Bachmann won't seek another term! Thank you, Jay-a-zus!!!

One candid pic does not a misogynist make.

In fact, one such picture does label you as sexist. It is flatly inappropriate to make fun period about women using sexual innuendo.

I don't MB as a politician or as a person, but her decency and dignity should be respected as a woman.
One candid pic does not a misogynist make.

In fact, one such picture does label you as sexist. It is flatly inappropriate to make fun period about women using sexual innuendo.

I don't MB as a politician or as a person, but her decency and dignity should be respected as a woman.

Does the same apply to Sarah Palin? Nikki Haley?

no, where you here for the thread on how Palin like black meat?

yet they like to crow how they care for "women" more
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Michele Bachmann always was, and always will be, a complete idiot. She thinks she's fooling everybody about the reason she is not running again. She is afraid of Jim Graves because he almost won last time and she's afraid he will beat her this time.

She had already began airing a TV ad this month for her re-election!!! The election isn't until 2014!!! So for her to suddenly decide not to run is very curious.

Anyone notice how the GOP establishment hasn't been coming to her aid while she's being investigated by the mean, nasty Obama-run government.

With what's going on right now, you'd think they would totally jump at the chance to defend such a paragon of Conservative virtue as Missy Bachmann.
Because they know she's done wrong. She's toast. TOAST I sed! :D

the woman is crazier than a shithouse rat. There is no need to disparage her for her looks.

Telling the truth is not disparaging.

And Steph complaining about how MB may be made to look, she will disparage the looks of women she does not like.

I think Michele's a pretty lady, actually. She's just made a lot less pretty when hearing her talk. Hopefully this news means we'll all be treated to a lot less of that now.
I have to agree. She's actually very attractive. Super short, but she's still very attractive. I've been able to get past her radical rhetoric of late and see her physical beauty. I won't take that away from her. Dumb as a doorknob and corrupt to the core, but she's a hottie.


Bye-bye, Michele...
:clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2:

Thanks for admitting that everything else is true. At least you are honest about that.

Don't you think that GIVING F-16s and tanks to Egypt (the enemy of Israel) is shitting on them? Note, we GAVE the planes and tanks to them, not SOLD, GAVE.
None of it is true.

And the US has agreements with Egypt. Which is NOT an enemy of Israel and hasn't been since Anwar Sadat.

Sadat was assasinated. Every leader since then has been an enemy of israel. the current guy is a member of the muslim brotherhood-------a clear enemy of israel. But obama gave them planes and tanks. Who will they use those against? Other arabs? other muslims? I think not.

Every leader?

You really do know your history ace.

There's been 2 leaders in Egypt since Sadat's assassination. Mubarak wasn't hostile to Israel. And Morsi's been sufficiently cowed. By the way, Arab countries DO attack other Arab countries. As Shocking as that might be to you.

In any case..the military runs the country. And they aren't going to attack Israel.
I guess the first Black Commander In Chief used the first black AG to go on some racist vendetta against rightwingers.

It was just a matter of time before it bit them in the ass. America is seeing what they are and they don't like it.
None of it is true.

And the US has agreements with Egypt. Which is NOT an enemy of Israel and hasn't been since Anwar Sadat.

Sadat was assasinated. Every leader since then has been an enemy of israel. the current guy is a member of the muslim brotherhood-------a clear enemy of israel. But obama gave them planes and tanks. Who will they use those against? Other arabs? other muslims? I think not.

Every leader?

You really do know your history ace.

There's been 2 leaders in Egypt since Sadat's assassination. Mubarak wasn't hostile to Israel. And Morsi's been sufficiently cowed. By the way, Arab countries DO attack other Arab countries. As Shocking as that might be to you.

In any case..the military runs the country. And they aren't going to attack Israel.

wrong again "ace". Mubarak was a corrupt leader who was ousted by his people. Morsi is a radical islamist who has openly declared war on jews and christians. Yes, the military is powerful in Egypt, but the religious zealots are also very powerful.

We are running deficits of a trillion dollars a year and obama gives planes and tanks to the muslim brotherhood??? and you think that makes sense?
Sadat was assasinated. Every leader since then has been an enemy of israel. the current guy is a member of the muslim brotherhood-------a clear enemy of israel. But obama gave them planes and tanks. Who will they use those against? Other arabs? other muslims? I think not.

Every leader?

You really do know your history ace.

There's been 2 leaders in Egypt since Sadat's assassination. Mubarak wasn't hostile to Israel. And Morsi's been sufficiently cowed. By the way, Arab countries DO attack other Arab countries. As Shocking as that might be to you.

In any case..the military runs the country. And they aren't going to attack Israel.

wrong again "ace". Mubarak was a corrupt leader who was ousted by his people. Morsi is a radical islamist who has openly declared war on jews and christians. Yes, the military is powerful in Egypt, but the religious zealots are also very powerful.

We are running deficits of a trillion dollars a year and obama gives planes and tanks to the muslim brotherhood??? and you think that makes sense?

Wrong again?

Every leader?

You really do know your history ace.

There's been 2 leaders in Egypt since Sadat's assassination. Mubarak wasn't hostile to Israel. And Morsi's been sufficiently cowed. By the way, Arab countries DO attack other Arab countries. As Shocking as that might be to you.

In any case..the military runs the country. And they aren't going to attack Israel.

wrong again "ace". Mubarak was a corrupt leader who was ousted by his people. Morsi is a radical islamist who has openly declared war on jews and christians. Yes, the military is powerful in Egypt, but the religious zealots are also very powerful.

We are running deficits of a trillion dollars a year and obama gives planes and tanks to the muslim brotherhood??? and you think that makes sense?

Wrong again?


translation = I give up, you win.
In fact, one such picture does label you as sexist. It is flatly inappropriate to make fun period about women using sexual innuendo.

I don't MB as a politician or as a person, but her decency and dignity should be respected as a woman.

Does the same apply to Sarah Palin? Nikki Haley?

no, where you here for the thread on how Palin like black meat?

yet they like to crow how they care for "women" more

How did that upset you? Do you have a problem with interracial relationships?
wrong again "ace". Mubarak was a corrupt leader who was ousted by his people. Morsi is a radical islamist who has openly declared war on jews and christians. Yes, the military is powerful in Egypt, but the religious zealots are also very powerful.

We are running deficits of a trillion dollars a year and obama gives planes and tanks to the muslim brotherhood??? and you think that makes sense?

Wrong again?


translation = I give up, you win.

No, not at all.

You keep contradicting yourself..over and over.

You seriously have no idea what you are talking about.

And that extends over multiple topics.

Mubarak was in power for 30 years. Did you know that?

Did you know he was put into place by an "emergency edict" of the military?

Do you know that not much happens in Egypt without the military approving of it?

Do you know that we've had an agreement with Egypt for 3 decades?

Do you know that Arab countries make war on each other? really are something else.
Great thread about how Rachel Maddow is no longer relevant.

Have a good evening.

So when Limbaugh or Fox are in a ratings slump, they are still relevant, but a liberal show's drop in ratings signals its demise? Okay...:eusa_eh:
It's painful for cons to watch Bachmann making a fool of herself over and over again.
I enjoyed it.

Rachel Maddow Show

you probably enjoy hemorrhoids too....:dunno:
I didn't know it was okay to use the DoJ, the EPA, and the IRS to win elections.

Well, not legally.

Learn something new every day.
I am sorry to see Bachmann leave the stage. She embodies all the characteristics that have lead the republican party down the road to ruin. Hell, we may have to inplant a phoney replacement for her, just to make sure that the republican party does not start to sound like a sane alternative political choice.

i guess your for one party rule.....nothing like being for the good of the Country......:eusa_eh:
I figured this fits here, more hate and ugly...the hill used to some what respectable..such hate gets tiring

Peter H. Fenn is a Democratic political strategist, consultant, television commentator and owner of Fenn Communications Group, a political and public affairs media firm based in Washington, DC in the United States.

The quitters: The Bachmann and Palin pathology

By Peter Fenn - 05/30/13 09:44 AM ET

It is one thing to raise millions from grassroots activists or appear on record numbers of TV talk shows or give rhetorically charged speeches before adoring crowds – it is quite another to do the hard work of governing.

Both Michele Bachmann and Sarah Palin were political lightweights who were full of sound and fury and accomplished very little. Both quit their posts like spoiled children, after meteoric rises that had precious little to do with actually getting anything done.

Both were bad examples of what public service should be all about and both exhibited a certain pathology steeped more in ego and appearance than serious legislating or governing. Just watch Bachmann’s rambling 8-and-a-half minute diatribe announcing she was quitting Congress.

I can’t resist comparing these two to Hillary Clinton, a serious and disciplined leader who was a senator of substance sponsoring legislation with nearly three dozen Republicans who voted for her husband’s impeachment. She was known in elective office and as secretary of State as a pragmatic, accomplished, focused public figure.

Palin and Bachmann were just the opposite. Flashy, outrageous, flippant, charismatic to be sure, but devoid of much left behind.

Bachmann’s sole real accomplishment was a bridge to somewhere – from Minnesota to Wisconsin; Palin’s may be the proposed bridge to nowhere in Alaska.

all of this ugly spew with comments
Read more: The quitters: The Bachmann and Palin pathology - The Hill's Pundits Blog
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this man has some room calling other's political lightweights, when he probably help put one in as President..what a ugly dog
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I am sorry to see Bachmann leave the stage. She embodies all the characteristics that have lead the republican party down the road to ruin. Hell, we may have to inplant a phoney replacement for her, just to make sure that the republican party does not start to sound like a sane alternative political choice.

Very true, but there are plenty of GOP loons left and some new loons on the horizon. I remember an old George Jones song: Who's Gonna Fill Their Shoes?

when the loons on the left like you fall into the cracks.....then maybe your party will start looking better....

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