Back in 1873 we had moral political leaders

Any moral downsides to killing the unborn are worth it to most liberals. The sadistic hostility to human life is the only thing they really believe in.
In a Democracy, We Wouldn't Be Stuck With One Agenda or the Other

This is not a Leftist issue. Working-class White males, whom those snobs hate and fear, want to express their natural sex drives. My own cousin almost had a mental breakdown when he got his girlfriend pregnant.
In a Democracy, We Wouldn't Be Stuck With One Agenda or the Other

This is not a Leftist issue. Working-class White males, whom those snobs hate and fear, want to express their natural sex drives. My own cousin almost had a mental breakdown when he got his girlfriend pregnant.

So, the group you want to define are a bunch of animals unable to control themselves? Not human beings? You commies always want to dehumanize people.
I can see why. America started going down hill after we started letting everyone vote.
Government Buy the People, Off the People, and Force the People

The ruling class's Constitution prevented us from voting on that issue. We can only vote for fickle pre-owned candidates, conceited know-it-alls who believe they know what's best for us. A foster government.
In a Democracy, We Wouldn't Be Stuck With One Agenda or the Other

This is not a Leftist issue. Working-class White males, whom those snobs hate and fear, want to express their natural sex drives. My own cousin almost had a mental breakdown when he got his girlfriend pregnant.
I agree this should not be, and in reality is not really, just a “leftist” issue. I appreciate what I think you are saying about what a Democracy ought to look like. I also appreciate your point about “working-class white males” and your nephew’s difficult decision, though the U.S. working-class of course is ethnically and racially integrated.

My position is simply that the MAGA alliance with extremist rightwing evangelical moralists logically and politically leads to taking choice away and abolishing elective abortions … everywhere.

This is a civic question, an issue where “common sense,” respect for women, and personal freedom should have precedence. Especially given that today abortion pills and modern technology finally provide an early and simple back-up solution for women desiring to end an unwanted pregnancy.

Clearly you yourself are no “leftist.” How does it feel being demagogically attacked as a “communist,” a defender of animals” who seek to “dehumanize” society? Of course Unkotare is obviously an emotional guy, but he certainly is not as bad as many of the lowlife MAGAnuts here who always pepper their views with Incel-like references to women as “sluts.”

Most of us who have long defended contraceptives, who encourage responsible planning and birthing of children, who defend women’s reproductive rights and their intimate personal right to end an unwanted pregnancy, are used to being called “baby killers” and “Satanists.”
So, the group you want to define [defend?] are a bunch of animals unable to control themselves? Not human beings? You commies always want to dehumanize people.
So you think the solid majority of the American people and the overwhelming majority of women who defend their reproductive right to choose to take not merely “birth control pills” (sometimes dangerous and medically inappropriate) or “day after pills” or when needed even abortion pills — as when they realize only after seven or eight weeks they are already pregnant — are all also “animals unable to control themselves”? You might as well agree with the Incels and mysogenists on USMB that these women are just “sluts.”
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