left and some new loons on the horizon. I remember an old George Jones song: Who's Gonna Fill Their Shoes?

Representative Louie Gomert has already filled and overflowed her batshit crazy shoes.
yeah and they are as petty as you are..

No, petty is coming to a discussion board and not actually engaging in discussion, which is what you do.

well this is engaging in discussion..

What we really need are re-education camps for Funditards.

shut up

Gee, hurt?

Sorry, if it weren't for you Funditards voting against your own economic interests, the GOP might actually be working for Americans instead of Corporations.

"Corporations are people too!" - Mitt Romney
No, petty is coming to a discussion board and not actually engaging in discussion, which is what you do.

well this is engaging in discussion..

What we really need are re-education camps for Funditards.

shut up

Gee, hurt?

Sorry, if it weren't for you Funditards voting against your own economic interests, the GOP might actually be working for Americans instead of Corporations.

"Corporations are people too!" - Mitt Romney

Amen, but let's not just pick on Team Red.... Team Blue is bought and paid for too.
well this is engaging in discussion..

shut up

Gee, hurt?

Sorry, if it weren't for you Funditards voting against your own economic interests, the GOP might actually be working for Americans instead of Corporations.

"Corporations are people too!" - Mitt Romney

Amen, but let's not just pick on Team Red.... Team Blue is bought and paid for too.

I think it is, to a degree.

But they aren't running guys who say shit like

"I like to be able to fire people"
"half the country are moochers"
"Corporations are people, too"
"I'm not concerned about the very poor".

Romney has shown that the Plutocratic disease has run its course in the GOP. Either the patient is going to die, or it has to start getting better.
Gee, hurt?

Sorry, if it weren't for you Funditards voting against your own economic interests, the GOP might actually be working for Americans instead of Corporations.

"Corporations are people too!" - Mitt Romney

Amen, but let's not just pick on Team Red.... Team Blue is bought and paid for too.

I think it is, to a degree.

But they aren't running guys who say shit like

"I like to be able to fire people"
"half the country are moochers"
"Corporations are people, too"
"I'm not concerned about the very poor".

Romney has shown that the Plutocratic disease has run its course in the GOP. Either the patient is going to die, or it has to start getting better.

news for ya, Joey. Romney is not running for anything. Bashing him and Bush to try to deflect from the terrible job being done by obama is not working. trying to bash the GOP to deflect from the incompetence and corruption of democrats is not working.

and I wish you libtardians would do a little study on the 'corporations are people' thing. That is a legal definition that corporations are "persons" for legal purposes. That protects the employees from liability for the acts of the corporation------it is a good thing.

news for ya, Joey. Romney is not running for anything. Bashing him and Bush to try to deflect from the terrible job being done by obama is not working. trying to bash the GOP to deflect from the incompetence and corruption of democrats is not working.

and I wish you libtardians would do a little study on the 'corporations are people' thing. That is a legal definition that corporations are "persons" for legal purposes. That protects the employees from liability for the acts of the corporation------it is a good thing.

The fact Romney would say something that asspoundingly stupid shows why he lost.

I'll believe corporations are people when we can execute one for killing people.

News for you, Fishy. I used to vote Republican until I realized that in the fight between Working Joes like myself and Corporations... they side with the corporations every time.

You can whine about Obama not doing this or that all day, but people figure out who has their back and who doesn't.
It frees up Bachmann to run against Al Franken for Senator........That would be a hoot

Love to see those debates

news for ya, Joey. Romney is not running for anything. Bashing him and Bush to try to deflect from the terrible job being done by obama is not working. trying to bash the GOP to deflect from the incompetence and corruption of democrats is not working.

and I wish you libtardians would do a little study on the 'corporations are people' thing. That is a legal definition that corporations are "persons" for legal purposes. That protects the employees from liability for the acts of the corporation------it is a good thing.

The fact Romney would say something that asspoundingly stupid shows why he lost.

I'll believe corporations are people when we can execute one for killing people.

News for you, Fishy. I used to vote Republican until I realized that in the fight between Working Joes like myself and Corporations... they side with the corporations every time.

You can whine about Obama not doing this or that all day, but people figure out who has their back and who doesn't.

Does your employer pay you every payday? Does he provide benefits? Do you give a days work for a days pay? You think obama has your back???? Do you think he is going to provide free medical care for you when your employer is forced to drop your coverage due to the cost of obamacare? Do you think he will pay your mortgage if your employer has to lay you off because the economy sucks?

You are a typical pussy, you want someone to stand beside you and pick up your sorry ass every time you fall. Grow the fuck up and take responsibility for yourself. The govt does not exist to be your momma.

From your avatar I assume that you are gay. Not surprising.
Amen, but let's not just pick on Team Red.... Team Blue is bought and paid for too.

I think it is, to a degree.

But they aren't running guys who say shit like

"I like to be able to fire people"
"half the country are moochers"
"Corporations are people, too"
"I'm not concerned about the very poor".

Romney has shown that the Plutocratic disease has run its course in the GOP. Either the patient is going to die, or it has to start getting better.

news for ya, Joey. Romney is not running for anything. Bashing him and Bush to try to deflect from the terrible job being done by obama is not working. trying to bash the GOP to deflect from the incompetence and corruption of democrats is not working.

and I wish you libtardians would do a little study on the 'corporations are people' thing. That is a legal definition that corporations are "persons" for legal purposes. That protects the employees from liability for the acts of the corporation------it is a good thing.

Except Obama is not doing a "terrible job".

You can put him against any Modern Republican President and you'd find he outperforms them all. Reagan/Bush/Bush pale in comparison to the performance of Barack Obama.

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