Back in the day if I said we were being brainwashed about Vietnam would that be sedition/treason?

Vietnam happened during a democrat administration. LBJ used a faked "crisis" to send troops to Vietnam and he was supported by the media that never saw a democrat they didn't like. When it went bad they managed to blame it on Nixon.
Most now admit that Vietnam was a mistake.
They should have listened to me in the first place (win it or get out).
Tens of thousands of Americans would still be alive.
Many more wouldn't have enduring physical and mental problems.

Where's my apology. :mad:
What a fucking loser you are. Many South Vietnamese died trying to help Americans. American soldiers fought with South Vietnamese soldiers side by side for years. It is an insult to assume that SV were gutless.

As for the Fucking French, war was declared on us by Germany. Germany made it clear that they wanted to attack the U.S. They had U-boats near Florida and New York and were developing the Me-264 "Amerika" Bomber. The U.S. was next. We eliminated the threat by taking back North Africa, France, Italy, Belgium, Holland, Luxembourg, Germany, Austria... While your daddy was at home being sucked off by a faggot anti-war school teacher, my great grandfather was in Normandy clearing mines in front of tanks. and repelling assaults in Bastogne.

America saved the world, twice, and whether you think it was worth it or not is your opinion, but ask the soldiers. They'll tell ya. Jumping into Normandy was the best thing we did as a nation, working together to defeat the evils of National Socialism and Fascism and Imperialism. So what it was a rich mans war, a poor mans fight. It always has been. It was during the American Revolution, The Civil War, WWI, WWII, Korea, Vietnam, Afghanistan... Get over it. Be proud of it! Suck it up and don't be a cucked piece of shit anti-war hippie.
Loyal Peasants Should Be Deported

Another irrelevant reply from someone who loves anal sex from Preppy Chickenhawks. Go back and grovel outside the crumbling castles of Europe where you belong, choking on the dust from the guillotine skulls of the ancestors of your American Preppy idols.
Most now admit that Vietnam was a mistake.
They should have listened to me in the first place (win it or get out).
Tens of thousands of Americans would still be alive.
Many more wouldn't have enduring physical problems.

Where's my apology. :mad:
Epitaph of the Vietnam War Memorial: PROUD TO DIE TAKING A RICHKID'S PLACE

A mistake for whom? The purpose of that war was to kill off or take the fight out of the bravest sons of the White working class. Mission Accomplished.
Loyal Peasants Should Be Deported

Another irrelevant reply from someone who loves anal sex from Preppy Chickenhawks. Go back and grovel outside the crumbling castles of Europe where you belong, choking on the dust from the guillotine skulls of the ancestors of your American Preppy idols.

You are a Russian subhuman waste.

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