Bachmann won't seek another term! Thank you, Jay-a-zus!!!

the people and their obsession with fox...must chap their ass they can't get a station with all their screeching idiots (Maddcow, tingles Matthews..the mouth, Shultz) to number one..

If Liberals were "sheeple" and all would give up variety to watch fantasy, we probably would be #1, but that's the thing about Libs, they like to watch different stations, they're not glued to one station 24/7.

aren't you all thing about you libs is you have a high and mighty opinion of yourselves..not becoming at all.. nose in the air conceited
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The GOP tent is not big enough to include reactionaries other than letting them vote.

Frankly, maybe the GOP ought to let a real hard core conservative win instead of a guy like Romney or McCain who wants to be loved by the beltway establishment.

who care's people can take the Gop over into Democrat-lite-socialist-commie..we can have ONE PARTY RULE..


who wants to be in a party with people like jakie or joey..

I imagine about 15 to 1 would rather be in a GOP without you reactionaries than those who want you in the party.
the people and their obsession with fox...must chap their ass they can't get a station with all their screeching idiots (Maddcow, tingles Matthews..the mouth, Shultz) to number one..

If Liberals were "sheeple" and all would give up variety to watch fantasy, we probably would be #1, but that's the thing about Libs, they like to watch different stations, they're not glued to one station 24/7.

aren't you all SPEEEEECAL
one thing about you libs is you have a high and mighty opinion of yourselves..not becoming at all.. nose in the air conceited

Ha,ha, that's too funny. Obviously you don't read your own posts - talk about conceited!

Please read what I bolded in your post and tell me you don't believe you are humble.
If Liberals were "sheeple" and all would give up variety to watch fantasy, we probably would be #1, but that's the thing about Libs, they like to watch different stations, they're not glued to one station 24/7.

aren't you all SPEEEEECAL
one thing about you libs is you have a high and mighty opinion of yourselves..not becoming at all.. nose in the air conceited

Ha,ha, that's too funny. Obviously you don't read your own posts - talk about conceited!

Please read what I bolded in your post and tell me you don't believe you are humble.

I didn't post this fairy tale..

If Liberals were "sheeple" and all would give up variety to watch fantasy, we probably would be #1, but that's the thing about Libs, they like to watch different stations, they're not glued to one station 24/7

and you all must watch fox pretty regulary you are the only ones who knows what goes on over there...or you are sheep and just spew the left wing talking points you have to been taught for YEARS..

ummmhumm, make people wonder..
oh well, this thread will going for days, they have to take their minds off the troubles of their Dear Leader..what better way than to spew hate for a woman..

small people
Frankly, maybe the GOP ought to let a real hard core conservative win instead of a guy like Romney or McCain who wants to be loved by the beltway establishment.

who care's people can take the Gop over into Democrat-lite-socialist-commie..we can have ONE PARTY RULE..


who wants to be in a party with people like jakie or joey..

I imagine about 15 to 1 would rather be in a GOP without you reactionaries than those who want you in the party.

YO, snake. define "reactionary" for me. I know what the word means, but I would like to hear what you think it means.
aren't you all SPEEEEECAL
one thing about you libs is you have a high and mighty opinion of yourselves..not becoming at all.. nose in the air conceited

Ha,ha, that's too funny. Obviously you don't read your own posts - talk about conceited!

Please read what I bolded in your post and tell me you don't believe you are humble.

I didn't post this fairy tale..

If Liberals were "sheeple" and all would give up variety to watch fantasy, we probably would be #1, but that's the thing about Libs, they like to watch different stations, they're not glued to one station 24/7

and you all must watch fox pretty regulary you are the only ones who knows what goes on over there...or you are sheep and just spew the left wing talking points you have to been taught for YEARS..

ummmhumm, make people wonder..

Hmmmm, I don't think so, my head would explode if I listened to that many lies, we just get the highlights - you know the really ridiculous stuff that comes out of the mouths of some of the commentators, the kinda stuff that makes everyone laugh and wonder how it can be that some people believe them.
Ha,ha, that's too funny. Obviously you don't read your own posts - talk about conceited!

Please read what I bolded in your post and tell me you don't believe you are humble.

I didn't post this fairy tale..

If Liberals were "sheeple" and all would give up variety to watch fantasy, we probably would be #1, but that's the thing about Libs, they like to watch different stations, they're not glued to one station 24/7

and you all must watch fox pretty regularly you are the only ones who knows what goes on over there...or you are sheep and just spew the left wing talking points you have to been taught for YEARS..

mmmhmm, make people wonder..

Hmmm, I don't think so, my head would explode if I listened to that many lies, we just get the highlights - you know the really ridiculous stuff that comes out of the mouths of some of the commentators, the kinda stuff that makes everyone laugh and wonder how it can be that some people believe them.

no I wouldn't know... I don't watch them or any of the news stations. too depressing, you know if it bleeds it leads..
I get my news off the Internet..but what cracks me up is you open and broad minded libs thinks EVERYONE watches fox news..that's why you throw it up like it's insult..

Many people laugh at you all..sorry but truth

you all keep up the good haten...see ya
I didn't post this fairy tale..

and you all must watch fox pretty regularly you are the only ones who knows what goes on over there...or you are sheep and just spew the left wing talking points you have to been taught for YEARS..

mmmhmm, make people wonder..

Hmmm, I don't think so, my head would explode if I listened to that many lies, we just get the highlights - you know the really ridiculous stuff that comes out of the mouths of some of the commentators, the kinda stuff that makes everyone laugh and wonder how it can be that some people believe them.

no I wouldn't know... I don't watch them or any of the news stations. too depressing, you know if it bleeds it leads..
I get my news off the Internet..but what cracks me up is you open and broad minded libs thinks EVERYONE watches fox news..that's why you throw it up like it's insult..
Every conservative that I know watches Faux News. If they aren't watching it, how come they are rated "most watched"? You think Libs are the ones watching it? :cuckoo:
Many people laugh at you all..sorry but truth
No, only immature and uninformed Republican/conservatives laugh at us - they don't know any better.

you all keep up the good haten...see ya
Seems to me you do a bit of hatin yourself.
this thread is an obvious attempt to attack a conservative woman who is fed up with the DC bullshit. This is done several times a day in a failed attempt to deflect from the corruption and incompetence that is the obama administration.

Sorry, libs, its not working.
Hmmm, I don't think so, my head would explode if I listened to that many lies, we just get the highlights - you know the really ridiculous stuff that comes out of the mouths of some of the commentators, the kinda stuff that makes everyone laugh and wonder how it can be that some people believe them.

Every conservative that I know watches Faux News. If they aren't watching it, how come they are rated "most watched"? You think Libs are the ones watching it? :cuckoo:
No, only immature and uninformed Republican/conservatives laugh at us - they don't know any better.

you all keep up the good haten...see ya
Seems to me you do a bit of hatin yourself.

yep, you libs watch it just won't admit it...and being rated number one doesn't mean ONLY CONSERVATIVES-Republican watch it..good grief...really
ok show me haten on Bauchmann?
I already said her leaving I don't care one or the other...but you people have to carry it to extremes..that's just what you all do..
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Michele Bachmann: I'm quitting my House seat in 2014 - NBC Politics

Tea Party favorite Michele Bachmann, who last year ran for the Republican presidential nomination, announced on Wednesday that she will stand down from her seat in the U.S. House of Representatives.

In a video posted on her website and on YouTube, the stressed that her decision to stand down from her Minnesota seat was not due to any concern she would be defeated at the next election in 2014 or the inquiries into activities of her former presidential campaign staff.

yeah... right.

does she represent you? :eusa_eh: I thought you lived in Chicago?
this thread is an obvious attempt to attack a conservative woman who is fed up with the DC bullshit. This is done several times a day in a failed attempt to deflect from the corruption and incompetence that is the obama administration.

Sorry, libs, its not working.

No, this thread is an obvious attempt to bid adieu to a batshit crazy, ignorant whack job.

In Memoriam

this thread is an obvious attempt to attack a conservative woman who is fed up with the DC bullshit. This is done several times a day in a failed attempt to deflect from the corruption and incompetence that is the obama administration.

Sorry, libs, its not working.

No, this thread is an obvious attempt to bid adieu to a batshit crazy, ignorant whack job.

In Memoriam


why any woman would want to belong to the democrat party..

when this is what they think of a woman
Michele Bachmann: I'm quitting my House seat in 2014 - NBC Politics

Tea Party favorite Michele Bachmann, who last year ran for the Republican presidential nomination, announced on Wednesday that she will stand down from her seat in the U.S. House of Representatives.

In a video posted on her website and on YouTube, the stressed that her decision to stand down from her Minnesota seat was not due to any concern she would be defeated at the next election in 2014 or the inquiries into activities of her former presidential campaign staff.

yeah... right.

She just ran ads two weeks ago about her running again. I will believe this crap when I see it.

She is crazier than Palin.
And Obama said corpseman and blamed the downturn on ATM kiosks and he believes in AGW....

What's your point? That people say some dumb shit sometimes? And?

There's dumb and then there's Michele Bachmann dumb.

Rivaled only by Sarah Palin dumb.....

nothing rivals your sit on a message posting stupid pictures, she has in her resume governor..

you people don't care how dumb you look..cracks me up
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who care's people can take the Gop over into Democrat-lite-socialist-commie..we can have ONE PARTY RULE..


who wants to be in a party with people like jakie or joey..

I imagine about 15 to 1 would rather be in a GOP without you reactionaries than those who want you in the party.

YO, snake. define "reactionary" for me. I know what the word means, but I would like to hear what you think it means.

You do know? Good. Then you know why if you want to stay in the party you will remain socially liberal and fiscally conservative.

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