Back in the day if I said we were being brainwashed about Vietnam would that be sedition/treason?

Some dissenters were traitors.
Jane Fonda fits that category
Privilege Deprives the Deserving

HJ's Daddy was a multimillionaire; she attended a richgirls' college just like Hillary did. That's what "dissent" was all about; the Boomer richkids resented the way GIs born in the lower classes had been glorified after World War Two. So they successfully used their Daddies' media influence to picture the troops in Vietnam as either baby-killers or losers with severe emotional problems.

Class warfare defeated anti-Communist warfare. Earlier than that the snobs, Chickenhawks, and pacifists at the Geneva Convention had set it up, making sure that our troops would fight under suicidal restrictions and would come back home with all the fight taken out of them.
Maybe. He seemed to direct his hate towards the people who would use American soldiers for bayonet practice, those who would behead Americans, then cut off their genitalia and stuff it into the head, those who would stake people to the ground and let them die of heat and thirst, those who would beat prisoners of war until they died of septic shock, those who would lay booby traps in villages, those who fought him, shot at him, captured and murdered his friends. Those people. He truly cared for the South Vietnamese people, but hated the North Vietnamese with every fiber of his being.
The Boat People Were Chickenhawks and Never Should Have Been Allowed Into America

The South Vietnamese people were crooks, cowards, and collaborators. We weren't there to save those worthless losers; they only got in our way. We were there to kill Communists, so we should have invaded their sanctuary in North Vietnam, instead of staying in South Vietnamese villages to defend what the xenophile ruling class called "our allies."
You would have been called UnAmerican but you right to express you view would not have been censored
When Unpatriotic Cowardice Becomes a Birth Privilege, All Advantages Richkids Have Must Be Abolished

What would have happened if there had been huge pro-Nazi or pro-Japanese protests during World War II? Quit pretending it was any different just because the future leaders of our self-appointed ruling class never had to serve on active duty.
I was drafted into the US Army during the Vietnam war.
There was 50 of us in my platoon.
49 were drafted, 1 had joined.
Most of us didn't want to be there and knew nothing about politics.
We just wanted to complete our 2 years and go back home.
Some didn't get that opportunity.
During discharge we were told not to wear our uniforms if using public transportation to go back home. Especially on the west coast because the protesters were very radical and known to attack lone soldiers in uniform.
The Opposite of What We Were Brought Up to Believe Would Happen

One Marine I knew at Quantico actually wore a wig when he went to town. A GI-haircut was an immediate disqualification for getting a date with the stuck-up bimbos in DC working for the government.
When Unpatriotic Cowardice Becomes a Birth Privilege, All Advantages Richkids Have Must Be Abolished

What would have happened if there had been huge pro-Nazi or pro-Japanese protests during World War II? Quit pretending it was any different just because the future leaders of our self-appointed ruling class never had to serve on active duty.
I lived it and know and saw what happened. Buzz off.
Not seeing any invasion around here unless you count the yankees streaming South of the Red, the shitheels crossing the Colorado river coming east, or the victims of US foreign policy coming north across the Rio Grande.
As for the Ukes, if they can successfully defend themselves, cool. Just not with US blood or treasure.
When the illegals start storming the border fully armed and in battle gear we can have that discussion but until then I'll stick with reality.

Illegals coming at the behest, invitation of, and with help from democrats is no more of an invasion than January 6th was an armed insurrection or treason.
The Opposite of What We Were Brought Up to Believe Would Happen

One Marine I knew at Quantico actually wore a wig when he went to town. A GI-haircut was an immediate disqualification for getting a date with the stuck-up bimbos in DC working for the government.
IF a GI haircut was a disqualifyer why would you want to waste time on, much less any money on her to start with?

The easier it is to sort out those types the better.
When Unpatriotic Cowardice Becomes a Birth Privilege, All Advantages Richkids Have Must Be Abolished

What would have happened if there had been huge pro-Nazi or pro-Japanese protests during World War II? Quit pretending it was any different just because the future leaders of our self-appointed ruling class never had to serve on active duty.
Anti War protests were rampant around the US during the Vietnam Era. What planet have you been hiding on for the last 60 years?
Ukraine is not in NATO, but I have a strange feeling that if Russia invaded the Baltic states the fear of waging war on Russia would still be overwhelming.

Now... it's obvious that somewhere along the line NATO would take off its gloves, let's say, if Russia invaded a major eastern European country like Poland.

If Germany or any western european country was attacked war would be a certainty.

But I still think the fear of facing Russia would override a piece of paper signed by the baltic midgets.

There's Always a Loophole the Lawyerly Can Use

NYETO would fall back on their broken promise that they would not let countries on Russia's borders into the alliance.
Ukraine is not in NATO, but I have a strange feeling that if Russia invaded the Baltic states the fear of waging war on Russia would still be overwhelming.

Now... it's obvious that somewhere along the line NATO would take off its gloves, let's say, if Russia invaded a major eastern European country like Poland.

If Germany or any western european country was attacked war would be a certainty.

But I still think the fear of facing Russia would override a piece of paper signed by the baltic midgets.
If you let Putin scoop up the former Soviet States one by one there will be nothing left to stop him other than the threat of a nuclear exchange to preventing taking all of western and central Europe.;

The way to stop and army is before it ever gains any momentum.
IF a GI haircut was a disqualifier why would you want to waste time on, much less any money on her to start with?

The easier it is to sort out those types the better.
Contempt for GIs Permeated the Culture Controlled by the Prep-School Graduates

As if we had a choice. You do what you had to do to get laid. Every man does that; don't kid yourself that making such a trivial adjustment is worse than being celibate.
The Boat People Were Chickenhawks and Never Should Have Been Allowed Into America

The South Vietnamese people were crooks, cowards, and collaborators. We weren't there to save those worthless losers; they only got in our way. We were there to kill Communists, so we should have invaded their sanctuary in North Vietnam, instead of staying in South Vietnamese villages to defend what the xenophile ruling class called "our allies."

While this may be true, I am more mad about the American government not letting us win, rather than getting us involved in the first place.

We could have won the war and wiped the carpet with the NVA, but our government limited our actions and responses. We never "officially" declared war. Those asshats sitting at desks didn't let the guys on the ground make decisions.

Should we have been there? Probably not. I think the idea behind it was good, to save innocents from being taken over by communism, but in the end, it was the act of military restraint that hurt us, and causes resentment.
The Boat People Were Chickenhawks and Never Should Have Been Allowed Into America

The South Vietnamese people were crooks, cowards, and collaborators. We weren't there to save those worthless losers; they only got in our way. We were there to kill Communists, so we should have invaded their sanctuary in North Vietnam, instead of staying in South Vietnamese villages to defend what the xenophile ruling class called "our allies."
Exactly! If we had invaded the north we would have faced and defeated a conventional standing army, not a guerilla insurgency in the jungle. Another monumental blunder by Washington.
Chickenhawk-Lovers Hate Their Daddies for Not Getting Rich and Spoiling Them

You slavishly and unpatriotically worship richboy draftdodgers. Your anger at anyone who attacks those unAmerican entitled brats leads you to make such an irrational reply.

My great uncle was a draft dodger, and damn proud of it. I think my grandfather would have murdered him if they didn't live in different states.
While this may be true, I am more mad about the American government not letting us win, rather than getting us involved in the first place.

We could have won the war and wiped the carpet with the NVA, but our government limited our actions and responses. We never "officially" declared war. Those asshats sitting at desks didn't let the guys on the ground make decisions.

Should we have been there? Probably not. I think the idea behind it was good, to save innocents from being taken over by communism, but in the end, it was the act of military restraint that hurt us, and causes resentment.
Cowardice Is the Crime That Enables All Others

What "innocents"? The South Vietnamese deserved what they wound up with. We fought there to roll back World Communism, not to save the gutless and useless natives.

Was D-Day all about liberating the French sissyboys? No, it was about defeating the Nazis. We have no duty to any other country. No matter how aggressive a country's enemy is, it is no concern of ours unless their enemy is a direct threat to us or associated with a superpower that is.
So the Vietnam War wasn't about liberating North Vietnam, either.

The losers' way it was fought wouldn't have been the strategy if the ruling class's sons and its flunkies in college had to fight there. That treasonous pampered youth didn't even have to serve on active duty.
My great uncle was a draft dodger, and damn proud of it. I think my grandfather would have murdered him if they didn't live in different states.
Stolen Valor Is Not a Family Value

If Daddy Bush had been a true patriot in World War II, he would have disowned his son for begging him to get him out of having to fight the Communists. So Senior's service was only motivated by being a bored richkid looking for a thrill. Just like Osama bin Laden's service to Islam.
Cowardice Is the Crime That Enables All Others

What "innocents"? The South Vietnamese deserved what they wound up with. We fought there to roll back World Communism, not to save the gutless and useless natives.

Was D-Day all about liberating the French sissyboys? No, it was about defeating the Nazis. We have no duty to any other country. No matter how aggressive a country's enemy is, it is no concern of ours unless their enemy is a direct threat to us or associated with a superpower that is.
So the Vietnam War wasn't about liberating North Vietnam, either.

The losers' way it was fought wouldn't have been the strategy if the ruling class's sons and its flunkies in college had to fight there. That treasonous pampered youth didn't even have to serve on active duty.

What a fucking loser you are. Many South Vietnamese died trying to help Americans. American soldiers fought with South Vietnamese soldiers side by side for years. It is an insult to assume that SV were gutless.

As for the Fucking French, war was declared on us by Germany. Germany made it clear that they wanted to attack the U.S. They had U-boats near Florida and New York and were developing the Me-264 "Amerika" Bomber. The U.S. was next. We eliminated the threat by taking back North Africa, France, Italy, Belgium, Holland, Luxembourg, Germany, Austria... While your daddy was at home being sucked off by a faggot anti-war school teacher, my great grandfather was in Normandy clearing mines in front of tanks. and repelling assaults in Bastogne.

America saved the world, twice, and whether you think it was worth it or not is your opinion, but ask the soldiers. They'll tell ya. Jumping into Normandy was the best thing we did as a nation, working together to defeat the evils of National Socialism and Fascism and Imperialism. So what it was a rich mans war, a poor mans fight. It always has been. It was during the American Revolution, The Civil War, WWI, WWII, Korea, Vietnam, Afghanistan... Get over it. Be proud of it! Suck it up and don't be a cucked piece of shit anti-war hippie.

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