Bachmann won't seek another term! Thank you, Jay-a-zus!!!

Remember when Bachmann blamed "Hoot-Smalley"[It was Smoot-Hawley], on FDR? It was signed by President Herbert Hoover in 1930, two years before FDR was elected.
Maddow just ran a few minutes of Bachmann's misstatements or lies.
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Maybe the Minnesota republicans can convice Jesse Ventura to run again... He could chair the Conspiracy Committee in Congress.
why any woman would want to belong to the democrat party..

when this is what they think of a woman

I'd rather belong to a party that treats me as an equal, allows me to make my own choices and doesn't regard me as a Stepford Wife, like the Republican Party does women. I can't understand why any woman would want to be treated like they treat women in the Republican party.

So, you will dismiss the obvious innuendo that sfcali posted? Sure. Women are just political pawns, not equals in your party. You say such demeaning things about a woman when she doesn't have a (D) next to her name. You people are pathetic.

I didn't see what Sfcali posted - but why are you singling out the demeaning things we might say about a woman when Republican/conservatives are doing the same thing? I don't tell someone they are conceited and arrogant and blast them with pejoratives at the same time, that would be myopic. You all call Obama all kinds of names and that makes you what? Fair and balanced?
If we could match and throw those lefties who remind us of JoeB and righties like TemplarKormac out of Congress, it would be much more effective, patriotic, and cost efficient.

I won't even dignify that with a response.
You can't is why you won't. The far left and the far right are the enemies of American values.

You are an enemy to rational thought. You know you are, and you continue to show it. You continuously try to provoke people into irrational behavior, then when they react the way you hope the do, you label them "far left" or "far right" on the spot. That is absolutely pathetic, Jake. Only men with no balls or backbone do stuff like that. You attack what you fear and lack understanding of.

So, your version of "United" in United States means shunning people with unique viewpoints to the deepest recesses of society.
I'd rather belong to a party that treats me as an equal, allows me to make my own choices and doesn't regard me as a Stepford Wife, like the Republican Party does women. I can't understand why any woman would want to be treated like they treat women in the Republican party.

So, you will dismiss the obvious innuendo that sfcali posted? Sure. Women are just political pawns, not equals in your party. You say such demeaning things about a woman when she doesn't have a (D) next to her name. You people are pathetic.

I didn't see what Sfcali posted - but why are you singling out the demeaning things we might say about a woman when Republican/conservatives are doing the same thing? I don't tell someone they are conceited and arrogant and blast them with pejoratives at the same time, that would be myopic. You all call Obama all kinds of names and that makes you what? Fair and balanced?

Um.. no we don't actually. I don't care for the likes of Don Imus and co. However, when have you seen me posting demeaning things about women here? I've actually defended a few female posters on here. I actually called out a righty here a few weeks ago for demeaning MondoBongo. You liberals are damned complacent when it comes to women. You sit there and objectify them.

And scroll back a page or two, you'll see the photo. It's pretty obvious what sfcali was suggesting.
Michele Bachmann: I'm quitting my House seat in 2014 - NBC Politics

Tea Party favorite Michele Bachmann, who last year ran for the Republican presidential nomination, announced on Wednesday that she will stand down from her seat in the U.S. House of Representatives.

In a video posted on her website and on YouTube, the stressed that her decision to stand down from her Minnesota seat was not due to any concern she would be defeated at the next election in 2014 or the inquiries into activities of her former presidential campaign staff.

yeah... right.

She just ran ads two weeks ago about her running again. I will believe this crap when I see it.

She is crazier than Palin.

greatest thread ever.....
So, you will dismiss the obvious innuendo that sfcali posted? Sure. Women are just political pawns, not equals in your party. You say such demeaning things about a woman when she doesn't have a (D) next to her name. You people are pathetic.

I didn't see what Sfcali posted - but why are you singling out the demeaning things we might say about a woman when Republican/conservatives are doing the same thing? I don't tell someone they are conceited and arrogant and blast them with pejoratives at the same time, that would be myopic. You all call Obama all kinds of names and that makes you what? Fair and balanced?

Um.. no we don't actually. I don't care for the likes of Don Imus and co. However, when have you seen me posting demeaning things about women here?
I'm not talking about you personally - just conservatives on this Forum in general. There are plenty of conservatives that post demeaning things about women here. I don't post demeaning things about women either, but I also realize that there are Libs on here that do. But to try and claim that it is one-sided makes one look myopic.

I've actually defended a few female posters on here. I actually called out a righty here a few weeks ago for demeaning MondoBongo. You liberals are damned complacent when it comes to women. You sit there and objectify them.
See, there you go again, claiming it is one-sided. I've been called lots of things here by some conservatives just because they didn't like what I said. Name-calling seems to be the only way they can respond.

And scroll back a page or two, you'll see the photo. It's pretty obvious what sfcali was suggesting.
Oh, I know what picture you are referring to. It is crass and I declined to comment on it, but don't tell me that conservatives haven't posted rather demeaning pictures of Michelle, called her all kinds of names, too. We have them on both sides.
You continuously try to provoke people into irrational behavior, then when they react the way you hope the do, you label them "far left" or "far right" on the spot.

What an excellent description of the behavior of a JoeB or TemplarKormac.
At least nobody pushes Maxine Waters as presidential material

:lol:.....there are some in her district who would differ with you on that RW....they think she is swell.... many would that be compared to the crazies for Bachmann?

take that up with the "crazies' where she is from....i dont give a shit about Backman....she aint from this State.....Waters is.....if you are one of Waters admirers i feel for ya....
OOOoooohh REALLY... you mean like a pathetic little COMMUNITY ORGANIZER from NOWHERE with ZERO EXPERIENCE AT ANYTHING getting elected PRESIDENT?

Shut the fuck up IDIOT. You got NO CASE.

Her point is that 8 years is enough. Her point is all elected officials should only spend 8 years, as in TERM LIMITS, shit for brains.

Get a fucking CLUE.
Bull. Shat.

She saw the writing on the walls. She's not doing well in the polls and she's not expected to fare any better going forward. She barely held on to the seat as it is. She got through by the scrape of her teeth. No one cedes power, they are forced out.

Whenever a politician says "I'm going to spend more time with my family" it means they see that they will lose next time and choose to bow out rather than be publicly defeated.

Cut your shat.

my gawd THAT drove you to vulgarity?, I guess them Democrats resigning see's the writing on the wall too?
you can spin anything you LIKE if it helps...
What vulgarity?

Anyway, if and when Dems do the same the rule still applies. Many a Dem has stepped down instead of get defeated, even this time around.
I didn't see what Sfcali posted - but why are you singling out the demeaning things we might say about a woman when Republican/conservatives are doing the same thing? I don't tell someone they are conceited and arrogant and blast them with pejoratives at the same time, that would be myopic. You all call Obama all kinds of names and that makes you what? Fair and balanced?

Um.. no we don't actually. I don't care for the likes of Don Imus and co. However, when have you seen me posting demeaning things about women here?
I'm not talking about you personally - just conservatives on this Forum in general. There are plenty of conservatives that post demeaning things about women here. I don't post demeaning things about women either, but I also realize that there are Libs on here that do. But to try and claim that it is one-sided makes one look myopic.

I've actually defended a few female posters on here. I actually called out a righty here a few weeks ago for demeaning MondoBongo. You liberals are damned complacent when it comes to women. You sit there and objectify them.
See, there you go again, claiming it is one-sided. I've been called lots of things here by some conservatives just because they didn't like what I said. Name-calling seems to be the only way they can respond.

And scroll back a page or two, you'll see the photo. It's pretty obvious what sfcali was suggesting.
Oh, I know what picture you are referring to. It is crass and I declined to comment on it, but don't tell me that conservatives haven't posted rather demeaning pictures of Michelle, called her all kinds of names, too. We have them on both sides.

I still think it is quite unfair for either side to succumb to stereotypes. To me it is one sided. Leftists seem to only think women can be Democrats, or black people can become Democrats. God help them if they support the GOP. I mean come on, if that isn't one sided, what is? I know we both have ours, but it seems as if liberals on these boards in general claim they are beyond reproach, "Oh no, we don't think of women that way! We are the party who supports women!" Sure you are. Then why do we see liberals of all stripes treating Michelle Bachmann and Sarah Palin as a pair of two bit whores?

I see a double standard. If you are who you say you are, any woman would be held in an equal light, not shunned or disrespected for her political viewpoints. The very attitude liberals here display is crass and uncalled for. In my day, we respected women, no matter what she believed in. Politics be damned.
wonder if she got a good lobbying gig like DeMint (R) :eusa_think: Real t-partiers wouldn't "cash-in" on the fact that they were a public servant.

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