Bachmann won't seek another term! Thank you, Jay-a-zus!!!

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I figured this fits here, more hate and ugly...the hill used to some what respectable..such hate gets tiring

Peter H. Fenn is a Democratic political strategist, consultant, television commentator and owner of Fenn Communications Group, a political and public affairs media firm based in Washington, DC in the United States.

The quitters: The Bachmann and Palin pathology

By Peter Fenn - 05/30/13 09:44 AM ET

It is one thing to raise millions from grassroots activists or appear on record numbers of TV talk shows or give rhetorically charged speeches before adoring crowds – it is quite another to do the hard work of governing.Both Michele Bachmann and Sarah Palin were political lightweights who were full of sound and fury and accomplished very little. Both quit their posts like spoiled children, after meteoric rises that had precious little to do with actually getting anything done.

Both were bad examples of what public service should be all about and both exhibited a certain pathology steeped more in ego and appearance than serious legislating or governing. Just watch Bachmann’s rambling 8-and-a-half minute diatribe announcing she was quitting Congress.

I can’t resist comparing these two to Hillary Clinton, a serious and disciplined leader who was a senator of substance sponsoring legislation with nearly three dozen Republicans who voted for her husband’s impeachment. She was known in elective office and as secretary of State as a pragmatic, accomplished, focused public figure.

Palin and Bachmann were just the opposite. Flashy, outrageous, flippant, charismatic to be sure, but devoid of much left behind.

Bachmann’s sole real accomplishment was a bridge to somewhere – from Minnesota to Wisconsin; Palin’s may be the proposed bridge to nowhere in Alaska.

all of this ugly spew with comments
Read more: The quitters: The Bachmann and Palin pathology - The Hill's Pundits Blog
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this man has some room calling other's political lightweights, when he probably help put one in as President..what a ugly dog

It sounded like you were describing Obama for a minute.......

I was about to rep you.


I really doubt that you got fired for being sick. Probably for doing a shitty job. We already have laws to protect employees from abuse. Have the dems been enforcing those laws?

what exactly does "gets right with working people" mean? Try to be specific. What exactly do you think the GOP should do for "working people" ?

Which party passed the civil rights act? see my sig.

If you have to go back FIFTY FUCKING YEARS to find something that the GOP did that was halfway decent, I think you've kind of defined the problem.

Or to put it another way, "What have you done for me lately?"

And, yeah, they let me go after I ran up 50K in medical bills to correct a problem the insurance company fought me tooth and nail on. Six years - EXEMPLARY reviews. Then, oops, you cost big insurance money. You didn't think we meant it with that insurance thing, did you?

everything I listed is true. We have a treaty with Israel. The USA should honor its treaties. If you think the treaty should be cancelled, call your senator and congressmen.

Or we can just get us to put our interests above a bunch of zionist fuckwads.

If God loves them so much, let God save them.. I'm sure He's all over that...

Oh, wait.

bullshit. Obama wanted them to go back to the 1967 borders---and clear pro-arab position.

As to abiding by treaties----I agree, no president should violate our treaties.

Actually, that's the same position that Bush and CLinton took and it was the same position the UN takes. No treaty violations there.

It's also a lot of fucking common sense. Israel can't keep up a policy of Apartheid forever, so it has to let the Palestinians have their own state.

Probably delays the inevitable for another 40 years.

wrong again "ace". Mubarak was a corrupt leader who was ousted by his people. Morsi is a radical islamist who has openly declared war on jews and christians. Yes, the military is powerful in Egypt, but the religious zealots are also very powerful.

We are running deficits of a trillion dollars a year and obama gives planes and tanks to the muslim brotherhood??? and you think that makes sense?

Except he didn't give them to the Brotherhood, he gave them to the Egyptian military, which is probably the only check on the Brotherhood right now.

Also, we are obligated by treaty to provide them military equipment. Or do you only think treaties with Israel count?
You are a typical pussy, you want someone to stand beside you and pick up your sorry ass every time you fall. Grow the fuck up and take responsibility for yourself. The govt does not exist to be your momma.

From your avatar I assume that you are gay. Not surprising.

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it offends me that someone that profoundly ignorant can get elected to Congress.

You seem to tolerate yourself, so do you really have a problem with her, do you live in her district?

I live in the same country as these nuts... which is bad enough.

What we really need are re-education camps for Funditards.

You could move back to Russia, live that Eastern European Iron Curtain lifestyle that you so desire, I will contribute to your passage...

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