Bachmann won't seek another term! Thank you, Jay-a-zus!!!

this thread is an obvious attempt to attack a conservative woman who is fed up with the DC bullshit. This is done several times a day in a failed attempt to deflect from the corruption and incompetence that is the obama administration.

Sorry, libs, its not working.

MB is (1) reactionary not conservative and (2) she announced her own retirement. I know the party hierarchy in Minneapolis have been moving mountains to get her to go into retirement.
Q. Are your news stories real?

A. No. Our stories are purely fictional. However they are meant to address real-world issues through satire and often refer and link to real events happening in the world

Wonderful satire.
Michele Bachmann: I'm quitting my House seat in 2014 - NBC Politics

Tea Party favorite Michele Bachmann, who last year ran for the Republican presidential nomination, announced on Wednesday that she will stand down from her seat in the U.S. House of Representatives.

In a video posted on her website and on YouTube, the stressed that her decision to stand down from her Minnesota seat was not due to any concern she would be defeated at the next election in 2014 or the inquiries into activities of her former presidential campaign staff.

yeah... right.
i will be happy when Feinstein, Boxer and Pelosi say that out here....
this thread is an obvious attempt to attack a conservative woman who is fed up with the DC bullshit. This is done several times a day in a failed attempt to deflect from the corruption and incompetence that is the obama administration.

Sorry, libs, its not working.

No, this thread is an obvious attempt to bid adieu to a batshit crazy, ignorant whack job.

In Memoriam


why any woman would want to belong to the democrat party..

when this is what they think of a woman

I'd rather belong to a party that treats me as an equal, allows me to make my own choices and doesn't regard me as a Stepford Wife, like the Republican Party does women. I can't understand why any woman would want to be treated like they treat women in the Republican party.
this thread is an obvious attempt to attack a conservative woman who is fed up with the DC bullshit. This is done several times a day in a failed attempt to deflect from the corruption and incompetence that is the obama administration.

Sorry, libs, its not working.

No, this thread is an obvious attempt to bid adieu to a batshit crazy, ignorant whack job.

In Memoriam


And you call the Republicans misogynistic?? That is one of the more sexist things I've seen a Democrat post.
No, this thread is an obvious attempt to bid adieu to a batshit crazy, ignorant whack job.

In Memoriam


why any woman would want to belong to the democrat party..

when this is what they think of a woman

I'd rather belong to a party that treats me as an equal, allows me to make my own choices and doesn't regard me as a Stepford Wife, like the Republican Party does women. I can't understand why any woman would want to be treated like they treat women in the Republican party.

So, you will dismiss the obvious innuendo that sfcali posted? Sure. Women are just political pawns, not equals in your party. You say such demeaning things about a woman when she doesn't have a (D) next to her name. You people are pathetic.
man, the hate spewed for women by you people..

No it's disdain for people like you who defend someone who truly was a horrible congresswoman. Please name one legislative accomplishment Mrs. Bachmann enacted. BTW it goes both ways, Maxine Walters is a trainwreck also.

aint that the truth....another one i wish would follow Bachman out the door....
this thread is an obvious attempt to attack a conservative woman who is fed up with the DC bullshit. This is done several times a day in a failed attempt to deflect from the corruption and incompetence that is the obama administration.

Sorry, libs, its not working.

No, this thread is an obvious attempt to bid adieu to a batshit crazy, ignorant whack job.

In Memoriam


why any woman would want to belong to the democrat party..

when this is what they think of a woman

Again, Stephanie with the Woman Card.
Michele Bachmann: I'm quitting my House seat in 2014 - NBC Politics

Tea Party favorite Michele Bachmann, who last year ran for the Republican presidential nomination, announced on Wednesday that she will stand down from her seat in the U.S. House of Representatives.

In a video posted on her website and on YouTube, the stressed that her decision to stand down from her Minnesota seat was not due to any concern she would be defeated at the next election in 2014 or the inquiries into activities of her former presidential campaign staff.

yeah... right.
i will be happy when Feinstein, Boxer and Pelosi say that out here....

Get rid of the far left and the far right, for sure.
man, the hate spewed for women by you people..

No it's disdain for people like you who defend someone who truly was a horrible congresswoman. Please name one legislative accomplishment Mrs. Bachmann enacted. BTW it goes both ways, Maxine Walters is a trainwreck also.

At least nobody pushes Maxine Waters as presidential material

:lol:.....there are some in her district who would differ with you on that RW....they think she is swell....
No it's disdain for people like you who defend someone who truly was a horrible congresswoman. Please name one legislative accomplishment Mrs. Bachmann enacted. BTW it goes both ways, Maxine Walters is a trainwreck also.

At least nobody pushes Maxine Waters as presidential material

:lol:.....there are some in her district who would differ with you on that RW....they think she is swell.... many would that be compared to the crazies for Bachmann?
If we could match and throw those lefties who remind us of JoeB and righties like TemplarKormac out of Congress, it would be much more effective, patriotic, and cost efficient.
No it's disdain for people like you who defend someone who truly was a horrible congresswoman. Please name one legislative accomplishment Mrs. Bachmann enacted. BTW it goes both ways, Maxine Walters is a trainwreck also.

At least nobody pushes Maxine Waters as presidential material

:lol:.....there are some in her district who would differ with you on that RW....they think she is swell....

The majority of the voters in her district: losers.
Speaking of passing a bill, can you list Bachmann's legislative accomplishments. In other words, could you list (or reference) legislation that Bachmann and her staff wrote, then built support for its passage in the House, and then successfully had the bill passed in the House to later be signed into law. Feel free to include any bills she cosponsored.

That, after all, is the mark of a successful legislator.

can you name any from the career sucking off us taxpayers for 30 years politician, Biden?
How many had Obama's name on them from his body being in the Illinois Senate?. How many when he as a Junior Senator IN CONGRESS?
Just because they have their name on some STUPID bill isn't the mark of GREAT legislator for me..ANY IDIOT can write one up and they put their name on it, look at ObamaCare..and Pelsoi telling us it had to be passed TO SEE WHAT'S IN IT..

Someone in the legislative branch of government who doesn't actually pass legislation

Sounds like Speaker Boehner
lots of useless Congress people out sure they will never go leaves one replaces them.....they are like Cockroaches....
If we could match and throw those lefties who remind us of JoeB and righties like TemplarKormac out of Congress, it would be much more effective, patriotic, and cost efficient.

I won't even dignify that with a response.
You can't is why you won't. The far left and the far right are the enemies of American values.
Speaking of passing a bill, can you list Bachmann's legislative accomplishments. In other words, could you list (or reference) legislation that Bachmann and her staff wrote, then built support for its passage in the House, and then successfully had the bill passed in the House to later be signed into law. Feel free to include any bills she cosponsored.

That, after all, is the mark of a successful legislator.

can you name any from the career sucking off us taxpayers for 30 years politician, Biden?
How many had Obama's name on them from his body being in the Illinois Senate?. How many when he as a Junior Senator IN CONGRESS?
Just because they have their name on some STUPID bill isn't the mark of GREAT legislator for me..ANY IDIOT can write one up and they put their name on it, look at ObamaCare..and Pelsoi telling us it had to be passed TO SEE WHAT'S IN IT..

Someone in the legislative branch of government who doesn't actually pass legislation

Sounds like Speaker Boehner

Sounds more like Sir Blocks-a-lot, Harry Reid in the Senate.
So what will Michelle Bachmann do after her congressional career? Star in a reality television show like Sarah Palin? Help O.J. find 'the real killers'? Market her own recipe of homemade jams and jellies? Write the Great American novel? Hang out with other Conservative glitterati like Karl Rove and Glenn Beck?

The world is her oyster. Is she smart enough to shuck it?

well she aint going to be delivering the Mail thats for dam sure.....

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