Bachmann won't seek another term! Thank you, Jay-a-zus!!!

Great coverage of some of Bachmann's goofs.

Rachel Maddow Show

Great thread about how Rachel Maddow is no longer relevant.

Have a good evening.

So when Limbaugh or Fox are in a ratings slump, they are still relevant, but a liberal show's drop in ratings signals its demise? Okay...:eusa_eh:
It's painful for cons to watch Bachmann making a fool of herself over and over again.
I enjoyed it.

Rachel Maddow Show
Great coverage of some of Bachmann's goofs.

Rachel Maddow Show

Great thread about how Rachel Maddow is no longer relevant.

Have a good evening.

So when Limbaugh or Fox are in a ratings slump, they are still relevant, but a liberal show's drop in ratings signals its demise? Okay...:eusa_eh:

When it's been going on for over a decade? Yeah.
Um.. no we don't actually. I don't care for the likes of Don Imus and co. However, when have you seen me posting demeaning things about women here?
I'm not talking about you personally - just conservatives on this Forum in general. There are plenty of conservatives that post demeaning things about women here. I don't post demeaning things about women either, but I also realize that there are Libs on here that do. But to try and claim that it is one-sided makes one look myopic.

See, there you go again, claiming it is one-sided. I've been called lots of things here by some conservatives just because they didn't like what I said. Name-calling seems to be the only way they can respond.

And scroll back a page or two, you'll see the photo. It's pretty obvious what sfcali was suggesting.
Oh, I know what picture you are referring to. It is crass and I declined to comment on it, but don't tell me that conservatives haven't posted rather demeaning pictures of Michelle, called her all kinds of names, too. We have them on both sides.

I still think it is quite unfair for either side to succumb to stereotypes. To me it is one sided. Leftists seem to only think women can be Democrats, or black people can become Democrats.
Not sure I can decipher your thoughts on this comment. Did you mean to say Democrats think women can only be Democrats? If that is what you meant, I would say no, we think women can be anything they want, but if they are Republican, they support a party that pretty much doesn't think they are capable of thinking for themselves, ala birth control, contraceptives, abortions, etc.

God help them if they support the GOP. I mean come on, if that isn't one sided, what is?
Considering that the GOP is against all programs/bills that benefit minorities, it does seem rather odd that they would choose to be in that party, but hey, it's a free country.

I know we both have ours, but it seems as if liberals on these boards in general claim they are beyond reproach, "Oh no, we don't think of women that way! We are the party who supports women!" Sure you are. Then why do we see liberals of all stripes treating Michelle Bachmann and Sarah Palin as a pair of two bit whores?
Now you are confusing posters in this forum with Democratic policies. The Democratic party does support women, and policies that are beneficial to them. That some posters get crass and call women names is not any different than some righty posters doing the same thing to Michelle Obama, Pelosi and others. That doesn't change the fact that the Democratic policies are more friendly to women.

I see a double standard. If you are who you say you are, any woman would be held in an equal light, not shunned or disrespected for her political viewpoints. The very attitude liberals here display is crass and uncalled for. In my day, we respected women, no matter what she believed in. Politics be damned.
Yes, but conservatives here do the same thing. Like I said, I've been called all kinds of names just because of what I say. You can't compare how people act on a Forum with the way they act in public. Wasn't Rush Limbaugh the one that called Sandra Fluke a slut?
What is so respectful about that? And I have Republican friends that tried to defend Rush on that one, so, it goes both ways - you see what you want to see.
I'm not talking about you personally - just conservatives on this Forum in general. There are plenty of conservatives that post demeaning things about women here. I don't post demeaning things about women either, but I also realize that there are Libs on here that do. But to try and claim that it is one-sided makes one look myopic.

See, there you go again, claiming it is one-sided. I've been called lots of things here by some conservatives just because they didn't like what I said. Name-calling seems to be the only way they can respond.

Oh, I know what picture you are referring to. It is crass and I declined to comment on it, but don't tell me that conservatives haven't posted rather demeaning pictures of Michelle, called her all kinds of names, too. We have them on both sides.

I still think it is quite unfair for either side to succumb to stereotypes. To me it is one sided. Leftists seem to only think women can be Democrats, or black people can become Democrats.

1. Not sure I can decipher your thoughts on this comment. Did you mean to say Democrats think women can only be Democrats? If that is what you meant, I would say no, we think women can be anything they want, but if they are Republican, they support a party that pretty much doesn't think they are capable of thinking for themselves, ala birth control, contraceptives, abortions, etc.

2. Considering that the GOP is against all programs/bills that benefit minorities, it does seem rather odd that they would choose to be in that party, but hey, it's a free country.

I know we both have ours, but it seems as if liberals on these boards in general claim they are beyond reproach, "Oh no, we don't think of women that way! We are the party who supports women!" Sure you are. Then why do we see liberals of all stripes treating Michelle Bachmann and Sarah Palin as a pair of two bit whores?

3. Now you are confusing posters in this forum with Democratic policies. The Democratic party does support women, and policies that are beneficial to them. That some posters get crass and call women names is not any different than some righty posters doing the same thing to Michelle Obama, Pelosi and others. That doesn't change the fact that the Democratic policies are more friendly to women.

I see a double standard. If you are who you say you are, any woman would be held in an equal light, not shunned or disrespected for her political viewpoints. The very attitude liberals here display is crass and uncalled for. In my day, we respected women, no matter what she believed in. Politics be damned.

4.Yes, but conservatives here do the same thing. Like I said, I've been called all kinds of names just because of what I say. You can't compare how people act on a Forum with the way they act in public. Wasn't Rush Limbaugh the one that called Sandra Fluke a slut?What is so respectful about that? And I have Republican friends that tried to defend Rush on that one, so, it goes both ways - you see what you want to see.

1. Therein lies my point. You liberals always seem to think you know what's best for women.

2. Sure. Republicans are against everything, are they not? Do you hear yourself? And thank you once again, for proving my point.

3. Democratic policies are far from friendly to women, or minorities for that matter. I don't base my opinions based off of just what I see from Democrats here on these boards, I live in a highly liberal college town; and I have quite the experience with them and their politics.

4. Does it please you to know that I don't listen to Rush Limbaugh? And what is wrong with honesty? Sluts beg for ways and means to continue their lecherous habits, same as Sandra did when she demanded there be "affordable" birth control provided by her government. There was a Target store not 8 miles from her university that sold contraceptives for under $10.

Honesty is a form of free speech, so is insulting someone's character, as people on this thread have done to Bachmann. However, there's a difference between honesty and contempt.
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I am sorry to see Bachmann leave the stage. She embodies all the characteristics that have lead the republican party down the road to ruin. Hell, we may have to inplant a phoney replacement for her, just to make sure that the republican party does not start to sound like a sane alternative political choice.
I am sorry to see Bachmann leave the stage. She embodies all the characteristics that have lead the republican party down the road to ruin. Hell, we may have to inplant a phoney replacement for her, just to make sure that the republican party does not start to sound like a sane alternative political choice.

Very true, but there are plenty of GOP loons left and some new loons on the horizon. I remember an old George Jones song: Who's Gonna Fill Their Shoes?
Thank you Michelle Bachmann, for reminding us on a daily basis of how fucked up in the head those on the far right are to have elected you 4 times into office, you will be missed.
i don't think anyone on the Left realizes that the GOP will be stronger without her.
No offense, Republicans, but the woman was awful. Sarah Palin was a better politician than her, and I hate Sarah Palin.
Fox News to have segment on shortly with Bachman video and answers to why she's not running again.

Actually there's no need to speculate, she explains why she's stepping down in her own words... Michele Bachmann for Congress |

And.......if you do not believe what she says, you have absolutely no common sense! There is no way that this woman would even THINK about telling a lie. She is well known as one of the most honest legislators in America. Especially when it comes to disseminating facts. She has so much integrity that to question her motives is ludicrous.
Great coverage of some of Bachmann's goofs.

Rachel Maddow Show

That was funny.

And Republicans showed how much they care about this country by having this woman sit on the intelligence committee.

lol, you people are a joke
you elected a friggen Junior Senator who had accomplished NOTHING in Congress (not even served one term) to be the President of the United States..... and you go off on this woman..
It is you Democrats who showed you didn't care about this country..
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Michele Bachmann: I'm quitting my House seat in 2014 - NBC Politics

Tea Party favorite Michele Bachmann, who last year ran for the Republican presidential nomination, announced on Wednesday that she will stand down from her seat in the U.S. House of Representatives.

In a video posted on her website and on YouTube, the stressed that her decision to stand down from her Minnesota seat was not due to any concern she would be defeated at the next election in 2014 or the inquiries into activities of her former presidential campaign staff.

yeah... right.

does she represent you? :eusa_eh: I thought you lived in Chicago?

Actually, I live in the 8th district, where we got rid of the equally batshit crazy Joe Walsh last year.

But the sooner we purge the GOP of these kinds of nuts, the faster we can get it back to being a sensible political party.
Why so happy? Did she do something to you personally? Guess if you dislike her you must really hate Obama?

it offends me that someone that profoundly ignorant can get elected to Congress.

You seem to tolerate yourself, so do you really have a problem with her, do you live in her district?

I live in the same country as these nuts... which is bad enough.

What we really need are re-education camps for Funditards.
it offends me that someone that profoundly ignorant can get elected to Congress.

You seem to tolerate yourself, so do you really have a problem with her, do you live in her district?

I live in the same country as these nuts... which is bad enough.

What we really need are re-education camps for Funditards.

they need a padded cell for you or send you back to kindergarten
funditards, how dumb
you people are a joke
you elected a friggen Junior Senator who had accomplished NOTHING in Congress (not even served his one term as he promised he would) to be the President of the United States..... and you go off on this woman.
you really have some NERVE
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I am sorry to see Bachmann leave the stage. She embodies all the characteristics that have lead the republican party down the road to ruin. Hell, we may have to inplant a phoney replacement for her, just to make sure that the republican party does not start to sound like a sane alternative political choice.

Very true, but there are plenty of GOP loons left and some new loons on the horizon. I remember an old George Jones song: Who's Gonna Fill Their Shoes?

Plenty of rightard loons in the wings

Michele Bachmann Is Out, So Who?s Our New Craziest Member of Congress? - The Daily Beast

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