Back in the day if I said we were being brainwashed about Vietnam would that be sedition/treason?

I was in the Army when the Gulf of Tonkin 'incident' occurred that was the justification for our entry into the war. Everyone knew it was bullshit but had no choice but to go alone with it. However, most of the young guys in my unit were gung ho and couldn't wait to go over there, even though we had no infantry training. Stupid.

You do know that one of the Gulf of Tonkin Incidents actually happened, don't you? Even the North Vietnamese admitted it.
Putin showed he was incapable of defeating Ukraine

He knows NATO would destroy him if he escalates
look man ..... i support Ukrainians too ....but Russia has by far the largest nuclear arsenal on the planet ! by far ! nobodies going to destroy the leader of that country from the outside without help from high ranking officials on the inside .
She was certainly demonized. If you questioned the war, you were accused of not supporting the troops. That was a horrible lie. You must have believed that crap.
Sort of like to today with Ukraine and Russia, you are allowed to spin negative on Russia, however if you even try to look at both sides you are a traitor. Not much has changed since the 70's.
Those of us that are old enough remember George Romney's brainwashing by vietnam comment
Probably the closest thing to the truth at that time, but was viserated over his comment.
Proposes a bit of a quadrium for mItts comment about calsi.

Was Vietnam a declared war? Yes or no.
I was drafted into the US Army during the Vietnam war.
There was 50 of us in my platoon.
49 were drafted, 1 had joined.
Most of us didn't want to be there and knew nothing about politics.
We just wanted to complete our 2 years and go back home.
Some didn't get that opportunity.
During discharge we were told not to wear our uniforms if using public transportation to go back home. Especially on the west coast because the protesters were very radical and known to attack lone soldiers in uniform.
That is a government run by democrats for ya

Democrats elected LBJ and then LBJ forced young men into war. Then when they came home, the same voters who voted for LBJ and the war spat on the young soldiers LBJ forced to go fight.

Sounds about right. But hey, it's Trump's fault.

And if you needed medical help from something like Agent Orange, they refused you care

Don't you want the same kind of government run medical care veterans received, or I should say, did not receive?
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I was in the Army when the Gulf of Tonkin 'incident' occurred that was the justification for our entry into the war. Everyone knew it was bullshit but had no choice but to go alone with it. However, most of the young guys in my unit were gung ho and couldn't wait to go over there, even though we had no infantry training. Stupid.

There was a lot of false patriotism after Tonkin

LBJ was told our troops would quickly mop it up and the boys would be home by Christmas

Then the next Christmas, and the next, and the next
Democrats elected LBJ and then LBJ forced young men into war. Then when they came home, the same voters who voted for LBJ and the war spat on the young soldiers LBJ forced to go fight.

I and most Americans blamed LBJ for Vietnam

But I don’t think any politician in the mId 60s would have done differently. Not JFK, not Nixon, not Goldwater

LBJ wanted no part of Vietnam, he just was damned if he was going to let Vietnam go Communist on his watch.

He was assured it would be a quick conflict and he would be a hero for saving Vietnam

He was lied to
In reality, stopping a monstrous crime against humanity like genocide is infinitely more important than preserving any democratic freedoms.

But this is a blatant false dichotomy.

One does not need to destroy democracy to stop a genocide.
We can preserve individual rights, freedoms, and liberty while combatting genocide. It's not an either/or proposition.
You do know that one of the Gulf of Tonkin Incidents actually happened, don't you? Even the North Vietnamese admitted it.
Going to war over it was bullshit. The military wanted a war, any war. They weren't going to let that opportunity slide.
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We can preserve individual rights, freedoms, and liberty while combatting genocide. It's not an either/or proposition.
The only way to combat genocide in Ukraine is to engage the Russians there militarily. Righteous indignation hasn't solved the pressing problems here, why does anyone think it will deter the Russians?
The only way to combat genocide in Ukraine is to engage the Russians there militarily. Righteous indignation hasn't solved the pressing problems here, why does anyone think it will deter the Russians?
The best way to protect their rights, liberties, and freedom would be to forcibly remove the Russians from all Ukrainian Territory, thence to make them pay individually and collectively for the crimes being committed on a daily basis by Russian Forces.
I was in the Army when the Gulf of Tonkin 'incident' occurred that was the justification for our entry into the war. Everyone knew it was bullshit but had no choice but to go alone with it. However, most of the young guys in my unit were gung ho and couldn't wait to go over there, even though we had no infantry training. Stupid.
My lead Petty Officer was a sonarman on the Turner Joy in March of ‘64. He always told us it was bogus.
The best way to protect their rights, liberties, and freedom would be to forcibly remove the Russians from all Ukrainian Territory,
Keyboard warriors love to advocate for the sacrifice of others while nestled in momma’s basement.
I'm a disabled combat vet so just what qualifies you to lecture me on the topic "hero"?
Taking you at your word for the moment, you are no more qualified than anybody else to offer an opinion, and frankly it’s disgusting to desire that others join you in pain and suffering
Taking you at your word for the moment, you are no more qualified than anybody else to offer an opinion, and frankly it’s disgusting to desire that others join you in pain and suffering
I'm not telling anyone else they aren't entitled to an opinion.

War is necessary at times and this is one of those times. Once your country has been invaded you have two choices, fight, or surrender.
I'm not telling anyone else they aren't entitled to an opinion.

War is necessary at times and this is one of those times. Once your country has been invaded you have two choices, fight, or surrender.
Not seeing any invasion around here unless you count the yankees streaming South of the Red, the shitheels crossing the Colorado river coming east, or the victims of US foreign policy coming north across the Rio Grande.
As for the Ukes, if they can successfully defend themselves, cool. Just not with US blood or treasure.
You would have been called UnAmerican but you right to express you view would not have been censored

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